public static object rxCreateArrays() { ExcelReference caller = Excel(xlfCaller) as ExcelReference; object result = RxExcel.Observe("rxCreateArrays", null, () => Observable.Generate( new List <object> { 1, 2, 3 }, lst => true, lst => { lst.Add((int)lst[lst.Count - 1] + 1); return(lst); }, lst => Transpose(lst.ToArray()), lst => TimeSpan.FromSeconds(1))); if (result.Equals(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA)) { result = new object[, ] { { result } }; } return(ArrayResizer.Resize((object[, ])result, caller)); }
//[ExcelFunction(Name = "Markdown", Description = "About xlMdDna")] public static string Markdown(dynamic[,] args) { initEnd = init(); caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference; wb = (Workbook)xl.ActiveWorkbook; ws = (Worksheet)xl.ActiveSheet; rng = (Range)ws.Cells[caller.RowFirst + 1, caller.ColumnFirst + 1]; shapName = $"{wb.Name}_{ws.Name}_{rng.Address[false, false]}"; var buf = getArgsString(args); md = string.Join("\n", buf).Replace("\u00A0", " "); try { getPreviewWindow(md.Trim(), $"{shapName}.html"); } catch (Exception ex) { Clipboard.SetText($"Err: mermaidFail\n{ex.Message}"); return("NG"); } return("OK"); }
// Update cache private static void UpdateCache(Workbook book) { for (int i = 0; i < book.Worksheets.Count; i++) { Worksheet sheet = book.Worksheets[i + 1] as Worksheet; if (sheet != null) { ExcelReference xref = (ExcelReference)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlSheetId, sheet.Name); ExcelReference xused = new ExcelReference( sheet.UsedRange.Row, sheet.UsedRange.Row + sheet.UsedRange.Rows.Count, sheet.UsedRange.Column, sheet.UsedRange.Column + sheet.UsedRange.Columns.Count, xref.SheetId); if (_usedRanges.ContainsKey(xref.SheetId)) { _usedRanges.Remove(xref.SheetId); } _usedRanges.Add(xref.SheetId, xused); } } }
public static object Resize(object[,] array, ExcelReference caller) { if (caller == null) { Debug.Print("Resize - Abandoning - No Caller"); return(array); } int rows = array.GetLength(0); int columns = array.GetLength(1); if ((caller.RowLast - caller.RowFirst + 1 != rows) || (caller.ColumnLast - caller.ColumnFirst + 1 != columns)) { // Size problem: enqueue job, call async update and return #N/A EnqueueResize(caller, rows, columns); ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro(DoResizing); } // Size is already OK - just return result return(array); }
public static object GetCellCommentText( [ExcelArgument(Description = "带批注的单元格", AllowReference = true)] object srcRange) { ExcelReference excelReference = srcRange as ExcelReference; IExcel.Range excelRange = excelReference.ToPiaRange(); if (excelRange.Cells.Count > 1) { return(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA); } else { if (excelRange.Comment != null) { return(excelRange.Comment.Text()); } else { return(ExcelEmpty.Value); } } }
public static object s2tcache( [ExcelArgument(Name = "QueryKey", Description = "tiingo query key in s2cfg!C")] string qkey, [ExcelArgument(Name = "XOffset", Description = "column offset to cache position. 0 default")] int xoffset, [ExcelArgument(Name = "YOffset", Description = "row offset to cache position. 0 default")] int yoffset, [ExcelArgument(Name = "Trigger", Description = "dummy to trigger recalc")] object trigger) { if (!s_Cache.ContainsTiingoKey(qkey)) { return(ExcelMissing.Value); } // Figure out our caller's posn in the sheet; that's the cell we'll pull from the cache. // If offsets are supplied use them to calc cell posn too. xoffset & yoffset will default // to 0 if not supplied in the sheet. ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference; string val = s_Cache.GetTiingoCell(qkey, caller.RowFirst - yoffset, caller.ColumnFirst - xoffset); if (val == null) { return(ExcelError.ExcelErrorNA); // ExcelMissing.Value; } return(val); }
