public void GetDateTest() { ExcelStream xlsxfile = new ExcelStream(@"C:\Users\maxgr\OneDrive\Documents\Fiverr\C#\Drag n chart\Sample data\Data Template 2b.xlsx"); xlsxfile.Select(4); var test = (string)xlsxfile.GetCellData(3, 2, true); }
public ExcelStreamReader_Tests() { _excelStreamReader = new ExcelStreamReader(); _excelPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); var excelStream = new ExcelStream(); if (File.Exists(_excelPath)) { File.Delete(_excelPath); } using (var x = excelStream.Create(_excelPath)) { using (var sheet = x.LoadSheet(1)) { sheet.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { "Name", "Sex", "Age" }); sheet.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { "Tor", "Male", "42" }); sheet.SaveChanges(); } } }
public void GetAllSheetDataTest() { ExcelStream xlsxfile = new ExcelStream(@"C:\Users\maxgr\OneDrive\Documents\Fiverr\C#\Drag n chart\Sample data\Data Template 2b.xlsx"); xlsxfile.Select(4); var test = xlsxfile.GetAllSheetData(); xlsxfile.Close(); }
public Excel_Tests() { _ExcelStream = new ExcelStream(); _ExcelPath = @"c:\excel\test.xlsx"; if (File.Exists(_ExcelPath)) { File.Delete(_ExcelPath); } }
public SheetHDR(ulong Id, string XmlSource, ExcelStream Excel, SharedStrings stringDictionary) : base(Id, Excel, stringDictionary) { var xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.LoadXml(XmlSource); var rows = xd.GetElementsByTagName("row"); // 遍历row标签 var flag = false; Header = new Header(); foreach (XmlNode x in rows) { var cols = x.ChildNodes; var objs = new Row(Header); // 遍历c标签 foreach (XmlNode y in cols) { string value = null; // 如果是字符串类型,则需要从字典中查询 if (y.Attributes["t"]?.Value == "s") { var index = Convert.ToUInt64(y.FirstChild.InnerText); value = StringDictionary[index]; } else if (y.Attributes["t"]?.Value == "inlineStr") { value = y.FirstChild.FirstChild.InnerText; } // 否则其中的v标签值即为单元格内容 else { value = y.InnerText; } if (!flag) { Header.Add(value, y.Attributes["r"].Value); continue; } objs.Add(value, y.Attributes["r"].Value); } if (!flag) { while (Header.LastOrDefault() == null) Header.RemoveAt(Header.Count - 1); flag = true; continue; } // 去掉末尾的null while (objs.LastOrDefault() == null) objs.RemoveAt(objs.Count - 1); if (objs.Count > 0) this.Add(objs); } while (this.Count > 0 && this.Last().Count == 0) this.RemoveAt(this.Count - 1); GC.Collect(); }
public ExcelStream_Tests() { _excelStream = new ExcelStream(); //_excelPath = @"c:\excel\test.xlsx"; _excelPath = Path.GetTempFileName(); if (File.Exists(_excelPath)) { File.Delete(_excelPath); } }
public CouponController(ICouponQueryService queryService, ICouponService service, IAuthorizeValidator authorizeValidator, IHostingEnvironment env) { _queryService = queryService; _service = service; _authorizeValidator = authorizeValidator; _hostingEnv = env; _excelStream = new ExcelStream(); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Upload(IFormFile file, Guid projectId) { var fileStream = file.OpenReadStream(); var excel = new ExcelStream(); excel.Load(fileStream); var sheet1 = excel.LoadSheetHDR(excel.WorkBook.First().Name); var slots = new List <OnCallSlot>(sheet1.Count); foreach (var x in sheet1) { var primary = await User.Manager.FindByNameAsync(x[2]); var backup = await User.Manager.FindByNameAsync(x[3]); var incidentManager = await User.Manager.FindByNameAsync(x[4]); slots.Add(new OnCallSlot { Begin = Convert.ToDateTime(x[0]), End = Convert.ToDateTime(x[1]), ProjectId = projectId, Role = SlotRole.Primary, UserId = primary.Id }); slots.Add(new OnCallSlot { Begin = Convert.ToDateTime(x[0]), End = Convert.ToDateTime(x[1]), ProjectId = projectId, Role = SlotRole.Backup, UserId = backup.Id }); slots.Add(new OnCallSlot { Begin = Convert.ToDateTime(x[0]), End = Convert.ToDateTime(x[1]), ProjectId = projectId, Role = SlotRole.IncidentManager, UserId = incidentManager.Id }); } DB.AddRange(slots); await DB.SaveChangesAsync(); return(Prompt(x => { x.Title = "导入成功"; x.Details = "On-Call日程表已经成功导入"; x.HideBack = true; x.RedirectUrl = Url.Action("Index", "OnCall", new { project = projectId }); x.RedirectText = "查看On-Call时间表"; })); }
