public List <PersonalExcelLayout> getPersonalDatos(String rutaDelArchivoExcel) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(rutaDelArchivoExcel); book.DatabaseEngine = DatabaseEngine.Ace; book.ReadOnly = true; var artistAlbums = from a in book.Worksheet("datos") select a; foreach (var a in artistAlbums) { string artistInfo = "Artist Name: {0}; Album: {1}"; Console.WriteLine(string.Format(artistInfo, a["Nombre"], a["ApellidoMaterno"])); } var datos = (from row in book.Worksheet("datos") let item = new PersonalExcelLayout { nombre = row["Nombre"].Cast <String>(), apellidoMaterno = row["ApellidoMaterno"].Cast <String>(), apellidoPaterno = row["ApellidoPaterno"].Cast <String>(), edad = row["Edad"].Cast <int>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(datos); }
public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatosPlanServicio(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("PlanesDeServicio") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Contrasenia = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>(), NombrePlan = row["NombrePlan"].Cast <string>(), CostoPlan = row["CostoPlan"].Cast <string>(), Descripcion = row["Descripcion"].Cast <string>(), ConsutltaReporte = row["ConsutltaReporte"].Cast <string>(), ConsultaAlertas = row["ConsultaAlertas"].Cast <string>(), ServicioTarjeta = row["ServicioTarjeta"].Cast <string>(), Tipo = row["Tipo"].Cast <string>(), NombreAnterior = row["NombreAnterior"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch vehicle information based on a specific version /// </summary> /// <param name="versao"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static Car FetchCar(Version versao) { ExcelQueryFactory excel = null; Car viatura = null; try { excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelSpreadSheet); viatura = (Car)((from c in excel.Worksheet <Car>(workSheet) where c.BrandDescription == versao.BrandDescription.Trim() && c.ModelDescription == versao.ModelDescription.Trim() && c.VersionDescription == versao.VersionDescription.Trim() select c).FirstOrDefault()); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); throw new System.IO.IOException("Problems reading the excel file."); } finally { if (excel != null) { excel.Dispose(); } } return(viatura); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch versions available for a specific model /// </summary> /// <param name="modelo"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static List <Version> FetchVersions(Model modelo) { ExcelQueryFactory excel = null; List <Version> versoes = null; try { excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelSpreadSheet); versoes = new List <Version>(from c in excel.Worksheet <Version>(workSheet) where c.BrandDescription == modelo.BrandDescription.Trim() && c.ModelDescription == modelo.ModelDescription.Trim() select c).ToList(); versoes = new List <Version>(versoes.Distinct()); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); throw new System.IO.IOException("Problems reading the excel file."); } finally { if (excel != null) { excel.Dispose(); } } return(versoes); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch models available on the excel file /// </summary> /// <param name="marca"></param> /// <returns></returns> internal static List <Model> FetchModels(Brand marca) { ExcelQueryFactory excel = null; List <Model> modelos = null; try { excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelSpreadSheet); modelos = new List <Model>(from c in excel.Worksheet <Model>(workSheet) where c.BrandDescription == marca.BrandDescription.Trim() select c).ToList(); modelos = new List <Model>(modelos.Distinct()); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); throw new System.IO.IOException("Problems reading the excel file."); } finally { if (excel != null) { excel.Dispose(); } } return(modelos); }
/// <summary> /// Fetch brands available in the excel file /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> internal static List <Brand> FetchBrands() { ExcelQueryFactory excel = null; List <Brand> marcas = null; try { excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(excelSpreadSheet); marcas = new List <Brand>(from c in excel.Worksheet <Brand>(workSheet) select c).ToList(); marcas = new List <Brand>(marcas.Distinct()); } catch (Exception exception) { Console.WriteLine(exception.Message); throw new System.IO.IOException("Problems reading the excel file."); } finally { if (excel != null) { excel.Dispose(); } } return(marcas); }
