private void EndExamine()
            IList <ExamineStageDetail> esdEnts = ExamineStageDetail.FindAllByProperty(ExamineStageDetail.Prop_ExamineStageId, id);

            #region 院级考核算分
            if (esEnt.ExamineType == "院级考核")
                string beUserIds   = string.Empty;//存储被考核对象具体的人
                string beUserNames = string.Empty;
                string beDeptIds   = string.Empty;
                string beDeptNames = string.Empty;
                foreach (ExamineStageDetail esdEnt in esdEnts)//循环考核对象
                    string[] array = GetBeUsersInfo(esdEnt);
                    beUserIds   = array[0];
                    beUserNames = array[1];
                    beDeptIds   = array[2];
                    beDeptNames = array[3];
                    //人+部门+被考核对象CODE就可以找到这个其下所有的任务 不能单纯按人查。因为有特例。一个人在在多个部门任职
                    string[] beUserIdArray = new string[] { }; string[] beUserNameArray = new string[] { };
                    string[] beDeptIdArray = new string[] { }; string[] beDeptNameArray = new string[] { };
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beUserIds))//防止部分角色下无人
                        beUserIdArray = beUserIds.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beUserNames))
                        beUserNameArray = beUserNames.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beDeptIds))
                        beDeptIdArray = beDeptIds.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(beDeptNames))
                        beDeptNameArray = beDeptNames.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    ExamineRelation erEnt = ExamineRelation.Find(esdEnt.ExamineRelationId);
                    string          UpLevelCode = ""; string SameLevelCode = ""; string DownLevelCode = "";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(erEnt.UpLevelCode))
                        string[] upArray = erEnt.UpLevelCode.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int n = 0; n < upArray.Length; n++)
                            if (n != upArray.Length - 1)
                                UpLevelCode += "'" + upArray[n] + "',";
                                UpLevelCode += "'" + upArray[n] + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(erEnt.SameLevelCode))
                        string[] sameArray = erEnt.SameLevelCode.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int n = 0; n < sameArray.Length; n++)
                            if (n != sameArray.Length - 1)
                                SameLevelCode += "'" + sameArray[n] + "',";
                                SameLevelCode += "'" + sameArray[n] + "'";
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(erEnt.DownLevelCode))
                        string[] downArray = erEnt.DownLevelCode.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int n = 0; n < downArray.Length; n++)
                            if (n != downArray.Length - 1)
                                DownLevelCode += "'" + downArray[n] + "',";
                                DownLevelCode += "'" + downArray[n] + "'";
                    #region 开始计算个人成绩
                    for (int i = 0; i < beUserIdArray.Length; i++)
                        ExamineStageResult esrEnt = new ExamineStageResult();
                        esrEnt.ExamineStageId = esEnt.Id;
                        esrEnt.BeRoleCode     = esdEnt.BeRoleCode;
                        esrEnt.BeRoleName     = esdEnt.BeRoleName;
                        esrEnt.UserId         = beUserIdArray[i];
                        esrEnt.UserName       = beUserNameArray[i];
                        esrEnt.DeptId         = beDeptIdArray[i];
                        esrEnt.DeptName       = beDeptNameArray[i];
                        esrEnt.StageType      = esEnt.StageType;
                        esrEnt.Year           = esEnt.Year;
                        //分别计算上级  同级  下级评分
                        decimal tempScore = 0; string subBalanceUserIds = ""; int subBalanceWeightTotal = 0;
                        if (esdEnt.BeRoleCode == "BeBusinessDeptLeader")//经营目标单位正职 (有一部分特殊任务)   需要计算特殊分   Tag='1'
                            sql       = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                            and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and Tag='1'";
                            sql       = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i]);
                            tempScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(UpLevelCode))//如果有上级考核对象
                            //因为考核关系有时候需要把级别权重拆分到人分权重   不能单独取所有上级的平均分 //20130430  已更新到如下代码
                            IList <UserBalance> ubEnts = UserBalance.FindAllByProperties("ExamineRelationId", erEnt.Id, "ToRoleCode", "UpLevel");//该考核关系下 上级考核的人员权重明细
                            foreach (UserBalance ubEnt in ubEnts)
                                if (ubEnt.Balance > 0)
                                    subBalanceUserIds     += ubEnt.ToUserId + ",";
                                    subBalanceWeightTotal += ubEnt.Balance.Value;
                            decimal subScore = 0;
                            if (subBalanceWeightTotal < 100)                                                                                        //如果人员权重没有将100的总权重分配完