public void OpeningAndShowing() { ExcelStream xlsxfile = new ExcelStream(@"C:\Users\maxgr\OneDrive\Documents\Fiverr\C#\Drag n chart\Sample data\Data Template 2b.xlsx"); xlsxfile.Select(4); string actual = xlsxfile.GetCellData(5, 4).ToString().Trim(); string expected = "2.26"; Assert.AreEqual(expected, actual); xlsxfile.Close(); }
public void SavingProjects() { ExcelStream excelStream = new ExcelStream(@"C:\Users\maxgr\OneDrive\Documents\Fiverr\C#\Drag n chart\Sample data\Data Template 2b.xlsx"); excelStream.Select(4); Project testProj = new Project() { ExcelStream = excelStream, ReadingsData = excelStream.GetAllSheetData() }; testProj.Save(@"C:\Users\maxgr\Desktop\test file.xml"); }
public SheetWithoutHDR(ulong Id, string XmlSource, ExcelStream Excel, SharedStrings stringDictionary) : base(Id, Excel, stringDictionary) { var xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.LoadXml(XmlSource); var rows = xd.GetElementsByTagName("row"); // 遍历row标签 foreach (XmlNode x in rows) { var cols = x.ChildNodes; var objs = new Row(); // 遍历c标签 foreach (XmlNode y in cols) { string value = null; // 如果是字符串类型,则需要从字典中查询 if (y.Attributes["t"]?.Value == "s") { var index = Convert.ToUInt64(y.FirstChild.InnerText); value = StringDictionary[index]; } else if (y.Attributes["t"]?.Value == "inlineStr") { value = y.FirstChild.FirstChild.InnerText; } // 否则其中的v标签值即为单元格内容 else { value = y.InnerText; } objs.Add(value, y.Attributes["r"].Value); } // 去掉末尾的null while (objs.LastOrDefault() == null) { objs.RemoveAt(objs.Count - 1); } if (objs.Count > 0) { this.Add(objs); } } while (this.Count > 0 && this.Last().Count == 0) { this.RemoveAt(this.Count - 1); } GC.Collect(); }
public SheetHDR(ulong Id, string XmlSource, ExcelStream Excel, SharedStrings stringDictionary) :base(Id, Excel, stringDictionary) { var xd = new XmlDocument(); xd.LoadXml(XmlSource); var rows = xd.GetElementsByTagName("row"); // 遍历row标签 var flag = false; Header = new Header(); foreach (XmlNode x in rows) { var cols = x.ChildNodes; var objs = new Row(Header); // 遍历c标签 foreach (XmlNode y in cols) { string value = null; // 如果是字符串类型,则需要从字典中查询 if (y.Attributes["t"].Value == "s") { var index = Convert.ToUInt64(y.FirstChild.InnerText); value = StringDictionary[index]; } // 否则其中的v标签值即为单元格内容 else { value = y.InnerText; } if (!flag) { Header.Add(value, y.Attributes["r"].Value); continue; } objs.Add(value, y.Attributes["r"].Value); } if (!flag) { while (Header.LastOrDefault() == null) Header.RemoveAt(Header.Count - 1); flag = true; continue; } // 去掉末尾的null while (objs.LastOrDefault() == null) objs.RemoveAt(objs.Count - 1); } while (this.Count > 0 && this.Last().Count == 0) this.RemoveAt(this.Count - 1); GC.Collect(); }
public IActionResult Export(Guid id) { Activity activity; if (User.IsInRole("Root")) { activity = DB.Activities.Single(x => x.Id == id); } else { activity = DB.Activities.Single(x => x.Id == id && x.OwnerId == User.Current.Id); } var src = DB.Briberies .Where(x => x.ActivityId == id && x.ReceivedTime.HasValue) .OrderBy(x => x.ReceivedTime) .ToList(); var nonawarded = DB.Briberies .Count(x => x.ActivityId == id && !x.ReceivedTime.HasValue); var tmp = Guid.NewGuid().ToString(); var path = Path.Combine(Directory.GetCurrentDirectory(), tmp + ".xlsx"); using (var excel = ExcelStream.Create(path)) using (var sheet1 = excel.LoadSheet(1)) { // Headers sheet1.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { "Open Id", "昵称", "金额", "领取时间" }); foreach (var x in src) { sheet1.