public List <EntidadHojaExcel> ToEntidadHojaExcel(string pathDelFicheroExcel) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathDelFicheroExcel); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Hoja1") let item = new EntidadHojaExcel { codigo_producto = no_null(row["Código de Producto"].Cast <string>()), nombre_producto = no_null(row["Nombre"].Cast <string>()), marca = no_null(row["Marca"].Cast <string>()), valor_compra = Convert.ToDecimal(no_null(row["Precio de compra"].Cast <string>())), valor_venta = Convert.ToDecimal(no_null(row["Precio de venta"].Cast <string>())), valor_mayorista = Convert.ToDecimal(no_null(row["Precio mayorista"].Cast <string>())), fecha_introduccion = DateTime.Today, fecha_vencimiento = Convert.ToDateTime(no_null(row["Fecha de vencimiento"].Cast <string>())), stock = Convert.ToInt32(no_null(row["Stock"].Cast <string>())), stock_minimo = Convert.ToInt32(no_null(row["Stock mínimo"].Cast <string>())), descripcion = no_null(row["Descripción"].Cast <string>()), proveedor = no_null(row["Proveedor"].Cast <string>()), categoria = no_null(row["Categoría"].Cast <string>()) } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public void Inicia() { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(@"Formato ABB.xlsx"); var nombres = book.GetWorksheetNames(); //var nom = book.Worksheet("Layout").ToList(); var nom5 = book.Worksheet("Layout"); var item = book.Worksheet("Layout").ToList(); string nombre = ""; nombre = item[1][8]; int i = 20; do { Console.WriteLine(item[i][1]); i++; } while (item[i][6] != "Product Total"); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(item[1][8])) { } //var fecha = DateTime.ParseExact(item[6][7], "dd/MM/dd", CultureInfo.InvariantCulture); nombre = item[2][1]; //nom.AddRange(new List<Row>(){new Row(){new Cell("Layout") }}); //book.Worksheet("Reporte").data book.Dispose(); //foreach (var n in nom) //{ //} //foreach (var name in nombres) //{ // var hoja = book.Worksheet(name); // var nominas = hoja.ToList(); // try // { // } // catch (Exception e) // { // Console.WriteLine(e); // } //} book.Dispose(); }
public IEnumerable <string> getSheetsName(string filePath) { string patchToexcelFile = "" + @filePath; ExcelQueryFactory excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(patchToexcelFile); var months = excelFile.GetWorksheetNames(); excelFile.Dispose(); return(months); }
public List <Persona> ToEntidadNoHeader(string path) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(path); var resultado = (from row in book.WorksheetRangeNoHeader("A6", "AD38") let item = new Persona { Id = row[0].Cast <string>(), Nombre = row[1].Cast <string>(), Apellido = row[2].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
//Metodo que lee y parsea el archivo excel public List <EntidadHojaExcel> ToEntidadHojaExcelList(string pathDelFicheroExcel) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathDelFicheroExcel); //estamos buscando la ubicacion del archivo var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Hoja1") //tomamos la 1erHoja let item = new EntidadHojaExcel { Id = row["Id"].ToString(), Nombre = row["Nombre"].ToString(), Apellido = row["Apellido"].ToString() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); //cierra y libera la conexion con el archivo return(resultado); //devolvemos el resultado }
public List<Client> ToEntidadHojaExcelList(HttpPostedFileBase pathDelFicheroExcel) { string archivoruta = @"C:\ArchivosSGR\" + pathDelFicheroExcel.FileName; var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(archivoruta); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Hoja1") let item = new Client { Serie = row["SERIE"].Cast<string>(), Macaddress1 = row["MACADDRESS2"].Cast<string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return resultado; }
public List <Persona> ToEntidadHojaExelList(string path) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(path); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet(workSheetName) let item = new Persona { Id = row["Id"].Cast <string>(), Nombre = row["Nombre"].Cast <string>(), Apellido = row["Apellido"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
private List <Fijos> ToEntidadHojaExcelList(string pathDelFicheroExcel) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathDelFicheroExcel); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("propsat") let item = new Fijos { v = row["s"].Cast <double>(), s = row["s"].Cast <double>(), h = row["h"].Cast <double>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
/**************************************************************/ //CARGA DE DATOS DE CLIENTES - INDIVIDUOS /**************************************************************/ #region CARGA DE DATOS DE CLIENTES - INDIVIDUOS public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatosClientes(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Clientes") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Contrasenia = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>(), ApPaterno = row["ApellidoPaterno"].Cast <string>(), ApMaterno = row["ApellidoMaterno"].Cast <string>(), PrimerNombre = row["PrimerNombre"].Cast <string>(), SegudoNombre = row["SegundoNombre"].Cast <string>(), FechaNacimiento = row["FechaNacimiento"].Cast <string>(), CorreoElectronico = row["CorreoElectronico"].Cast <string>(), CorreoElectronicoAlterno = row["CorreoElectronicoAlterno"].Cast <string>(), RFC = row["RFC"].Cast <string>(), CURP = row["CURP"].Cast <string>(), TelefonoCasa = row["TelefonoCasa"].Cast <string>(), TelefonoCelular = row["TelefonoCelular"].Cast <string>(), Calle = row["Calle"].Cast <string>(), CodigoPostal = row["CodigoPostal"].Cast <string>(), Estado = row["Estado"].Cast <string>(), Ciudad = row["Ciudad"].Cast <string>(), Delegacion = row["Delegacion"].Cast <string>(), Colonia = row["Colonia"].Cast <string>(), //SeleccionarPlan = row["SeleccionaPlan"].Cast<string>(), // AGREGAR NUEVA FORMA DE PAGO //ClienteFormaPagoAgregarNueva = row[""].Cast<string>(), PlanContratado = row ["PlanContratado"].Cast <string>(), FormaPagoNumeroTarjeta = row["NumeroTarjeta"].Cast <string>(), FormaPagoVencimientoMM = row["VencimientoMM"].Cast <string>(), FormaPagoVencimientoAA = row["VencimientoAA"].Cast <string>(), FormaPagoCVV = row["PagoCVV"].Cast <string>(), FormaPagoNombreDuenioTarjeta = row["NombreDuenioTarjeta"].Cast <string>() //ClienteFormaPagoBotonAgregar = row[""].Cast<string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public List <WebDriversComponentes.YellowBoxObjetos> CargaDatosPrueba(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("UsuariosEscuela") let item = new WebDriversComponentes.YellowBoxObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Password = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public List<CreacionEquiposModels> ToEntidadHojaExcelList(HttpPostedFileBase pathDelFicheroExcel) { string archivoruta = @"C:\ArchivosSGR\" + pathDelFicheroExcel.FileName; var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(archivoruta); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Hoja1") let item = new CreacionEquiposModels { Serie = row["SERIE"].Cast<string>(), Macaddress1 = row["MACADDRESS2"].Cast<string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); int empresaUsuario = int.Parse(HttpContext.Session["_SessionEmpresa"].ToString()); ViewData["EmpresaUsuario"] = empresaUsuario; return resultado; }
///Mati: Code for Upload ID´s to Ignore Button private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ofd.ShowDialog() == DialogResult.OK) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(ofd.FileName); List <IgnoreId> IgnoreIdsob = (from row in book.Worksheet("Accounts") let item = new IgnoreId { accounts = row[0].ToString() } select item).ToList(); IgnoreIds = (from o in IgnoreIdsob select o.accounts).ToList(); book.Dispose(); label5.Text = "File Uploaded: Yes"; } }
public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatos(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("UsuariosPortal") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Contrasenia = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>(), Rol = row["Rol"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
/********* * Function: cmGetCellNames * Parameters: none * Returns: cmCell array of cells read from allCells.xlsx file * Operation Summary: * Read the xlsx file and edit Huawei cells to cellVendorType Huawei and then return the array *********/ public static cmCell[] cmGetCellNames() { //Opening allCells.xlsx file with read-only mode and mapping to the cmCell Class var cellNamesFile = new ExcelQueryFactory("excelFiles/allCells.xlsx"); cellNamesFile.ReadOnly = true; cellNamesFile.UsePersistentConnection = true; cellNamesFile.AddMapping <cmCell>(x => x.cellName, "Cell"); cmCell[] cellNames; //the try and catch is for closing connection for allCells.xlsx file try { //Get the Huawei cell names from the file and change to array var cellNamesHuawei = (from x in cellNamesFile.Worksheet <cmCell>("HU Cells") where x.cellName != "" select x).ToArray <cmCell>(); //Get the Ericsson cell names from the file and change to array var cellNamesEricsson = (from x in cellNamesFile.Worksheet <cmCell>("ER Cells") where x.cellName != "" select x).ToArray <cmCell>(); //Change the vendor type for Huawei cells to Huawei as the default vendor type for no-parameters cmCell constructor is Ericsson for (int i = 0; i < cellNamesHuawei.Length; i++) { cellNamesHuawei[i].cellVendor = cellVendorType.Huawei; } //Make Ericsson cell names all uppercase for (int i = 0; i < cellNamesEricsson.Length; i++) { cellNamesEricsson[i].cellName = cellNamesEricsson[i].cellName.ToUpper(); } //Concatinate the two arrays cellNames = new cmCell[cellNamesEricsson.Length + cellNamesHuawei.Length]; cellNamesEricsson.CopyTo(cellNames, 0); cellNamesHuawei.CopyTo(cellNames, cellNamesEricsson.Length); } finally { //Close connection cellNamesFile.Dispose(); } return(cellNames); }
private void nhapttlop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); string pathToExcelFile = "" + @openFileDialog1.FileName; string sheetName = "Sheet1"; var excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathToExcelFile); var docexcel = from a in excelFile.Worksheet <Lop>(sheetName) select a; foreach (var a in docexcel) { Lop lop = new Lop(); lop.addlop(a.Malop, a.Tenlop, a.Makhoa); } MessageBox.Show("Đã đọc file excel thành công"); excelFile.Dispose(); }