                                sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                                and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and ToRoleCode in (" + UpLevelCode + ") and PatIndex('%ToUserId%','{4}')= 0"; //去掉已分配人员权重的人
                                sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i], subBalanceUserIds);
                                if (DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) > 0)
                                    foreach (UserBalance ubEnt in ubEnts)
                                        if (ubEnt.Balance > 0)
                                            sql       = @"select top 1 Score from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                                            and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and  ToUserId='{4}'";
                                            sql       = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i], ubEnt.ToUserId);
                                            subScore += DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) * (ubEnt.Balance.Value / 100);
                                    esrEnt.UpAvgScore = subScore + (DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) * (100 - subBalanceWeightTotal) / 100) + tempScore;
                                else //如果没有其他的分数,但权重又没有分配完
                                    foreach (UserBalance ubEnt in ubEnts)
                                        if (ubEnt.Balance > 0)
                                            sql       = @"select top 1 Score from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                                            and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and  ToUserId='{4}'";
                                            sql       = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i], ubEnt.ToUserId);
                                            subScore += DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) * (ubEnt.Balance.Value / subBalanceWeightTotal);
                                    esrEnt.UpAvgScore = subScore + tempScore;
                                esrEnt.UpAvgScore = subScore + tempScore;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(SameLevelCode))//如果有同级考核对象
                            sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                            and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and ToRoleCode in (" + SameLevelCode + ")";
                            sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i]);
                            esrEnt.SameAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) + tempScore;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(DownLevelCode))//如果有下级考核对象
                            sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}' and BeRoleCode='{1}'
                            and BeDeptId='{2}' and BeUserId='{3}' and ToRoleCode in (" + DownLevelCode + ")";
                            sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, esdEnt.BeRoleCode, beDeptIdArray[i], beUserIdArray[i]);
                            esrEnt.DownAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql) + tempScore;
                        decimal score = 0;
                        //这里需要考虑一种特例就是  权重配好了 但可能没人给他打分   就是有权重  无分的现象  这个时候该权重不计入总权重
                        int upWeight = 0; int sameWeight = 0; int downWeight = 0;
                        if (erEnt.UpLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                            upWeight = erEnt.UpLevelWeight.Value;
                        if (erEnt.SameLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                            sameWeight = erEnt.SameLevelWeight.Value;
                        if (erEnt.DownLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                            downWeight = erEnt.DownLevelWeight.Value;
                        int totalWeight = upWeight + sameWeight + downWeight;
                        if (upWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)upWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.UpAvgScore).Value;
                        if (sameWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)sameWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.SameAvgScore).Value;
                        if (downWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)downWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.DownAvgScore).Value;
                        esrEnt.Score     = score;
                        esrEnt.SortIndex = i + 1;
            #region 部门级考核
            else  //部门级考核关联的是部门级考核关系
                foreach (ExamineStageDetail esdEnt in esdEnts)
                    DeptExamineRelation derEnt = DeptExamineRelation.Find(esdEnt.ExamineRelationId);
                    string[]            beUserIdArray = new string[] { }; string[] beUserNameArray = new string[] { };
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.BeUserIds))
                        beUserIdArray   = derEnt.BeUserIds.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        beUserNameArray = derEnt.BeUserNames.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    for (int i = 0; i < beUserIdArray.Length; i++)
