private void searchDlg_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { Dlg_MstSearch dlg = (Dlg_MstSearch)sender; if (dlg.DialogResult == true) { string zip = Dlg_MstSearch.this_id; zip = String.Format("{0:0000000}", ExCast.zCDbl(zip)); this.txtZipNo1.Text = zip.Substring(0, 3); this.txtZipNo2.Text = zip.Substring(3, 4); this.txtAdress1.Text = Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute1 + Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute2 + Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute3; this.txtAdress2.Text = ""; this.predecture_Name = Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute1; this.city_Name = Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute2; this.town_Name = Dlg_MstSearch.this_attribute3; this.UserControlAdress1 = this.txtAdress1.Text; this.UserControlAdress2 = this.txtAdress2.Text; // 次コントロールフォーカスセット ExVisualTreeHelper.FoucsNextControl(this); } else { this.txtZipNo1.Focus(); } } finally { this.IsSearchDlgOpen = false; } }
public void FormatToID() { if (InputMode != geInputMode.ID) { return; } if (this.Text == "") { return; } if (ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB) == 0) { return; } if (ExCast.IsNumeric(this.Text) == false) { return; } string str0 = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB); i++) { str0 += "0"; } string str = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(str0); this.Text = str; this.Text = str; }
private void utlID_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim() != "") { string _id = this.utlID.txtID.Text.Trim(); if (ExCast.IsNumeric(_id)) { _id = ExCast.zCDbl(_id).ToString(); } GetMstData(_id); } }
/// <summary> /// マスタ名称設定(ExWebServiceMstNameから非同期呼出) /// </summary> /// <param name="intKbn"></param> /// <param name="name"></param> public override void MstDataSelect(ExWebServiceMst.geWebServiceMstNmCallKbn intKbn, EntityMstData mst) { Is_Zip_Upd = false; if (mst == null) { this.txtAdress1.Text = ""; this.txtAdress2.Text = ""; this.predecture_Name = ""; this.city_Name = ""; this.town_Name = ""; this.tbkMessage.Text = " ※入力郵便番号は存在しません"; this.UserControlAdress1 = this.txtAdress1.Text; this.UserControlAdress2 = this.txtAdress2.Text; } else { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mst.attribute1)) { this.txtZipNo1.Text = String.Format("{0:000}", ExCast.zCDbl(mst.attribute1)); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(mst.attribute2)) { this.txtZipNo2.Text = String.Format("{0:0000}", ExCast.zCDbl(mst.attribute2)); } if (this.txtAdress1.Text.Trim() == "" || this.txtAdress2.Text.Trim() == "") { string adress = mst.attribute3 + mst.attribute4 + mst.attribute5; if (adress.Length > 20) { this.txtAdress1.Text = adress.Substring(0, 20); this.txtAdress2.Text = adress.Substring(20, adress.Length - 20); } else { this.txtAdress1.Text = adress; this.txtAdress2.Text = ""; } } this.predecture_Name = mst.attribute3; this.city_Name = mst.attribute4; this.town_Name = mst.attribute5; this.tbkMessage.Text = ""; this.UserControlAdress1 = this.txtAdress1.Text; this.UserControlAdress2 = this.txtAdress2.Text; } }
private void copyDlg_Closed(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dlg_Copying dlg = (Dlg_Copying)sender; if (dlg.utlCopying.DialogResult == true) { // ロック解除 DataPgLock.gLockPg(PG_NM, _entity._id, (int)DataPgLock.geLockType.UnLock); if (dlg.utlCopying.copy_id == "") { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Init; this.btnSalesBalance.IsEnabled = false; this.utlID.txtID_IsReadOnly = false; this.utlID.txtID.Text = ""; } else { if (dlg.utlCopying.ExistsData == true) { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.Upd; this.btnSalesBalance.IsEnabled = true; } else { this.utlFunctionKey.gFunctionKeyEnable = Utl_FunctionKey.geFunctionKeyEnable.New; this.btnSalesBalance.IsEnabled = false; } string _id = dlg.utlCopying.copy_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(dlg.utlCopying.copy_id)) { _id = ExCast.zCDbl(_id).ToString(); _entity._id = _id; this.utlID.txtID.Text = _id; this.utlID.txtID.FormatToID(); } else { _entity._id = _id; this.utlID.txtID.Text = _id; } this.utlID.txtID_IsReadOnly = true; ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(this.txtName, 10); } } }
protected override void OnTextInput(TextCompositionEventArgs e) { try { bool flg = InputCheck2(e.Text); if (flg == false) { e.Handled = true; } if (e.Handled == false) { // 値セット switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Number: //if (this.Text.IndexOf(".") != -1) //{ // string format = "0."; // for (int i = 1; i <= this.DecimalNum; i++) // { // format += "0"; // } // this.Text = ExMath.zFloor(ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text), this.DecimalNum).ToString(format); //} this.Value = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(); break; case geInputMode.Alphanumeric: this.Value = this.Text; break; case geInputMode.Date: this.Value = this.Text.Replace("/", ""); break; case geInputMode.FullShapeNative: this.Value = this.Text; break; } } } catch (Exception ex) { } base.OnTextInput(e); }
// F1ボタン(OK) クリック public override void btnF1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.btnF1.IsEnabled == false) { return; } if (this.rdoAri.IsChecked == true && this_txtID.Text.Trim() == "") { ExMessageBox.Show("IDが指定されていません。"); return; } if (ExCast.IsNumeric(this_txtID.Text.Trim())) { if (ExCast.zCDbl(this.before_id) == ExCast.zCDbl(this_txtID.Text.Trim())) { ExMessageBox.Show("複写元と複写先IDが同じです。"); return; } } else { if (this.before_id == this_txtID.Text.Trim()) { ExMessageBox.Show("複写元と複写先IDが同じです。"); return; } } if (this.rdoAri.IsChecked == true) { this.copy_id = this_txtID.Text.Trim(); if (ExCast.IsNumeric(this.copy_id)) { this.copy_id = ExCast.zCDbl(this.copy_id).ToString(); } OnCopyCheck(); } else { this.copy_id = ""; this.DialogResult = true; Dlg_Copying win = (Dlg_Copying)ExVisualTreeHelper.FindPerentChildWindow(this); win.Close(); } }
protected override void OnGotFocus(RoutedEventArgs e) { this.UpdataFlg = false; this.BeforeValue = this.Text; base.OnGotFocus(e); try { OnFormatString(); // 値セット switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.ID: this.SelectAll(); break; case geInputMode.Number: if (this.Text != "") { this.Text = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(); } this.TextAlignment = System.Windows.TextAlignment.Right; this.SelectAll(); break; case geInputMode.Date: if (this.Text != "") { this.Text = this.Text.Replace("/", ""); } break; } if (this.IsSelectAll) { this.SelectAll(); } SetIme(); } catch (Exception ex) { } }
private void txtZipNo2_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { if (this.txtZipNo1.Text.Trim() == "") { this.UserControlAdress1 = ""; this.UserControlAdress2 = ""; return; } if (this.txtZipNo2.Text.Trim() == "") { this.UserControlAdress1 = ""; this.UserControlAdress2 = ""; return; } if (Is_Zip_Upd == false) { return; } string zip1 = this.txtZipNo1.Text.Trim(); if (zip1 != "" && ExCast.IsNumeric(zip1)) { zip1 = string.Format("{0:000}", ExCast.zCDbl(zip1)); } string zip2 = this.txtZipNo2.Text.Trim(); if (zip2 != "" && ExCast.IsNumeric(zip2)) { zip2 = string.Format("{0:0000}", ExCast.zCDbl(zip2)); } this.txtZipNo1.Text = zip1; this.txtZipNo2.Text = zip2; MstData _mstData = new MstData(); _mstData.GetMData(MstData.geMDataKbn.Zip, new string[] { zip1, zip2 }, this); }
protected override void OnTextInputUpdate(TextCompositionEventArgs e) { try { bool flg = InputCheck(e.Text); if (flg == false) { e.Handled = true; } // 値セット switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Number: this.Value = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(); break; case geInputMode.Alphanumeric: this.Value = this.Text; break; case geInputMode.Date: this.Value = this.Text.Replace("/", ""); break; case geInputMode.FullShapeNative: this.Value = this.Text; break; } } catch (Exception ex) { } base.OnTextInputUpdate(e); }
public string UpdateCommodity(string random, int type, string Id, EntityCommodity entity) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; string personId = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); personId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.PERSON_ID]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return(_message); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(認証処理)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString()); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string _Id = ""; #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DbOpen)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(BeginTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Get Max Master ID if (type == 1 && (Id == "" || Id == "0")) { try { DataMasterId.GetMaxMasterId(companyId, "", db, DataMasterId.geMasterMaxIdKbn.Commodity, out _Id); if (_Id == "") { return("ID取得に失敗しました。"); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(GetMaxMasterId)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(GetMaxMasterId) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } else { _Id = Id; } #endregion #region Insert if (type == 1) { try { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM M_COMMODITY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Insert SQL string _main_purchase_id = entity.main_purchase_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(_main_purchase_id)) { _main_purchase_id = ExCast.zCDbl(_main_purchase_id).ToString(); } #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_COMMODITY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , KANA" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ENTER_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UNIT_DECIMAL_DIGIT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , TAXATION_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_LOT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , LEAD_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , JUST_INVENTORY_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVENTORY_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVENTORY_EVALUATION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAIN_PURCHASE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , RETAIL_PRICE_SKIP_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , RETAIL_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_COST_PRICE_SKIP_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , SALES_COST_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP1_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP2_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP3_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zIdForNumIndex(_Id) + Environment.NewLine); // ID2 sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); // NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.kana) + Environment.NewLine); // KANA sb.Append(" ," + entity.unit_id + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.enter_number + Environment.NewLine); // ENTER_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entity.number_decimal_digit + Environment.NewLine); // NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT sb.Append(" ," + entity.unit_decimal_digit + Environment.NewLine); // UNIT_DECIMAL_DIGIT sb.Append(" ," + entity.taxation_divition_id + Environment.NewLine); // TAXATION_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.inventory_management_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.purchase_lot + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_LOT sb.Append(" ," + entity.lead_time + Environment.NewLine); // LEAD_TIME