protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <ARInvoice> e) { if (e.Row != null && e.Row.ProjectID != null && e.Row.ProjectID != PM.ProjectDefaultAttribute.NonProject()) { var selectReleased = new PXSelectJoin <PMBillingRecord, InnerJoin <PMBillingRecordEx, On <PMBillingRecord.projectID, Equal <PMBillingRecordEx.projectID>, And <PMBillingRecord.billingTag, Equal <PMBillingRecordEx.billingTag>, And <PMBillingRecord.recordID, Less <PMBillingRecordEx.recordID>, And <PMBillingRecordEx.proformaRefNbr, IsNotNull> > > > >, Where <PMBillingRecord.projectID, Equal <Required <PMBillingRecord.projectID> >, And <PMBillingRecord.aRDocType, Equal <Required <PMBillingRecord.aRDocType> >, And <PMBillingRecord.aRRefNbr, Equal <Required <PMBillingRecord.aRRefNbr> > > > > >(Base); var resultset = selectReleased.Select(e.Row.ProjectID, e.Row.DocType, e.Row.RefNbr); if (resultset.Count > 0) { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); foreach (PXResult <PMBillingRecord, PMBillingRecordEx> res in resultset) { PMBillingRecordEx item = (PMBillingRecordEx)res; sb.AppendFormat("{0}-{1},", item.ARDocType, item.ARRefNbr); } string list = sb.ToString().TrimEnd(','); throw new PXException(AR.Messages.ReleasedProforma, list); } } isARInvoiceDeleting = true; }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <PMCostCode> e) { if (e.Row.IsDefault == true) { throw new PXException(Messages.CannotDeleteDefaultCostCode); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <ComplianceAttribute> args) { var attributeId = args.Row.AttributeId; var compliance = new PXSelect <ComplianceDocument>(this); var attributeType = new PXSelect <ComplianceAttributeType, Where <ComplianceAttributeType.complianceAttributeTypeID, Equal <Required <ComplianceAttributeType.complianceAttributeTypeID> > > >(this) .SelectSingle(args.Row.Type); switch (attributeType.Type.Trim()) { case ComplianceDocumentType.Status: compliance .WhereAnd <Where <ComplianceDocument.status, Equal <Required <ComplianceAttribute.attributeId> > > >(); break; default: compliance .WhereAnd <Where <ComplianceDocument.documentTypeValue, Equal <Required <ComplianceAttribute.attributeId> > > >(); break; } if (compliance.SelectSingle(attributeId) != null) { throw new PXException(ComplianceMessages.CannotDeleteAttributeMessage); } }
protected void _(Events.RowDeleting <LumShipmentPlan> e) { if (e.Row.Confirmed == true) { throw new PXSetPropertyException <LumShipmentPlan.confirmed>(NotDeleteConfirmed, e.Row.ShipmentPlanID); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <PMCostCode> e) { if (e.Row.IsDefault == true) { throw new PXException("This is a system record and cannot be deleted."); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <CSAttributeGroup> eventArgs) { string templateIDs = string.Empty; var row = eventArgs.Row; if (row == null) { return; } var oldRow = CSAttributeGroup.PK.Find(Base, row.AttributeID, row.EntityClassID, row.EntityType); if (oldRow?.AttributeCategory == CSAttributeGroup.attributeCategory.Variant) { if (_hasTemplateWithChild.Value) { throw new PXSetPropertyException <CSAttributeGroup.attributeCategory>(Messages.CantDeleteVariantAttributeForMatrixItem, row.AttributeID); } if (IsAttributeDefaultRowColumnAttribute(row, out templateIDs)) { throw new PXSetPropertyException <CSAttributeGroup.attributeCategory>(Messages.CantDeleteVariantAttributeForMatrixTemplate, row.AttributeID, templateIDs); } } }
protected void _(Events.RowDeleting <POOrder> e) { var row = e.Row as POOrder; if (row == null) { return; } var curPOOrder = (POOrder)Base.Caches[typeof(POOrder)].Current; POOrderExt pOOrderExt = curPOOrder.GetExtension <POOrderExt>(); if ((bool)pOOrderExt.UsrICSOCreated) { var curUserName = PXLogin.ExtractUsername(PXContext.PXIdentity.IdentityName); var curLMICVendor = PXSelect <LMICVendor, Where <LMICVendor.vendorid, Equal <Required <LMICVendor.vendorid> > > > .Select(Base, curPOOrder.VendorID).TopFirst; using (PXLoginScope pXLoginScope = new PXLoginScope($"{curUserName}@{curLMICVendor.LoginName}")) { SOOrderEntry sOOrderEntry = PXGraph.CreateInstance <SOOrderEntry>(); // check the shipment base on this SO is created or not var isShipmentCreated = PXSelect <SOOrderShipment, Where <SOOrderShipment.orderNbr, Equal <Required <SOOrderShipment.orderNbr> > > > .Select(sOOrderEntry, row.VendorRefNbr).Count() > 0 ? true : false; if (isShipmentCreated) { throw new PXException("You cannot delete the PO because there is shipment created in IC SO."); } } } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <PMTask> args) { var projectTask = args.Row; if (projectTask != null) { var projectTaskUsageService = new ProjectTaskUsageInConstructionValidationService(); projectTaskUsageService.ValidateProjectTask(projectTask); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <INSite> e) { if (e.Row != null) { e.Row.BuildingID = null; e.Cache.Update(e.Row); e.Cancel = true; Sites.View.RequestRefresh(); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <Account> e) { if (e.Row.AccountGroupID != null) { PMAccountGroup accountGroup = PXSelect <PMAccountGroup, Where <PMAccountGroup.groupID, Equal <Required <PMAccountGroup.groupID> > > > .Select(Base, e.Row.AccountGroupID); if (accountGroup != null) { throw new PXException(Messages.CannotDeleteAccountMappedToAG, e.Row.AccountCD, accountGroup.GroupCD); } } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <KNSIKCRelationship> e) { if (!