Example #1
        public static ExchangeService CreateConnection(string emailAddress)
            // Hook up the cert callback to prevent error if Microsoft.NET doesn't trust the server
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
                    return true;

            ExchangeService service = null;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Configuration.ExchangeAddress))
                service = new ExchangeService();
                service.Url = new Uri(Configuration.ExchangeAddress);
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailAddress))
                    service = new ExchangeService();

            return service;
        public static ExchangeService GetExchangeService(string emailAddress, string username, string password, ExchangeVersion exchangeVersion, Uri serviceUri)
            var service = new ExchangeService(exchangeVersion);
            service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password);
            service.EnableScpLookup = false;

            if (serviceUri == null)
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(emailAddress, (url) =>
                    bool result = false;

                    var redirectionUri = new Uri(url);
                    if (redirectionUri.Scheme == "https")
                        result = true;

                    return result;
                service.Url = serviceUri;

            return service;
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing meeting request and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the meeting request.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the meeting request to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>A MeetingRequest instance representing the meeting request corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new MeetingRequest Bind(ExchangeService service, ItemId id)
     return MeetingRequest.Bind(
Example #4
        public static void MoveMailToDeletedFolder()
            OApplicationSetting applicationSetting = OApplicationSetting.Current;

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
            delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
                // trust any certificate
                return true;

            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

            service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(applicationSetting.EmailUserName, applicationSetting.EmailPassword, applicationSetting.EmailDomain);
            service.Url = new Uri(applicationSetting.EmailExchangeWebServiceUrl);

            FindItemsResults<Item> findResults =
            service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, new ItemView(10));
            if (findResults.TotalCount > 0)
                service.LoadPropertiesForItems(findResults.Items, PropertySet.FirstClassProperties);
                foreach (Item item in findResults.Items)
        /// <summary>
        /// Connects with the Sioux Exchange server to check whether the given username/password are valid
        /// Sioux credentials. Note: this method may take a second or two.
        /// </summary>
        public static bool CheckLogin(string username, string password)
            Console.WriteLine("Connecting to exchange server...");
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = StolenCode.CertificateValidationCallBack;

            var service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP2);
            service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password, Domain);
            service.Url = new Uri("https://" + ExchangeServer + "/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
            service.UseDefaultCredentials = false;

                // resolve a dummy name to force the client to connect to the server.
                return true;
            catch (ServiceRequestException e)
                // if we get a HTTP Unauthorized message, then we know the u/p was wrong.
                if (e.Message.Contains("401"))
                    return false;
Example #6
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing task and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the task.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the task to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>A Task instance representing the task corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Task Bind(ExchangeService service, ItemId id)
     return Task.Bind(
Example #7
        public static ExchangeService ConnectToService(IUserData userData, ITraceListener listener)
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(userData.Version);

            if (listener != null)
                service.TraceListener = listener;
                service.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
                service.TraceEnabled = true;

            service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userData.EmailAddress, userData.Password);

            if (userData.AutodiscoverUrl == null)
                Console.Write(string.Format("Using Autodiscover to find EWS URL for {0}. Please wait... ", userData.EmailAddress));

                service.AutodiscoverUrl(userData.EmailAddress, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
                userData.AutodiscoverUrl = service.Url;

                Console.WriteLine("Autodiscover Complete");
                service.Url = userData.AutodiscoverUrl;

            return service;
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing calendar folder and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the calendar folder.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the calendar folder to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>A CalendarFolder instance representing the calendar folder corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new CalendarFolder Bind(ExchangeService service, FolderId id)
     return CalendarFolder.Bind(
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing task and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the task.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the task to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>A Task instance representing the task corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Task Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<Task>(id, propertySet);
Example #10
        private ExchangeService connectToExchange()
            var es = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013)
                TraceEnabled = true,
                TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All

            // ### Option 1 ###
            //es.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
            //es.AutodiscoverUrl("*****@*****.**", RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);

            // ### Option 2 ###
            //string username = "******";
            //var pwd = "SYMsym1009";
            //es.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, pwd);

            // ### Option 3 ###
            Console.Write("Username: "******"Password: "******"https://webmaileu.options-it.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");
            es.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, Utilities.GetPasswordFromSecurtString(pwd));

            return es;
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing calendar folder and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the calendar folder.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the calendar folder to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>A CalendarFolder instance representing the calendar folder corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new CalendarFolder Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     FolderId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToFolder<CalendarFolder>(id, propertySet);
Example #12
        public static ExchangeService ConnectToService(
            IUserData userData,
            ITraceListener listener)
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(userData.Version);

            if (listener != null)
                service.TraceListener = listener;
                service.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
                service.TraceEnabled = true;

            service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userData.EmailAddress, userData.Password);

            if (userData.AutodiscoverUrl == null)
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(userData.EmailAddress, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
                userData.AutodiscoverUrl = service.Url;
                service.Url = userData.AutodiscoverUrl;

            return service;
Example #13
        public static ExchangeService ConnectToServiceWithImpersonation(
            IUserData userData,
            string impersonatedUserSMTPAddress,
            ITraceListener listener)
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(userData.Version);

            if (listener != null)
                service.TraceListener = listener;
                service.TraceFlags = TraceFlags.All;
                service.TraceEnabled = true;

            service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(userData.EmailAddress, userData.Password);

            ImpersonatedUserId impersonatedUserId =
                new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, impersonatedUserSMTPAddress);

            service.ImpersonatedUserId = impersonatedUserId;

            if (userData.AutodiscoverUrl == null)
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(userData.EmailAddress, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
                userData.AutodiscoverUrl = service.Url;
                service.Url = userData.AutodiscoverUrl;

            return service;
Example #14
        /// <summary>
        /// Method is returning Folder object from WellKnownFolderName enum.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="wellKnownFolderName">WellKnownFolderName for which Folder object needs to be returned.</param>
        /// <param name="ewsSession">ExchangeService session context.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static Folder GetWellKnownFolder(WellKnownFolderName wellKnownFolderName, ExchangeService ewsSession)
            FolderId wellKnownFolderId = new FolderId(wellKnownFolderName);
            Folder wellKnownFolder = Folder.Bind(ewsSession, wellKnownFolderId);