sb.Append(" ," + entity.just_inventory_number + Environment.NewLine); // JUST_INVENTORY_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entity.inventory_number + Environment.NewLine); // INVENTORY_NUMBER sb.Append(" ," + entity.inventory_evaluation_id + Environment.NewLine); // INVENTORY_EVALUATION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(_main_purchase_id) + Environment.NewLine); // MAIN_PURCHASE_ID sb.Append(" ," + entity.retail_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); // RETAIL_PRICE_SKIP_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.retail_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); // RETAIL_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.sales_unit_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.sales_unit_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.sales_cost_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_COST_PRICE_SKIP_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.sales_cost_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); // SALES_COST_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.purchase_unit_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX sb.Append(" ," + entity.purchase_unit_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); // PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group1_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP1_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group2_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP2_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group3_id) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP3_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO sb.Append(" ," + entity.display_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // DISPLAY_FLG sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_COMMODITY", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region Commodity Inventory Insert try { #region Delete SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM M_COMMODITY_INVENTORY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); #region SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM SYS_M_COMPANY_GROUP AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Insert SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_COMMODITY_INVENTORY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , GROUP_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , INVENTORY_NUMBER" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]) + Environment.NewLine); // GROUP_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(_Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ,0" + Environment.NewLine); // INVENTORY_NUMBER sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_COMMODITY_INVENTORY", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Commodity Inventory Insert)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Commodity Inventory Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Insert)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } #endregion #region Update if (type == 0) { try { #region SQL string _main_purchase_id = entity.main_purchase_id; if (ExCast.IsNumeric(_main_purchase_id)) { _main_purchase_id = ExCast.zCDbl(_main_purchase_id).ToString(); } sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_COMMODITY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 0)); sb.Append(" ,NAME = " + ExEscape.zRepStr( + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,KANA = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.kana) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UNIT_ID = " + entity.unit_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ENTER_NUMBER = " + entity.enter_number + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT = " + entity.number_decimal_digit + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,UNIT_DECIMAL_DIGIT = " + entity.unit_decimal_digit + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,TAXATION_DIVISION_ID = " + entity.taxation_divition_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID = " + entity.inventory_management_division_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PURCHASE_LOT = " + entity.purchase_lot + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,LEAD_TIME = " + entity.lead_time + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,JUST_INVENTORY_NUMBER = " + entity.just_inventory_number + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,INVENTORY_NUMBER = " + entity.inventory_number + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,INVENTORY_EVALUATION_ID = " + entity.inventory_evaluation_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MAIN_PURCHASE_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(_main_purchase_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RETAIL_PRICE_SKIP_TAX = " + entity.retail_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RETAIL_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX = " + entity.retail_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SALES_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX = " + entity.sales_unit_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SALES_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX = " + entity.sales_unit_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SALES_COST_PRICE_SKIP_TAX = " + entity.sales_cost_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SALES_COST_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX = " + entity.sales_cost_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX = " + entity.purchase_unit_price_skip_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX = " + entity.purchase_unit_price_before_tax + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP1_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group1_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP2_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group2_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,GROUP3_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.group3_id) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MEMO = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity.memo) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,DISPLAY_FLG = " + entity.display_division_id + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Update)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } #endregion #region Delete if (type == 2) { #region Exist Data try { bool _ret = false; _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, groupId, "T_ESTIMATE_D", "COMMODITY_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return("商品ID : " + Id + " は見積データに使用されている為、削除できません。"); } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, groupId, "T_ORDER_D", "COMMODITY_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return("商品ID : " + Id + " は受注データに使用されている為、削除できません。"); } _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, groupId, "T_SALES_D", "COMMODITY_ID", ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { return("商品ID : " + Id + " は売上データに使用されている為、削除できません。"); } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Exist Data)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Exist Data) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Delete Commodity Inventory try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_COMMODITY_INVENTORY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Delete Commodity Inventory)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Commodity Inventory) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Update try { sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("UPDATE M_COMMODITY " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetUpdSQLCommonColums(PG_NM, ExCast.zCInt(personId), ipAdress, userId, 1)); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" AND ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Delete)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Delete) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion } #endregion #region PG排他制御 if (type == 0 || type == 2) { try { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, "", ipAdress, false, db); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DelLockPg)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DelLockPg) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } } #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(CommitTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DbClose)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { switch (type) { case 0: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Update, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); break; case 1: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Insert, "ID:" + _Id.ToString()); break; case 2: svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Delete, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); break; default: break; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Add Evidence)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateCommodity(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Return if (type == 1 && (Id == "0" || Id == "")) { return("Auto Insert success : " + "ID : " + _Id.ToString() + "で登録しました。"); } else { return(""); } #endregion }
public EntityCompany GetCompany(string random) { EntityCompany entity; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityCompany(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCompany(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityCompany(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCompany : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; return(entity); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SS.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SS.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SS.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SS.ID_FIGURE_GOODS " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SS.GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ES_YMD.YMD AS ES_YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,JC_YMD.YMD AS JC_YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SA_YMD.YMD AS SA_YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RP_YMD.YMD AS RP_YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,ES_CNT.CNT AS ES_CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,JC_CNT.CNT AS JC_CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SA_CNT.CNT AS SA_CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,RP_CNT.CNT AS RP_CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM SYS_M_COMPANY AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // システム設定 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_SETTING AS SS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON SS.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 見積最終伝票入力日 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAX(date_format(ESTIMATE_YMD , " + ExEscape.SQL_YMD + ")) AS YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_ESTIMATE_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS ES_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON ES_YMD.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 受注最終伝票入力日 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAX(date_format(ORDER_YMD , " + ExEscape.SQL_YMD + ")) AS YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_ORDER_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS JC_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON JC_YMD.