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { x.OpenId ?? "", x.NickName ?? "", (x.Price / 100.0).ToString("0.00"), x.ReceivedTime.Value.ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss") }); } sheet1.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row()); sheet1.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { "未领取金额(元)", "未领取红包(个)", "总参与人数" }); sheet1.Add(new Pomelo.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { ((activity.Price - src.Sum(x => x.Price)) / 100.0).ToString("0.00"), nonawarded.ToString(), activity.Attend.ToString() }); sheet1.SaveChanges(); } var ret = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(path); System.IO.File.Delete(path); return(File(ret, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", activity.Title + ".xlsx")); }
public void OpeningTest2() { ExcelStream file = new ExcelStream(); try { file = new ExcelStream(@"C:\Users\maxgr\OneDrive\Documents\Fiverr\C#\Drag n chart\Sample data\New Microsoft Word Document.docx"); Assert.Fail(); //It should not reach this point if the method works successfully. } catch (ExtensionException) { MessageBox.Show("Success!"); file.Close(); } }
protected virtual void Dispose(bool disposing) { if (!disposedValue) { if (disposing) { ExcelStream.Dispose(); ExcelDoc.Dispose(); } ExcelStream = null; ExcelDoc = null; disposedValue = true; } }
/// <summary> /// Opens the specified filepath for reading /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void OpenExcelReader() { if (ExcelDoc != null) { ExcelDoc.Close(); ExcelDoc.Dispose(); } if (ExcelStream != null) { ExcelStream.Close(); ExcelStream.Dispose(); } ExcelStream = System.IO.File.Open(ExcelFilePath, FileMode.Open, FileAccess.Read); ExcelDoc = DocumentFormat.OpenXml.Packaging.SpreadsheetDocument.Open(ExcelStream, false); }
public static void Main(string[] args) { using (var x = ExcelStream.Create(@"c:\excel\try.xlsx")) using (var sheet = x.LoadSheet(1)) { sheet.Add(new Infrastructure.Row { "Create test" }); sheet.SaveChanges(); } using (var x = new ExcelStream(@"c:\excel\1.xlsx")) // Open excel file using (var sheet = x.LoadSheet("Sheet1")) // var sheet = x.LoadSheet(1) { // Removing sheet2 x.RemoveSheet(2); // Creating sheet var s = x.CreateSheet("Hello"); s.Add(new Infrastructure.Row { "Code Comb" }); s.SaveChanges(); // Writing data into sheet sheet.Add(new Infrastructure.Row { "Hello world!" }); sheet.SaveChanges(); // Reading the data from sheet foreach (var a in sheet) { foreach (var b in a) { Console.Write(b + '\t'); } Console.Write("\r\n"); } } Console.ReadKey(); }
public Sheet(ulong id, ExcelStream excel, SharedStrings stringDictionary) { _id = id; _excel = excel; StringDictionary = stringDictionary; }
private List <DType> CreateBeanFields(DefBean bean, Sheet.NamedRow row) { var list = new List <DType>(); foreach (DefField f in bean.HierarchyFields) { string fname = f.Name; Sheet.Title title = row.GetTitle(fname); if (title == null) { throw new Exception($"bean:{bean.FullName} 缺失 列:{fname},请检查是否写错或者遗漏"); } // 多级标题 if (title.SubTitles.Count > 0) { try { if (f.IsMultiRow) { list.Add(f.CType.Apply(this, row.GetSubTitleNamedRowOfMultiRows(fname), f.RawIsMultiRow, f.IsNullable)); } else { list.Add(f.CType.Apply(this, row.GetSubTitleNamedRow(fname), f.RawIsMultiRow /* 肯定是 false */, f.IsNullable)); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception($"读取结构:{bean.FullName} 字段:{fname} 读取 出错 ==> {e.Message}", e); } } else { string sep = f.ActualSep; if (string.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(sep) && IsContainerAndElementNotSepType(f.CType)) { sep = ";,"; } if (f.IsMultiRow) { try { list.Add(f.CType.Apply(MultiRowExcelDataCreator.Ins, row.GetColumnOfMultiRows(f.Name, sep), f.IsNullable, (DefAssembly)bean.AssemblyBase)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception($"读取结构:{bean.FullName} 多行字段:{f.Name} 读取 出错 ==> {e.Message}", e); } } else { ExcelStream stream = row.GetColumn(f.Name, sep); try { list.Add(f.CType.Apply(ExcelDataCreator.Ins, f.Remapper, stream, (DefAssembly)bean.AssemblyBase)); } catch (Exception e) { throw new Exception($"读取结构:{bean.FullName} 字段:{f.Name} 位置:{stream.CurrentExcelPosition} 出错 ==> {e.Message}", e); } } } } return(list); }