(e.Row is KNSIKCRelationship row)) { return; } if (RelatedConfigurableItems.Select().Any()) { throw new PXException(KCMessages.RelatedConfigurableItemExistsException); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <CSAttributeGroup> args) { var confirmationResult = ShowConfirmationDialog(); if (confirmationResult == WebDialogResult.Cancel) { args.Cancel = true; } else { DeleteAttributeFromCompliance(args.Row.AttributeID); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <RSSVWarranty> e) { if (e.Row.DefaultWarranty != true) { return; } if (e.ExternalCall && RepairPrices.Current != null && RepairPrices.Cache.GetStatus(RepairPrices.Current) != PXEntryStatus.Deleted) { throw new PXException(Messages.DefaultWarrantyCanNotBeDeleted); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <PMTimeActivity> e) { if (e.Row.ApprovalStatus == CR.ActivityStatusListAttribute.Approved || e.Row.Released == true) { Items.View.Ask((PXMessages.LocalizeFormatNoPrefix(EP.Messages.ActivityIs, e.Cache.GetValueExt <PMTimeActivity.approvalStatus>(e.Row))), MessageButtons.OK); e.Cancel = true; } else if (e.Row.TimeCardCD != null) { Items.View.Ask(EP.Messages.ActivityAssignedToTimeCard, MessageButtons.OK); e.Cancel = true; } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <CRContactClass> e) { var row = e.Row; if (row == null) { return; } if (!CanDelete(row)) { throw new PXException(Messages.RecordIsReferenced); } }
protected void _(Events.RowDeleting <SOOrder> e) { var row = e.Row as SOOrder; if (row == null) { return; } // check the ICPOCreated checkbox if (row.GetExtension <SOOrderExt>()?.UsrICPOCreated == true) { throw new PXException("You cannot delete this PO because ICPOCreated is clicked."); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <ARTran> e) { if (e.Row == null || SharedFunctions.isFSSetupSet(Base) == false) { return; } ARTran arTranRow = (ARTran)e.Row; if (e.ExternalCall == true) { if (IsLineCreatedFromAppSO(Base, Base.Document.Current, arTranRow, null) == true) { throw new PXException(TX.Error.NO_DELETION_ALLOWED_DOCLINE_LINKED_TO_APP_SO); } } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <FSCustomerBillingSetup> e) { if (e.Row == null) { return; } FSCustomerBillingSetup fscustomerBillingSetupRow = (FSCustomerBillingSetup)e.Row; bool setDocumentToInactive = IsCBIDRelatedToPostedDocuments(fscustomerBillingSetupRow.CBID); if (setDocumentToInactive) { fscustomerBillingSetupRow.Active = false; e.Cache.SetStatus(fscustomerBillingSetupRow, PXEntryStatus.Updated); } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <APTran> args) { var transaction = args.Row; var jointPayees = JointPayees.SelectMain().Where(jp => jp.BillLineNumber == transaction.LineNbr).ToList(); if (jointPayees.Any() && Base.Document.Cache.Deleted.Empty_()) { if (IsLineUnlinkConfirmed()) { UnlinkBillLine(jointPayees); } else { args.Cancel = true; Base.Transactions.View.RequestRefresh(); } } }
/// <summary> /// Deletes answers related to the primary attribute group. Should be used on RowDeleting event. /// </summary> public void DeleteAnswersIfRequired <TPrimaryCache>(Events.RowDeleting <CSAttributeGroup> args) where TPrimaryCache : IBqlTable { var attributeGroup = args.Row; if (attributeGroup.IsActive == true) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(CrMessages.AttributeCannotDeleteActive); } if (IsDeleteConfirmed()) { CSAttributeGroupList <IBqlTable, TPrimaryCache> .DeleteAttributesForGroup(graph, attributeGroup); } else { args.Cancel = true; } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <POAdjust> eventArgs) { if (eventArgs.Row == null) { return; } if (eventArgs.Row.Released == true && eventArgs.Row.ForceDelete != true) { throw new PXException(Messages.CanNotRemoveReferenceToReleasedPOOrder, eventArgs.Row.AdjdOrderNbr); } if (eventArgs.Row.IsRequest == true && eventArgs.Row.AdjgDocType != APPaymentType.VoidCheck && eventArgs.Row.ForceDelete != true) { throw new PXException(Messages.CanNotRemoveReferenceToPOOrderRelatedPrepayment, eventArgs.Row.AdjdOrderNbr, eventArgs.Row.AdjdRefNbr); } }
public virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <CSAttributeGroup> args) { var attributeGroup = args.Row; if (attributeGroup == null) { return; } if (attributeGroup.IsActive == true) { throw new PXSetPropertyException(CRMessages.AttributeCannotDeleteActive); } if (IsDeleteConfirmed()) { DeleteAnswers(attributeGroup.AttributeID); } else { args.Cancel = true; } }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <FSServiceTemplate> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <EPTimeCard> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <TimeCardMaint.EPTimecardDetail> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <CROpportunityProducts> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <APInvoice> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <APTran> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <FSSetup> e) { }
protected virtual void _(Events.RowDeleting <SOInvoice> e) { PXLongOperation.StartOperation(this, null); }