/// <summary>Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="ExcelTableQueryHeader"/> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="excelReference">The Excel Range ('header').</param> /// <param name="excelDataQueryName">The name of the Excel data query.</param> /// <param name="maxRowCount">The maximal number of rows to take into account.</param> /// <exception cref="ArgumentException">Thrown, if the value of <paramref name="excelReference"/> is not represented by an two-dimensional array (for example a single row header) or a <see cref="System.String"/>.</exception> public ExcelTableQueryHeader(ExcelReference excelReference, string excelDataQueryName, int maxRowCount) { if (excelReference == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("excelRangeValue"); } m_HeaderRange = excelReference; m_BelowHeaderRange = new ExcelReference(m_HeaderRange.RowFirst + 1, maxRowCount - m_HeaderRange.RowLast - 1, m_HeaderRange.ColumnFirst, m_HeaderRange.ColumnLast, m_HeaderRange.SheetId); var value = m_HeaderRange.GetValue(); if (value is object[, ]) { m_HeaderData = (object[, ])value; RowCount = m_HeaderData.GetLength(0); ColumnCount = m_HeaderData.GetLength(1); } else if (value is String) { m_HeaderData = new object[1, 1]; m_HeaderData[0, 0] = value as String; ColumnCount = 1; } else { throw new ArgumentException("excelRangeValue"); } RowCount = (m_HeaderRange.RowLast - m_HeaderRange.RowFirst + 1) + (m_BelowHeaderRange.RowLast - m_BelowHeaderRange.RowFirst + 1); m_BelowHeaderData = m_BelowHeaderRange.GetValue() as object[, ]; if (excelDataQueryName == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("excelDataQueryName"); } Name = LongName = new IdentifierString(excelDataQueryName); m_GuidedExcelDataQuery = new GuidedExcelDataQuery(excelDataQueryName, rowCount: RowCount, columnCount: ColumnCount); }
/// <summary>Creates a specific <see cref="IExcelDataQuery"/> object. /// </summary> /// <param name="propertyNames">The Excel Range (exactly one row or one column) which contains a list of property names.</param> /// <param name="propertyValues">The Excel range (exactly one row or one column) which contains the values of the properties.</param> /// <param name="excelDataQueryName">The name of the <see cref="IExcelDataQuery"/> object.</param> /// <returns>A <see cref="IExcelDataQuery"/> object which represents the specific user input.</returns> public static IExcelDataQuery Create(object propertyNames, object propertyValues, string excelDataQueryName = "General Properties") { if ((IsEmpty(propertyNames) == true) || (IsEmpty(propertyValues) == true)) { return(new ExcelNullQuery(excelDataQueryName)); } else if ((propertyNames is object[, ]) && (propertyValues is object[, ])) { throw new NotImplementedException("Use 'ExcelArgument' attribute and set 'AllowReference=true'."); } else if ((propertyNames is ExcelReference) && (propertyValues is ExcelReference)) { ExcelReference xlPropertyNames = (ExcelReference)propertyNames; ExcelReference xlPropertyValues = (ExcelReference)propertyValues; if (xlPropertyNames.ColumnLast - xlPropertyNames.ColumnFirst == 0) // the properties (name/value) are given row-wise { if (xlPropertyNames.RowLast - xlPropertyNames.RowFirst == 0) // exact one property given { return(new ExcelPropertyQuerySingle(xlPropertyNames, xlPropertyValues, excelDataQueryName)); } return(new ExcelPropertyQueryRowWise(xlPropertyNames, xlPropertyValues, excelDataQueryName)); } else if (xlPropertyNames.RowLast - xlPropertyNames.RowFirst == 0) // the properties (name/values) are given column-wise { return(new ExcelPropertyQueryColumnWise(xlPropertyNames, xlPropertyValues, excelDataQueryName)); } else { throw new ArgumentException("The Excel Range which represents properties must have exactly one row or one column."); } } else { return(new ExcelPropertyQuerySingle(propertyNames, propertyValues, excelDataQueryName)); } }
public static void UploadSelection(ExcelReference selection) { if (selection == null) { return; } // Get all the items currently "Waiting", update their status and send for processing var waiting = UploadItems.Where(item => item.Status == UploadStatus.Waiting && IsInsideSelection(item.Caller)).ToList(); foreach (var item in waiting) { item.SetStatus(UploadStatus.InProgress); } PerformUploads(waiting); // We just check the top left of the caller bool IsInsideSelection(ExcelReference reference) { if (reference == null) { return(false); } if (reference.SheetId != selection.SheetId) { return(false); } return(reference.RowFirst >= selection.RowFirst && reference.RowFirst <= selection.RowLast && reference.ColumnFirst >= selection.ColumnFirst && reference.ColumnFirst <= selection.ColumnLast); } }