            return wellKnownFolder;
 /// <summary>
 /// Manages the connection for multiple <see cref="StreamingSubscription"/> items. Attention: Use only for subscriptions on the same CAS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="exchangeService">The ExchangeService instance this collection uses to connect to the server.</param>
 public StreamingSubscriptionCollection(ExchangeService exchangeService, Action<SubscriptionNotificationEventCollection> EventProcessor, GroupIdentifier groupIdentifier)
     this._exchangeService = exchangeService;
     this._EventProcessor = EventProcessor;
     this._groupIdentifier = groupIdentifier;
     _connection = CreateConnection();
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing meeting cancellation message and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the meeting cancellation message.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the meeting cancellation message to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>A MeetingCancellation instance representing the meeting cancellation message corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new MeetingCancellation Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id, 
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<MeetingCancellation>(id, propertySet);
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing meeting cancellation message and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the meeting cancellation message.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the meeting cancellation message to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>A MeetingCancellation instance representing the meeting cancellation message corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new MeetingCancellation Bind(ExchangeService service, ItemId id)
     return MeetingCancellation.Bind(
        public ActionResult SignUp(SignUpView view)
            String smtpAddess = "*****@*****.**";
            String password = "******";

            var exchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
            exchangeService.Credentials = new WebCredentials(smtpAddess, password);
            exchangeService.AutodiscoverUrl(smtpAddess, RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);

            Contact contact = new Contact(exchangeService);
            contact.GivenName = view.GivenName;
            contact.Surname = view.Surname;
            contact.FileAsMapping = FileAsMapping.SurnameCommaGivenName;

            contact.EmailAddresses[EmailAddressKey.EmailAddress1] = new EmailAddress(view.Email);

            catch(Exception e)
                ViewBag.Message = e.Message;
                return View(view);

            return View("Thanks");
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SubscriptionBase"/> class.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">The service.</param>
        /// <param name="id">The id.</param>
        internal SubscriptionBase(ExchangeService service, string id)
            : this(service)
            EwsUtilities.ValidateParam(id, "id");

            this.id = id;
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing contact and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the contact.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the contact to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>A Contact instance representing the contact corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Contact Bind(ExchangeService service, ItemId id)
     return Contact.Bind(
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing e-mail message and loads its first class properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the e-mail message.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the e-mail message to bind to.</param>
 /// <returns>An EmailMessage instance representing the e-mail message corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new EmailMessage Bind(ExchangeService service, ItemId id)
     return EmailMessage.Bind(
        public static void CreateAppointment(ExchangeService service, string fechaInicio, string fechaFin, string lugar, string nombre, string dias)
            Appointment app = new Appointment(service);
            app.Subject = nombre;
            app.Location = lugar;

            DateTime dateInicio = Convert.ToDateTime(fechaInicio);
            DateTime dateFin = Convert.ToDateTime(fechaFin);
            TimeSpan timeSpan = dateFin.Subtract(dateInicio);
            string timeFor = timeSpan.ToString(@"hh\:mm\:ss");
            var time = TimeSpan.Parse(timeFor);
            app.Start = dateInicio;
            app.End = dateInicio.Add(time);
            if (dias != "")
                DayOfTheWeek[] days = stringToDays(dias);
                app.Recurrence = new Recurrence.WeeklyPattern(app.Start.Date, 1, days);
                app.Recurrence.StartDate = app.Start.Date;
                app.Recurrence.EndDate = dateFin;

            app.IsReminderSet = true;
            app.ReminderMinutesBeforeStart = 15;
Example #23
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing item, whatever its actual type is, and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the item.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the item to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>An Item instance representing the item corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static Item Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<Item>(id, propertySet);
 public ExchangeWriter()
     log.Debug("Creating Exchange writer");
     ExchangeConnection con = new ExchangeConnection();
     service = con.GetExchangeService();
        public AppointmentGroup GetNextAppointments()
                var newAppointments = new AppointmentGroup();

                var service = new ExchangeService();
                service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;

                DateTime from = DateTime.Now.AddMinutes(-5);
                DateTime to = DateTime.Today.AddDays(1);

                IEnumerable<Appointment> appointments =
                    service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new CalendarView(from, to))

                newAppointments.Next =
                    appointments.Where(o => o != null && o.Start >= DateTime.Now)
                        .OrderBy(o => o.Start).ToList();

                nextAppointments = newAppointments;
                return newAppointments;
            catch (Exception e)
                return nextAppointments;
        /// <summary>
        /// Initializes an unsaved local instance of <see cref="Persona"/>. To bind to an existing Persona, use Persona.Bind() instead.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="service">The ExchangeService object to which the Persona will be bound.</param>
        public Persona(ExchangeService service)
            : base(service)
            this.PersonaType = string.Empty;
            this.CreationTime = null;
            this.DisplayNameFirstLastHeader = string.Empty;
            this.DisplayNameLastFirstHeader = string.Empty;
            this.DisplayName = string.Empty;
            this.DisplayNameFirstLast = string.Empty;
            this.DisplayNameLastFirst = string.Empty;
            this.FileAs = string.Empty;
            this.Generation = string.Empty;
            this.DisplayNamePrefix = string.Empty;
            this.GivenName = string.Empty;
            this.Surname = string.Empty;
            this.Title = string.Empty;
            this.CompanyName = string.Empty;
            this.ImAddress = string.Empty;
            this.HomeCity = string.Empty;
            this.WorkCity = string.Empty;
            this.Alias = string.Empty;
            this.RelevanceScore = 0;

