Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> UploadFilePlan([Bind("ClientID,Fileupload")] UploadFilePlanVM ClientfilePlan)
            string _urlBack = (Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString() == "" ? "Index" : Request.Headers["Referer"].ToString());

                if (ClientfilePlan.Fileupload == null || ClientfilePlan.Fileupload.Length == 0)
                    flashMessage.Danger("File Not Selected");
                    throw new Exception();
                var _client = ClientFindByID(Convert.ToInt32(ClientfilePlan.ClientID));
                if (_client == null)
                    flashMessage.Danger("Client Not Found");
                    throw new Exception();

                FileUploadExt uplExt = new FileUploadExt();
                //FileStream Filestrm;
                ExcelExt           excelRead;
                EnrollmentHdrModel enrollH = new EnrollmentHdrModel();

                // upload file ke server
                // Param 1 untuk file Plan excel
                //// Copy File To Server
                string FilePath;
                EnrollPlanFileExcelDataVM EnrolPlan = new EnrollPlanFileExcelDataVM();
                    EnrolPlan.StringPathFileUpload = await uplExt.BackupFile(1, ClientfilePlan.Fileupload);

                    FilePath = EnrolPlan.StringPathFileUpload;
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); }

                try { excelRead = new ExcelExt(EnrolPlan.StringPathFileUpload, ClientfilePlan.ClientID); }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception(ex.Message); }

                //// Read Cell Value to VM
                EnrolPlan.ClientID   = ClientfilePlan.ClientID;
                EnrolPlan.ClientCode = _client.ClientCode;
                try { excelRead.ReadExcelEnrollPlan(ref EnrolPlan); }
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error Read Excel : " + ex.Message); }

                // Proses pembersihan data dan generate error Upload
                ValidasiFileUploadPlan(ref EnrolPlan);

                // Save To DB
                    enrollH.ClientID       = ClientfilePlan.ClientID;
                    enrollH.FileUploadName = FilePath;
                    await SaveProductToDB(EnrolPlan, enrollH);
                catch (Exception ex) { throw new Exception("Error Bulk Insert : " + ex.Message); }

                flashMessage.Confirmation("Upload Success");
            catch (Exception ex) { flashMessage.Danger(ex.Message); }
