/// <summary>
    /// Generates where condition for uniselector.
    /// </summary>
    protected override string GenerateWhereCondition()
        CurrencyInfo main           = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetMainCurrency(SiteID);
        int          mainCurrencyId = (main != null) ? main.CurrencyID : 0;

        // Prepare where condition
        string where = "";
        if (DisplayOnlyWithExchangeRate)
            ExchangeTableInfo tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(SiteID);
            if (tableInfo != null)
                where = "(CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId + " OR CurrencyID IN (SELECT ExchangeRateToCurrencyID FROM COM_CurrencyExchangeRate WHERE COM_CurrencyExchangeRate.ExchangeTableID = " + tableInfo.ExchangeTableID + ") AND CurrencyEnabled = 1)";
                where = "(0=1)";

        // Add site main currency when required
        if (AddSiteDefaultCurrency && (main != null))
            where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, "CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId, "OR");

        // Exclude site main currency when required
        if (ExcludeSiteDefaultCurrency && (main != null))
            where = SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, "(NOT CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId + ")");

        // Add base where condition
        return(SqlHelper.AddWhereCondition(where, base.GenerateWhereCondition()));
Example #2
    /// <summary>
    /// Exclude main currency and currencies without exchange rate according selector settings.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="whereCondition">Where condition.</param>
    protected override string AppendExclusiveWhere(string whereCondition)
        // Prepare where condition
        var where = new WhereCondition(whereCondition);
        if (DisplayOnlyWithExchangeRate)
            var tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(SiteID);
            if (tableInfo != null)
                where.Where(w => w.WhereEquals("CurrencyID", MainCurrencyID)
                            .WhereIn("CurrencyID", new IDQuery(ExchangeRateInfo.OBJECT_TYPE, "ExchangeRateToCurrencyID")
                                     .WhereEquals("ExchangeTableID", tableInfo.ExchangeTableID)
        // Exclude site main currency when required
        if (ExcludeSiteDefaultCurrency && (MainCurrencyID > 0))
            where.WhereNotEquals("CurrencyID", MainCurrencyID);

        // Restrict disabled or site not related currencies
Example #3
    /// <summary>
    ///  Copies site-specific exchange rates from last valid global exchange table.
    /// </summary>
    protected void CopyFromGlobal()

        ExchangeTableInfo globalTable = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(0);

        if (globalTable != null)
            ExchangeRateInfoProvider.CopyExchangeRates(globalTable.ExchangeTableID, mExchangeTableId);
    private void FindCurrentTableID()
        mCurrentTableId = 0;

        // Get current table (it will be highlighted in the listing)
        ExchangeTableInfo eti = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(SiteID);

        if (eti != null)
            mCurrentTableId = eti.ExchangeTableID;
Example #5
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        editGrid.RowDataBound += editGrid_RowDataBound;
        btnOk.Click           += (s, args) => { Save(); };

        // Get main currency
        mMainCurrency = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetMainCurrency(ConfiguredSiteID);

        rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");

        // Help image
        imgHelp.ImageUrl           = GetImageUrl("General/HelpSmall.png");
        imgHelp.ToolTip            = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");
        imgHelpFromGlobal.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("General/HelpSmall.png");
        imgHelpFromGlobal.ToolTip  = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");

        dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.SupportFolder = "~/CMSAdminControls/Calendar";
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidTo.SupportFolder   = "~/CMSAdminControls/Calendar";

        string currentTableTitle = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.NewItemCaption");

        // Get exchangeTable id from querystring
        mExchangeTableId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("exchangeid", 0);
        if (mExchangeTableId > 0)
            exchangeTableObj = EditedObject as ExchangeTableInfo;

            if (exchangeTableObj != null)
                // Check tables site id
                // Set title
                currentTableTitle = exchangeTableObj.ExchangeTableDisplayName;


                // Fill editing form
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    // Show that the exchangeTable was created or updated successfully
                    if (QueryHelper.GetString("saved", "") == "1")
                        // Show message

            // Init Copy from global link
        // Creating a new exchange table
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Preset valid from date
                ExchangeTableInfo tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(ConfiguredSiteID);
                if (tableInfo != null)
                    dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.SelectedDateTime = tableInfo.ExchangeTableValidTo;
            // Grids are visible only in edit mode
            plcGrid.Visible = false;