            // Remaining properties are initialized when the property definition is created in
            // PersonaSchema.cs.
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing Persona and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the Persona.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the Persona to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>A Persona instance representing the Persona corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Persona Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<Persona>(id, propertySet);
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing e-mail message and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the e-mail message.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the e-mail message to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>An EmailMessage instance representing the e-mail message corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new EmailMessage Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<EmailMessage>(id, propertySet);
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing appointment and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the appointment.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the appointment to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>An Appointment instance representing the appointment corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Appointment Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<Appointment>(id, propertySet);
 /// <summary>
 /// Binds to an existing contact and loads the specified set of properties.
 /// Calling this method results in a call to EWS.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service to use to bind to the contact.</param>
 /// <param name="id">The Id of the contact to bind to.</param>
 /// <param name="propertySet">The set of properties to load.</param>
 /// <returns>A Contact instance representing the contact corresponding to the specified Id.</returns>
 public static new Contact Bind(
     ExchangeService service,
     ItemId id,
     PropertySet propertySet)
     return service.BindToItem<Contact>(id, propertySet);
Example #31
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads emails from an Exchange server
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="settings">Settings to use</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options to use</param>
        /// <returns>
        /// List of
        /// {
        /// string Id.
        /// string To.
        /// string Cc.
        /// string From.
        /// DateTime Date.
        /// string Subject.
        /// string BodyText.
        /// string BodyHtml.
        /// List(string) AttachmentSaveDirs
        /// }
        /// </returns>
        public static List <EmailMessageResult> ReadEmailFromExchangeServer([PropertyTab] ExchangeSettings settings, [PropertyTab] ExchangeOptions options)
            if (!options.IgnoreAttachments)
                // Check that save directory is given
                if (options.AttachmentSaveDirectory == "")
                    throw new ArgumentException("No save directory given. ",

                // Check that save directory exists
                if (!Directory.Exists(options.AttachmentSaveDirectory))
                    throw new ArgumentException("Could not find or access attachment save directory. ",

            // Connect, create view and search filter
            ExchangeService         exchangeService = Services.ConnectToExchangeService(settings);
            ItemView                view            = new ItemView(options.MaxEmails);
            var                     searchFilter    = BuildFilterCollection(options);
            FindItemsResults <Item> exchangeResults;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(settings.Mailbox))
                var mb    = new Mailbox(settings.Mailbox);
                var fid   = new FolderId(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, mb);
                var inbox = Folder.Bind(exchangeService, fid);
                exchangeResults = searchFilter.Count == 0 ? inbox.FindItems(view) : inbox.FindItems(searchFilter, view);
                exchangeResults = searchFilter.Count == 0 ? exchangeService.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, view) : exchangeService.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, searchFilter, view);
            // Get email items
            List <EmailMessage> emails = exchangeResults.Where(msg => msg is EmailMessage).Cast <EmailMessage>().ToList();

            // Check if list is empty and if an error needs to be thrown.
            if (emails.Count == 0 && options.ThrowErrorIfNoMessagesFound)
                // If not, return a result with a notification of no found messages.
                throw new ArgumentException("No messages matching the search filter found. ",

            // Load properties for each email and process attachments
            var result = ReadEmails(emails, exchangeService, options);

            // should delete mails?
            if (options.DeleteReadEmails)
                emails.ForEach(msg => msg.Delete(DeleteMode.HardDelete));

            // should mark mails as read?
            if (!options.DeleteReadEmails && options.MarkEmailsAsRead)
                foreach (EmailMessage msg in emails)
                    msg.IsRead = true;

Example #32
        private static IMessagePostProcessor GetPostProcesor(Config.EmailSettings emailSettings, ExchangeService service)
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailSettings.CompletedFolder) || string.IsNullOrEmpty(emailSettings.ErrorFolder))
                return(new DeleterMessagePostProcessor());

            return(new ArchiverMessagePostProcessor(emailSettings.CompletedFolder, emailSettings.ErrorFolder, service));
Example #33
        static void Main(string[] args)
            string strsummary       = null;
            string strdescription   = null;
            string strissuetype     = null;
            Item   strattachmentloc = null;

            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

            service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("gades", "suDha@7devi", "camp");

            service.AutodiscoverUrl("*****@*****.**", (a) =>

            FindItemsResults <Item> findResults = service.FindItems(
                new ItemView(1));

            foreach (Item item in findResults.Items)
                strsummary = item.Subject;
                //strdescription = item.Body;
                strissuetype     = "Bug";
                strattachmentloc = item;

            Jira objJira = new Jira();

            objJira.Url = "http://*****:*****@"C:/Users/sarathg/Desktop/sample.txt");
            //string[] words = str.Split(',');

            //foreach (string word in words)
            //    switch (word.Split(':')[0])
            //    {
            //        case "summary": strsummary = word.Split(':')[1];
            //            break;
            //        case "description": strdescription = word.Split(':')[1];
            //            break;
            //        case "IssueType": strissuetype = word.Split(':')[1];
            //            break;

            //    }


            JiraJson js = new JiraJson
                fields = new Fields
                    summary = strsummary,
                    //description = strdescription,
                    project = new Project {
                        key = "JIR"
                    issuetype = new IssueType {
                        name = strissuetype
            var javaScriptSerializer = new

            objJira.JsonString = javaScriptSerializer.Serialize(js);
            objJira.UserName   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraUserName"];
            objJira.Password   = ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["JiraPassword"];
            objJira.filePaths  = new List <string>()
Example #34
 public Dev2EmailSender(ExchangeService exchangeService, IExchangeEmailSender emailSender)
     ExchangeService = exchangeService;
     EmailSender = emailSender;
Example #35
        public EMLReturnClass Send(List <EMLMailTarget> targets, string m_MailSubject, string m_MailHtmlBody, string m_MailTextBody, bool substitute)
            EMLReturnClass outcome  = new EMLReturnClass();
            EMLReturnClass outcome2 = new EMLReturnClass();

            MailSubject  = m_MailSubject;
            MailHtmlBody = m_MailHtmlBody;
            MailTextBody = m_MailTextBody;

            service = new ExchangeService(exVer, TimeZoneInfo.Local);

            try {
                ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(Object oobj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors) { return(true); };
                service.Url = new Uri(MailserverUrl);
            } catch (Exception ex) {
                outcome.SetFailureMessage("Problem contacting exchange mail host", ex.ToString());
            if (outcome.Success)
                try {
                    if (MailserverDomain.Length > 0)
                        cred = new WebCredentials(MailserverUsername, MailserverPassword, MailserverDomain);
                        cred = new WebCredentials(MailserverUsername, MailserverPassword);
                    service.Credentials = cred;
                } catch (Exception ex) {
                    outcome.SetFailureMessage("Problem contacting exchange mail host", ex.ToString());
            if (outcome.Success)
                foreach (var x in targets)
                    if (EMLHelpers.IsValidEmail(x.EmailAddress))
                        try {
                            if (substitute)
                                MailHtmlBody = EMLHelpers.SubstituteFields(m_MailHtmlBody, x);
                                //MailTextBody = EMLHelpers.SubstituteFields(m_MailTextBody, x);
                                MailSubject = EMLHelpers.SubstituteFields(m_MailSubject, x);
                            message         = new EmailMessage(service);
                            message.Body    = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, MailHtmlBody);
                            message.Subject = MailSubject;
                            message.ToRecipients.Add(new EmailAddress(x.Name, x.EmailAddress));
                            message.From = new EmailAddress(FromEmailName, FromEmailAddress);

