public ActionResult GetResults(ExamineSearchViewModel PostModel)
            var model = new ExamineSearchViewModel();

            model.Query = PostModel.Query;
            var cleanQuery = CleanString(PostModel.Query);

            switch (PostModel.SearchType)
            case "Media":
                // Create a dictionary to store the results and their value
                var MediaResultsDictionary = new Dictionary <SearchResult, int>();
                // instantiate the examine search and its criteria type
                var MediaSearcher = Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["InternalSearcher"];
                var MediaCriteria = MediaSearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Media);

                // Create a query to get all media nodes and then filter by results that contain the umbracoFile property
                var MediaExamineQuery = MediaCriteria.RawQuery(string.Format("__IndexType:media"));
                var MediaResults      = MediaSearcher.Search(MediaExamineQuery).Where(x => x.Fields.ContainsKey("umbracoFile"));

                // Check each result for the search terms and assign a value rating that result
                foreach (var result in MediaResults)
                    // if the umbracoFile property contains the search  term
                    if (CleanString(result.Fields["umbracoFile"]).Contains(cleanQuery.ToLower()))
                        CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);
                    // if the nodeName contains the seach term
                    if (CleanString(result.Fields["nodeName"]).ToLower().Contains(cleanQuery.ToLower()))
                        CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);
                    // if the nodeName exactly equals the seach term
                    if (CleanString(result.Fields["nodeName"]).ToLower() == cleanQuery.ToLower())
                        CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);
                    // if the search term matches the media id in the umbracoFile property
                    if (getMediaID(result) == PostModel.Query)
                        CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);
                    var splitMediaQuery = cleanQuery.Split(' ');
                    // for each word in the query
                    foreach (var term in splitMediaQuery)
                        // if the term is found in the the umbracoFile property
                        if (CleanString(result.Fields["umbracoFile"].ToLower()).Contains(term.ToLower()))
                            CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);
                        // if the term is found in the nodeName property
                        if (CleanString(result.Fields["nodeName"].ToLower()).Contains(term.ToLower()))
                            CheckMediaDictionary(MediaResultsDictionary, result);

                // create a new dictionary ordered by the results value
                var OrderedMediaResultsDictionary = MediaResultsDictionary.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);

                // if the search returned any results, set HasMediaResults to true
                if (OrderedMediaResultsDictionary.Count() > 0)
                    model.HasMediaResults = true;

                // instantiate the media results datatable
                model.MediaTable.Table = new DataTable();
                model.MediaTable.Table.Columns.Add("Score", typeof(string));
                model.MediaTable.Table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(string));
                model.MediaTable.Table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
                model.MediaTable.Table.Columns.Add("Type", typeof(string));
                model.MediaTable.Table.Columns.Add("Edit", typeof(HtmlString));

                // for each result, add a new row to the table
                foreach (var result in OrderedMediaResultsDictionary)
                    var media = result.Key;
                    var id    = getMediaID(result.Key);

                    var edit = new HtmlString(string.Format("<a target=\"_top\" href=\"/umbraco#/media/media/edit/{0}\">edit</a>", media.Fields["__NodeId"]));
                    model.MediaTable.Table.Rows.Add(result.Value, id, media.Fields["nodeName"], media.Fields["umbracoExtension"], edit);

            case "Content":
                // Clean out any reserved characters from the query
                PostModel.Query = CleanString(PostModel.Query);
                // Create a dictionary to store the results and their value
                var ContentResultsDictionary = new Dictionary <SearchResult, int>();

                // instantiate the examine searcher and its criteria type.
                var ContentSearcher = Examine.ExamineManager.Instance.SearchProviderCollection["InternalSearcher"];
                var ContentCriteria = ContentSearcher.CreateSearchCriteria(IndexTypes.Content);

                // Start with a query for the whole phrase
                var ContentPhraseExamineQuery = ContentCriteria.RawQuery(string.Format("urlName:{0}*", PostModel.Query));
                var ContentResults            = ContentSearcher.Search(ContentPhraseExamineQuery);

                foreach (var result in ContentResults)
                    // Add each result to the dictionary and give it an initial value of 1.
                    ContentResultsDictionary.Add(result, 1);
                    // if our query exactly matched the urlName or the nodeName, Increase the results value to push the result to the top of the list
                    if (CleanString(result.Fields["urlName"].ToLower()) == PostModel.Query.ToLower())
                        ContentResultsDictionary[result] += 5;
                    if (CleanString(result.Fields["nodeName"].ToLower()) == PostModel.Query.ToLower())
                        ContentResultsDictionary[result] += 5;

                // Split the query by its white space
                var splitTerm = PostModel.Query.Split(' ');
                // for each word in the query
                foreach (var term in splitTerm)
                    // do another search for the word
                    var ContentSplitExamineQuery = ContentCriteria.RawQuery(string.Format("urlName:{0}*", term));
                    var TermContentResults       = ContentSearcher.Search(ContentSplitExamineQuery);
                    foreach (var result in TermContentResults)
                        // if the dictionary doesn't already contain the result, add it and give it an initial value of 1.
                        if (!ContentResultsDictionary.Keys.Contains(result))
                            ContentResultsDictionary.Add(result, 1);
                            // if the dicionary did already contain the result, increase its value by 1.
                            ContentResultsDictionary[result] += 1;

                // create a new dictionary ordered by the results value
                var OrderedContentResultsDictionary = ContentResultsDictionary.OrderByDescending(x => x.Value);

                // if we have some results, set HasContentResults to true
                if (OrderedContentResultsDictionary.Count() > 0)
                    model.HasContentResults = true;

                // instantiate the results datatable
                model.ContentTable.Table = new DataTable();
                model.ContentTable.Table.Columns.Add("Score", typeof(int));
                model.ContentTable.Table.Columns.Add("ID", typeof(int));
                model.ContentTable.Table.Columns.Add("Name", typeof(string));
                model.ContentTable.Table.Columns.Add("Published Url", typeof(string));
                model.ContentTable.Table.Columns.Add("Edit", typeof(HtmlString));

                // for each results, add a new row for the result to the table.
                foreach (var result in OrderedContentResultsDictionary)
                    var content = result.Key;
                    var editURL = new HtmlString(string.Format("<a target=\"_top\" href=\"/umbraco#/content/content/edit/{0}\">edit</a>", content.Fields["__NodeId"]));
                    model.ContentTable.Table.Rows.Add(result.Value, content.Fields["__NodeId"], content.Fields["nodeName"], content.Fields["urlName"], editURL);

            return(View("~/App_Plugins/EditorTools/Views/ExamineSearch/Index.cshtml", model));
        public ActionResult Index()
            var model = new ExamineSearchViewModel();

            return(View("~/App_Plugins/EditorTools/Views/ExamineSearch/Index.cshtml", model));