/**************************************************************/ //CARGA DE DATOS DE CLIENTES - EMPRESA /**************************************************************/ #region CARGA DE DATOS DE CLIENTES - EMPRESA public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatosEmpresa(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Empresa") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { EmpresaNombre = row["EmpresaNombre"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaDireccion = row["EmpresaDireccion"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaTipoEmpresa = row["EmpresaTipoEmpresa"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaTipoBanco = row["EmpresaTipoBanco"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaRFC = row["EmpresaRFC"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaNombreContatoUno = row["EmpresaNombreContatoUno"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaCorreoContatoUno = row["EmpresaCorreoContatoUno"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaTelefonoContatoUno = row["EmpresaTelefonoContatoUno"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaNombreContatoDos = row["EmpresaNombreContatoDos"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaCorreoContatoDos = row["EmpresaCorreoContatoDos"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaTelefonoContatoDos = row["EmpresaTelefonoContatoDos"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaNombreContatoTres = row["EmpresaNombreContatoTres"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaCorreoContatoTres = row["EmpresaCorreoContatoTres"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaTelefonoContatoTres = row["EmpresaTelefonoContatoTres"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaNotas = row["EmpresaNotas"].Cast <string>(), // SECCION DE CLIENTES - CONSULTA EMPRESAS EmpresaCampoBusquedaEmpresa = row["EmpresaCampoBusquedaEmpresa"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaCampoBusquedaContacto = row["EmpresaCampoBusquedaContacto"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaFiltroTipoEmpresa = row["EmpresaFiltroTipoEmpresa"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaFiltroTipoBanco = row["EmpresaFiltroTipoBanco"].Cast <string>(), // SECCION GENERAR CÓDIGOS DE ACTIVACIÓN - EMPRESAS EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionCodigoFijo = row["CodigoFijo"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionCantidadClaves = row["CantidadClaves"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionTipoPlan = row["TipoPlan"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionServicioDesde = row["ServicioDesde"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionServicioHasta = row["ServicioHasta"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionCodigoMovil = row["CodigoMovil"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionActivarAntesDel = row["ActivarAntesDel"].Cast <string>(), EmpresaGenerarCodigosActivacionPeriodoVigencia = row["PeriodoVigencia"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public List <CamposXls> leerArchivoRespuesta(string dNumLote) { //LEER DATOS DENTRO DE XLS //string xls = @"C:\Users\Luis\Documents\"+ dNumLote+".xls"; string xls = @"C:\Users\Luis\Documents\" + dNumLote + ".xls"; //ExcelQueryFactory book = new ExcelQueryFactory(dArchivo); var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(xls); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Resultado") let item = new CamposXls { Archivo = row["ARCHIVO"], Estatus = row["ESTATUS"], Descripcion = row["DESCRIPCION"] //Folio = row["FOLIOCONTROL"] } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public List <IQueryable <Daftarcs> > getDataFromFile(string filePath) { try { List <IQueryable <Daftarcs> > excelData = new List <IQueryable <Daftarcs> >(); string patchToexcelFile = "" + @filePath; ExcelQueryFactory excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(patchToexcelFile); var months = excelFile.GetWorksheetNames(); foreach (var month in months) { var colname = getColumnsName(month, excelFile).ToList(); excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.CodeBudget, colname[0]); //کد بودجه excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.DepositOwnerDetail, colname[1].ToString()); //مشخصات صاحب سپرده excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.AccountType, colname[2].ToString()); //نوع حساب excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.PlaceName, colname[3].ToString()); //عنوان واحد ثبتی excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.BillDetailCode, colname[4].ToString()); //شماره قبض سپرده excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.Date, colname[5].ToString()); //تاریخ excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.DepositDetail, colname[6].ToString()); //کد مشخصات سپرده excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.Deposit, colname[7].ToString()); //واریزی excelFile.AddMapping <Daftarcs>(x => x.Refund, colname[8].ToString()); //استرداد var monthData = from a in excelFile.WorksheetRange <Daftarcs>("A2", "J1000", month.ToString()) select a; excelData.Add(monthData); } excelFile.Dispose(); return(excelData); } catch (ArgumentException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.Message); throw; } }