public async Task <IActionResult> Export([FromServices] IApplicationEnvironment env) { var url = Request.Scheme + "://" + Request.Host + "/Home/Download/"; var uid = User.Current.Id; var userEmail = User.Current.Email; var allc = DB.Cities.Select(x => x.Id).ToList(); var isRoot = User.IsInRole("Root"); var cities = (await UserManager.GetClaimsAsync(User.Current)).Where(x => x.Type == "管辖市区").Select(x => x.Value).ToList(); var directory = System.IO.Path.Combine(env.ApplicationBasePath, "Export"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directory)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } var fname = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx"); using (var serviceScope = Resolver.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <ChinaTowerContext>(); var email = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEmailSender>(); using (var excel = ExcelStream.Create(fname)) using (var sheet1 = excel.LoadSheet(1)) { var tmp = db.Forms .Where(x => x.Status == VerificationStatus.Wrong); if (!isRoot) { tmp = tmp.Where(x => cities.Contains(x.City) || (!cities.Contains(x.City) && !allc.Contains(x.City))); } var g = tmp.GroupBy(x => x.StationKey) .Select(x => new { Key = x.Key, Count = x.Count(), Details = x.Select(y => new { UniqueKey = y.UniqueKey, Type = y.Type, Logs = y.VerificationJson }) }) .ToList(); var ids = g.Where(x => x.Key.HasValue) .Select(x => x.Key.Value.ToString()) .Distinct() .ToList(); var dic = db.Forms .Where(x => x.Type == FormType.站址 && ids.Contains(x.UniqueKey)) .ToDictionary(x => x.UniqueKey, x => new { Name = x.Name, City = x.City }); foreach (var x in g.Where(x => x.Key.HasValue)) { if (!dic.ContainsKey(x.Key.Value.ToString())) { continue; } var rowStr = $"【{dic[x.Key.Value.ToString()].Name}】 站址编码:{x.Key.Value} 错误表单:{x.Count}"; if (isRoot) { sheet1.Add(new CodeComb.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { dic[x.Key.Value.ToString()].City, rowStr }); } else { sheet1.Add(new CodeComb.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { rowStr }); } foreach (var y in x.Details) { try { var log = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ICollection <VerificationLog> >(y.Logs); var rows = new List <string>(); foreach (var z in log) { var lines = z.Reason.Split('\n'); foreach (var line in lines) { var subRow = $"┝ ◇[{y.Type}]编号:{y.UniqueKey} {line}"; rows.Add(subRow); } } rows = rows .Distinct() .ToList(); foreach (var r in rows) { if (isRoot) { sheet1.Add(new CodeComb.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { dic[x.Key.Value.ToString()].City, r }); } else { sheet1.Add(new CodeComb.Data.Excel.Infrastructure.Row { r }); } } } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } sheet1.SaveChanges(); } var blob = System.IO.File.ReadAllBytes(fname); var b = new Blob { Content = blob, ContentType = "application/", ContentLength = blob.Length, FileName = $"校验结果导出{ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") }.xlsx", Time = DateTime.Now, UserId = uid }; db.Blobs.Add(b); db.SaveChanges(); await email.SendEmailAsync(userEmail, "校验结果导出完毕", $"<a href=\"{ url + b.Id }\">校验结果导出{ DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") }.xlsx</a>"); }); } return(Prompt(x => { x.Title = "正在导出"; x.Details = "系统正在为您将校验结果导出到Excel,在导出完毕后,您将收到带有Excel表格附件的电子邮件,请稍候。"; })); }
