public void WhenICreateAnInvitation(string eventName)
            string invitationName;
            string xTab;

            eventName += uniqueStamp;

            EventsFunctionalArea.EventSearch(eventName);  //search for an event
            invitationName = "Inv" + eventName;
            string caption = "General";

            EventPanel.OpenTab("Invitations");               //open the invitations tab
            EventPanel.ClickSectionAddButton("Invitations"); // add an invitation
            xTab = getXInnerTab(caption);

            string xEmailString;

            xEmailString = Dialog.getXInput("InvitationAddForm", "_NAME_value");
            xTab         = getXInnerTab(caption);
            Dialog.WaitClick(xTab, 10);                                                                           //open the general subtab in the popup
            Dialog.SetTextField(xEmailString, invitationName);                                                    // enter the invitation name
            Dialog.SetTextField("//input[contains(@id, '_MAILDATE_value')]", DateTime.Today.ToShortDateString()); //add in the date
            xEmailString = Dialog.getXInput("PackageSearch", "_NAME_value");

            caption = "Processing Options";
            xTab    = getXInnerTab(caption);
            Dialog.WaitClick(xTab, 10);
            Dialog.SetCheckbox("//input[contains(@id, '_CHANNELCODE_1')]", true);  //set the "send through email" radio button to true
            // enter email package name
            Dialog.SetSearchList(Dialog.getXInput("InvitationAddForm", "_EMAILPACKAGEID_value"), xEmailString, "UDO FY16 Carolina Connection Email Package");
 public void WhenRunTheInvitationWithAlumni(string eventName, string alumniName)
     try {
         eventName  += uniqueStamp;
         alumniName += uniqueStamp;
         EventPanel.WaitClick(EventPanel.getXDatalistRowLinkByActionAndCaption("", eventName), 10);                                                             //click on the invitation name under the Invitation tab
         EventPanel.ClickSectionAddButton("Invitees");                                                                                                          // select the invitee add button
         EventPanel.WaitClick(getXMenuItem("Constituent"), 10);                                                                                                 // select to add a constituent
         Dialog.SetSearchList(Dialog.getXInput("dataformdialog", "_CONSTITUENTID_value"), Dialog.getXInput("ConstituentSearch", "_KEYNAME_value"), alumniName); // add the constituent in the search box
         string invitationSend;
         invitationSend = "Send Inv" + eventName + " to " + eventName + " invitees";
         string xWaitText = "//div[text()='" + invitationSend + "']";
         EventPanel.WaitClick(xWaitText, 10); // send the invitation
         Dialog.ClickButton("Start", 50);     // press the start button
     catch (Exception ex)
         throw new Exception("Error: could not run the invitation. " + ex.Message);