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 売上最終伝票入力日 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAX(date_format(SALES_YMD , " + ExEscape.SQL_YMD + ")) AS YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_SALES_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS SA_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON SA_YMD.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 入金最終伝票入力日 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MAX(date_format(RECEIPT_YMD , " + ExEscape.SQL_YMD + ")) AS YMD " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_RECEIPT_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS RP_YMD" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON RP_YMD.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 見積現在伝票件数 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COUNT(COMPANY_ID) AS CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_ESTIMATE_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS ES_CNT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON ES_CNT.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 受注現在伝票件数 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COUNT(COMPANY_ID) AS CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_ORDER_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS JC_CNT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON JC_CNT.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 売上現在伝票件数 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COUNT(COMPANY_ID) AS CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_SALES_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS SA_CNT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON SA_CNT.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 入金現在伝票件数 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN (SELECT COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , COUNT(COMPANY_ID) AS CNT " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM T_RECEIPT_H " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" GROUP BY COMPANY_ID) AS RP_CNT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON RP_CNT.COMPANY_ID = MT.ID" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { entity = new EntityCompany(); // 排他制御 DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, companyId.ToString(), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); if (strErr != "") { entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCompany : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; } #region Set Entity = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["NAME"]); entity.kana = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["KANA"]); string _zip = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ZIP_CODE"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_zip) && ExCast.zCStr(_zip) != "0") { _zip = string.Format("{0:0000000}", ExCast.zCDbl(_zip)); entity.zip_code_from = _zip.Substring(0, 3); entity.zip_code_to = _zip.Substring(3, 4); } else { entity.zip_code_from = ""; entity.zip_code_to = ""; } entity.prefecture_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["PREFECTURE_ID"]); entity.city_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["CITY_ID"]); entity.town_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TOWN_ID"]); entity.adress_city = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_CITY"]); entity.adress_town = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_TOWN"]); entity.adress1 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS1"]); entity.adress2 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS2"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TEL"]); entity.fax = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["FAX"]); entity.mail_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MAIL_ADRESS"]); entity.mobile_tel = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_TEL"]); entity.mobile_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_ADRESS"]); entity.url = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["URL"]); entity.group_display_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_DISPLAY_NAME"]); entity.id_figure_slip_no = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO"]); entity.id_figure_customer = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER"]); entity.id_figure_purchase = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE"]); entity.id_figure_commodity = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID_FIGURE_GOODS"]); entity.estimate_ymd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[0]["ES_YMD"]); entity.order_ymd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[0]["JC_YMD"]); entity.sales_ymd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[0]["SA_YMD"]); entity.receipt_ymd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[0]["RP_YMD"]); entity.purchase_order_ymd = ""; entity.purchase_ymd = ""; entity.cash_payment_ymd = ""; entity.produce_ymd = ""; entity.ship_ymd = ""; entity.estimate_cnt = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["ES_CNT"]); entity.order_cnt = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["JC_CNT"]); entity.sales_cnt = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["SA_CNT"]); entity.receipt_cnt = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[0]["RP_CNT"]); entity.purchase_order_cnt = 0; entity.purchase_cnt = 0; entity.cash_payment_cnt = 0; entity.produce_cnt = 0; entity.ship_cnt = 0; entity.lock_flg = (int)lockFlg; entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MEMO"]); #endregion } else { entity = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCompany", ex); entity = new EntityCompany(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCompany : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "ID:" + companyId.ToString()); return(entity); }
public List <EntityInvoiceBalance> GetInvoiceBalanceList(string random, string strWhereSql, string strOrderBySql) { List <EntityInvoiceBalance> entityList = new List <EntityInvoiceBalance>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int idFigureCommodity = 0; int idFigureCustomer = 0; int idFigurePurchase = 0; int idFigureSlipNo = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); idFigureCommodity = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); idFigureCustomer = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER]); idFigurePurchase = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE]); idFigureSlipNo = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { EntityInvoiceBalance entity = new EntityInvoiceBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetInvoiceBalanceList(認証処理)", ex); EntityInvoiceBalance entity = new EntityInvoiceBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = "認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); ExReportManeger rptMgr = new ExReportManeger(); rptMgr.idFigureCommodity = idFigureCommodity; rptMgr.idFigureCustomer = idFigureCustomer; rptMgr.idFigurePurchase = idFigurePurchase; rptMgr.idFigureSlipNo = idFigureSlipNo; sb.Append(rptMgr.GetInvoiceBalanceListReportSQL(companyId, groupId, strWhereSql, strOrderBySql)); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Set Entity EntityInvoiceBalance entity = new EntityInvoiceBalance(); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["NO"]); entity.invoice_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_ID"]); entity.invoice_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_NM"]); entity.invoice_yyyymmdd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_YYYYMMDD"]); entity.summing_up_group_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["SUMMING_UP_GROUP_ID"]); entity.summing_up_group_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["SUMMING_UP_GROUP_NM"]); entity.person_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["INPUT_PERSON"]); entity.person_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INPUT_PERSON_NM"]); entity.collect_plan_day = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[i]["COLLECT_PLAN_DAY"]); entity.collect_day = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["COLLECT_DAY"]); entity.before_invoice_yyyymmdd = ExCast.zDateNullToDefault(dt.DefaultView[i]["BEFORE_INVOICE_YYYYMMDD"]); entity.before_invoice_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["BEFORE_INVOICE_PRICE"]); entity.before_invoice_price_upd = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["BEFORE_INVOICE_PRICE"]); entity.receipt_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["RECEIPT_PRICE"]); entity.transfer_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["TRANSFER_PRICE"]); entity.sales_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["SALES_PRICE"]); entity.no_tax_sales_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["NO_TAX_SALES_PRICE"]); = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["TAX"]); entity.invoice_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_PRICE"]); entity.invoice_kbn = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_KBN"]); entity.invoice_kbn_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_KBN_NM"]); entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["MEMO"]); entity.invoice_exists_flg = 0; entity.exec_flg = false; entity.lock_flg = 0; entityList.Add(entity); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetInvoiceBalanceList", ex); entityList.Clear(); EntityInvoiceBalance entity = new EntityInvoiceBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetInvoiceBalanceList : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entity); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Order.OrderList, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "Where:" + strWhereSql + ",Orderby:" + strOrderBySql); return(entityList); }
// F1ボタン(OK) クリック public override void btnF1_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { this.return_unit_price = ExCast.zCDbl(this.txtUnitPrice.Text); this.DialogResult = true; }
private bool InputCheck2(string _text) { string _strText = ""; string _chktext = ""; int _selectionStart = 0; switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Number: // 最大・最小入力値チェック _strText = this.Text; if (this.SelectedText != "") { _strText = this.Text.Replace(this.SelectedText, ""); } if (ExCast.zCDbl(_strText + _text) < this.MinNumber || ExCast.zCDbl(_strText + _text) > this.MaxNumber) { return(false); } double _dbl = ExCast.zCDbl(_strText + _text); string strText; string str; if (this.DecimalNum > 0) { if (this.DecimalNum == 1) { strText = _dbl.ToString("#,##0.00"); str = strText.Substring(strText.Length - 1, 1); if (str != "0") { return(false); } } else if (this.DecimalNum == 2) { strText = _dbl.ToString("#,##0.000"); str = strText.Substring(strText.Length - 1, 1); if (str != "0") { return(false); } } else { return(false); } } break; case geInputMode.ID: case geInputMode.Alphanumeric: case geInputMode.FullKana: case geInputMode.HalfKana: case geInputMode.FullShapeNative: if (ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB) != 0) { if (ExString.IsFullString(_text) || ExString.LenB(_text) >= 2) { // 最大入力バイト数チェック if (ExString.LenB(this.Text) - ExString.LenB(this.SelectedText) > ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB)) { _chktext = this.Text + this.SelectedText; for (int i = 1; i <= _chktext.Length; i++) { _chktext = _chktext.Substring(0, _chktext.Length - 1); if (ExString.LenB(_chktext) <= ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB)) { _selectionStart = this.SelectionStart + _text.Length; this.Text = _chktext; this.SelectionStart = _selectionStart; break; } } return(false); } } else { // 最大入力バイト数チェック if (ExString.LenB(this.Text + _text) - ExString.LenB(this.SelectedText) > ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB)) { _chktext = this.Text + _text + this.SelectedText; for (int i = 1; i <= _chktext.Length; i++) { _chktext = _chktext.Substring(0, _chktext.Length - 1); if (ExString.LenB(_chktext) <= ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB)) { this.Text = _chktext; break; } } return(false); } } } break; } // 全角チェック switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Number: case geInputMode.ID: case geInputMode.Alphanumeric: //case geInputMode.HalfKana: string strText = ""; for (int i = 1; i <= this.Text.Length; i++) { string str = this.Text.Substring(i - 1, 1); byte[] bytes = ExSjisEncoding.ucstojms(str); // 全角は除く if (bytes.Length == 1) { strText += str; } } if (strText != this.Text) { return(false); //this.Text = strText; } break; } // 0入力チェック switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.ID: if (this.Text + _text == "0") { return(false); } break; } return(true); }