public Sheet(ulong Id, ExcelStream Excel, SharedStrings StringDictionary) { this.Id = Id; this.StringDictionary = StringDictionary; this.excel = Excel; }
public async Task <IActionResult> Import(FormType type, IFormFile file, [FromServices] IApplicationEnvironment env) { using (var serviceScope = Resolver.GetRequiredService <IServiceScopeFactory>().CreateScope()) { var userEmail = User.Current.Email; var IsRoot = User.IsInRole("Root"); var cities = (await UserManager.GetClaimsAsync(User.Current)) .Where(x => x.Type == "管辖市区") .Select(x => x.Value) .ToList(); var allc = DB.Cities .Select(x => x.Id) .ToList(); var directory = System.IO.Path.Combine(env.ApplicationBasePath, "Upload"); if (!System.IO.Directory.Exists(directory)) { System.IO.Directory.CreateDirectory(directory); } var fname = System.IO.Path.Combine(directory, Guid.NewGuid() + ".xlsx"); file.SaveAs(fname); Task.Factory.StartNew(async() => { var count = 0; var addition = 0; var updated = 0; var ignored = 0; using (var db = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetService <ChinaTowerContext>()) { var dvrm = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <DataVerificationRuleManager>(); var rules = db.VerificationRules .Include(x => x.Rule) .Where(x => x.Type == type) .ToList(); using (var excel = new ExcelStream(fname)) { foreach (var book in excel.WorkBook) { using (var data = excel.LoadSheet(book.Id)) { foreach (var row in data) { // 检查是否为表头 var total = Hash.Headers[type].Count(); var similar = 0; for (var i = 0; i < row.Count && i < total; i++) { if (Hash.Headers[type][i].Contains(row[i]) || row[i].Contains(Hash.Headers[type][i])) { similar++; } } // 如果与表头字段相似度过半则认定为表头 if ((double)similar / (double)total >= 0.5) { continue; } count++; var fields = new List <string>(); for (var i = 0; i < Hash.Headers[type].Count(); i++) { if (i < row.Count) { fields.Add(row[i]); } else { fields.Add(""); } } var verifyResult = new VerifyResult { IsSuccess = true }; try { foreach (var r in rules) { var res = dvrm.Verify(r.RuleId, fields.ToArray()); if (!res.IsSuccess) { verifyResult.IsSuccess = false; } } } catch { verifyResult.Information = "未知错误"; verifyResult.IsSuccess = false; } // 如果没有校验规则 if (rules.Count == 0) { verifyResult.IsSuccess = true; verifyResult.Information = ""; verifyResult.FailedRules = new List <Rule>(); } // 获取字段校验结果 var logs = new List <VerificationLog>(); foreach (var x in verifyResult.FailedRules) { logs.Add(new VerificationLog { Field = Hash.Headers[type][x.ArgumentIndex], Time = DateTime.Now, Reason = $"{Hash.Headers[type][x.ArgumentIndex]} 字段没有通过校验", FieldIndex = x.ArgumentIndex }); } var form = new Form { FormJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(fields), StationKey = type == FormType.站址 ? Convert.ToInt64(fields[Hash.UniqueKey[type]]) : Convert.ToInt64(fields[Hash.StationId[type].Value]), Type = type, UniqueKey = fields[Hash.UniqueKey[type]], VerificationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(logs), VerificationTime = DateTime.Now, Status = verifyResult.IsSuccess ? VerificationStatus.Accepted : VerificationStatus.Wrong, City = "", District = "" }; // 获取经纬度 var gpsPosition = true; if (Hash.Lat[type] != null && Hash.Lon[type] != null) { try { form.Lat = Convert.ToDouble(fields[Hash.Lat[type].Value]); form.Lon = Convert.ToDouble(fields[Hash.Lon[type].Value]); } catch { gpsPosition = false; } } // 处理市、区信息 if (Hash.City[type].HasValue) { form.City = fields[Hash.City[type].Value]; } if (Hash.District[type].HasValue) { form.District = fields[Hash.District[type].Value]; } if (!IsRoot && !cities.Contains(form.City) && allc.Contains(form.City)) { ignored++; continue; } // 如果是站址需要额外判断 if (type == FormType.