                        ExamineStageResult esrEnt = new ExamineStageResult();
                        esrEnt.ExamineStageId = esEnt.Id;
                        esrEnt.UserId         = beUserIdArray[i];
                        esrEnt.UserName       = beUserNameArray[i];
                        esrEnt.DeptId         = esEnt.LaunchDeptId;
                        esrEnt.DeptName       = esEnt.LaunchDeptName;
                        esrEnt.StageType      = esEnt.StageType;
                        esrEnt.Year           = esEnt.Year;
                        //分别计算上级  同级  下级评分
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.UpLevelUserIds))//如果有上级考核人
                            // IList<UserBalance> ubEnts = UserBalance.FindAllByProperties("ExamineRelationId", derEnt.Id, "ToRoleCode", "UpLevel");//该考核关系下 上级考核的人员权重明细
                            decimal subScore = 0;
                            //                            if (ubEnts.Count > 0)//如果存在人员权重
                            //                            {
                            //                                foreach (UserBalance ubEnt in ubEnts)
                            //                                {
                            //                                    if (ubEnt.Balance > 0)
                            //                                    {
                            //                                        sql = @"select top 1 Score from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'
                            //                                                                        and BeUserId='{1}' and  ToUserId ='{2}'";
                            //                                        sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], ubEnt.ToUserId);
                            //                                        subScore += DataHelper.QueryValue<decimal>(sql) * (ubEnt.Balance.Value / 100);
                            //                                    }
                            //                                }
                            //                            }
                            //                            else
                            //                            {
                            sql      = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                                and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                            sql      = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.UpLevelUserIds);
                            subScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                            // }
                            esrEnt.UpAvgScore = subScore;
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.SameLevelUserIds))//如果有同级考核人
                            sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                            and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                            sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.SameLevelUserIds);
                            esrEnt.SameAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.DownLevelUserIds))//如果有下级考核人
                            sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                            and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                            sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.DownLevelUserIds);
                            esrEnt.DownAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                        decimal score = 0;
                        //这里需要考虑一种特例就是  权重配好了 但可能没人给他打分   就是有权重  无分的现象  这个时候该权重不计入总权重
                        int upWeight = 0; int sameWeight = 0; int downWeight = 0;
                        if (derEnt.UpLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                            upWeight = derEnt.UpLevelWeight.Value;
                        if (derEnt.SameLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                            sameWeight = derEnt.SameLevelWeight.Value;
                        if (derEnt.DownLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                            downWeight = derEnt.DownLevelWeight.Value;
                        int totalWeight = upWeight + sameWeight + downWeight;
                        if (upWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)upWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.UpAvgScore).Value;
                        if (sameWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)sameWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.SameAvgScore).Value;
                        if (downWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                            score += (((decimal)downWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.DownAvgScore).Value;
                        esrEnt.Score     = score;
                        esrEnt.SortIndex = i + 1;
            IList <ExamineTask> etEnts = ExamineTask.FindAllByProperty(ExamineTask.Prop_ExamineStageId, esEnt.Id); //更改任务状态
            foreach (ExamineTask etEnt in etEnts)