protected override void OnMouseLeftButtonDown(MouseButtonEventArgs e) { base.OnMouseLeftButtonDown(e); bool _flg = false; try { DateTime dtNow = DateTime.Now; // 前回ミリ秒設定有り時 if (intBeforeHour != 0 || intBeforeMinute != 0 || intBeforeSecond != 0 || intBeforeMilliSecond != 0) { // 今回ミリ秒取得 int intHour = dtNow.Hour; int intMinute = dtNow.Minute; int intSecond = dtNow.Second; int intMilliSecond = dtNow.Millisecond; // 時間間隔取得 TimeSpan ts = new TimeSpan(0, intHour, intMinute, intSecond, intMilliSecond); TimeSpan tsBefore = new TimeSpan(0, intBeforeHour, intBeforeMinute, intBeforeSecond, intBeforeMilliSecond); TimeSpan diff = tsBefore - ts; double dbl = ExCast.zCDbl(diff.Duration().ToString().Replace(":", "")); // 初期化 intBeforeHour = 0; intBeforeMinute = 0; intBeforeSecond = 0; intBeforeMilliSecond = 0; // マウスダウンの時間間隔が0.5秒以内 if (dbl <= 0.5) { OnMouseDoubleClick(this, e); _flg = true; } } else { // 前回時刻設定 intBeforeHour = dtNow.Hour; intBeforeMinute = dtNow.Minute; intBeforeSecond = dtNow.Second; intBeforeMilliSecond = dtNow.Millisecond; } if (this._IsDataGridSelectCell && _flg == false) { ExDataGrid dg = (ExDataGrid)ExVisualTreeHelper.FindPerentDataGrid(this); if (dg != null) { dg.SelectedCell(ExCast.zCInt(this.DataGridRecNo), this.DataGridSelectedColumnIndex); //ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_DataGridSelectCell(dg, ExCast.zCInt(this.DataGridRecNo) - 1, this.DataGridSelectedColumnIndex); } } } catch (Exception ex) { } }
public void OnFormatString() { switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Date: if (this.Text == "") { break; } if (this.Text.Length != 8) { break; } this.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, 4) + "/" + this.Text.Substring(4, 2) + "/" + this.Text.Substring(6, 2); break; case geInputMode.Number: if (this.Text == "") { break; } if (this.FormatString.IndexOf(".") == -1 && this.DecimalNum > 0) { this.FormatString = "#,##0.00"; //string format = ""; //if (this.FormatString == "") //{ // format = "0."; //} //else //{ // format = FormatString + "."; //} //for (int i = 1; i <= this.DecimalNum; i++) //{ // format += "0"; //} this.Text = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(this.FormatString); if (this.DecimalNum > 0) { int _length = this.Text.Length; if (this.DecimalNum == 1) { this.Text = this.Text.Substring(0, this.Text.Length - 1) + "0"; } } } else { this.Text = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(this.FormatString); // 上記だけではなぜか設定されない string str = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(this.FormatString); this.Text = str; } break; case geInputMode.ID: if (this.Text == "") { break; } if (ExCast.zCInt(this.MaxLengthB) == 0) { break; } if (ExCast.IsNumeric(this.Text) == false) { break; } FormatToID(); break; default: break; } }
private void txt_LostFocus(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) { Control ctl = (Control)sender; ExTextBox txt = null; ComboBox cmb = null; int i = beforeSelectedIndex; switch (ctl.Name) { case "cmbBreakdown": cmb = (ComboBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { // コンボボックスID連携 _entityListD[i]._breakdown_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.BREAKDOWN_ID, ExCast.zCStr(cmb.SelectedValue)); // 消費税 if (_entityListD[i]._breakdown_id == 5) { _entityListD[i]._tax_division_nm = "非課税"; _entityListD[i]._tax_division_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.TAX_DIVISION_ID, ExCast.zCStr(_entityListD[i]._tax_division_nm)); } } break; case "txtGoodsId": txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } MstData _mstData = new MstData(); _mstData.GetMData(MstData.geMDataKbn.Commodity, new string[] { ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text), ExCast.zCStr(i) }, this); break; case "cboUnit": cmb = (ComboBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { // コンボボックスID連携 _entityListD[i]._unit_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.UNIT_ID, ExCast.zCStr(cmb.SelectedValue)); } break; case "txtEnterNum": // 明細入数計算 txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } _entityListD[i]._enter_number = ExCast.zCDbl(txt.Text); DataDetail.CalcDetailNumber(i, _entityH, _entityListD); } break; case "txtCaseNum": // 明細ケース数計算 txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } _entityListD[i]._case_number = ExCast.zCDbl(txt.Text); DataDetail.CalcDetailNumber(i, _entityH, _entityListD); } break; case "txtNumber": // 明細数量計算 txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } //OrderDetailData.CalcDetailNumber(i, _entityH, _entityListD); _entityListD[i]._number = ExCast.zCDbl(txt.Text); DataDetail.CalcDetail(i, _entityH, _entityListD); } break; case "txtUnitPrice": // 明細計算 txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } _entityListD[i]._unit_price = ExCast.zCDbl(txt.Text); DataDetail.CalcDetail(i, _entityH, _entityListD); } break; case "txtPrice": // 明細計算 txt = (ExTextBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { if (beforeValue == ExCast.zCStr(txt.Text)) { return; } _entityListD[i]._price = ExCast.zCDbl(txt.Text); DataDetail.IsCalcPrice = false; DataDetail.CalcDetail(i, _entityH, _entityListD); DataDetail.IsCalcPrice = true; } break; case "cboTaxDivision": cmb = (ComboBox)sender; if (_entityListD.Count > i && i != -1) { // コンボボックスID連携 _entityListD[i]._tax_division_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.TAX_DIVISION_ID, ExCast.zCStr(cmb.SelectedValue)); // 課税区分が課税で内訳が消費税の場合 if (_entityListD[i]._tax_division_id == 1 && _entityListD[i]._breakdown_id == 5) { ExMessageBox.Show("内訳が消費税の場合、課税区分に課税を選択できません。"); _entityListD[i]._tax_division_nm = "非課税"; _entityListD[i]._tax_division_id = MeiNameList.GetID(MeiNameList.geNameKbn.TAX_DIVISION_ID, ExCast.zCStr(_entityListD[i]._tax_division_nm)); } // 明細計算 DataDetail.CalcDetail(i, _entityH, _entityListD); } break; case "txtGoodsNm": case "txtDetailMemo": break; } }
public EntityReportSetting GetReportSetting(string random, string Id) { EntityReportSetting entity; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityReportSetting(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetReportSetting(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityReportSetting(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetReportSetting : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; return(entity); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SG1.NAME AS GROUP_NAME_FROM " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,SG2.NAME AS GROUP_NAME_TO " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_REPORT_SETTING AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // ユーザ sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_USER AS UR" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON UR.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND UR.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND UR.ID = MT.USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // グループFrom sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_COMPANY_GROUP AS SG1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON SG1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG1.COMPANY_ID = UR.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG1.ID = MT.GROUP_ID_FROM" + Environment.NewLine); // グループTo sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_COMPANY_GROUP AS SG2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON SG2.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG2.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG2.COMPANY_ID = UR.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND SG2.ID = MT.GROUP_ID_TO" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.USER_ID = " + userId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.PG_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(Id) + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { entity = new EntityReportSetting(); // 排他制御 //DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; //string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, Id.ToString(), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); //if (strErr != "") //{ // entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetReportSetting : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; //} #region Set Entity entity.user_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["USER_ID"]); entity.pg_id = Id; entity.size = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["SIZE"]); entity.orientation = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["ORIENTATION"]); entity.left_margin = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["LEFT_MARGIN"]); entity.right_margin = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["RIGHT_MARGIN"]); entity.top_margin = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["TOP_MARGIN"]); entity.bottom_margin = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["BOTTOM_MARGIN"]); if (ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_ID_FROM"]) != 0) { entity.group_id_from = string.Format("{0:000}", ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_ID_FROM"])); } entity.group_nm_from = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_NAME_FROM"]); if (ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_ID_TO"]) != 0) { entity.group_id_to = string.Format("{0:000}", ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_ID_TO"])); } entity.group_nm_to = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_NAME_TO"]); entity.group_total = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP_TOTAL"]); entity.total_kbn = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TOTAL_KBN"]); #endregion } else { entity = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetReportSetting", ex); entity = new EntityReportSetting(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetReportSetting : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); return(entity); }
