Example #1
        public async Task SaveResultAsJsonFailure()
            // Given:
            // ... A working query and workspace service
            WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings>   ws = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(Constants.StandardQuery);
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, byte[]> storage;
            QueryExecutionService qes = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(Common.StandardTestDataSet, true, false, false, ws, out storage);

            // ... The query execution service has executed a query with results
            var executeParams = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams {
                QuerySelection = null, OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri
            var executeRequest = RequestContextMocks.Create <ExecuteRequestResult>(null);
            await qes.HandleExecuteRequest(executeParams, executeRequest.Object);

            await qes.ActiveQueries[Constants.OwnerUri].ExecutionTask;

            // If: I attempt to save a result set and get it to throw because of invalid column selection
            SaveResultsAsJsonRequestParams saveParams = new SaveResultsAsJsonRequestParams
                BatchIndex       = 0,
                FilePath         = "qqq",
                OwnerUri         = Constants.OwnerUri,
                ResultSetIndex   = 0,
                ColumnStartIndex = -1,
                ColumnEndIndex   = 100,
                RowStartIndex    = 0,
                RowEndIndex      = 5

            qes.JsonFileFactory = GetJsonStreamFactory(storage, saveParams);
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <SaveResultRequestResult>()
            await qes.HandleSaveResultsAsJsonRequest(saveParams, efv.Object);

            await qes.ActiveQueries[saveParams.OwnerUri]

            // Then:
            // ... An error event should have been fired
            // ... No success event should have been fired
        public async Task SaveResultsAsXmlSuccess()
            // Given:
            // ... A working query and workspace service
            WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings>   ws = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(Constants.StandardQuery);
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, byte[]> storage;
            QueryExecutionService qes = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(Common.StandardTestDataSet, true, false, false, ws, out storage);

            // ... The query execution service has executed a query with results
            var executeParams = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams {
                QuerySelection = null, OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri
            var executeRequest = RequestContextMocks.Create <ExecuteRequestResult>(null);
            await qes.HandleExecuteRequest(executeParams, executeRequest.Object);

            await qes.WorkTask;
            await qes.ActiveQueries[Constants.OwnerUri].ExecutionTask;

            // If: I attempt to save a result set from a query
            SaveResultsAsXmlRequestParams saveParams = new SaveResultsAsXmlRequestParams
                OwnerUri       = Constants.OwnerUri,
                FilePath       = "qqq",
                BatchIndex     = 0,
                ResultSetIndex = 0,
                Formatted      = true

            qes.XmlFileFactory = GetXmlStreamFactory(storage, saveParams);

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <SaveResultRequestResult>()
            await qes.HandleSaveResultsAsXmlRequest(saveParams, efv.Object);

            await qes.ActiveQueries[saveParams.OwnerUri]

            // Then:
            // ... I should have a successful result
            // ... There should not have been an error
        public async Task QueryDisposeMissingQuery()
            // If:
            // ... I attempt to dispose a query that doesn't exist
            var workspaceService = new Mock <WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> >();
            var queryService     = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, false, false, false, workspaceService.Object);
            var disposeParams    = new QueryDisposeParams {
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri

            var disposeRequest = new EventFlowValidator <QueryDisposeResult>()
            await queryService.HandleDisposeRequest(disposeParams, disposeRequest.Object);

            // Then: I should have received an error
Example #4
        public static EventFlowValidator <TRequestContext> ValidateResultSetSummaries <TRequestContext>(
            this EventFlowValidator <TRequestContext> efv, List <ResultSetEventParams> resultSetEventParamList)
            string GetResultSetKey(ResultSetSummary summary) => $"BatchId:{summary.BatchId}, ResultId:{summary.Id}";

            // Separate the result set resultSetEventParamsList by batchid, resultsetid and by resultseteventtype.
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <ResultSetEventParams> > resultSetDictionary =
                new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <ResultSetEventParams> >();

            foreach (var resultSetEventParam in resultSetEventParamList)
                .GetOrAdd(GetResultSetKey(resultSetEventParam.ResultSetSummary), (key) => new List <ResultSetEventParams>())

            foreach (var(key, list) in resultSetDictionary)
                ResultSetSummary completeSummary = null, lastResultSetSummary = null;
                int completeFlagCount = 0;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    VerifyResultSummary(key, i, list, ref completeSummary, ref lastResultSetSummary, ref completeFlagCount);