站址) { form.Name = fields[0]; var city = db.Cities.SingleOrDefault(x => x.Id == form.City); // 1. 判断城市是否合法 if (city == null) { var l = form.VerificationLogs; l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][3], FieldIndex = 3, Reason = $"不存在城市{form.City}" }); form.VerificationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l); form.Status = VerificationStatus.Wrong; } // 2. 判断区县是否合法 else if (!city.Districts.Contains(form.District)) { var l = form.VerificationLogs; l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][4], FieldIndex = 4, Reason = $"{city.Id}中不存在区县{form.District}" }); form.VerificationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l); form.Status = VerificationStatus.Wrong; } // 3a. 判断经纬度是否合法 else if (!gpsPosition) { var l = form.VerificationLogs; l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][Hash.Lon[type].Value], FieldIndex = Hash.Lon[type].Value, Reason = $"({form.Lon.Value}, {form.Lat.Value})不属于{form.City}" }); l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][Hash.Lat[type].Value], FieldIndex = Hash.Lat[type].Value, Reason = $"({form.Lon.Value}, {form.Lat.Value})不属于{form.City}" }); form.VerificationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l); form.Status = VerificationStatus.Wrong; } // 3b. 判断经纬度是否合法 else if (!city.Edge.IsInPolygon(new CodeComb.Algorithm.Geography.Point { X = form.Lon.Value, Y = form.Lat.Value, Type = CodeComb.Algorithm.Geography.PointType.WGS })) { var l = form.VerificationLogs; l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][Hash.Lon[type].Value], FieldIndex = Hash.Lon[type].Value, Reason = $"({form.Lon.Value}, {form.Lat.Value})不属于{form.City}" }); l.Add(new VerificationLog { Time = DateTime.Now, Field = Hash.Headers[type][Hash.Lat[type].Value], FieldIndex = Hash.Lat[type].Value, Reason = $"({form.Lon.Value}, {form.Lat.Value})不属于{form.City}" }); form.VerificationJson = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(l); form.Status = VerificationStatus.Wrong; } } var existedForm = db.Forms .AsNoTracking() .SingleOrDefault(x => x.UniqueKey == form.UniqueKey && x.Type == type); // 如果数据库中没有这条数据,则写入 if (existedForm == null) { addition++; try { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("INSERT INTO \"Form\" (\"FormJson\", \"StationKey\", \"Type\", \"UniqueKey\", \"VerificationJson\", \"VerificationTime\",\"Status\", \"Lon\", \"Lat\", \"City\", \"District\", \"Name\") VALUES ({0}, {1}, {2}, {3}, {4}, {5}, {6}, {7}, {8}, {9}, {10}, {11});", form.FormJson, form.StationKey, form.Type, form.UniqueKey, form.VerificationJson, form.VerificationTime, (int)form.Status, form.Lon, form.Lat, form.City, form.District, form.Name); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } // 否则更新 else { updated++; try { db.Database.ExecuteSqlCommand("UPDATE \"Form\" SET \"Name\" = {0}, \"Lon\" = {1}, \"Lat\" = {2}, \"StationKey\" = {3}, \"Status\" = {4}, \"Type\" = {5}, \"VerificationJson\" = {6}, \"VerificationTime\" = {7}, \"UniqueKey\" = {8}, \"City\" = {9}, \"District\" = {10} WHERE \"UniqueKey\" = {11}", form.Name, form.Lon, form.Lat, form.StationKey, form.Status, (int)form.Type, form.VerificationJson, form.VerificationTime, form.UniqueKey, form.City, form.District, form.UniqueKey); } catch (Exception ex) { Console.WriteLine(ex.ToString()); } } } } } } var email = serviceScope.ServiceProvider.GetRequiredService <IEmailSender>(); await email.SendEmailAsync(userEmail, "导入数据完成", $"本次导入数据已于 { DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyy年MM月dd日 HH时mm分") } 完成,共 {count} 条数据。其中新增 {addition} 条,更新 {updated} 条{ (ignored > 0 ? $",有 { ignored } 条数据不属于您的管辖区,因此系统没有允许您导入这些数据" : "") }。"); try { System.IO.File.Delete(fname); } catch { } } }); } return(Prompt(x => { x.Title = "正在导入"; x.Details = "服务器正在导入您的数据并进行相关校验,请您稍后查看即可!"; })); }