// 名称マスタリストから個別名称リストへセット private void SetIndividualList(object objList) { objNameList = (ObservableCollection <EntityName>)objList; for (int i = 0; i <= objNameList.Count - 1; i++) { switch ((geNameKbn)objNameList[i].division_id) { case geNameKbn.TAX_CHANGE_ID: // 税転換ID glstTaxChange.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.BUSINESS_DIVISION_ID: // 取引区分ID glstBusinessDivison.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.BREAKDOWN_ID: // 内訳ID glstBreakdown.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.DELIVER_DIVISION_ID: // 納品区分ID glstDeliverDivision.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.UNIT_ID: // 単位ID glstUnit.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.TAX_DIVISION_ID: // 課税区分ID glstTaxDivision.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.INVENTORY_DIVISION_ID: // 在庫管理区分ID glstInventoryDivison.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.UNIT_PRICE_DIVISION_ID: // 単価区分ID glstUnitPriceDivision.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID: // 表示区分ID glstDisplayDivision.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.TITLE_ID: // 敬称ID glstTitle.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.FRACTION_PROC_ID: // 端数処理ID glstFractionProc.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.COLLECT_CYCLE_ID: // 回収サイクルID glstCollectCycle.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.CLASS: // 分類区分ID int _id = 0; try { _id = ExCast.zCInt(ExMath.zCeiling(ExCast.zCDbl(ExCast.zCDbl(objNameList[i].id) / 3), 0)); } catch { } glstClass.Add(new ListData(_id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.DIVIDE_PERMISSION_ID: // 分納許可ID glstDividePermission.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.INQUIRY_DIVISION_ID: // 問い合わせ区分ID glstInquiryDivision.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.LEVEL_ID: // 問い合わせ緊急度ID glstLevel.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.INQUIRY_STATE_ID: // 問い合わせ状態ID glstInquiryState.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.APPROVAL_STATE_ID: // 承認状態ID glstApprovalState.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.ACCOUNT_KBN: // 預金種別 glstAccountKbn.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.OPEN_CLOSE_STATE_ID: // 状態ID glstOpenCloseState.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.BUSINESS_DIVISION_PU_ID: // 取引区分ID(仕入) glstBusinessDivisonPu.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.SEND_KBN: // 発送区分 glstSendkbn.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.TAX_CHANGE_PU_ID: // 税転換ID(仕入) glstTaxChangePu.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.UNIT_PRICE_DIVISION_PU_ID: // 単価区分ID(仕入) glstUnitPriceDivisionPu.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_KBN: // 入出庫区分 glstInOutDeliveryKbn.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_PROC_KBN: // 入出庫処理区分 glstInOutDeliveryProcKbn.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; case geNameKbn.IN_OUT_DELIVERY_TO_KBN: // 入出庫先区分 glstInOutDeliveryToKbn.Add(new ListData(objNameList[i].id, objNameList[i].description)); break; default: break; } } }
public EntityCommodity GetCommodity(string random, string Id) { EntityCommodity entity; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityCommodity(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityCommodity(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; return(entity); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,PU.NAME AS MAIN_PURCHASE_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM1.DESCRIPTION AS UNIT_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM2.DESCRIPTION AS TAXATION_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM3.DESCRIPTION AS INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM4.DESCRIPTION AS INVENTORY_EVALUATION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL1.NAME AS GROUP1_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL2.NAME AS GROUP2_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CL3.NAME AS GROUP3_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM.DESCRIPTION AS DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_COMMODITY AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // 仕入先 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_PURCHASE AS PU" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON PU.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND PU.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND PU.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND PU.ID = MT.MAIN_PURCHASE_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 単位 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.UNIT_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.ID = MT.UNIT_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 課税区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM2.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.TAX_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM2.ID = MT.TAXATION_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 在庫管理区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM3" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM3.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.INVENTORY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM3.ID = MT.INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 在庫評価 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM4" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM4.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.INVENTORY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM4.ID = MT.INVENTORY_EVALUATION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 商品分類1 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CommodityGrouop1 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL1.ID = MT.GROUP1_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 商品分類2 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL2" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL2.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CommodityGrouop2 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL2.ID = MT.GROUP2_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 商品分類3 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CLASS AS CL3" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CL3.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geMGroupKbn.CommodityGrouop3 + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CL3.ID = MT.GROUP3_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 表示区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.ID = MT.DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.SET_COMMODITY_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { entity = new EntityCommodity(); // 排他制御 DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); if (strErr != "") { entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; } #region Set Entity = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["NAME"]); entity.kana = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["KANA"]); entity.unit_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["UNIT_ID"]); entity.unit_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["UNIT_NAME"]); entity.enter_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["ENTER_NUMBER"]); entity.number_decimal_digit = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["NUMBER_DECIMAL_DIGIT"]); entity.unit_decimal_digit = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["UNIT_DECIMAL_DIGIT"]); entity.taxation_divition_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAXATION_DIVISION_ID"]); entity.taxation_divition_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TAXATION_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.inventory_management_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_ID"]); entity.inventory_management_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVENTORY_MANAGEMENT_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.purchase_lot = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["PURCHASE_LOT"]); entity.lead_time = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["LEAD_TIME"]); entity.just_inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["JUST_INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.inventory_evaluation_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVENTORY_EVALUATION_ID"]); entity.inventory_evaluation_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["INVENTORY_EVALUATION_NAME"]); entity.main_purchase_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MAIN_PURCHASE_ID"]); entity.main_purchase_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MAIN_PURCHASE_NAME"]); entity.retail_price_skip_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["RETAIL_PRICE_SKIP_TAX"]); entity.retail_price_before_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["RETAIL_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX"]); entity.sales_unit_price_skip_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["SALES_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX"]); entity.sales_unit_price_before_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["SALES_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX"]); entity.sales_cost_price_skip_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["SALES_COST_PRICE_SKIP_TAX"]); entity.sales_cost_price_before_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["SALES_COST_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX"]); entity.purchase_unit_price_skip_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_SKIP_TAX"]); entity.purchase_unit_price_before_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[0]["PURCHASE_UNIT_PRICE_BEFORE_TAX"]); entity.group1_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP1_ID"]); entity.group1_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP1_NAME"]); entity.group2_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP2_ID"]); entity.group2_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP2_NAME"]); entity.group3_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP3_ID"]); entity.group3_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["GROUP3_NAME"]); entity.display_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_FLG"]); entity.display_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MEMO"]); entity.lock_flg = (int)lockFlg; #endregion } else { entity = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity", ex); entity = new EntityCommodity(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetCommodity : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); return(entity); }