        // Initializes page title breadcrumbs control
        string[,] breadcrumbs           = new string[2, 3];
        breadcrumbs[0, 0]               = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ItemListLink");
        breadcrumbs[0, 1]               = "~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Pages/Tools/Configuration/ExchangeRates/ExchangeTable_List.aspx?siteId=" + SiteID;
        breadcrumbs[0, 2]               = "";
        breadcrumbs[1, 0]               = currentTableTitle;
        breadcrumbs[1, 1]               = "";
        breadcrumbs[1, 2]               = "";
        CurrentMaster.Title.Breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;

        plcRateFromGlobal.Visible = IsFromGlobalRateNeeded();

        // Check presence of main currency
        string currencyWarning = CheckMainCurrency(ConfiguredSiteID);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyWarning))
            ShowWarning(currencyWarning, null, null);
            plcGrid.Visible = false;
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        editGrid.RowDataBound += editGrid_RowDataBound;
        btnOk.Click           += (s, args) => Save();

        // Get main currency
        mMainCurrency = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetMainCurrency(ConfiguredSiteID);

        rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");

        // Help image
        iconHelpGlobalExchangeRate.ToolTip = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");
        iconHelpMainExchangeRate.ToolTip   = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");

        // Use time zones for DateTimePickers
        CMS.Globalization.TimeZoneInfo tzi = TimeZoneHelper.GetTimeZoneInfo(MembershipContext.AuthenticatedUser, SiteContext.CurrentSite);
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.TimeZone       = TimeZoneTypeEnum.Custom;
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.CustomTimeZone = tzi;
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidTo.TimeZone         = TimeZoneTypeEnum.Custom;
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidTo.CustomTimeZone   = tzi;

        // Get exchangeTable id from query string
        mExchangeTableId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("exchangeid", 0);
        if (mExchangeTableId > 0)
            exchangeTableObj = EditedObject as ExchangeTableInfo;

            if (exchangeTableObj != null)
                // Check tables site id


                // Fill editing form
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    // Show that the exchangeTable was created or updated successfully
                    if (QueryHelper.GetString("saved", "") == "1")
                        // Show message

            // Init Copy from global link

            // Check presence of main currency
            plcGrid.Visible = CheckMainCurrency(ConfiguredSiteID);

            plcRateFromGlobal.Visible = IsFromGlobalRateNeeded();
        // Creating a new exchange table
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Preset valid from date
                ExchangeTableInfo tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(ConfiguredSiteID);
                if (tableInfo != null)
                    dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.SelectedDateTime = tableInfo.ExchangeTableValidTo;
            // Grids are visible only in edit mode
            plcGrid.Visible = false;

        // Register bootstrap tooltip over help icons
        ScriptHelper.RegisterBootstrapTooltip(Page, ".info-icon > i");
    /// <summary>
    /// Inits the selector.
    /// </summary>
    protected void InitSelector()
        if (this.RenderInline)
            this.pnlUpdate.RenderMode = UpdatePanelRenderMode.Inline;
        if (this.ShowAllItems)
            this.uniSelector.MaxDisplayedItems = 1000;

        this.uniSelector.EnabledColumnName = "CurrencyEnabled";
        this.uniSelector.IsLiveSite        = this.IsLiveSite;
        this.uniSelector.AllowEmpty        = this.AddNoneRecord;

        if (DoFullPostback)

        if (AddSelectRecord)
            string[,] fields = new string[1, 2];
            fields[0, 0]     = GetString("currencyselector.select");
            fields[0, 1]     = "-1";
            this.uniSelector.SpecialFields = fields;

        CurrencyInfo main           = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetMainCurrency(this.SiteID);
        int          mainCurrencyId = (main != null) ? main.CurrencyID : 0;

        string where = "";
        if (DisplayOnlyWithExchangeRate)
            ExchangeTableInfo tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(this.SiteID);
            if (tableInfo != null)
                where = "(CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId + " OR CurrencyID IN (SELECT ExchangeRateToCurrencyID FROM COM_CurrencyExchangeRate WHERE COM_CurrencyExchangeRate.ExchangeTableID = " + tableInfo.ExchangeTableID + ") AND CurrencyEnabled = 1)";
                where = "(0=1)";

        if (this.AddSiteDefaultCurrency && (main != null))
            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId, "OR");

        if (this.ExcludeSiteDefaultCurrency && (main != null))
            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "(NOT CurrencyID = " + mainCurrencyId + ")");

        // Select only records by speciffied site
        if (SiteID >= 0)
            // Show global records by default
            int filteredSiteId = 0;

            // Check configuration when site specified
            if (SiteID > 0)
                // Show site specific records when not using global statuses
                filteredSiteId = UsingGlobalObjects ? 0 : SiteID;

            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "(ISNULL(CurrencySiteID, 0) = " + filteredSiteId + ")");

        // Filter out only enabled items
        if (this.DisplayOnlyEnabled)
            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "CurrencyEnabled = 1");