                            if (EMLHelpers.IsValidEmail(ReplyToEmailAddress))
                                //message.ReplyTo.Add(new MailAddress(ReplyToEmailAddress, ReplytoEmailName));
                                message.ReplyTo.Add(new EmailAddress(ReplytoEmailName, ReplyToEmailAddress));

                        } catch (Exception ex) {
                            outcome.Errors.Add("Sending Error with " + x.Name + " " + ex.ToString());
                        outcome.Errors.Add("No Email address for " + x.Name);

            if (outcome.Errors.Count > 0 && outcome.Success)
                outcome.Success = false;
Example #36
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="SetTeamMailboxRequest"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service</param>
 /// <param name="emailAddress">TeamMailbox email address</param>
 /// <param name="sharePointSiteUrl">SharePoint site URL</param>
 /// <param name="state">TeamMailbox state</param>
 SetTeamMailboxRequest(ExchangeService service, EmailAddress emailAddress, Uri sharePointSiteUrl, TeamMailboxLifecycleState state)
     : super(service)
 public TaskManager(string taskCreatorEmailID, string password)
     _taskCreatorEmailID = taskCreatorEmailID;
     _password           = password;
     Service             = GetExchangeService();
Example #38
 protected ItemObjectModel([NotNull] FolderModel folder, [NotNull] T obj, ICollection <AttachmentModel> attachments, [NotNull] ExchangeService service)
     : base(obj, service)
     this.Folder      = folder;
     this.Attachments = attachments;
        /// <summary>
        /// Create message in the folder.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="messageId"></param>
        /// <param name="mailFolder"></param>
        /// <param name="exchangeService"></param>
        internal static async Task CreateMessage(int messageId, MailFolder mailFolder, ExchangeService exchangeService)
            Message message = new Message(exchangeService);
            message.Subject = $"Test msg {messageId}";
            message.Body = new ItemBody()
                ContentType = BodyType.Html,
                Content = $"This is test message for sync {messageId}"

            message.ToRecipients = new List<Recipient>()
                new Recipient()
                    EmailAddress = new EmailAddress()
                        Address = $"abc{messageId}@def.com"

            await message.SaveAsync(mailFolder);
Example #40
        /// <summary>
        /// Convert Email collection t EMailMessageResults.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="emails">Emails collection.</param>
        /// <param name="exchangeService">Exchange services.</param>
        /// <param name="options">Options.</param>
        /// <returns>Collection of EmailMessageResult.</returns>
        private static List <EmailMessageResult> ReadEmails(IEnumerable <EmailMessage> emails, ExchangeService exchangeService, ExchangeOptions options)
            List <EmailMessageResult> result = new List <EmailMessageResult>();

            foreach (EmailMessage email in emails)
                // Define property set
                var propSet = new PropertySet(

                // Bind and load email message with desired properties
                var newEmail = EmailMessage.Bind(exchangeService, email.Id, propSet);

                var pathList = new List <string>();
                if (!options.IgnoreAttachments)
                    // Save all attachments to given directory
                    pathList = SaveAttachments(newEmail.Attachments, options);

                // Build result for email message
                var emailMessage = new EmailMessageResult
                    Id                 = newEmail.Id.UniqueId,
                    Date               = newEmail.DateTimeReceived,
                    Subject            = newEmail.Subject,
                    BodyText           = "",
                    BodyHtml           = newEmail.Body.Text,
                    To                 = string.Join(",", newEmail.ToRecipients.Select(j => j.Address)),
                    From               = newEmail.From.Address,
                    Cc                 = string.Join(",", newEmail.CcRecipients.Select(j => j.Address)),
                    AttachmentSaveDirs = pathList

                // Catch exception in case of server version is earlier than Exchange2013
                try { emailMessage.BodyText = newEmail.TextBody.Text; } catch { }


Example #41
        public static int Unread()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
                // Replace this line with code to validate server certificate.

            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.Exchange))
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, (string redirectionUrl) => { return(true); });
                service.Url = new Uri("https://" + HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.Exchange + "/ews/exchange.asmx");
            HAP.AD.User u = ((HAP.AD.User)Membership.GetUser());
            if (HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.AuthenticationMode == Configuration.AuthMode.Forms && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
                HttpCookie token = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["token"];
                if (token == null)
                    throw new AccessViolationException("Token Cookie Missing, user not logged in correctly");
                service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential((hapConfig.Current.SMTP.EWSUseEmailoverAN ? u.Email : u.UserName), TokenGenerator.ConvertToPlain(token.Value), HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.UPN);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
                    service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                    //service.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationDomain))
                        service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationPassword);
                        service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationPassword, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationDomain);

                    service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, u.Email);

            Folder                  inbox       = Folder.Bind(service, WellKnownFolderName.Inbox);
            SearchFilter            sf          = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(LogicalOperator.And, new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(EmailMessageSchema.IsRead, false));
            ItemView                view        = new ItemView(10);
            FindItemsResults <Item> findResults = service.FindItems(WellKnownFolderName.Inbox, sf, view);

            if (HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.AuthenticationMode == Configuration.AuthMode.Windows || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="MoveCopyFolderRequest&lt;TResponse&gt;"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service.</param>
 /// <param name="errorHandlingMode"> Indicates how errors should be handled.</param>
 MoveCopyFolderRequest(ExchangeService service, ServiceErrorHandling errorHandlingMode)
     : super(service, errorHandlingMode)
Example #43
 public FolderMailboxManager(ExchangeService connection, string incomingFolder, IMessagePostProcessor postProcessor)
     _service       = connection;
     _mailFolder    = incomingFolder;
     _postProcessor = postProcessor;
 public void TestExchangeService_CTOR_ValidArguments()
     Assert.DoesNotThrow(() => { var qs = new ExchangeService(Channel, BaseQueueService); });
Example #45
        static void Main(string[] args)
            //   ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);