public static object[,] SplitIntoWords(string phrase, string delimiters = " ", bool removeBlanks = false) { ExcelReference callerRef = (ExcelReference)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller); int cols = callerRef.ColumnLast - callerRef.ColumnFirst + 1; //create arrays for values, bins and output object[,] res = new object[1, cols]; StringSplitOptions opt = removeBlanks ? StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries : StringSplitOptions.None; string[] words = phrase.Split(delimiters.ToCharArray(), opt); //transfer all values to value array for (int j = 0; j < cols; j++) { res[0, j] = ""; if (j < words.Length) { res[0, j] = words[j]; } } return(res); }
public static object GetRangeAddress( [ExcelArgument(Description = "输入需获取地址的单元格区域,获取本身地址可省略输入", AllowReference = true)] object srcRange, [ExcelArgument(Description = "是否绝对引用返回引用的行部分,默认为否")] bool isRowAbsolute, [ExcelArgument(Description = "是否绝对引用返回引用的列部分,默认为否")] bool isColumnAbsolute) { IExcel.Range excelRange = null; if (srcRange is ExcelMissing) { excelRange = Common.ExcelApp.ActiveCell; } else { ExcelReference excelReference = srcRange as ExcelReference; if (excelReference != null) { excelRange = excelReference.ToPiaRange(); } else { return(ExcelError.ExcelErrorRef); } } return(excelRange.Address[isRowAbsolute, isColumnAbsolute]); }
private static void WriteData(SheetHelper excelWriter, ExcelReference reference) { try { if (excelWriter.ConfirmedOverwrite == false) { Common.StatusBar.AddMessage(Locale.English.WarningOverwriteNotAccepted); } else { var range = Tools.ReferenceToRange(reference); ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro(() => { excelWriter.PopulateData(range); Common.StatusBar.AddMessage(Locale.English.UdfDataWritingSuccess); }); } } catch (Exception e) { Common.StatusBar.AddMessage(Locale.English.UdfCompleteError); Common.HandlePotentialQuandlError(e, false); } }
/// <summary> /// 单元格范围地址 /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string Address(this ExcelReference range) { string sheetName = range.SheetNameLocal(); return($"{sheetName}!{range.AddressLocal()}"); }
/// <summary> /// 返回给定<see cref="ExcelReference"/>是否为单一单元格 /// </summary> /// <param name="reference"></param> /// <returns></returns> private static bool IsSingleCell(this ExcelReference reference) { return(reference.ColumnFirst == reference.ColumnLast && reference.RowFirst == reference.RowLast); }
/// <summary> /// 单元格所在 工作表 本地名称,不包括 Workbook 名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SheetNameLocal(this ExcelReference range) { string sheetName = range.SheetName(); return(sheetName.Substring(sheetName.IndexOf(']') + 1)); }
public static string WorkbookName(this ExcelReference range) { return((string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 66, range)); }
public static object Resize(object[,] array) { ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference; return(Resize(array, caller)); }
public static void ExportXmlMappedListToHDF5() { String sFileName = "test.h5"; ExcelReference selection = null; MOIE.Application ma = null; MOIE.Range mr = null; MOIE.XmlMap aXmlMap = null; MOIE.ListObject aListObject = null; RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD = null; //using isContinuing instead of throwing on last steps Boolean isContinuing = true; try { selection = (ExcelReference)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfSelection); ma = (ExcelDnaUtil.Application as MOIE.Application); mr = ma.Evaluate(XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfReftext, selection, true)) as MOIE.Range; try { aListObject = mr.ListObject; aXmlMap = aListObject.XmlMap; } catch (Exception) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error: could not pull XmlMap from selection"); } aRecordSetMD = new RecordSetMD(RecordSetMDEnums.eMode.Internal) .cAs(RecordSetMDEnums.eType.HDF5, RecordSetMDEnums.eSchemaType.XSD) ; aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema = new XmlDocument(); aRecordSetMD.SchemaMatter.InputSchema.LoadXml(aXmlMap.Schemas.Item[1].XML); MessageBoxButtons msgboxbuttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; DialogResult msgboxresponse = MessageBox.Show("Write HDF5 file from XmlMap'd ListObject of selection?", "Confirm", msgboxbuttons); isContinuing = (isContinuing && msgboxresponse == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Yes); if (isContinuing) { using (SaveFileDialog aSaveFileDialog = new SaveFileDialog()) { aSaveFileDialog.InitialDirectory = ma.ActiveWorkbook.Path; aSaveFileDialog.Filter = "HDF5 Files (*.h5)|*.h5|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; aSaveFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; aSaveFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; aSaveFileDialog.FileName = sFileName; aSaveFileDialog.AddExtension = true; //aSaveFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; aSaveFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; aSaveFileDialog.Title = "Export XmlMap'd ListObject to HDF5 (*.h5) File...."; if (aSaveFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { sFileName = aSaveFileDialog.FileName; if (!sFileName.ToLower().EndsWith(".h5")) { sFileName += ".h5"; } } else { isContinuing = false; } } } if (isContinuing) { aRecordSetMD .cToFile(sFileName) .cWithDataSetName("RecordSet") .mReadMapFor(null, null, true); int nColumns = aRecordSetMD.nColumns(); if (aListObject.ListColumns.Count != nColumns) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("ListObject Column Count Does Not Match Schema Node List Count!"); } aRecordSetMD.HDF5Matter.mWriteRecordSet(aRecordSetMD, aListObject); } } catch (com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException e) { MessageBox.Show(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException we = new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Error in ExportXmlMappedListToHDF5 to " + sFileName, e); MessageBox.Show(we.getMessage()); } finally { selection = null; aListObject = null; aXmlMap = null; mr = null; ma = null; if (aRecordSetMD != null) { aRecordSetMD.Dispose(); } aRecordSetMD = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } return; }
public ExcelPrecedent(ExcelReference reference, ExcelFormula parentFormula, string parentFormulaSrc, ExcelReference parentReference) { reference_ = reference; parentFormula_ = parentFormula; parentFormulaSrc_ = parentFormulaSrc; parentReference_ = parentReference; }
public MyDialog(ExcelReference sheetReference) { this.LoadViewFromUri("/MyApp;component/mynamespace/mydialog.xaml"); }
static void EnqueueResize(ExcelReference caller, int rows, int columns) { ExcelReference target = new ExcelReference(caller.RowFirst, caller.RowFirst + rows - 1, caller.ColumnFirst, caller.ColumnFirst + columns - 1, caller.SheetId); ResizeJobs.Enqueue(target); }
/// <summary> /// 获取指定单元格是否包含公式 /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static bool HasFormula(this ExcelReference range) { var formula = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 41, range); return(!string.IsNullOrEmpty(formula)); }
public Precedents(ExcelReference src) { src_ = src; }
public static T GetValue <T>(this ExcelReference range) { return(range.GetValue().ConvertTo <T>()); }
// TODO Handle INDIRECT, etc. // TODO Static cache (string-ExcelFormula). // TODO Fix for R1C1 mode. // TODO Fix external references. private IEnumerable <ExcelPrecedent> GetPrecedents(ExcelReference reference) { List <ExcelPrecedent> items; if (cache_.TryGetValue(reference, out items)) { foreach (var item in items) { yield return(item); foreach (var p in GetPrecedents(item.Reference)) { yield return(p); } } } else { bool isFormula = (bool)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 48, reference); if (isFormula) { string formula = (string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 6, reference); ExcelFormula excelFormula = new ExcelFormula(formula); foreach (var token in excelFormula) { if (token.Type == ExcelFormulaTokenType.Operand && token.Subtype == ExcelFormulaTokenSubtype.Range) { //if (isRCmode) //{ // var regex = new Regex( // @"^=(?:(?<Sheet>[^!]+)!)?(?:R((?<RAbs>\d+)|(?<RRel>\[-?\d+\]))C((?<CAbs>\d+)|(?<CRel>\[-?