            {                                                                                                      //0  表示已生成的任务   1  表示已启动的任务 可以打分
                if (etEnt.State == "2")                                                                            //提交的任务
                    etEnt.State = "3";                                                                             //已结束的任务
                    etEnt.State = "4";//已作废的任务
            if (esEnt.StageType == "4")
            esEnt.State = 3; // 0: '已创建', 1: '已生成', 2: '已启动', 3: '已结束'
            PageState.Add("Result", "T");
Example #2
        protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            ExamineStageId = RequestData.Get <string>("ExamineStageId");
            switch (RequestActionString)
            case "AutoSave":
                IList <string> entStrList = RequestData.GetList <string>("data");
                if (entStrList.Count > 0)
                    JObject json = JsonHelper.GetObject <JObject>(entStrList[0]);
                    IList <ExamineStageResult> esrEnts = null;
                    ExamineStageResult         esrEnt  = null;
                    if (json.Value <int>("FirstScore") > 0)
                        esrEnts = ExamineStageResult.FindAllByProperties(ExamineStageResult.Prop_UserId, json.Value <string>("UserId"),
                                                                         ExamineStageResult.Prop_Year, "2013", ExamineStageResult.Prop_StageType, "1");
                        if (esrEnts.Count > 0)
                            esrEnts[0].Score = json.Value <decimal>("FirstScore");
                            esrEnt           = new ExamineStageResult();
                            esrEnt.UserId    = json.Value <string>("UserId");
                            esrEnt.UserName  = json.Value <string>("UserName");
                            esrEnt.DeptId    = json.Value <string>("DeptId");
                            esrEnt.DeptName  = json.Value <string>("DeptName");
                            esrEnt.Year      = "2013";
                            esrEnt.StageType = "1";
                            esrEnt.Score     = json.Value <decimal>("FirstScore");
                    if (json.Value <int>("SecondScore") > 0)
                        esrEnts = ExamineStageResult.FindAllByProperties(ExamineStageResult.Prop_UserId, json.Value <string>("UserId"),
                                                                         ExamineStageResult.Prop_Year, "2013", ExamineStageResult.Prop_StageType, "2");
                        if (esrEnts.Count > 0)
                            esrEnts[0].Score = json.Value <decimal>("SecondScore");
                            esrEnt           = new ExamineStageResult();
                            esrEnt.UserId    = json.Value <string>("UserId");
                            esrEnt.UserName  = json.Value <string>("UserName");
                            esrEnt.DeptId    = json.Value <string>("DeptId");
                            esrEnt.DeptName  = json.Value <string>("DeptName");
                            esrEnt.Year      = "2013";
                            esrEnt.StageType = "2";
                            esrEnt.Score     = json.Value <decimal>("SecondScore");
                    if (json.Value <int>("ThirdScore") > 0)
                        esrEnts = ExamineStageResult.FindAllByProperties(ExamineStageResult.Prop_UserId, json.Value <string>("UserId"),
                                                                         ExamineStageResult.Prop_Year, "2013", ExamineStageResult.Prop_StageType, "3");
                        if (esrEnts.Count > 0)
                            esrEnts[0].Score = json.Value <decimal>("ThirdScore");
                            esrEnt           = new ExamineStageResult();
                            esrEnt.UserId    = json.Value <string>("UserId");
                            esrEnt.UserName  = json.Value <string>("UserName");
                            esrEnt.DeptId    = json.Value <string>("DeptId");
                            esrEnt.DeptName  = json.Value <string>("DeptName");
                            esrEnt.Year      = "2013";
                            esrEnt.StageType = "3";
                            esrEnt.Score     = json.Value <decimal>("ThirdScore");

        private void EndExamine()
            IList <ExamineStageDetail> esdEnts = ExamineStageDetail.FindAllByProperty(ExamineStageDetail.Prop_ExamineStageId, id);

            foreach (ExamineStageDetail esdEnt in esdEnts)
                DeptExamineRelation derEnt = DeptExamineRelation.Find(esdEnt.ExamineRelationId);
                string[]            beUserIdArray = new string[] { }; string[] beUserNameArray = new string[] { };
                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.BeUserIds))
                    beUserIdArray   = derEnt.BeUserIds.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                    beUserNameArray = derEnt.BeUserNames.Split(new string[] { "," }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                for (int i = 0; i < beUserIdArray.Length; i++)
                    ExamineStageResult esrEnt = new ExamineStageResult();
                    esrEnt.ExamineStageId = esEnt.Id;
                    esrEnt.UserId         = beUserIdArray[i];