// ログイン //public void Login() //{ // try // { // ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg DialogDisplayFlg = ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.Yes; // if (this.blClose == true || this.rptKbn == DataReport.geReportKbn.OutPut) // { // DialogDisplayFlg = ExWebService.geDialogDisplayFlg.No; // } // switch (this.rptKbn) // { // case DataReport.geReportKbn.Download: // Common.gstrProgressDialogTitle = "PDFファイル作成中"; // break; // case DataReport.geReportKbn.Csv: // Common.gstrProgressDialogTitle = "CSVファイル作成中"; // break; // } // object[] prm = new object[3]; // prm[0] = Common.gstrLoginUserID; // prm[1] = Common.gstrLoginPassword; // prm[2] = 0; // webService.objPerent = this; // webService.CallWebService(ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn.Login, // DialogDisplayFlg, // ExWebService.geDialogCloseFlg.No, // prm); // } // catch // { // if (this.utlParentFKey != null) this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; // } //} //public override void DataSelect(int intKbn, object objList) //{ // try // { // switch ((ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn)intKbn) // { // case ExWebService.geWebServiceCallKbn.Login: // EntitySysLogin entity = (EntitySysLogin)objList; // switch (entity._login_flg) // { // case 0: // 正常ログイン // // システム情報設定 // Common.gintCompanyId = entity._company_id; // Common.gstrCompanyNm = entity._company_nm; // Common.gintGroupId = entity._group_id; // Common.gstrGroupNm = entity._group_nm; // Common.gintDefaultPersonId = entity._defult_person_id; // Common.gstrDefaultPersonNm = entity._defult_person_nm; // Common.gstrGroupDisplayNm = entity._group_display_name; // Common.gintEvidenceFlg = entity._evidence_flg; // Common.gintidFigureSlipNo = entity._idFigureSlipNo; // Common.gintidFigureCustomer = entity._idFigureCustomer; // Common.gintidFigurePurchase = entity._idFigurePurchase; // Common.gintidFigureCommodity = entity._idFigureGoods; // Common.gstrSessionString = entity._session_string; // Common.gblnLogin = true; // break; // case 1: // 同一ユーザーログイン // break; // default: // ログイン失敗 // if (this.utlParentFKey != null) this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; // return; // } // break; // } // if (this.blClose == true) // { // if (this.parentUtl != null) // { // this.blClose = false; // if (this.utlParentFKey != null) this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; // return; // } // Dlg_Report win = (Dlg_Report)ExVisualTreeHelper.FindPerentChildWindow(this); // if (this.utlParentFKey != null) this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; // win.Close(); // } // else // { // Report(); // } // } // catch // { // if (this.utlParentFKey != null) this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; // } //} #endregion #region InputCheck public override void InputCheckUpdate() { #region Field string errMessage = ""; string warnMessage = ""; int _selectIndex = 0; int _selectColumn = 0; bool IsDetailExists = false; Control errCtl = null; #endregion try { #region 入力チェック #region 必須チェック #endregion #region 入力チェック if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(utlID_F.txtID.Text.Trim()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(utlID_F.txtNm.Text.Trim())) { errMessage += this.lblID.Content + "が適切に入力(選択)されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.utlID_F.txtID; } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(utlID_T.txtID.Text.Trim()) && string.IsNullOrEmpty(utlID_T.txtNm.Text.Trim())) { errMessage += this.lblID.Content + "が適切に入力(選択)されていません。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.utlID_T.txtID; } } #endregion #region 日付チェック //// 受注日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entityH._order_ymd) == false) //{ // if (ExCast.IsDate(_entityH._order_ymd) == false) // { // errMessage += "受注日の形式が不正です。(yyyy/mm/dd形式で入力(選択)して下さい)" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.datOrderYmd; // } //} //// 納入指定日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entityH._supply_ymd) == false) //{ // if (ExCast.IsDate(_entityH._supply_ymd) == false) // { // errMessage += "納入指定日の形式が不正です。(yyyy/mm/dd形式で入力(選択)して下さい)" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.datNokiYmd; // } //} #endregion #region 日付変換 //// 受注日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entityH._order_ymd) == false) //{ // _entityH._order_ymd = ExCast.zConvertToDate(_entityH._order_ymd).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); //} //// 納入指定日 //if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(_entityH._supply_ymd) == false) //{ // _entityH._supply_ymd = ExCast.zConvertToDate(_entityH._supply_ymd).ToString("yyyy/MM/dd"); //} #endregion #region 正数チェック //if (ExCast.zCLng(_entityH._no) < 0) //{ // errMessage += "受注番号には正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; //} //if (ExCast.zCLng(_entityH._estimateno) < 0) //{ // errMessage += "見積番号には正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.utlEstimateNo.txtID; //} #endregion #region 範囲チェック if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.utlID_F.txtID.Text.Trim()) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.utlID_T.txtID.Text.Trim()) && ExCast.IsNumeric(this.utlID_F.txtID.Text.Trim()) && ExCast.IsNumeric(this.utlID_F.txtID.Text.Trim())) { if (ExCast.zCDbl(this.utlID_F.txtID.Text.Trim()) > ExCast.zCLng(this.utlID_T.txtID.Text.Trim())) { errMessage += this.lblID.Content + "の範囲指定が不正です。" + Environment.NewLine; if (errCtl == null) { errCtl = this.utlID_F.txtID; } } } //if (ExCast.zCLng(_entityH._no) > 999999999999999) //{ // errMessage += "受注番号には15桁以内の正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; //} //if (ExCast.zCLng(_entityH._estimateno) > 999999999999999) //{ // errMessage += "見積番号には15桁以内の正の整数を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.utlEstimateNo.txtID; //} //if (ExString.LenB(_entityH._memo) > 32) //{ // errMessage += "摘要には全角16桁文字以内(半角32桁文字以内)を入力して下さい。" + Environment.NewLine; // if (errCtl == null) errCtl = this.txtMemo; //} #endregion #endregion #region エラー or 警告時処理 bool flg = true; if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(errMessage)) { ExMessageBox.Show(errMessage, Dlg.MessageBox.MessageBoxIcon.Error); flg = false; } this.txtDummy.IsTabStop = false; if (flg == false) { if (errCtl != null) { ExBackgroundWorker.DoWork_Focus(errCtl, 10); } if (this.utlParentFKey != null) { this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; } return; } #endregion ReportStart(); } catch { if (this.utlParentFKey != null) { this.utlParentFKey.IsEnabled = true; } } finally { Common.gblnBtnProcLock = false; Common.gblnBtnDesynchronizeLock = false; } }
public static bool IsExistData(ExMySQLData db, string companyId, string groupId, string tblName, string col1Name, string col1Value, string col2Name, string col2Value, CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn col1Type) { StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT TBL.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM " + tblName + " AS TBL" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE TBL.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); if (companyId != "") { sb.Append(" AND TBL.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); } if (groupId != "") { sb.Append(" AND TBL.GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); } if (col1Type == CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String) { sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col1Name + " = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(col1Value) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col2Name + " <> " + ExEscape.zRepStr(col2Value) + Environment.NewLine); } else { sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col1Name + " = " + ExCast.zCDbl(col1Value) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col2Name + " <> " + ExCast.zCDbl(col2Value) + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(" LIMIT 0, 1" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".IsExistData", ex); throw; } finally { } }
public static void GetData(ExMySQLData db, string companyId, string groupId, string tblName, string col1Name, string col1Value, CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn col1Type, string get_col1Name, string get_col2Name, string get_col3Name, string get_col4Name, string get_col5Name, string get_another_col1Name, string get_another_col2Name, string get_another_col3Name, string get_another_col4Name, string get_another_col5Name, ref string get_col1Value, ref string get_col2Value, ref string get_col3Value, ref string get_col4Value, ref string get_col5Value) { StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; try { sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT " + get_col1Name + Environment.NewLine); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col2Name)) { sb.Append(" ," + get_col2Name + Environment.NewLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col3Name)) { sb.Append(" ," + get_col3Name + Environment.NewLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col4Name)) { sb.Append(" ," + get_col4Name + Environment.NewLine); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col5Name)) { sb.Append(" ," + get_col5Name + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(" FROM " + tblName + " AS TBL" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE TBL.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); if (companyId != "") { sb.Append(" AND TBL.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); } if (groupId != "") { sb.Append(" AND TBL.GROUP_ID = " + groupId + Environment.NewLine); } if (col1Type == CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String) { sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col1Name + " = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(col1Value) + Environment.NewLine); } else { sb.Append(" AND TBL." + col1Name + " = " + ExCast.zCDbl(col1Value) + Environment.NewLine); } sb.Append(" LIMIT 0, 1" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { get_col1Value = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0][get_another_col1Name]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col2Name)) { get_col2Value = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0][get_another_col2Name]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col3Name)) { get_col3Value = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0][get_another_col3Name]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col4Name)) { get_col4Value = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0][get_another_col4Name]); } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(get_col5Name)) { get_col5Value = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0][get_another_col5Name]); } } else { get_col1Value = ""; get_col2Value = ""; get_col3Value = ""; get_col4Value = ""; get_col5Value = ""; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetData", ex); throw; } finally { } }
public EntitySupplier GetSupplier(string random, string CustomerId, string Id) { EntitySupplier entity; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntitySupplier(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSupplier(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntitySupplier(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetSupplier : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; return(entity); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,CM.NAME AS CUSTOMER_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM1.DESCRIPTION AS DIVIDE_PERMISSION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,NM.DESCRIPTION AS DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_SUPPLIER AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); #region Join // 得意先 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN M_CUSTOMER AS CM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON CM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.COMPANY_ID = MT.COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CM.ID = MT.CUSTOMER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 分納許可 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM1" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM1.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.DIVIDE_PERMISSION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM1.ID = MT.DIVIDE_PERMISSION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); // 表示区分 sb.Append(" LEFT JOIN SYS_M_NAME AS NM" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ON NM.