                // Verify that the completeEvent and lastResultSetSummary has same number of rows
                if (lastResultSetSummary != null && completeSummary != null)
                    Assert.True(lastResultSetSummary.RowCount == completeSummary.RowCount, $"CompleteSummary and last Update Summary should have same number of rows, updateSummaryRowCount: {lastResultSetSummary.RowCount}, CompleteSummaryRowCount: {completeSummary.RowCount}");

                // Verify that we got exactly on complete Flag Count.
                Assert.True(1 == completeFlagCount, $"Complete flag should be set in exactly once on Update Result Summary Event. Observed Count: {completeFlagCount}, \r\nresultSetEventParamsList is:{string.Join("\r\n\t\t", list.ConvertAll((p) => p.GetType() + ":" + p.ResultSetSummary))}");

                // Verify that the complete event was set on the last updateResultSet event.
                Assert.True(list.Last().ResultSetSummary.Complete, $"Complete flag should be set on the last Update Result Summary event, , \r\nresultSetEventParamsList is:{string.Join("\r\n\t\t", list.ConvertAll((p) => p.GetType() + ":" + p.ResultSetSummary))}");

        public async Task CancelNonExistantTest()
            // If:
            // ... I request to cancel a query that doesn't exist
            var workspaceService = new Mock <WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> >();
            var queryService     = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, false, false, false, workspaceService.Object);

            var cancelParams = new QueryCancelParams {
                OwnerUri = "Doesn't Exist"
            var cancelRequest = new EventFlowValidator <QueryCancelResult>()
                                .AddResultValidation(r =>
            await queryService.HandleCancelRequest(cancelParams, cancelRequest.Object);

Example #6
        public async Task DisposeSuccess()
            // Setup: Create an edit data service with a session
            var eds = new EditDataService(null, null, null);

            eds.ActiveSessions[Common.OwnerUri] = await GetDefaultSession();

            // If: I ask to dispose of an existing session
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditDisposeResult>()
            await eds.HandleDisposeRequest(new EditDisposeParams { OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri }, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... It should have completed successfully

            // ... And the session should have been removed from the active session list
Example #7
        public async Task SubsetServiceMissingQueryTest()
            // If:
            // ... I ask for a set of results for a file that hasn't executed a query
            var workspaceService = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(Common.StandardQuery);
            var queryService     = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, true, false, workspaceService);
            var subsetParams     = new SubsetParams {
                OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri, RowsCount = 1, ResultSetIndex = 0, RowsStartIndex = 0
            var subsetRequest = new EventFlowValidator <SubsetResult>()
                                .AddResultValidation(r =>
                // Then: Messages should not be null and the subset should be null
            await queryService.HandleResultSubsetRequest(subsetParams, subsetRequest.Object);

Example #8
        public async Task NullOrMissingSessionId(string sessionId)
            // Setup:
            // ... Create a edit data service
            var eds = new EditDataService(null, null, null);

            // ... Create a session params that returns the provided session ID
            var mockParams = new EditCreateRowParams {
                OwnerUri = sessionId

            // If: I ask to perform an action that requires a session
            // Then: I should get an error from it
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditDisposeResult>()
            await eds.HandleSessionRequest(mockParams, efv.Object, session => null);

Example #9
        public async Task SaveResultsCsvNonExistentQuery()
            // Given: A working query and workspace service
            WorkspaceService <SqlToolsSettings> ws = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(null);
            QueryExecutionService qes = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, false, false, false, ws);

