public static DatabaseServerMessengerOptions GetDefaultOptions(IFactory factory)
            var logger         = factory.GetInstance <ILogger>();
            var indexRebuilder = factory.GetInstance <IndexRebuilder>();

            return(new DatabaseServerMessengerOptions
                //These callbacks will be executed if the server has not been synced
                // (i.e. it is a new server or the lastsynced.txt file has been removed)
                InitializingCallbacks = new Action[]
                    //rebuild the xml cache file if the server is not synced
                    () =>
                        // rebuild the published snapshot caches entirely, if the server is not synced
                        // this is equivalent to DistributedCache RefreshAll... but local only
                        // (we really should have a way to reuse RefreshAll... locally)
                        // note: refresh all content & media caches does refresh content types too
                        var svc = Current.PublishedSnapshotService;
                        svc.Notify(new[] { new DomainCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, DomainChangeTypes.RefreshAll) });
                        svc.Notify(new[] { new ContentCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, null, TreeChangeTypes.RefreshAll) }, out _, out _);
                        svc.Notify(new[] { new MediaCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, null, TreeChangeTypes.RefreshAll) }, out _);

                    //rebuild indexes if the server is not synced
                    // NOTE: This will rebuild ALL indexes including the members, if developers want to target specific
                    // indexes then they can adjust this logic themselves.
                    () => { ExamineComponent.RebuildIndexes(indexRebuilder, logger, false, 5000); }
        public override void Compose(Composition composition)

            composition.SetServerMessenger(factory =>
                var runtime         = factory.GetInstance <IRuntimeState>();
                var databaseFactory = factory.GetInstance <IUmbracoDatabaseFactory>();
                var globalSettings  = factory.GetInstance <IGlobalSettings>();
                var proflog         = factory.GetInstance <IProfilingLogger>();
                var scopeProvider   = factory.GetInstance <IScopeProvider>();
                var sqlContext      = factory.GetInstance <ISqlContext>();
                var logger          = factory.GetInstance <ILogger>();
                var indexRebuilder  = factory.GetInstance <IndexRebuilder>();

                return(new BatchedDatabaseServerMessenger(
                           runtime, databaseFactory, scopeProvider, sqlContext, proflog, globalSettings,
                           //Default options for web including the required callbacks to build caches
                           new DatabaseServerMessengerOptions
                    //These callbacks will be executed if the server has not been synced
                    // (i.e. it is a new server or the lastsynced.txt file has been removed)
                    InitializingCallbacks = new Action[]
                        //rebuild the xml cache file if the server is not synced
                        () =>
                            // rebuild the published snapshot caches entirely, if the server is not synced
                            // this is equivalent to DistributedCache RefreshAll... but local only
                            // (we really should have a way to reuse RefreshAll... locally)
                            // note: refresh all content & media caches does refresh content types too
                            var svc = Current.PublishedSnapshotService;
                            svc.Notify(new[] { new DomainCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, DomainChangeTypes.RefreshAll) });
                            svc.Notify(new[] { new ContentCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, TreeChangeTypes.RefreshAll) }, out _, out _);
                            svc.Notify(new[] { new MediaCacheRefresher.JsonPayload(0, TreeChangeTypes.RefreshAll) }, out _);

                        //rebuild indexes if the server is not synced
                        // NOTE: This will rebuild ALL indexes including the members, if developers want to target specific
                        // indexes then they can adjust this logic themselves.
                        () =>
                            ExamineComponent.RebuildIndexes(indexRebuilder, logger, false, 5000);
Example #3
            public static void ResumeIndexers(IndexRebuilder indexRebuilder, ILogger logger)
                _suspended = false;

                logger.Info(typeof(ExamineEvents), "Resume indexers (rebuild:{Tried}).", _tried);

                if (_tried == false)
                _tried = false;

                //TODO: when resuming do we always want a full rebuild of all indexes?
                ExamineComponent.RebuildIndexes(indexRebuilder, logger, false);