            //   service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("*****@*****.**", "password");
            //   service.Credentials = new WebCredentials("*****@*****.**", "Summer2020");
            service.Credentials  = new WebCredentials("s.svensson", "Summer2020", "htb");
            service.TraceEnabled = true;
            service.TraceFlags   = TraceFlags.All;

            // BypassSSLCert
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate { return(true); };

            //   service.AutodiscoverUrl("*****@*****.**", RedirectionUrlValidationCallback);
            service.Url = new Uri("");
            EmailMessage email = new EmailMessage(service);

            // Manually add each email address to recipient
            // email.ToRecipients.Add("*****@*****.**");
            // email.ToRecipients.Add("*****@*****.**");
            // Add email address from an array of recipients
            string[] Recipients = { "Administrator", "alex", "bob", "charles", "david", "davis", "donald", "edward", "frans", "fred", "gregg", "james", "jea_test_account", "jeff", "jenny", "jhon", "jim", "joe", "joseph", "kalle", "kevin", "knut", "lars", "lee", "marshall", "michael", "richard", "robert", "robin", "ronald", "steven", "stig", "sven", "teresa", "thomas", "travis", "william" };
            foreach (string rcpt in Recipients)
                email.ToRecipients.Add(rcpt + "@htb.local");

            email.Subject = "Hello from sven";
            //   email.Body = new MessageBody("This is the first email I've sent by using the EWS Managed API");
            // email.Body = new MessageBody("<html><h1>Download to update</h1><img src=\"file://\"><p><a href='file://'>reel2</a></p></html>");
            email.Body = new MessageBody("<html><h1>Download to update</h1><p><a href=''>reel2</a></p></html>");

//	string html = @"<html>
//             <head>
//            </head>
//            <body>
//	    <a href="""">click here</a>
//            </body>
//            </html>";

            // string html = @"cid:message.html";

//	    email.Body = new MessageBody(BodyType.HTML, html);

            // string file = @"D:\pictures\Party.jpg";
            // string file = @"/mnt/d/pictures/Party.jpg";
            // email.Attachments.AddFileAttachment("Party.jpg", file);
            // email.Attachments[0].IsInline = true;
            // email.Attachments[0].ContentId = "Party.jpg";

            // string file = @"/mnt/d/pictures/message.rtf";
            // email.Attachments.AddFileAttachment("message.rtf", file);
            // email.Attachments[0].IsInline = true;
            // email.Attachments[0].ContentId = "message.rtf";

            // string file = @"/mnt/d/pictures/message.html";
            // email.Attachments.AddFileAttachment("message.html", file);
            // email.Attachments[0].IsInline = true;
            //email.Attachments[0].ContentId = "message.html";

            // email.Body = new MessageBody("<html><h1>Download to update</h1><p>1. Try inserting an image</p><img src='file://'><p>2. Try inserting an iframe:</p><iframe src='file://'></iframe><p>3. Try inserting a hyperlink: <a href='file://'>reel2</a></p></html>");

            // email.Send();
Example #46
 public EmailService()
     ExchangeService = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="PushSubscription"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service.</param>
 internal PushSubscription(ExchangeService service)
     : base(service)
        /// <summary>
        /// Forms the memory stream of the mail with attachments.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="collectionOfAttachments">Collection of attachments as dictionary</param>
        /// <returns>Memory stream of the created mail object</returns>
        internal MemoryStream GetMailAsStream(Dictionary <string, Stream> collectionOfAttachments, string[] documentUrls, bool attachmentFlag)
            MemoryStream result      = null;
            string       documentUrl = string.Empty;

                // need to be able to update/configure or get current version of server
                ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013);
                //// can use on premise exchange server credentials with service.UseDefaultCredentials = true, or explicitly specify the admin account (set default to false)
                service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(generalSettings.AdminUserName, generalSettings.AdminPassword);
                service.Url         = new Uri(generalSettings.ExchangeServiceURL);
                Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage email = new Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.EmailMessage(service);
                email.Subject = documentSettings.MailCartMailSubject;

                if (attachmentFlag)
                    email.Body = new MessageBody(documentSettings.MailCartMailBody);
                    foreach (KeyValuePair <string, Stream> mailAttachment in collectionOfAttachments)
                        if (null != mailAttachment.Value)
                            // Remove the date time string before adding the file as an attachment
                            email.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(mailAttachment.Key.Split('$')[0], mailAttachment.Value);
                    int index = 0;
                    foreach (string currentURL in documentUrls)
                        if (null != currentURL && 0 < currentURL.Length)
                            string[] currentAssets = currentURL.Split('$');
                            string   documentURL   = generalSettings.SiteURL + currentAssets[1];
                            string   documentName  = currentAssets[2];

                            documentUrl = string.Concat(documentUrl, string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "{0} ) {1} : <a href='{2}'>{2} </a><br/>", ++index, documentName, documentURL));
                    documentUrl = string.Format(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture, "<div style='font-family:Calibri;font-size:12pt'>{0}</div>", documentUrl);
                    email.Body  = new MessageBody(documentUrl);
                //// This header allows us to open the .eml in compose mode in outlook
                email.SetExtendedProperty(new ExtendedPropertyDefinition(DefaultExtendedPropertySet.InternetHeaders, "X-Unsent", MapiPropertyType.String), "1");
                email.Save(WellKnownFolderName.Drafts); // must save draft in order to get MimeContent
                email.Load(new PropertySet(EmailMessageSchema.MimeContent));
                MimeContent mimcon = email.MimeContent;
                //// Do not make the StylCop fixes for MemoryStream here
                MemoryStream fileContents = new MemoryStream();
                fileContents.Write(mimcon.Content, 0, mimcon.Content.Length);
                fileContents.Position = 0;
                result = fileContents;
            catch (Exception exception)
                //Logger.LogError(exception, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().DeclaringType.Name, MethodBase.GetCurrentMethod().Name, ServiceConstantStrings.LogTableName);
                MemoryStream fileContents = new MemoryStream();
                result = fileContents;
        /// CRON interval is set to run every 30 minutes
        /// The Azure function takes 7 minutes to run
        /// ClickDimensions allows us to send up to 200K emails per year
        /// With this interval; approximately 17,500 +/- emails will be sent per year
        public static void Run([TimerTrigger("0 */30 * * * *")]TimerInfo myTimer, TraceWriter log)

            log.Info($"C# Timer trigger function executed at: {DateTime.Now}");