        // Add items which have to be on the list (if any)
        string additionalList = SqlHelperClass.GetSafeQueryString(this.AdditionalItems, false);

        if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) && (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(additionalList)))
            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "(CurrencyID IN (" + additionalList + "))", "OR");

        // Selected value (if any) must be on the list
        if ((!string.IsNullOrEmpty(where)) && (CurrencyID > 0) && (IncludeSelected))
            where = SqlHelperClass.AddWhereCondition(where, "(CurrencyID = " + CurrencyID + ")", "OR");

        // Set where condition
        this.uniSelector.WhereCondition = where;
Example #8
    protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
        editGrid.RowDataBound += new GridViewRowEventHandler(editGrid_RowDataBound);

        // Get main currency
        mMainCurrency = CurrencyInfoProvider.GetMainCurrency(this.ConfiguredSiteID);

        rfvDisplayName.ErrorMessage = GetString("general.requiresdisplayname");

        // Control initializations
        lblExchangeTableValidFrom.Text   = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeTableValidFromLabel");
        lblExchangeTableDisplayName.Text = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeTableDisplayNameLabel");
        lblExchangeTableValidTo.Text     = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeTableValidToLabel");

        // Help image
        this.imgHelp.ImageUrl           = GetImageUrl("General/HelpSmall.png");
        this.imgHelp.ToolTip            = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");
        this.imgHelpFromGlobal.ImageUrl = GetImageUrl("General/HelpSmall.png");
        this.imgHelpFromGlobal.ToolTip  = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRateHelp");

        lblRates.Text = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ExchangeRates");

        btnOk.Text = GetString("General.OK");
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.SupportFolder = "~/CMSAdminControls/Calendar";
        dtPickerExchangeTableValidTo.SupportFolder   = "~/CMSAdminControls/Calendar";

        string currentTableTitle = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.NewItemCaption");

        // Get exchangeTable id from querystring
        mExchangeTableId = QueryHelper.GetInteger("exchangeid", 0);
        if (mExchangeTableId > 0)
            exchangeTableObj = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetExchangeTableInfo(mExchangeTableId);
            EditedObject     = exchangeTableObj;

            if (exchangeTableObj != null)
                // Check tables site id
                // Set title
                currentTableTitle = exchangeTableObj.ExchangeTableDisplayName;


                // Fill editing form
                if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                    // Show that the exchangeTable was created or updated successfully
                    if (QueryHelper.GetString("saved", "") == "1")
                        lblInfo.Visible = true;
                        lblInfo.Text    = GetString("General.ChangesSaved");

            this.CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText  = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.HeaderCaption");
            this.CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("Objects/Ecommerce_ExchangeTable/object.png");

            // Init Copy from global link
        // Creating a new exchange table
            if (!RequestHelper.IsPostBack())
                // Preset valid from date
                ExchangeTableInfo tableInfo = ExchangeTableInfoProvider.GetLastExchangeTableInfo(this.ConfiguredSiteID);
                if (tableInfo != null)
                    dtPickerExchangeTableValidFrom.SelectedDateTime = tableInfo.ExchangeTableValidTo;
            // Grids are visible only in edit mode
            plcGrid.Visible = false;

            this.CurrentMaster.Title.TitleText  = GetString("ExchangeTable_New.HeaderCaption");
            this.CurrentMaster.Title.TitleImage = GetImageUrl("Objects/Ecommerce_ExchangeTable/new.png");

        // Initializes page title breadcrumbs control
        string[,] breadcrumbs = new string[2, 3];
        breadcrumbs[0, 0]     = GetString("ExchangeTable_Edit.ItemListLink");
        breadcrumbs[0, 1]     = "~/CMSModules/Ecommerce/Pages/Tools/Configuration/ExchangeRates/ExchangeTable_List.aspx?siteId=" + SiteID;
        breadcrumbs[0, 2]     = "";
        breadcrumbs[1, 0]     = currentTableTitle;
        breadcrumbs[1, 1]     = "";
        breadcrumbs[1, 2]     = "";
        this.CurrentMaster.Title.Breadcrumbs = breadcrumbs;

        this.CurrentMaster.Title.HelpTopicName = "new_rateexchange_rate_edit";
        this.CurrentMaster.Title.HelpName      = "helpTopic";

        plcRateFromGlobal.Visible = IsFromGlobalRateNeeded();

        // Check presence of main currency
        string currencyErr = CheckMainCurrency(ConfiguredSiteID);

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(currencyErr))
            // Show message
            lblNoMainCurrency.Text    = currencyErr;
            plcNoMainCurrency.Visible = true;
            plcRates.Visible          = false;