\d+\]))){1,2}$", // RegexOptions.Compiled | RegexOptions.IgnoreCase); // if (regex.IsMatch(formula)) // { // throw new NotSupportedException(); // } //} var range = token.Value; Match rangeMatch = rangeRegex_.Match(range); var col1 = ExcelAColumnToInt(rangeMatch.Groups["Col1"].Value) - 1; var row1 = Int32.Parse(rangeMatch.Groups["Row1"].Value) - 1; Group sheetGroup = rangeMatch.Groups["Sheet"]; var sheetName = sheetGroup.Success ? sheetGroup.Value : null; int col2 = col1; int row2 = row1; if (rangeMatch.Groups["Col2"].Success) { col2 = ExcelAColumnToInt(rangeMatch.Groups["Col2"].Value) - 1; row2 = Int32.Parse(rangeMatch.Groups["Row2"].Value) - 1; } for (int col = col1; col <= col2; col++) { for (int row = row1; row <= row2; row++) { ExcelReference precedantRef; if (sheetName == null) { precedantRef = new ExcelReference(row, row, col, col, reference.SheetId); } else { precedantRef = new ExcelReference(row, row, col, col, sheetName); } ExcelPrecedent newPrecedent = new ExcelPrecedent( precedantRef, excelFormula, formula, reference); AddToCache(reference, newPrecedent); yield return(newPrecedent); foreach (var nestedPrecedant in GetPrecedents(precedantRef)) { yield return(nestedPrecedant); } } } } } } } }
/// <summary> /// 下方 下一个单元格 不包括当前单元格 /// 遇到空单元格结束 /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static IEnumerable <ExcelReference> NextRows(this ExcelReference range) { return(range.NextRows(1)); }
public static void ImportHDF5CompoundDS() { String sFileName = "test.h5"; ExcelReference selection = null; MOIE.Application tapp = null; MOIE.Workbook twb = null; MOIE.Sheets twbSheets = null; MOIE.Worksheet tws = null; MOIE.Range tblr = null; MOIE.Range trng = null; MOIE.Range trng2 = null; MOIE.ListObject tbl = null; tapp = (ExcelDnaUtil.Application as MOIE.Application); Boolean screenupdating_prior = tapp.ScreenUpdating; MOIE.XlCalculation calculation_prior = tapp.Calculation; RecordSetMD aRecordSetMD = null; RecordSet aRecordSet = null; //using isContinuing instead of throwing on last steps Boolean isContinuing = true; try { //tapp.ScreenUpdating = false; tapp.Calculation = MOIE.XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual; int i, iP1, ii, iiP1, j, jP1, jj, jjP1; using (OpenFileDialog aOpenFileDialog = new OpenFileDialog()) { aOpenFileDialog.InitialDirectory = tapp.ActiveWorkbook.Path; aOpenFileDialog.Filter = "HDF5 Files (*.h5)|*.h5|All Files (*.*)|*.*"; aOpenFileDialog.FilterIndex = 1; aOpenFileDialog.RestoreDirectory = true; aOpenFileDialog.CheckPathExists = true; aOpenFileDialog.CheckFileExists = true; aOpenFileDialog.FileName = sFileName; aOpenFileDialog.AddExtension = true; aOpenFileDialog.Title = "Import compound data from HDF5 (*.h5) File...."; if (aOpenFileDialog.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { sFileName = aOpenFileDialog.FileName; } else { isContinuing = false; } } if (isContinuing) { String hDSPath = tapp.InputBox("Input path (with or without initial root /), if left as \"/\" and there is only 1 data set, that is used", "HDF5 path to dataset in file", "/"); aRecordSetMD = new RecordSetMD(RecordSetMDEnums.eMode.Input) .cAs(RecordSetMDEnums.eType.HDF5) .cFromFile(sFileName) .cWithDataSetName(hDSPath) .mReadMapFor(null, null, true) ; aRecordSet = new RecordSet() .cAsInput() .mReadRecordSet(aRecordSetMD) ; MessageBoxButtons msgboxbuttons = MessageBoxButtons.YesNoCancel; DialogResult msgboxresponse; msgboxresponse = MessageBox.Show("Write to a new sheet (Yes) or point to cell for the upper left corder (No)?", "Confirm", msgboxbuttons); if (msgboxresponse == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.Cancel) { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Cancel"); } if (msgboxresponse == System.Windows.Forms.DialogResult.No) { try { selection = (ExcelReference)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfSelection); trng = tapp.Evaluate(XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfReftext, selection, true)) as MOIE.Range; trng2 = tapp.InputBox("Enter cell address (navigable)", "Output Location", trng.Address.ToString(), 100, 100, "", 0, 8) as MOIE.Range; trng = null; tws = trng2.Parent; twb = tws.Parent; } catch { throw new com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException("Cancel"); } } else { twb = tapp.ActiveWorkbook; twbSheets = twb.Sheets; tws = twbSheets.Add(); twbSheets = null; trng2 = tws.Cells[1, 1]; try { tws.Name = aRecordSetMD.HDF5Matter.DSName; } catch (Exception e) { String s = tapp.InputBox("Cannot name sheet to " + aRecordSetMD.HDF5Matter.DSName, "New Sheet Name", "Leave-As-Is", 100, 100, ""); if (!s.Equals("Leave-As-Is")) { try { tws.Name = s; } catch (Exception) { } } } } int nRows = aRecordSet.Records.Count; int nColumns = aRecordSetMD.nColumns(); tapp.ScreenUpdating = false; tapp.Calculation = MOIE.XlCalculation.xlCalculationManual; for (jj = 0, jjP1 = 1; jj < nColumns; jj++, jjP1++) { trng2.Offset[0, jj].Value2 = aRecordSetMD.Column[jj].Name; for (i = 0, iP1 = 1; i < nRows; i++, iP1++) { trng2.Offset[iP1, jj].Value2 = aRecordSet.Records_Orig[i][jj]; } } tblr = tws.Range[trng2, trng2.Offset[nRows, nColumns - 1]]; tbl = (MOIE.ListObject)tws.ListObjects.AddEx(MOIE.XlListObjectSourceType.xlSrcRange, tblr, null, MOIE.XlYesNoGuess.xlYes); } } catch (com.WDataSci.WDS.WDSException e) { if (tapp.ScreenUpdating != screenupdating_prior) { tapp.ScreenUpdating = screenupdating_prior; } MessageBox.Show(e.getMessage()); } catch (Exception e) { if (tapp.ScreenUpdating != screenupdating_prior) { tapp.ScreenUpdating = screenupdating_prior; } MessageBox.Show(e.Message); } finally { if (tapp.ScreenUpdating != screenupdating_prior) { tapp.ScreenUpdating = screenupdating_prior; } if (tapp.Calculation != calculation_prior) { tapp.Calculation = calculation_prior; } //Queuing up for GC selection = null; if (aRecordSetMD != null) { aRecordSetMD.Dispose(); } aRecordSetMD = null; if (aRecordSet != null) { aRecordSet.Dispose(); } aRecordSet = null; tapp = null; twb = null; twbSheets = null; tws = null; trng = null; trng2 = null; tblr = null; tbl = null; GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); GC.Collect(); GC.WaitForPendingFinalizers(); } return; }
/// <summary> /// 获取 单元格所在 工作表的 名称 /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SheetRef(this ExcelReference range) { return((string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfGetCell, 62, range)); }
public static object[,] GetHistoricalDataFromYahoo( [ExcelArgument("Yahoo Ticker")] string ticker, [ExcelArgument("From Date")] DateTime fromDate, [ExcelArgument("To Date")] DateTime toDate) { var begin = fromDate; var end = toDate; var yahooURL = @"" + ticker + @"&a=" + (begin.Month - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&b=" + begin.Day.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&c=" + begin.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&d=" + (end.Month - 1).ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&e=" + end.Day.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&f=" + end.Year.ToString(CultureInfo.InvariantCulture) + @"&g=d&ignore=.csv"; // string historicalData; // var webConnection = new WebClient(); // try // { // historicalData = webConnection.DownloadString(yahooURL); // } // catch (WebException ex) // { // throw new Exception("Unable to download the data! Check your Internet Connection!", ex); // } // finally // { // webConnection.Dispose(); // } // // historicalData = historicalData.Replace("\r", string.Empty); // var rows = historicalData.Split('\n'); // var headings = rows[0].Split(','); var rnd = new Random(); var excelData = new object[10, 5]; for (var i = 0; i < 5; ++i) { excelData[0, i] = i.ToWords(); } for (var i = 1; i < 10; ++i) { for (var j = 0; j < 5; ++j) { excelData[i, j] = rnd.Next(1, 10000); } } // for (var i = 1; i < rows.Length; ++i) // { // var thisRow = rows[i].Split(','); // if (thisRow.Length == headings.Length) // { // excelData[i, 0] = DateTime.Parse(thisRow[0]); // for (var j = 1; j < headings.Length; ++j) // { // excelData[i, j] = double.Parse(thisRow[j]); // } // } // } ExcelReference caller = XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlfCaller) as ExcelReference; ExcelAsyncUtil.QueueAsMacro(() => { ArrayResizer.Resize(excelData, caller); }); return(excelData); }
/// <summary> /// 单元格所在 工作表名称,包括 Workbook 名称 /// [BookName]SheetName /// </summary> /// <param name="range"></param> /// <returns></returns> public static string SheetName(this ExcelReference range) { return((string)XlCall.Excel(XlCall.xlSheetNm, range)); }