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DISPLAY_FLG = 1 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.DIVISION_ID = " + (int)CommonUtl.geNameKbn.DISPLAY_DIVISION_ID + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND NM.ID = MT.DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); #endregion sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.CUSTOMER_ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(CustomerId)) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.ID = " + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id)) + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { entity = new EntitySupplier(); // 排他制御 DataPgLock.geLovkFlg lockFlg; string strErr = DataPgLock.SetLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(CustomerId) + "-" + ExCast.zNumZeroNothingFormat(Id), ipAdress, db, out lockFlg); if (strErr != "") { entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetSupplier : 排他制御(ロック情報取得)に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + strErr; } #region Set Entity = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ID"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["NAME"]); entity.kana = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["KANA"]); entity.about_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ABOUT_NAME"]); string _zip = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ZIP_CODE"]); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(_zip) && ExCast.zCStr(_zip) != "0") { _zip = string.Format("{0:0000000}", ExCast.zCDbl(_zip)); entity.zip_code_from = _zip.Substring(0, 3); entity.zip_code_to = _zip.Substring(3, 4); } else { entity.zip_code_from = ""; entity.zip_code_to = ""; } entity.prefecture_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["PREFECTURE_ID"]); entity.city_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["CITY_ID"]); entity.town_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TOWN_ID"]); entity.adress_city = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_CITY"]); entity.adress_town = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS_TOWN"]); entity.adress1 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS1"]); entity.adress2 = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["ADRESS2"]); entity.station_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["STATION_NAME"]); entity.post_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["POST_NAME"]); entity.person_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["PERSON_NAME"]); entity.title_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["TITLE_ID"]); entity.title_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TITLE_NAME"]); = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["TEL"]); entity.fax = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["FAX"]); entity.mail_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MAIL_ADRESS"]); entity.mobile_tel = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_TEL"]); entity.mobile_adress = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MOBILE_ADRESS"]); entity.url = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["URL"]); entity.customer_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["CUSTOMER_ID"]); entity.customer_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["CUSTOMER_NAME"]); entity.divide_permission_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_FLG"]); entity.divide_permission_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.display_division_id = ExCast.zCInt(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_FLG"]); entity.display_division_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["DISPLAY_DIVISION_NAME"]); entity.lock_flg = (int)lockFlg; entity.memo = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[0]["MEMO"]); #endregion } else { entity = null; } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSupplier", ex); entity = new EntitySupplier(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetSupplier : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "ID:" + Id.ToString()); return(entity); }
public List <EntitySalesCreditBalance> GetSalesCreditBalanaceList(string random, string strWhereSql, string strOrderBySql) { List <EntitySalesCreditBalance> entityList = new List <EntitySalesCreditBalance>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int idFigureCommodity = 0; int idFigureCustomer = 0; int idFigurePurchase = 0; int idFigureSlipNo = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); idFigureCommodity = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); idFigureCustomer = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER]); idFigurePurchase = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE]); idFigureSlipNo = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { EntitySalesCreditBalance entity = new EntitySalesCreditBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSalesCreditBalanaceList(認証処理)", ex); EntitySalesCreditBalance entity = new EntitySalesCreditBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = "認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; long rec_no = 0; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); ExReportManeger rptMgr = new ExReportManeger(); rptMgr.idFigureCommodity = idFigureCommodity; rptMgr.idFigureCustomer = idFigureCustomer; rptMgr.idFigurePurchase = idFigurePurchase; rptMgr.idFigureSlipNo = idFigureSlipNo; sb.Append(rptMgr.GetSalesCreditBalanaceListReportSQL(companyId, groupId, strWhereSql, strOrderBySql)); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Set Entity rec_no += 1; EntitySalesCreditBalance entity = new EntitySalesCreditBalance(); entity.rec_no = rec_no; entity.ym = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["YM"]); entity.invoice_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_ID"]); entity.invoice_nm = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVOICE_NAME"]); entity.before_sales_credit_balacne = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["BEFORE_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE"]); entity.before_sales_credit_balacne_upd = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["BEFORE_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE"]); entity.this_receipt_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["THIS_RECEIPT_PRICE"]); entity.this_receipt_percent = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["THIS_RECEIPT_PERCENT"]); entity.this_sales_credit_price = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["THIS_SALES_PRICE"]); entity.this_tax = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["THIS_SALES_TAX"]); entity.this_sales_credit_balance = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["THIS_SALES_CREDIT_BALANCE"]); entity.exec_flg = false; entity.lock_flg = 0; entityList.Add(entity); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetSalesCreditBalanaceList", ex); entityList.Clear(); EntitySalesCreditBalance entity = new EntitySalesCreditBalance(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetSalesCreditBalanaceList : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entity); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.Order.OrderList, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "Where:" + strWhereSql + ",Orderby:" + strOrderBySql); return(entityList); }
public string UpdateClass(string random, List <EntityClass> entity, int classKbn) { #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; string personId = ""; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); personId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.PERSON_ID]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { return(_message); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(認証処理)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString()); } #endregion #region Field StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db = null; string _Id = ""; int _classKbn = 0; #endregion #region データ存在チェック sb = new StringBuilder(); #region SQL _classKbn = ((classKbn - 1)) * 3 + 1; sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("SELECT MT.* " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" FROM M_CLASS AS MT" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE MT.COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.DELETE_FLG = 0 " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND MT.CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + _classKbn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ORDER BY MT.COMPANY_ID " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ,MT.ID " + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); string ret_msg = ""; if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { long lngClassId = ExCast.zCLng(dt.DefaultView[i]["ID"]); bool exists_flg = false; for (int i_ = 0; i_ <= entity.Count - 1; i_++) { if (ExCast.zCLng(entity[i_].id) == lngClassId) { exists_flg = true; } } string strClassId = string.Format("{0:000}", ExCast.zCDbl(lngClassId)); if (exists_flg == false) { bool _ret = false; switch (classKbn) { case 1: // 得意先分類 _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "M_CUSTOMER", "GROUP1_ID", strClassId, CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { ret_msg += "得意先分類ID : " + strClassId + " は得意先マスタで使用されている為、削除できません。" + Environment.NewLine; } break; case 2: // 商品分類 _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "M_COMMODITY", "GROUP1_ID", strClassId, CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { ret_msg += "商品分類ID : " + strClassId + " は商品マスタで使用されている為、削除できません。" + Environment.NewLine; } break; case 3: // 仕入先分類 _ret = DataExists.IsExistData(db, companyId, "", "M_PURCHASE", "GROUP1_ID", strClassId, CommonUtl.geStrOrNumKbn.String); if (_ret == true) { ret_msg += "仕入先分類ID : " + strClassId + " は仕入先マスタで使用されている為、削除できません。" + Environment.NewLine; } break; } } } if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(ret_msg)) { return(ret_msg); } } #endregion #region Databese Open try { db = new ExMySQLData(ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.DB_CONNECTION_STR])); db.DbOpen(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DbOpen)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DbOpen) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region BeginTransaction try { db.ExBeginTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(BeginTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(BeginTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Delete try { #region Delete SQL _classKbn = ((classKbn - 1)) * 3 + 1; sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("DELETE FROM M_CLASS " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" WHERE COMPANY_ID = " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" AND CLASS_DIVISION_ID = " + _classKbn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Delete)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Delete) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Insert try { for (int i = 0; i <= entity.Count - 1; i++) { // 空行は無視する if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entity[i].id)) { #region Insert SQL sb.Length = 0; sb.Append("INSERT INTO M_CLASS " + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" ( COMPANY_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CLASS_DIVISION_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , NAME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , MEMO" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DISPLAY_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , DELETE_FLG" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , CREATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PG_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_ADRESS" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_USER_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_PERSON_ID" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_DATE" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(" , UPDATE_TIME" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append(")" + Environment.NewLine); sb.Append("SELECT " + companyId + Environment.NewLine); // COMPANY_ID