Example #1
        public void TestRetrieveEventTags()
            // Arrange
            List <string> expected = new List <string> {
                "Indoors", "Food"
            List <string>   actual;
            const bool      desiredResult   = true;
            var             result          = false;
            EventTagService eventTagService = new EventTagService();
            EventService    eventService    = new EventService();
            UserService     userService     = new UserService();

            // Act

            // Creates temp user
            var firstName = "Example";
            var lastName  = "Set";
            var userName  = "******";
            var city      = "Long Beach";
            var state     = "California";
            var country   = "United States";
            var dob       = DateTime.Parse("09/19/1999");

            var user = new User(UserId1, firstName, lastName, userName, city, state, country, dob, true);


            // Creates temp event
            var eventTime = DateTime.Parse("5/20/2028");
            var eventName = "TestIn Party";
            var place     = "CSULB";
            var newEvent  = new Event(UserId1, EventId1, eventTime, eventName, place, "");

            var foundEvent = eventService.GetEventById(EventId1);

            // Adds event Tags to event
            eventTagService.InsertEventTag(EventId1, TId1);
            eventTagService.InsertEventTag(EventId1, TId2);

            // Test
            actual = eventTagService.ReturnEventTagsOfEvent(EventId1);
            if (!expected.Except(actual).Any())
                result = true;

            // Cleanup
            eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(EventId1, TId1);
            eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(EventId1, TId2);
            if (foundEvent != null)
                eventService.DeleteEvent(EventId1, UserId1, "");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(desiredResult, result);
Example #2
 public EventsController(EventTypeService eventTypeService, EventCategoryService eventCategoryService, CountryService countryService, TagService tagService, EventService eventService, EventTagService eventTagService)
     this.eventTypeService     = eventTypeService;
     this.eventCategoryService = eventCategoryService;
     this.countryService       = countryService;
     this.tagService           = tagService;
     this.eventService         = eventService;
     this.eventTagService      = eventTagService;
Example #3
        public void PassTestSortByTagsAndDateRange()
            // Arrange
            var eventFinderService = new EventFinderService();
            var userService        = new UserService();
            var eventService       = new EventService();
            var eventTagService    = new EventTagService();

            const bool expected = true;
            var        result   = false;

            // Act
            var dob  = DateTime.Parse("09/19/1999");
            var user = new User(UserId1, FirstName, LastName, UserName, City, State, Country, dob, true);


            var eventTime     = DateTime.Parse("5/25/2028");
            var expectedEvent = new Event(UserId1, EventId1, eventTime, EventName, Place, "");


            var eventTime2     = DateTime.Parse("5/20/2028");
            var expectedEvent2 = new Event(UserId1, EventId2, eventTime2, EventName2, Place, "");


            // TagId 4 -> Art
            eventTagService.InsertEventTag(EventId1, "Art");
            eventTagService.InsertEventTag(EventId2, "Art");
            var foundEvents = eventFinderService.FindEventByEventTags(new List <string>()
            var sortedEvents = eventFinderService.CullEventListByDateRange(foundEvents, "5/20/2028", "5/25/2028");

            if (sortedEvents[0].EventId == expectedEvent2.EventId && sortedEvents[1].EventId == expectedEvent.EventId)
                result = true;

            // Cleanup
            eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(EventId1, "Art");
            eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(EventId2, "Art");
            eventService.DeleteEvent(EventId1, UserId1, "");
            eventService.DeleteEvent(EventId2, UserId1, "");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Example #4
        private async void OnDelete()
            var messageBoxResult = MessageBox.Show("Are you sure you want to delete this item?", AppName, MessageBoxButton.YesNo);

            if (messageBoxResult == MessageBoxResult.No)

            var eventTagService = new EventTagService();
            var result          = await eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(SelectedEvent);

            MessageBox.Show(result, AppName, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);
Example #5
        public void PassTestFindEventsByTag()
            // Arrange
            var eventFinderService = new EventFinderService();
            var userService        = new UserService();
            var eventService       = new EventService();
            var eventTagService    = new EventTagService();

            const bool expected = true;
            var        result   = false;

            // Act
            var dob  = DateTime.Parse("09/19/1999");
            var user = new User(UserId1, FirstName, LastName, UserName, City, State, Country, dob, true);


            var eventTime     = DateTime.Parse("5/20/2028");
            var expectedEvent = new Event(UserId1, EventId1, eventTime, EventName, Place, "");


            // TagId 4 -> Art
            eventTagService.InsertEventTag(EventId1, "Art");
            var foundEvents = eventFinderService.FindEventByEventTags(new List <string>()

            foreach (var events in foundEvents)
                if (events.EventId.Equals(expectedEvent.EventId))
                    result = true;

            // Cleanup
            eventTagService.DeleteEventTag(EventId1, "Art");
            eventService.DeleteEvent(EventId1, UserId1, "");

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(expected, result);
Example #6
        private async void OnUpload()
            string headerFileName = Path.Combine(FileEndPointManager.Project2Folder, "header.json");

            using (StreamWriter file = File.CreateText(headerFileName))
                JsonSerializer serializer = new JsonSerializer();
                serializer.Serialize(file, EventToAdd);

            string recordJSDirectory  = FileEndPointManager.DefaultPlayXMLFile;
            string recordXMLDirectory = FileEndPointManager.DefaultLatestXMLFile;

            if (!File.Exists(recordJSDirectory) || !File.Exists(recordXMLDirectory))
                //TODO: update this error message.
                MessageBox.Show("There are no record files to save. Please open an existing recording or make a new one.", AppName, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Error);
                List <string> fullPathsOfFilesToCompress = new List <string>

                string eventToUploadFileName = Path.Combine(FileEndPointManager.Project2Folder, EventToAdd.FileName + "." + RecordFileExtension);

                ZipArchiveHelper.ArchiveFiles(fullPathsOfFilesToCompress, eventToUploadFileName);

                EventTagService eventTagService = new EventTagService();

                _progressBar = new ProgressBarSharedView("Uploading file. Please wait...");
                var result = await eventTagService.CreateEvent(eventToUploadFileName);


                MessageBox.Show(result, AppName, MessageBoxButton.OK, MessageBoxImage.Information);

Example #7
        public EventTagViewModel(MainWindow mainWindow = null)
            _eventTagService       = new EventTagService();
            _eventParameterService = new EventParameterService();
            _mainWindow            = mainWindow;

            UpdateCommand  = new RelayCommand(OnUpdate, CanUpdate);
            DeleteCommand  = new RelayCommand(OnDelete, CanDelete);
            RefreshCommand = new RelayCommand(OnRefresh);

            UpdateParameterCommand   = new RelayCommand(OnUpdateParameter, CanUpdateParameter);
            DeleteParameterCommand   = new RelayCommand(OnDeleteParameter, CanDeleteParameter);
            CreateParameterCommand   = new RelayCommand(OnCreateParameter, CanCreateParameter);
            CommitCreateCommand      = new RelayCommand(OnCommitCreateParameter);
            CancelCreateCommand      = new RelayCommand(OnCancelCreateParameter);
            RefreshParametersCommand = new RelayCommand(OnRefreshParameters, CanRefreshParameters);
            PlayScriptCommand        = new RelayCommand(OnPlayScript, CanPlayScript);

            CreatingItem = false;
            ConfigManager configManager = new ConfigManager();

            TenantId = configManager.GetValue("TenantId");
            AppName  = configManager.GetValue("AppName");