private void btnleer_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string rutaexel = Application.StartupPath + "\\Datos.xlsx"; var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(rutaexel); var rs = (from row in book.Worksheet("hoja1") let item = new Person { Id = row[0].Cast <int>(), nombre = row[1].Cast <string>(), apellido = row[2].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); tbDatos.Text = "Datos de archivo " + Environment.NewLine; foreach (var it in rs) { tbDatos.Text += it.Id + " " + it.nombre + " " + it.apellido + Environment.NewLine; } dgvExel.DataSource = rs; dgvExel.AutoSizeColumnsMode = DataGridViewAutoSizeColumnsMode.Fill; }
//Metodo para extraer la informacion del excel para los casos de prueba de Notificaciones. public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatosNotificaciones(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Notificaciones") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Contrasenia = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>(), Mensaje = row["Mensaje"].Cast <string>(), Destinatario = row["Destinatario"].Cast <string>(), FechaEnvio = row["FechaEnvio"].Cast <string>(), HoraEnvio = row["HoraEnvio"].Cast <string>(), TipoPrueba = row["TipoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
public List <EntidadHojaExcel> ToEntidadHojaExcelList(string pathDelFicheroExcel) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathDelFicheroExcel); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("BDD") let item = new EntidadHojaExcel { nro_recepcion = no_null(row["Nro de recepción"].Cast <string>()), fecha_recepcion = no_null(row["Fecha de recepción"].Cast <string>()), remitente = no_null(row["Remitente"].Cast <string>()), asunto = no_null(row["Asunto"].Cast <string>()), proveido = no_null(row["Proveído"].Cast <string>()), destinatario = no_null(row["Destinatario(s)"].Cast <string>()), prioridad = no_null(row["Prioridad"].Cast <string>()), fecha_recepcion_destinatario = no_null(row["Fecha recepción destinatario"].Cast <string>()), fecha_respuesta = no_null(row["Fecha de respuesta"].Cast <string>()), nro_cite_respuesta = no_null(row["Nro Cite Respuesta"].Cast <string>()), concluido = no_null(row["¿Concluido?"].Cast <string>()) } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
//Metodo para extraer la informacion del excel para los casos de prueba de Preguntas Frecuentes. public List <Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos> CargaDatosPreguntasFrecuentes(string pathFichero) { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathFichero); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("PreguntasFrecuentes") let item = new Comunes.InterproteccionObjetos { TestCase = row["CasoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), Usuario = row["Usuario"].Cast <string>(), Contrasenia = row["Password"].Cast <string>(), Url = row["Url"].Cast <string>(), ResultadoEsperado = row["ResultadoEsperado"].Cast <string>(), Navegador = row["Browser"].Cast <string>(), Categoria = row["Categoria"].Cast <string>(), Activar = row["Activar"].Cast <string>(), Pregunta = row["Pregunta"].Cast <string>(), Respuesta = row["Respuesta"].Cast <string>(), TipoPrueba = row["TipoPrueba"].Cast <string>(), PreguntaEditada = row["PreguntaEditada"].Cast <string>() } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return(resultado); }
private void nhapttlop_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { openFileDialog1.ShowDialog(); string pathToExcelFile = "" + @openFileDialog1.FileName; string sheetName = "Sheet1"; var excelFile = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathToExcelFile); var docexcel = from a in excelFile.Worksheet<Lop>(sheetName) select a; foreach (var a in docexcel) { Lop lop = new Lop(); lop.addlop(a.Malop, a.Tenlop, a.Makhoa); } MessageBox.Show("Đã đọc file excel thành công"); excelFile.Dispose(); }
private static void TestCase10_LinqToExcel() { // var table = ExcelQueryFactory.Worksheet("Info", Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Test.xlsx")); var excelQueryFactory = new ExcelQueryFactory(Path.Combine(Environment.GetFolderPath(Environment.SpecialFolder.Desktop), "Test.xlsx")) { UsePersistentConnection = true, ReadOnly = true, DatabaseEngine = DatabaseEngine.Ace, TrimSpaces = TrimSpacesType.Both, StrictMapping = StrictMappingType.Both }; var columnNames = excelQueryFactory.GetColumnNames("Info"); try { var infos = excelQueryFactory.Worksheet<Information>("Info").Where(p => p.Status == 1); var Num = excelQueryFactory.WorksheetRange("A3", "B103", "Sheet1"); } finally { excelQueryFactory.Dispose(); } }