            // If: I attempt to save a result set from a query that doesn't exist
            SaveResultsAsCsvRequestParams saveParams = new SaveResultsAsCsvRequestParams
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri  // Won't exist because nothing has executed
            var evf = new EventFlowValidator <SaveResultRequestResult>()
            await qes.HandleSaveResultsAsCsvRequest(saveParams, evf.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... An error event should have been fired
            // ... No success event should have been fired
        public async Task QueryExecuteUnconnectedUriTest()
            // Given:
            // If:
            // ... I request to execute a query using a file URI that isn't connected
            var workspaceService = GetDefaultWorkspaceService(Common.StandardQuery);
            var queryService = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, false, false, workspaceService);
            var queryParams = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams { OwnerUri = "notConnected", QuerySelection = Common.WholeDocument};

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator<ExecuteRequestResult>()
            await Common.AwaitExecution(queryService, queryParams, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... All events should have been called as per their flow validator

            // ... There should be no active queries
Example #11
        public async void ValidateSelectedFilesWithNullValidatorTest()
            var liveConnection         = LiveConnectionHelper.InitLiveConnectionInfo();
            FileBrowserService service = new FileBrowserService();

            var validateParams = new FileBrowserValidateParams
                // Do not pass any service so that the file validator will be null
                ServiceType   = "",
                OwnerUri      = liveConnection.ConnectionInfo.OwnerUri,
                SelectedFiles = new[] { "" }

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <bool>()
                      .AddEventValidation(FileBrowserValidatedNotification.Type, eventParams => Assert.True(eventParams.Succeeded))

            // Validate files with null file validator
            await service.RunFileBrowserValidateTask(validateParams, efv.Object);

        // TODO https://github.com/Microsoft/vscode-mssql/issues/1003 reenable and make non-flaky
        // [Fact]
        public async Task SimpleExecuteErrorWithNoResultsTest()
            var queryService = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, true, false, false, null);
            var queryParams  = new SimpleExecuteParams {
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri, QueryString = Constants.StandardQuery
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <SimpleExecuteResult>()
            await queryService.HandleSimpleExecuteRequest(queryParams, efv.Object);

            await Task.WhenAll(queryService.ActiveSimpleExecuteRequests.Values);

            Query q = queryService.ActiveQueries.Values.First();



            Assert.Equal(0, queryService.ActiveQueries.Count);
Example #13
        public async Task CreateSucceeds()
            // Setup: Create an edit data service with a session
            var eds = new EditDataService(null, null, null);

            eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri] = await GetDefaultSession();

            // If: I ask to create a row from a non existant session
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditCreateRowResult>()
                      .AddResultValidation(ecrr => { Assert.True(ecrr.NewRowId > 0); })
            await eds.HandleCreateRowRequest(new EditCreateRowParams { OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri }, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... It should have been successful

            // ... There should be a create in the session
            EditSession s = eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri];

            Assert.True(s.EditCache.Any(e => e.Value is RowCreate));
Example #14
        public async Task DeleteSuccess()
            // Setup: Create an edit data service with a session
            var eds = new EditDataService(null, null, null);

            eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri] = await GetDefaultSession();

            // If: I validly ask to delete a row
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditDeleteRowResult>()
            await eds.HandleDeleteRowRequest(new EditDeleteRowParams { OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri, RowId = 0 }, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... It should be successful

            // ... There should be a delete in the session
            EditSession s = eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri];

            Assert.True(s.EditCache.Any(e => e.Value is RowDelete));
Example #15
        public async Task SimpleExecuteVerifyResultsTest()
            var queryService = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(Common.StandardTestDataSet, true, false, null);
            var queryParams  = new SimpleExecuteParams {
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri, QueryString = Constants.StandardQuery
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <SimpleExecuteResult>()
            await queryService.HandleSimpleExecuteRequest(queryParams, efv.Object);

            Query q;

            queryService.ActiveQueries.TryGetValue(Constants.OwnerUri, out q);

            // wait on the task to finish


            Assert.Equal(0, queryService.ActiveQueries.Count);
Example #16
        public async Task OperationThrows()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create an edit data service with a session
            var eds = new EditDataService(null, null, null);

            eds.ActiveSessions[Common.OwnerUri] = await GetDefaultSession();

            // ... Create a session param that returns the common owner uri
            var mockParams = new EditCreateRowParams {
                OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri

            // If: I ask to perform an action that requires a session
            // Then: I should get an error from it
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditDisposeResult>()
            await eds.HandleSessionRequest(mockParams, efv.Object, s => { throw new Exception(); });

        public static EventFlowValidator <TRequestContext> ValidateResultSetSummaries <TRequestContext>(
            this EventFlowValidator <TRequestContext> efv, List <ResultSetEventParams> resultSetEventParamList)
            string GetResultSetKey(ResultSetSummary summary)
                return($"BatchId:{summary.BatchId}, ResultId:{summary.Id}");

            // Separate the result set resultSetEventParamsList by batchid, resultsetid and by resultseteventtype.
            ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <ResultSetEventParams> > resultSetDictionary =
                new ConcurrentDictionary <string, List <ResultSetEventParams> >();

            foreach (var resultSetEventParam in resultSetEventParamList)
                .GetOrAdd(GetResultSetKey(resultSetEventParam.ResultSetSummary), (key) => new List <ResultSetEventParams>())

            foreach (var(key, list) in resultSetDictionary)
                ResultSetSummary completeSummary = null, lastResultSetSummary = null;
                for (int i = 0; i < list.Count; i++)
                    VerifyResultSummary(key, i, list, ref completeSummary, ref lastResultSetSummary);

                // Verify that the completeEvent and lastResultSetSummary has same number of rows
                if (lastResultSetSummary != null && completeSummary != null)
                    Assert.True(lastResultSetSummary.RowCount == completeSummary.RowCount, "CompleteSummary and last Update Summary should have same number of rows");

        public async Task QueryExecuteMissingSelectionTest()
            // Given:
            // ... A workspace with a standard query is configured
            var workspaceService = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(string.Empty);

            // If:
            // ... I request to execute a query with a missing query string
            var queryService = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, true, false, workspaceService);
            var queryParams = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams { OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri, QuerySelection = null};

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator<ExecuteRequestResult>()
            await queryService.HandleExecuteRequest(queryParams, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... Am error should have been sent

            // ... There should not be an active query
Example #19
        public async void InvalidFileValidationTest()
            FileBrowserService service = new FileBrowserService();

            service.RegisterValidatePathsCallback("TestService", ValidatePaths);

            var validateParams = new FileBrowserValidateParams
                // Do not pass any service so that the file validator will be null
                ServiceType   = "TestService",
                SelectedFiles = new[] { "" }

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <bool>()
                      .AddEventValidation(FileBrowserValidatedNotification.Type, eventParams => Assert.False(eventParams.Succeeded))

            // Validate files with null file validator
            await service.RunFileBrowserValidateTask(validateParams, efv.Object);

            // Verify complete notification event was fired and the result
        public async Task QueryExecuteInvalidQueryTest()
            // If:
            // ... I request to execute a query that is invalid
            var workspaceService = GetDefaultWorkspaceService(Common.StandardQuery);
            var queryService = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(null, true, true, workspaceService);
            var queryParams = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams {OwnerUri = Common.OwnerUri, QuerySelection = Common.WholeDocument};

            var efv = new EventFlowValidator<ExecuteRequestResult>()
            await Common.AwaitExecution(queryService, queryParams, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... Am error should have been sent

            // ... There should not be an active query
            Assert.Equal(1, queryService.ActiveQueries.Count);
Example #21
        public async Task RevertCellSucceeds()
            // Setup:
            // ... Create an edit data service with a session that has a pending cell edit
            var eds     = new EditDataService(null, null, null);
            var session = await GetDefaultSession();

            eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri] = session;

            // ... Make sure that the edit has revert capabilities
            var mockEdit = new Mock <RowEditBase>();

            mockEdit.Setup(edit => edit.RevertCell(It.IsAny <int>()))
            .Returns(new EditRevertCellResult());
            session.EditCache[0] = mockEdit.Object;

            // If: I ask to revert a cell that has a pending edit
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditRevertCellResult>()
            var param = new EditRevertCellParams
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri,
                RowId    = 0
            await eds.HandleRevertCellRequest(param, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... It should have succeeded