            /// Connecting to Exchange Server for CRM Online Service User
            /// This function will mark the last message in the ClickDBox as READ
            /// This will prevent any conflict with previously ran functions
            ExchangeService _service1;
                    log.Info("Registering Initial Exchange Connection");
                    _service1 = new ExchangeService
                        Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password)

                    log.Info("New ExchangeService failed to connect.");

                _service1.Url = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");

                SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(
                        LogicalOperator.And, new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ItemSchema.Subject, "ClickDimensions Uptime Monitoring"));

                foreach (EmailMessage email in _service1.FindItems(ClickDBox, sf, new ItemView(1)))
                    if (!email.IsRead)
                        log.Info("Old Unread Messages Present");

                        email.IsRead = true;


                        if (email.IsRead)
                            log.Info("No New Emails");





            /// Connection to CRM
            /// For testing purposes, this code may reflect setup in Mural Dynamics 365 CRM Mural Sandbox Instance
            /// Ensure that this configuration has been checked prior to implementing into production
            IServiceManagement<IOrganizationService> orgServiceManagement = ServiceConfigurationFactory.
                CreateManagement<IOrganizationService>(new Uri(url));
            AuthenticationCredentials authCredentials = new AuthenticationCredentials();
            authCredentials.ClientCredentials.UserName.UserName = username;
            authCredentials.ClientCredentials.UserName.Password = password;
            AuthenticationCredentials tokenCredentials = orgServiceManagement.Authenticate(authCredentials);
            OrganizationServiceProxy organizationProxy = new OrganizationServiceProxy
                (orgServiceManagement, tokenCredentials.SecurityTokenResponse);

            log.Info("Connected To CRM");

            /// Run pre-built workflow in CRM
            /// This workflow will send a ClickDimensions Email to a contact
            /// Contact will be the CRM Online User
            /// For testing purposes, this code may reflect setup in Mural Dynamics 365 CRM Mural Sandbox Instance
            /// Ensure that this configuration has been checked prior to implementing into production
            ExecuteWorkflowRequest request = new ExecuteWorkflowRequest()
                /// For testing purposes only
                // WorkflowId = _workflowId,
                // EntityId = _entityId,

                WorkflowId = _workflowId2,
                EntityId = _entityId2,


            ExecuteWorkflowResponse response = (ExecuteWorkflowResponse)organizationProxy.Execute(request);

            if (request == null)
                log.Info("Workflow Failed");

                log.Info("Workflow Triggered");

            /// Put this process to sleep for 7 minutes
            /// This will give ClickDimensions enough time for the email to be delivered
            /// After 7 minutes, the process will check to see if email was delivered
            /// Ensure that this configuration has been checked prior to implementing into production
                for (int i = 0; i < 1; i++)
                    log.Info("Sleep for 7 minutes.");


            /// Connect to CRM Online Service User Email
            ExchangeService _service2;
                    log.Info("Registering Exchange Connection");
                    _service2 = new ExchangeService

                        /// Connection credentials for CRM Online User to access email 
                        /// For testing purposes, this code may reflect process owners Mural Office 365 credentials
                        /// Ensure that this configuration has been checked prior to implementing into production
                        Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password)



                    log.Info("New ExchangeService failed to connect.");


                _service2.Url = new Uri("https://outlook.office365.com/EWS/Exchange.asmx");


                    /// This will search the Mailbox for the top level folders and display their Ids
                    /// Use this function to obtain the Id necessary for this code                  

                    /// Get all the folders in the message's root folder.
                    Folder rootfolder = Folder.Bind(_service2, WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot);

                    log.Info("The " + rootfolder.DisplayName + " has " + rootfolder.ChildFolderCount + " child folders.");

                    /// A GetFolder operation has been performed.
                    /// Now display each folder's name and ID.

                    foreach (Folder folder in rootfolder.FindFolders(new FolderView(100)))
                        log.Info("\nName: " + folder.DisplayName + "\n  Id: " + folder.Id);


                    log.Info("Reading mail");

                    /// HTML email string for ClickDIsDown Email
                    string HTML = @"<font size=6><font color=red> ClickDimensions Uptime Monitoring <font size=3><font color=black><br /><br /><br />
                                                The ClickDimensions emailing system may not be working at this time or has become slow. Please check the integration and 
                                                    alert the appropriate teams if necessary.<br /> <br /> Regards,<br /><br /> Business & Product Development Team <br /> 
                                            Email: [email protected] <br /> Mural Consulting <br /> https://mural365.com <br /><br />";

                    /// This will view the last email in the mailbox
                    /// Search for "ClickD Uptime Monitoring System" in Subject line
                    SearchFilter sf = new SearchFilter.SearchFilterCollection(
                        LogicalOperator.And, new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(ItemSchema.Subject, "ClickDimensions Uptime Monitoring"));

                    foreach (EmailMessage email in _service2.FindItems(ClickDBox, sf, new ItemView(1)))

                        /// If the email was sent (unread email = ClickD is working)
                        /// Mark the email as read
                        /// This folder SHOULD NOT contain any UNREAD emails
                        if (!email.IsRead)
                            log.Info("Email: " + email.Subject);
                            log.Info("Email Sent: " + email.DateTimeSent + " Email Received: " +
                                email.DateTimeReceived + " Email Created: " + email.DateTimeCreated);

                            email.IsRead = true;

                            isClickDUp = 1;


                            /// If the email was not sent (no unread email = no email)
                            /// Send the alert email via SMTP client from CRM Online Service User
                            if (email.IsRead)
                                string SUBJECT = "ClickDimensions May be Failing";

                                string BODY = HTML;
                                // string BODY = "Please check ClickDimensions Integration";

                                MailMessage message = new MailMessage
                                    IsBodyHtml = true,
                                    From = new MailAddress(FROM, FROMNAME)
                                message.To.Add(new MailAddress(TO));
                                message.Subject = SUBJECT;
                                message.Body = BODY;

                                message.Headers.Add("X-SES-CONFIGURATION-SET", CONFIGSET);

                                isClickDUp = 0;

                                using (var client = new SmtpClient(HOST, PORT))
                                    /// Pass SMTP credentials
                                    client.Credentials =
                                        new NetworkCredential(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD);

                                    /// Enable SSL encryption
                                    client.EnableSsl = true;