sb.Append(" ," + _classKbn.ToString() + Environment.NewLine); // Class_DIVISION_ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(ExCast.zNumZeroFormat("{0:000}", entity[i].id)) + Environment.NewLine); // ID sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity[i].name) + Environment.NewLine); // NAME sb.Append(" ," + ExEscape.zRepStr(entity[i].memo) + Environment.NewLine); // MEMO sb.Append(" ," + entity[i].display_division_id + Environment.NewLine); // DISPLAY_FLG sb.Append(CommonUtl.GetInsSQLCommonColums(CommonUtl.UpdKbn.Ins, PG_NM, "M_Class", ExCast.zCInt(personId), _Id, ipAdress, userId)); #endregion db.ExecuteSQL(sb.ToString(), false); } } } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Insert)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Insert) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region PG排他制御 try { DataPgLock.DelLockPg(companyId, userId, PG_NM, "", ipAdress, false, db); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DelLockPg)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DelLockPg) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region CommitTransaction try { db.ExCommitTransaction(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(CommitTransaction)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(CommitTransaction) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion #region Database Close try { db.DbClose(); } catch (Exception ex) { db.ExRollbackTransaction(); CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DbClose)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(DbClose) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } finally { db = null; } #endregion #region Add Evidence try { svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, PG_NM, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.DeleteAndInsert, ""); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Add Evidence)", ex); return(CLASS_NM + ".UpdateClass(Add Evidence) : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message); } #endregion return(""); }
protected override void OnLostFocus(RoutedEventArgs e) { try { if (this.BeforeValue == this.Text) { this.UpdataFlg = false; } else { this.UpdataFlg = true; } // 初期化 intBeforeHour = 0; intBeforeMinute = 0; intBeforeSecond = 0; intBeforeMilliSecond = 0; // 値セット switch (InputMode) { case geInputMode.Number: this.Value = ExCast.zCDbl(this.Text).ToString(); break; case geInputMode.Alphanumeric: this.Value = this.Text; break; case geInputMode.Date: if (this.Text == "") { break; } if (this.Text.Length != 8) { this.Text = ""; break; } this.Value = this.Text; break; case geInputMode.FullShapeNative: this.Value = this.Text; break; } if (this.NullToZero == true) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(this.Text)) { this.Text = "0"; } } // フォーマット OnFormatString(); } catch (Exception ex) { } this._IsDoubleFocusFlg = false; base.OnLostFocus(e); }
public List <EntityStockInventory> GetStockInventoryList(string random, string strWhereSql, string strOrderBySql) { List <EntityStockInventory> entityList = new List <EntityStockInventory>(); #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int idFigureCommodity = 0; int idFigureCustomer = 0; int idFigurePurchase = 0; int idFigureSlipNo = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); idFigureCommodity = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); idFigureCustomer = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER]); idFigurePurchase = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE]); idFigureSlipNo = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList(認証処理)", ex); EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = "認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString();; entityList.Add(entity); return(entityList); } #endregion StringBuilder sb; DataTable dt; ExMySQLData db; try { db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]), ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR])); sb = new StringBuilder(); ExReportManeger rptMgr = new ExReportManeger(); rptMgr.idFigureCommodity = idFigureCommodity; rptMgr.idFigureCustomer = idFigureCustomer; rptMgr.idFigurePurchase = idFigurePurchase; rptMgr.idFigureSlipNo = idFigureSlipNo; sb.Append(rptMgr.GetStockInventoryListReportSQL(companyId, groupId, strWhereSql, strOrderBySql)); dt = db.GetDataTable(sb.ToString()); if (dt.DefaultView.Count > 0) { for (int i = 0; i <= dt.DefaultView.Count - 1; i++) { #region Set Entity EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.commodity_id = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_ID"]); entity.commodity_name = ExCast.zCStr(dt.DefaultView[i]["COMMODITY_NAME"]); entity.account_inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.practice_inventory_number = ExCast.zCDbl(dt.DefaultView[i]["INVENTORY_NUMBER"]); entity.diff_number = 0; entity.exec_flg = false; entity.lock_flg = 0; entityList.Add(entity); #endregion } } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList", ex); entityList.Clear(); EntityStockInventory entity = new EntityStockInventory(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".GetStockInventoryList : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); entityList.Add(entity); } finally { db = null; } svcPgEvidence.gAddEvidence(ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.EVIDENCE_SAVE_FLG]), companyId, userId, ipAdress, sessionString, DataPgEvidence.PGName.StockInventory.StockInventoryInp, DataPgEvidence.geOperationType.Select, "Where:" + strWhereSql + ",Orderby:" + strOrderBySql); return(entityList); }
public EntityReport ReportOut(string random, string rptKbn, string pgId, string parameters) { EntityReport entity; EntityReportSetting entitySetting; #region 認証処理 string companyId = ""; string groupId = ""; string userId = ""; string ipAdress = ""; string sessionString = ""; int reportSizeUser = 0; int idFigureCommodity = 0; int idFigureCustomer = 0; int idFigurePurchase = 0; int idFigureSlipNo = 0; int rpTotalAuthorityKbn = 0; try { companyId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.COMPANY_ID]); groupId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.GROUP_ID]); userId = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID]); ipAdress = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.IP_ADRESS]); sessionString = ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]); reportSizeUser = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.REPORT_SAVE_SIZE_USER]); idFigureCommodity = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_GOODS]); idFigureCustomer = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_CUSTOMER]); idFigurePurchase = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_PURCHASE]); idFigureSlipNo = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.ID_FIGURE_SLIP_NO]); rpTotalAuthorityKbn = ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.REPORT_TOTAL_AUTHORITY_KBN]); string _message = ExSession.SessionUserUniqueCheck(random, ExCast.zCStr(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.SESSION_RANDOM_STR]), ExCast.zCInt(HttpContext.Current.Session[ExSession.USER_ID])); if (_message != "") { entity = new EntityReport(); entity.MESSAGE = _message; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".ReportOut(認証処理)", ex); entity = new EntityReport(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".ReportOut : 認証処理に失敗しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); return(entity); } #endregion ExMySQLData db = ExSession.GetSessionDb(ExCast.zCInt(userId), sessionString); try { #region Get Report Setting entitySetting = GetReportSetting(random, pgId); if (entitySetting == null) { entitySetting = new EntityReportSetting(); entitySetting.user_id = ExCast.zCInt(userId); entitySetting.pg_id = pgId; entitySetting.group_id_from = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); entitySetting.group_id_to = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); } else if (entitySetting != null) { if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(entitySetting.MESSAGE)) { entitySetting = new EntityReportSetting(); entitySetting.user_id = ExCast.zCInt(userId); entitySetting.pg_id = pgId; entitySetting.group_id_from = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); entitySetting.group_id_to = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); } else { if (ExCast.zCInt(entitySetting.group_id_from) == 0 && ExCast.zCInt(entitySetting.group_id_to) == 0) { entitySetting.group_id_from = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); entitySetting.group_id_to = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); } } } if (rpTotalAuthorityKbn < 2) { entitySetting.group_id_from = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); entitySetting.group_id_to = ExCast.zCInt(groupId).ToString(); } #endregion entity = new EntityReport(); DataReport.geReportKbn kbn = (DataReport.geReportKbn)ExCast.zCInt(rptKbn); ExReportManeger rptMgr = new ExReportManeger(); rptMgr.idFigureCommodity = idFigureCommodity; rptMgr.idFigureCustomer = idFigureCustomer; rptMgr.idFigurePurchase = idFigurePurchase; rptMgr.idFigureSlipNo = idFigureSlipNo; rptMgr.entitySetting = entitySetting; rptMgr.rptKbn = kbn; #region Report FilePath Setting bool _ret = rptMgr.GetReportFilePath(pgId, companyId, userId); if (_ret == false) { entity.MESSAGE = CommonUtl.gstrErrMsg; return(entity); } entity.downLoadFilePath = rptMgr.reportFilePath; entity.downLoadFileName = rptMgr.reportFileName; entity.downLoadFileSize = rptMgr.reportFileSize.ToString(); entity.downLoadUrl = CommonUtl.gstrMainUrl + rptMgr.reportDir; #endregion DataSet ds = db.GetDataSet(rptMgr.ReportSQL(pgId, companyId, groupId, parameters), rptMgr.GetPGIDXsd(pgId)); #region Export xsd System.IO.StreamWriter xmlSW = null; try { xmlSW = new System.IO.StreamWriter(CommonUtl.gstrReportTemp + rptMgr.GetPGIDXsd(pgId) + ".xsd"); ds.WriteXmlSchema(xmlSW); xmlSW.Close(); } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".WriteXmlSchema", ex); } finally { if (xmlSW != null) { xmlSW.Dispose(); xmlSW = null; } } #endregion if (ds.Tables[0].Rows.Count == 0) { entity.MESSAGE = "データが存在しません。"; entity.ret = false; return(entity); } string _fileType = ""; string _DownloadType = ""; switch (kbn) { case DataReport.geReportKbn.OutPut: _fileType = "PDF"; _DownloadType = "出力"; if (rptMgr.ReportToPdf(ds, pgId) == true) { entity.ret = true; } else { entity.MESSAGE = CommonUtl.gstrErrMsg; entity.ret = false; } break; case DataReport.geReportKbn.Download: _fileType = "PDF"; _DownloadType = "ダウンロード"; if (rptMgr.ReportToPdf(ds, pgId) == true) { entity.ret = true; } else { entity.MESSAGE = CommonUtl.gstrErrMsg; entity.ret = false; } break; case DataReport.geReportKbn.Csv: _fileType = "CSV"; _DownloadType = "ダウンロード"; if (rptMgr.DataTableToCsv(ds.Tables[0]) == true) { entity.ret = true; } else { entity.MESSAGE = CommonUtl.gstrErrMsg; entity.ret = false; } break; default: break; } //entity.downLoadFilePath = @"d:\HostingSpaces\Users\EW20121725\\wwwroot\temp\顧客マスタ一覧.csv"; //System.IO.FileInfo fi = new System.IO.FileInfo(entity.downLoadFilePath); //entity.downLoadFileSize = fi.Length.ToString(); if (reportSizeUser < ExCast.zCDbl(entity.downLoadFileSize) / 1000000) { entity.MESSAGE = _fileType + "ファイルのサイズが" + reportSizeUser.ToString() + "Mバイトを超える為、" + _DownloadType + "できません。"; return(entity); } } catch (Exception ex) { CommonUtl.ExLogger.Error(CLASS_NM + ".ReportOut", ex); entity = new EntityReport(); entity.MESSAGE = CLASS_NM + ".ReportOut : 予期せぬエラーが発生しました。" + Environment.NewLine + ex.Message.ToString(); return(entity); } return(entity); }