            // ... The edit cache should be empty again
            EditSession s = eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri];

        public async Task ExecutionPlanServiceValidTest()
            // If:
            // ... I have a query that has results in the form of an execution plan
            var workspaceService = Common.GetPrimedWorkspaceService(Constants.StandardQuery);
            var queryService     = Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(Common.ExecutionPlanTestDataSet, true, false, false, workspaceService);
            var executeParams    = new ExecuteDocumentSelectionParams
                QuerySelection       = null,
                OwnerUri             = Constants.OwnerUri,
                ExecutionPlanOptions = new ExecutionPlanOptions
                    IncludeActualExecutionPlanXml    = false,
                    IncludeEstimatedExecutionPlanXml = true
            var executeRequest = RequestContextMocks.Create <ExecuteRequestResult>(null);
            await queryService.HandleExecuteRequest(executeParams, executeRequest.Object);

            await queryService.WorkTask;
            await queryService.ActiveQueries[Constants.OwnerUri].ExecutionTask;

            // ... And I then ask for a valid execution plan
            var executionPlanParams = new QueryExecutionPlanParams {
                OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri, BatchIndex = 0, ResultSetIndex = 0
            var executionPlanRequest = new EventFlowValidator <QueryExecutionPlanResult>()
                                       .AddResultValidation(r =>
                // Then: Messages should be null and execution plan should not be null
            await queryService.HandleExecutionPlanRequest(executionPlanParams, executionPlanRequest.Object);

Example #23
        public async Task RevertRowSucceeds()
            // Setup: Create an edit data service with a session that has an pending edit
            var eds     = new EditDataService(null, null, null);
            var session = await GetDefaultSession();

            session.EditCache[0] = new Mock <RowEditBase>().Object;
            eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri] = session;

            // If: I ask to revert a row that has a pending edit
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditRevertRowResult>()
            await eds.HandleRevertRowRequest(new EditRevertRowParams { OwnerUri = Constants.OwnerUri, RowId = 0 }, efv.Object);

            // Then:
            // ... It should have succeeded

            // ... The edit cache should be empty again
            EditSession s = eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri];

 public static EventFlowValidator <ExecuteRequestResult> AddStandardQueryResultValidator(
     this EventFlowValidator <ExecuteRequestResult> efv)
     // We just need to makes sure we get a result back, there's no params to validate
Example #25
        public async Task InitializeSessionSuccess()
            // Setup:
            // .. Create a mock query
            var mockQueryResults = QueryExecution.Common.StandardTestDataSet;
            var cols             = mockQueryResults[0].Columns;

            // ... Create a metadata factory that will return some generic column information
            var etm = Common.GetStandardMetadata(cols.ToArray());
            Mock <IEditMetadataFactory> emf = new Mock <IEditMetadataFactory>();

            emf.Setup(f => f.GetObjectMetadata(It.IsAny <DbConnection>(), It.IsAny <string[]>(), It.IsAny <string>()))

            // ... Create a query execution service that will return a successful query
            var qes = QueryExecution.Common.GetPrimedExecutionService(mockQueryResults, true, false, false, null);

            // ... Create a connection service that doesn't throw when asked for a connection
            var cs = new Mock <ConnectionService>();

            cs.Setup(s => s.GetOrOpenConnection(It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <string>(), It.IsAny <bool>()))
            .Returns(Task.FromResult <DbConnection>(null));

            // ... Create an edit data service that has mock providers
            var eds = new EditDataService(qes, cs.Object, emf.Object);

            // If: I request to initialize an edit data session
            var initParams = new EditInitializeParams
                ObjectName = "testTable",
                OwnerUri   = Constants.OwnerUri,
                ObjectType = "Table",
                Filters    = new EditInitializeFiltering()
            var efv = new EventFlowValidator <EditInitializeResult>()
                      .AddEventValidation(BatchStartEvent.Type, Assert.NotNull)
                      .AddEventValidation(ResultSetCompleteEvent.Type, Assert.NotNull)
                      .AddEventValidation(MessageEvent.Type, Assert.NotNull)
                      .AddEventValidation(BatchCompleteEvent.Type, Assert.NotNull)
                      .AddEventValidation(QueryCompleteEvent.Type, Assert.NotNull)
                      .AddEventValidation(EditSessionReadyEvent.Type, esrp =>
                Assert.Equal(Constants.OwnerUri, esrp.OwnerUri);
            await eds.HandleInitializeRequest(initParams, efv.Object);

            await eds.ActiveSessions[Constants.OwnerUri].InitializeTask;