                                        log.Info("Attempting to send email...");
                                        log.Info("Email sent!");

                                    catch (Exception ex)
                                        log.Info("The email was not sent.");
                                        log.Info("Error message: " + ex.Message);





                        /// This will mark the email as read as a backup
                        email.IsRead = true;



                catch (Exception e)
                    log.Info("An error has occured. \n:" + e.Message);


            if (DateTime.Compare(DateTime.Today, new DateTime(2018, 12, 10, 0, 0, 0)) >= 0)

                string monday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek + (int)DayOfWeek.Monday).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");
                string lastMonday = DateTime.Today.AddDays(-(int)DateTime.Today.DayOfWeek + (int)DayOfWeek.Monday).AddDays(-7).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd");

                string path = @"D:\home\site\wwwroot\Function2\ClickDUptime Weekly Report " + monday + ".csv";
                DateTime localDate2 = DateTime.Now;
                str = localDate2.ToString() + "," + isClickDUp;

                if (!File.Exists(path))
                    log.Info("Creating & Updating Excel");

                    /// Create a file to write to.
                    string createText = "Timestamp,ClickDimensions Status" + Environment.NewLine + str;
                    File.WriteAllText(path, createText);

                    /// path is reset to old file here
                    path = @"D:\home\site\wwwroot\Function2\ClickDUptime Weekly Report " + lastMonday + ".csv";

                    /// Send email for last weeks excel sheet
                    if (File.Exists(path))
                        MailMessage mail = new MailMessage();
                        SmtpClient SmtpServer = new SmtpClient(HOST);
                        mail.From = new MailAddress(FROM);

                        // mail.To.Add("");

                        mail.Subject = "ClickDUptime Monitoring Report " + monday;
                        mail.Body = "";

                        log.Info("Sending Excel");

                            System.Net.Mail.Attachment attachment;
                            attachment = new System.Net.Mail.Attachment(path);

                            SmtpServer.Port = 587;
                            SmtpServer.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(SMTP_USERNAME, SMTP_PASSWORD);
                            SmtpServer.EnableSsl = true;

                            log.Info("Excel Sent");

                        catch (Exception)
                            /// mail send failure
                            /// figure out what to do here




                    /// This text is always added, making the file longer over time
                    /// if it is not deleted.
                    string appendText = Environment.NewLine + str;
                    File.AppendAllText(path, appendText);

                    /// Open the file to read from.
                    string readText = File.ReadAllText(path);


 private Model.Appointment ConvertAppointment(ExchangeService service, string id)
     return(ConvertAppointment(GetAppointment(service, id)));
Example #51
        public void SendMail(string Subject, string Body, string Recipient, string CcRecipient)
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(this.ExchangeVersion);

            System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback += delegate(object sender1, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Certificate certificate, System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509Chain chain, System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors) { return(true); };
            // logged on to the domain.

            service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(this.UserName, this.PassWord);
            WebProxy proxyObj = new WebProxy();

            proxyObj.Credentials = System.Net.CredentialCache.DefaultCredentials;
            service.WebProxy     = proxyObj;
            // Or use NetworkCredential directly (WebCredentials is a wrapper
            // around NetworkCredential).
            service.Url = new Uri(this.UrlService);

            EmailMessage message = new EmailMessage(service);

            message.Sender  = this.FromEmailName;
            message.Subject = Subject;
            message.Body    = Body;

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Recipient) && (Recipient != "") && (Recipient.IndexOf("@") > 0))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(Recipient))
                    if (Recipient.Contains(";"))
                        string[] arrCcEmail = Recipient.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string email in arrCcEmail)

            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CcRecipient) && (CcRecipient != "") && (CcRecipient.IndexOf("@") > 0))
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(CcRecipient))
                    if (CcRecipient.Contains(";"))
                        string[] arrCcEmail = CcRecipient.Split(new char[] { ';' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        foreach (string email in arrCcEmail)

Example #52
 /// <summary>
 /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="UpdateInboxRulesRequest"/> class.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="service">The service.</param>
 UpdateInboxRulesRequest(ExchangeService service)
     : super(service)
Example #53
        public EWSServerwith14()
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.SecurityProtocol = System.Net.SecurityProtocolType.Tls12;
            System.Net.ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors sslPolicyErrors)
                if (sslPolicyErrors == System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.None)
                // If there are errors in the certificate chain, look at each error to determine the cause.
                if ((sslPolicyErrors & System.Net.Security.SslPolicyErrors.RemoteCertificateChainErrors) != 0)
                    if (chain != null && chain.ChainStatus != null)
                        foreach (System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatus status in chain.ChainStatus)
                            if ((certificate.Subject == certificate.Issuer) &&
                                (status.Status == System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.UntrustedRoot))
                                // Self-signed certificates with an untrusted root are valid.
                                if (status.Status != System.Security.Cryptography.X509Certificates.X509ChainStatusFlags.NoError)
                                    // If there are any other errors in the certificate chain, the certificate is invalid,
                                    // so the method returns false.

                    // When processing reaches this line, the only errors in the certificate chain are
                    // untrusted root errors for self-signed certificates. These certificates are valid
                    // for default Exchange server installations, so return true.
            _service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);
            //_service = new ExchangeService();
            //_service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password, domain);
            //_service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential(username, password);
            NetworkCredential networkCredential = new NetworkCredential(username, password);

            _service.Credentials  = networkCredential;//new OAuthCredentials(networkCredential);
            _service.TraceEnabled = true;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(serverUrl))
                _service.Url = new Uri(serverUrl);
            //string token = "";
            //OAuthCredentials oAuthCredentials = new OAuthCredentials(token);
        /// <summary>
        /// Provides a record-by-record processing functionality for the cmdlet.
        /// </summary>
        protected override void ProcessRecord()
            // Create the Exchange Service Object and auth with bearer token
            ExchangeService exchangeService = new ExchangeService(new AuthenticationProvider(), this.SmtpAddress.ToString(), RestEnvironment.OutlookBeta);

            FolderId parentFolderId = null;
            FolderView folderView = new FolderView(10);
            FindFoldersResults findFoldersResults = null;