                    esrEnt.UserName       = beUserNameArray[i];
                    string[] bedept = Utility.GetDeptInfo(beUserIdArray[i]);
                    esrEnt.DeptId    = bedept[0];
                    esrEnt.DeptName  = bedept[1];
                    esrEnt.StageType = esEnt.StageType;
                    esrEnt.Year      = esEnt.Year;
                    //分别计算上级  同级  下级评分
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.UpLevelUserIds))//如果有上级考核人
                        // IList<UserBalance> ubEnts = UserBalance.FindAllByProperties("ExamineRelationId", derEnt.Id, "ToRoleCode", "UpLevel");//该考核关系下 上级考核的人员权重明细
                        decimal subScore = 0;
                        //                            if (ubEnts.Count > 0)//如果存在人员权重
                        //                            {
                        //                                foreach (UserBalance ubEnt in ubEnts)
                        //                                {
                        //                                    if (ubEnt.Balance > 0)
                        //                                    {
                        //                                        sql = @"select top 1 Score from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'
                        //                                            and BeUserId='{1}' and  ToUserId ='{2}'";
                        //                                        sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], ubEnt.ToUserId);
                        //                                        subScore += DataHelper.QueryValue<decimal>(sql) * (ubEnt.Balance.Value / 100);
                        //                                    }
                        //                                }
                        //                            }
                        //                            else
                        //                            {
                        sql      = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                                and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                        sql      = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.UpLevelUserIds);
                        subScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                        // }
                        esrEnt.UpAvgScore = subScore;
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.SameLevelUserIds))//如果有同级考核人
                        sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                            and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                        sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.SameLevelUserIds);
                        esrEnt.SameAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(derEnt.DownLevelUserIds))//如果有下级考核人
                        sql = @"select avg(isnull(Score,0)) from BJKY_Examine..ExamineTask where State='2' and ExamineStageId='{0}'  
                            and BeUserId='{1}' and PatIndex('%'+ToUserId+'%','{2}')>0";
                        sql = string.Format(sql, esEnt.Id, beUserIdArray[i], derEnt.DownLevelUserIds);
                        esrEnt.DownAvgScore = DataHelper.QueryValue <decimal>(sql);
                    decimal score = 0;
                    //这里需要考虑一种特例就是  权重配好了 但可能没人给他打分   就是有权重  无分的现象  这个时候该权重不计入总权重
                    int upWeight = 0; int sameWeight = 0; int downWeight = 0;
                    if (derEnt.UpLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                        upWeight = derEnt.UpLevelWeight.Value;
                    if (derEnt.SameLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                        sameWeight = derEnt.SameLevelWeight.Value;
                    if (derEnt.DownLevelWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                        downWeight = derEnt.DownLevelWeight.Value;
                    int totalWeight = upWeight + sameWeight + downWeight;
                    if (upWeight > 0 && esrEnt.UpAvgScore > 0)
                        score += (((decimal)upWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.UpAvgScore).Value;
                    if (sameWeight > 0 && esrEnt.SameAvgScore > 0)
                        score += (((decimal)sameWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.SameAvgScore).Value;
                    if (downWeight > 0 && esrEnt.DownAvgScore > 0)
                        score += (((decimal)downWeight / (decimal)totalWeight) * esrEnt.DownAvgScore).Value;
                    esrEnt.Score     = score;
                    esrEnt.SortIndex = i + 1;
            IList <ExamineTask> etEnts = ExamineTask.FindAllByProperty(ExamineTask.Prop_ExamineStageId, esEnt.Id);//更改任务状态

            foreach (ExamineTask etEnt in etEnts)
            {                           //0  表示已生成的任务   1  表示已启动的任务 可以打分
                if (etEnt.State == "2") //提交的任务
                    etEnt.State = "3";  //已结束的任务
                    etEnt.State = "4";//已作废的任务
            if (esEnt.StageType == "4")
            esEnt.State = 3; // 0: '已创建', 1: '已生成', 2: '已启动', 3: '已结束'
            PageState.Add("Result", "T");