private void iconButton3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { string nombre; foreach (string g in Modulo.listaFinal) { nombre = Modulo.RutaGuardado + "\\" + g + ".dwg"; File.Copy(Modulo.RutaAutocad, nombre, true); } List <Ejecucion> listaEjecucion = new List <Ejecucion>(); Ejecucion ejecucion; foreach (Localidades k in Modulo.matrizRaiz) { foreach (string z in Modulo.listaFinal) { if (z == k.nombre_plano) { ejecucion = new Ejecucion(); ejecucion.loc =; ejecucion.ruta = k.nombre_plano; listaEjecucion.Add(ejecucion); } } } ejecucion = null; //inicializacion del autocad Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadApplication AcadApp = new AcadApplication(); Autodesk.AutoCAD.Interop.AcadDocument doc; AcadApp.Visible = true; string rutaAutocad; //creacion de los objetos en listas obExcel f = new obExcel(); IEnumerable <Vanos> vanos; IEnumerable <Postes> postes; IEnumerable <Luminarias> luminarias; IEnumerable <Subestaciones> subestaciones; IEnumerable <VistasC> vistasCajetines; IEnumerable <VistasD> vistasDibujo; IEnumerable <Layers> capas; IEnumerable <Cajetines> cajetienes; double[] pto = new double[3]; double[] pto2 = new double[3]; double[] pto3 = new double[3]; double[] pto4 = new double[3]; pto[2] = 0.0; pto2[2] = 0.0; pto3[2] = 0.0; pto4[2] = 0.0; AcadLine lin; AcadBlockReference block; AcadLayer layer; AcadPViewport vistaCajetin; AcadPViewport vistaPlano; AcadAcCmColor color = null; AcadDimAligned dim; AcadDimAligned con; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.17") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.18") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.19") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.20") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.21") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.22") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; try { color = AcadApp.GetInterfaceObject("AutoCAD.AcCmColor.23") as AcadAcCmColor; } catch { }; var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(Modulo.RutaExcel); listaEjecucion.Distinct <Ejecucion>(); foreach (Ejecucion loc in listaEjecucion) { rutaAutocad = Modulo.RutaGuardado + "\\" + loc.ruta + ".dwg"; doc = AcadApp.Documents.Open(rutaAutocad); vanos = f.VanosData(loc.loc, book); postes = f.PostesData(loc.loc, book); luminarias = f.LuminariasData(loc.loc, book); subestaciones = f.SubestacionesData(loc.loc, book); vistasCajetines = f.VistasCData(book); vistasDibujo = f.VistasDData(loc.loc, book); cajetienes = f.CajetinesData(loc.loc, book); capas = f.LayersData(book); foreach (Layers g in capas) { color.SetRGB(,,; layer = doc.Layers.Add(g.nombre_capa); layer.TrueColor = color; } //dibujamos los vanos if (VanosBox.Checked) { foreach (Vanos g in vanos) { pto[0] = g.x_inicial; pto[1] = g.y_inicial; pto2[0] = g.x_final; pto2[1] = g.y_final; pto3[0] = pto[0] / 2 + pto2[0] / 2; pto3[1] = pto[1] / 2 + pto2[1] / 2; lin = doc.ModelSpace.AddLine(pto, pto2); lin.Layer = "_AereoCond"; dim = doc.ModelSpace.AddDimAligned(pto, pto2, pto3); dim.StyleName = "ACOT-LP-FRANK"; dim.VerticalTextPosition = AcDimVerticalJustification.acAbove; dim.Layer = "_CotaCond"; con = doc.ModelSpace.AddDimAligned(pto, pto2, pto3); con.TextOverride = g.conductor; con.StyleName = "ACOT-LP-FRANK"; con.VerticalTextPosition = AcDimVerticalJustification.acUnder; con.Layer = "_TipoCond"; } } //metodo de postes if (Postesbox.Checked) { foreach (Postes g in postes) { pto[0] = g.x_poste; pto[1] = g.y_poste; block = doc.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(pto, g.bloque, 1, 1, 1, 0); block.Layer = "_Postes"; var blocAtri = block.GetAttributes(); blocAtri[0].TextString = g.altura; blocAtri[1].TextString = g.estado; blocAtri[2].TextString = g.material; blocAtri[3].TextString = g.cod_poste; } } //metodo de luminarias if (LumBox.Checked) { foreach (Luminarias g in luminarias) { pto[0] = g.x_luminaria; pto[1] = g.y_luminaria; block = doc.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(pto, "luminaria", 1, 1, 1, 0); block.Layer = "_Luminaria"; var blocAtri = block.GetAttributes(); blocAtri[0].TextString = g.potencia; blocAtri[1].TextString = g.altura; blocAtri[2].TextString = g.codigo_luminaria; } } //metodo de subestaciones if (SedBox.Checked) { foreach (Subestaciones g in subestaciones) { pto[0] = g.x_subestacion; pto[1] = g.y_subestacion; block = doc.ModelSpace.InsertBlock(pto, g.bloque, 25, 25, 25, 0); block.Layer = "_Seds"; var blocAtri = block.GetAttributes(); blocAtri[0].TextString = g.potencia; blocAtri[1].TextString = g.codigo_subestacion; } } //metodo de creacion de vistas en cajetines if (CajBox.Checked) { foreach (VistasC g in vistasCajetines) { pto[0] = g.x_centro; pto[1] = g.y_centro; pto2[0] = g.x_inicial; pto2[1] = g.y_inicial; pto3[0] = g.x_final; pto3[1] = g.y_final; doc.ActiveSpace = AcActiveSpace.acPaperSpace; vistaCajetin = doc.PaperSpace.AddPViewport(pto, g.ancho, g.largo); vistaCajetin.Display(true); vistaCajetin.ViewportOn = true; doc.MSpace = true; AcadApp.ActiveDocument.ActivePViewport = vistaCajetin; AcadApp.ZoomWindow(pto2, pto3); doc.MSpace = false; } //metodo de creacion de vistas en planos foreach (VistasD g in vistasDibujo) { pto[0] = g.x_centro; pto[1] = g.y_centro; pto2[0] = g.x_inicial; pto2[1] = g.y_inicial; pto3[0] = g.x_final; pto3[1] = g.y_final; doc.ActiveSpace = AcActiveSpace.acPaperSpace; vistaPlano = doc.PaperSpace.AddPViewport(pto, g.ancho, g.largo); vistaPlano.Display(true); vistaPlano.ViewportOn = true; doc.MSpace = true; AcadApp.ActiveDocument.ActivePViewport = vistaPlano; AcadApp.ZoomWindow(pto2, pto3); doc.MSpace = false; } //metodo de cajetines foreach (Cajetines g in cajetienes) { pto[0] = 0; pto[1] = 0; block = doc.PaperSpace.InsertBlock(pto, "cajetin", 1, 1, 1, 0); block.Layer = "_MarcoPlano"; var blocAtri = block.GetAttributes(); blocAtri[0].TextString = g.escala; blocAtri[1].TextString = g.fecha; blocAtri[2].TextString = g.plano; blocAtri[3].TextString = g.n_expediente; blocAtri[4].TextString = g.departamento; blocAtri[5].TextString = g.provincia; blocAtri[6].TextString = g.distrito; blocAtri[7].TextString = g.revisado; blocAtri[8].TextString = g.aprobado; blocAtri[9].TextString = g.dibujado; blocAtri[10].TextString = g.anexo; } } doc.Save(); doc.Close(); } book.Dispose(); AcadApp.Quit(); }
public Tuple <string, string> ProcessingForMergingDataForExpressway(string filePathWithName) { string[] filePathArr = filePathWithName.Split(new char[] { '\\' }); string fileName = filePathArr[(filePathArr.Length - 1)]; string folderPath = filePathWithName.Remove(filePathWithName.Length - fileName.Length); var excel = new ExcelQueryFactory(filePathWithName); var worksheetNames = excel.GetWorksheetNames(); // To find the list of sheets List <string> sheetNameList = new List <string>(); foreach (var a in worksheetNames) { sheetNameList.Add(a); } var rowWiseData = from r in excel.Worksheet(sheetNameList[0]) select new { r }; foreach (var data in rowWiseData) { //***** Adding Route Name data to list****************** //***** Adding Post data to list****************** //***** Adding latitude data to list****************** //***** Adding longitude data to list****************** if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.r[5]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.r[36]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.r[37]) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(data.r[38])) { routeNameList.Add(data.r[5].ToString()); bothRouteNameList.Add(data.r[5].ToString()); postNameList.Add(data.r[36].ToString()); bothPostNameList.Add(data.r[36].ToString()); downDataList.Add("D"); latitudeDataList.Add(data.r[37].ToString()); bothLatitudeDataList.Add(data.r[37].ToString()); longitudeDataList.Add(data.r[38].ToString()); bothLongitudeDataList.Add(data.r[38].ToString()); } else { //Do Nothing } } foreach (var post in downDataList) { upDataList.Add("U"); } routeNameList.Reverse(); bothRouteNameList.AddRange(routeNameList); postNameList.Reverse(); bothPostNameList.AddRange(postNameList); upAndDownDataList.AddRange(downDataList); upAndDownDataList.AddRange(upDataList); latitudeDataList.Reverse(); bothLatitudeDataList.AddRange(latitudeDataList); longitudeDataList.Reverse(); bothLongitudeDataList.AddRange(longitudeDataList); //*********************************************************************Reading and creation of data ends and writing starts****************************** // Load Excel application Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application excelWrite = new Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.Application(); excelWrite.DisplayAlerts = false; // Create empty workbook excelWrite.Workbooks.Add(); // Create Worksheet from active sheet Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel._Worksheet workSheet = excelWrite.ActiveSheet; workSheet.Name = "Result"; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 1]).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 19; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 1]).Font.Size = 12; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 1]).Font.Bold = true; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 1]).Style.HorizontalAlignment = Microsoft.Office.Interop.Excel.XlHAlign.xlHAlignCenter; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 2]).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 19; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 2]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.000"; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 2]).Font.Size = 12; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 2]).Font.Bold = true; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 3]).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 19; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 3]).Font.Size = 12; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 3]).Font.Bold = true; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 4]).