            MessageView messageView = new MessageView(50);
            FindItemsResults<Item> findItemsResults = null;

            switch (this.ParameterSetName)
                case "FolderName":
                        SearchFilter searchFilter = new SearchFilter.IsEqualTo(MailFolderObjectSchema.DisplayName, this.FolderName);
                        findFoldersResults = exchangeService.FindFolders(WellKnownFolderName.MsgFolderRoot, searchFilter, folderView);
                        folderView.Offset += folderView.PageSize;
                        foreach (MailFolder folder in findFoldersResults)
                            parentFolderId = new FolderId(folder.Id);
                    while (findFoldersResults.MoreAvailable);

                        findItemsResults = exchangeService.FindItems(parentFolderId, messageView);
                        messageView.Offset += messageView.PageSize;
                        foreach (Item item in findItemsResults)
                            this.WriteObject(new PSObject(item));
                    while (findItemsResults.MoreAvailable);

                case "FolderId":
                        findItemsResults = exchangeService.FindItems(this.FolderId, messageView);
                        messageView.Offset += messageView.PageSize;
                        foreach (Item item in findItemsResults)
                            this.WriteObject(new PSObject(item));
                    while (findItemsResults.MoreAvailable);

                        new ErrorRecord(
                            new ArgumentException("Bad ParameterSetName"), 
Example #55
        public static bool sendExchange(string host, string fromEmail, string username, string pass, string fromName, string[] toEmail, string[] ccs, string[] bccs, string subject, string body, bool isBodyHtml)
            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

            service.Url = new Uri(@"https://" + host + "/EWS/Exchange.asmx");

            //if have the ip you can get the computer name using the nslookup utility in command line. ->nslookup

            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)

            service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, pass);

            EmailMessage mailmessage = new EmailMessage(service);

            mailmessage.From = new EmailAddress(fromName, fromEmail);
            if (toEmail != null)
                foreach (var item in toEmail)
            if (ccs != null)
                foreach (var item in ccs)
            if (bccs != null)
                foreach (var item in bccs)
            //if (atts != null)
            //    foreach (Microsoft.Exchange.WebServices.Data.Attachment _att in atts)
            //    {
            //        mailmessage.Attachments.AddFileAttachment(_att.)
            //    }
            mailmessage.Subject = subject;

            mailmessage.Body = body;

            mailmessage.Body.BodyType = isBodyHtml ? BodyType.HTML : BodyType.Text;


            //catch (Exception ex)
            //    return false;
 public UserConfigForm(ExchangeService oExchangeService)
     _CurrentService = oExchangeService;
Example #57
        public static string[] Appointments()
            ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback =
                delegate(Object obj, X509Certificate certificate, X509Chain chain, SslPolicyErrors errors)
                // Replace this line with code to validate server certificate.

            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2013_SP1);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.Exchange))
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, (string redirectionUrl) => { return(true); });
                service.Url = new Uri("https://" + HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.Exchange + "/ews/exchange.asmx");
            HAP.AD.User u = ((HAP.AD.User)Membership.GetUser());
            if (HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.AuthenticationMode == Configuration.AuthMode.Forms && string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
                HttpCookie token = HttpContext.Current.Request.Cookies["token"];
                if (token == null)
                    throw new AccessViolationException("Token Cookie Missing, user not logged in correctly");
                service.Credentials = new NetworkCredential((hapConfig.Current.SMTP.EWSUseEmailoverAN ? u.Email : u.UserName), TokenGenerator.ConvertToPlain(token.Value), HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.UPN);
                if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
                    service.UseDefaultCredentials = true;
                    //service.Credentials = CredentialCache.DefaultNetworkCredentials;
                    if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationDomain))
                        service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationPassword);
                        service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationPassword, HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationDomain);

                    service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, u.Email);
            List <string> s = new List <string>();

            foreach (Appointment a in service.FindAppointments(WellKnownFolderName.Calendar, new CalendarView(DateTime.Now, DateTime.Now.AddDays(1))))
                s.Add(a.Subject + "<br />" + (a.Start.Date > DateTime.Now.Date ? "Tomorrow: " : "") + ((a.Start.AddDays(1) == a.End) ? "All Day" : a.Start.AddDays(5) == a.End ? "All Week" : (a.Start.ToShortTimeString() + " - " + a.End.ToShortTimeString())));
            if (HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.AD.AuthenticationMode == Configuration.AuthMode.Windows || !string.IsNullOrEmpty(HAP.Web.Configuration.hapConfig.Current.SMTP.ImpersonationUser))
Example #58
 public ExchangeProxy(string url, string username, string password)
     this.exchangeService             = new ExchangeService();
     this.exchangeService.Credentials = new WebCredentials(username, password);
     this.exchangeService.Url         = new Uri(url.ToUpper());
Example #59
        public void Execute(IActivityRequest request, IActivityResponse response)
            userName        = settings.UserName;
            password        = settings.Password;
            domain          = settings.Domain;
            serviceURL      = settings.ServiceUrl;
            exchangeVersion = settings.ExchangeVersion;

            emailID    = request.Inputs["Email ID"].AsString();
            readStatus = request.Inputs["New Read Status"].AsString();

            string alternateMailbox = string.Empty;

            if (request.Inputs.Contains("Alternate Mailbox"))
                alternateMailbox = request.Inputs["Alternate Mailbox"].AsString();

            ExchangeService service = new ExchangeService();

            switch (exchangeVersion)
            case "Exchange2007_SP1":
                service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2007_SP1);

            case "Exchange2010":
                service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010);

            case "Exchange2010_SP1":
                service = new ExchangeService(ExchangeVersion.Exchange2010_SP1);

                service = new ExchangeService();

            service.Credentials = new WebCredentials(userName, password, domain);
            String AccountUrl = userName + "@" + domain;

            if (serviceURL.Equals("Autodiscover"))
                service.AutodiscoverUrl(AccountUrl, (a) => { return(true); });
                service.Url = new Uri(serviceURL);

            if (!alternateMailbox.Equals(String.Empty))
                service.ImpersonatedUserId = new ImpersonatedUserId(ConnectingIdType.SmtpAddress, alternateMailbox);

            EmailMessage message = EmailMessage.Bind(service, emailID);

            switch (readStatus)
            case "Unread":
                message.IsRead = true;

            case "Read":
                message.IsRead = false;


            response.Publish("Email ID", message.Id);
Example #60
        public static Item GetItem(ExchangeService service, string id)
            var item = Item.Bind(service, new ItemId(id));