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 19; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 4]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.000000000000"; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 4]).Font.Size = 12; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 4]).Font.Bold = true; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 5]).EntireColumn.ColumnWidth = 19; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 5]).EntireColumn.NumberFormat = "0.000000000000"; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 5]).Font.Size = 12; ((Range)workSheet.Cells[1, 5]).Font.Bold = true; workSheet.Cells[1, "A"] = "路線名"; workSheet.Cells[1, "B"] = "キロポスト"; workSheet.Cells[1, "C"] = "上下線"; workSheet.Cells[1, "D"] = "緯度"; workSheet.Cells[1, "E"] = "経度 "; for (int i = 0; i < bothRouteNameList.Count; i++) { workSheet.Cells[i + 2, "A"] = bothRouteNameList[i].ToString(); workSheet.Cells[i + 2, "B"] = bothPostNameList[i].ToString(); workSheet.Cells[i + 2, "C"] = upAndDownDataList[i].ToString(); workSheet.Cells[i + 2, "D"] = bothLatitudeDataList[i].ToString(); workSheet.Cells[i + 2, "E"] = bothLongitudeDataList[i].ToString(); } try { excelWrite.DisplayAlerts = false; workSheet.SaveAs(folderPath + "Result_ForExpressway_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv"); } catch (Exception) { var result = MessageBox.Show("選択した入力ファイルの書式を確認してください。", "エラーメッセージ", MessageBoxButtons.RetryCancel); switch (result) { case DialogResult.Retry: // Retry button pressed //System.Windows.Forms.Application.Restart(); System.Diagnostics.Process.Start(System.Windows.Forms.Application.ExecutablePath); // to start new instance of application fObj.Close(); //to close the current instance break; case DialogResult.Cancel: // Cancel button pressed excel.Dispose(); GC.SuppressFinalize(this); Environment.Exit(1); break; default: // Neither Retry nor Cancel pressed (just in case) MessageBox.Show("もう一度お試しください"); break; } } finally { ClearAllEndAll(excelWrite, workSheet); } return(Tuple.Create(folderPath, folderPath + "Result_ForExpressway_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv")); //return <folderPath, (folderPath + "Result_ForExpressway_" + DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmss") + ".csv")>; }
/// <summary> /// Closes all connections and disposes data. /// </summary> public void Dispose() { _excelFile.Dispose(); }
private List<Afiliado> ToListaAfiliado(string pathDelFicheroExcel) { //Filter:("*.xls;*.xlsx)|*.xls;*.xlsx"); //le indicamos el tipo de filtro en este caso que busque solo los archivos excel try { var book = new ExcelQueryFactory(pathDelFicheroExcel); var resultado = (from row in book.Worksheet("Hoja1") let item = new Afiliado { docnumber = row["Cedula"].Cast<string>(), Monto = int.Parse(row["Monto"].Cast<string>()) } select item).ToList(); book.Dispose(); return resultado.ToList(); } catch { return null; } }
public void LeerExcel() { //TipoTematica 1= Tematica activa de posipedia, 2= Tematica empresa, 3= Tematica inactiva posipedia var fileName = "FormaciónEducaVirtualPresencial.xlsx"; var filePath = Path.Combine(HttpRuntime.AppDomainAppPath, "Content/ArchivosDocumentacion/"+fileName); var serverPath = "ftp://[email protected]:990//FormaciónEducaVirtualPresencial.xlsx"; FtpWebRequest request = (FtpWebRequest)WebRequest.Create(serverPath); request.KeepAlive = true; request.UsePassive = true; request.UseBinary = true; request.Method = WebRequestMethods.Ftp.DownloadFile; request.Credentials = new NetworkCredential("ftp_manuelaB", "f7hUwGQs"); request.EnableSsl = true; // Read the file from the server & write to destination ServicePointManager.ServerCertificateValidationCallback = new System.Net.Security.RemoteCertificateValidationCallback(AcceptAllCertifications); using (FtpWebResponse response = (FtpWebResponse)request.GetResponse()) // Error here using (Stream responseStream = response.GetResponseStream()) { int bytesRead = 0; byte[] buffer = new byte[2048]; FileStream fileStream = new FileStream(filePath, FileMode.Create); while (true) { bytesRead = responseStream.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length); if (bytesRead == 0) break; fileStream.Write(buffer, 0, bytesRead); } fileStream.Close(); } var tematica =from a in db.Tbl_Tematica where (a.TipoTematica!=2 && !db.Tbl_Rol_Por_Tematica.Select(b => b.Fk_Id_Tematica).Contains(a.Id_Tematica)) select a; if (tematica != null) { List<Tematica> tema = tematica.ToList(); db.Tbl_Tematica.RemoveRange(tema); } db.SaveChanges(); var tematicaPosipedia = from a in db.Tbl_Tematica where (a.TipoTematica != 2) select a; //creamos el libro a partir de la ruta var Book = new ExcelQueryFactory(filePath); //Consulta con Linq var resp = (from row in Book.Worksheet("Hoja1") let item = new Tematica { //Id_Tematica = row[0].Cast<string>(); Area = row[0].Cast<string>(), Tematicas = row[1].Cast<string>(), Diseno = row[2].Cast<string>(), Objetivo = row[3].Cast<string>(), DirigidoA = row[4].Cast<string>(), TipoTematica = 1, NombreDocumento = null, SesionEmpresa = null, } select item).ToList(); Book.Dispose(); foreach (Tematica p in tematicaPosipedia) { bool activarTematica = false; foreach (Tematica archivo in resp.ToList()) { if (p.Tematicas.Equals(archivo.Tematicas) && !activarTematica) { resp.Remove(archivo); activarTematica = true; } } if(activarTematica) p.TipoTematica = 1; else p.TipoTematica = 3; } db.Tbl_Tematica.AddRange(resp); db.SaveChanges(); }