            // Then:
            // ... The event should have been received successfully

            // ... The session should have been created
            Assert.Equal(1, eds.ActiveSessions.Count);
Example #26
        public async void BackupFileBrowserTest()
            string    databaseName = "testfilebrowser_" + new Random().Next(10000000, 99999999);
            SqlTestDb testDb       = SqlTestDb.CreateNew(TestServerType.OnPrem, false, databaseName);

            // Initialize backup service
            var liveConnection              = LiveConnectionHelper.InitLiveConnectionInfo(databaseName);
            DatabaseTaskHelper      helper  = AdminService.CreateDatabaseTaskHelper(liveConnection.ConnectionInfo, databaseExists: true);
            SqlConnection           sqlConn = ConnectionService.OpenSqlConnection(liveConnection.ConnectionInfo);
            DisasterRecoveryService disasterRecoveryService = new DisasterRecoveryService();
            BackupConfigInfo        backupConfigInfo        = disasterRecoveryService.GetBackupConfigInfo(helper.DataContainer, sqlConn, sqlConn.Database);

            // Create backup file
            string backupPath = Path.Combine(backupConfigInfo.DefaultBackupFolder, databaseName + ".bak");
            string query      = $"BACKUP DATABASE [{databaseName}] TO  DISK = N'{backupPath}' WITH NOFORMAT, NOINIT, NAME = N'{databaseName}-Full Database Backup', SKIP, NOREWIND, NOUNLOAD,  STATS = 10";
            await TestServiceProvider.Instance.RunQueryAsync(TestServerType.OnPrem, "master", query);

            FileBrowserService service = new FileBrowserService();

            string[] backupFilters = new string[2] {
                "*.bak", "*.trn"
            var openParams = new FileBrowserOpenParams
                OwnerUri    = liveConnection.ConnectionInfo.OwnerUri,
                ExpandPath  = backupConfigInfo.DefaultBackupFolder,
                FileFilters = backupFilters

            var openBrowserEventFlowValidator = new EventFlowValidator <bool>()
                                                .AddEventValidation(FileBrowserOpenedNotification.Type, eventParams =>
                Assert.True(eventParams.FileTree.RootNode.Children.Count > 0);
                Assert.True(ContainsFileInTheFolder(eventParams.FileTree.SelectedNode, backupPath));

            await service.RunFileBrowserOpenTask(openParams, openBrowserEventFlowValidator.Object);

            // Verify complete notification event was fired and the result

            var expandParams = new FileBrowserExpandParams
                OwnerUri   = liveConnection.ConnectionInfo.OwnerUri,
                ExpandPath = backupConfigInfo.DefaultBackupFolder

            var expandEventFlowValidator = new EventFlowValidator <bool>()
                                           .AddEventValidation(FileBrowserExpandedNotification.Type, eventParams =>
                Assert.True(eventParams.Children.Length > 0);

            // Expand the node in file browser
            await service.RunFileBrowserExpandTask(expandParams, expandEventFlowValidator.Object);

            // Verify result

            var validateParams = new FileBrowserValidateParams
                OwnerUri      = liveConnection.ConnectionInfo.OwnerUri,
                ServiceType   = FileValidationServiceConstants.Backup,
                SelectedFiles = new[] { backupPath }

            var validateEventFlowValidator = new EventFlowValidator <bool>()
                                             .AddEventValidation(FileBrowserValidatedNotification.Type, eventParams => Assert.True(eventParams.Succeeded))

            // Validate selected files in the browser
            await service.RunFileBrowserValidateTask(validateParams, validateEventFlowValidator.Object);

            // Verify complete notification event was fired and the result

            // Remove the backup file
            if (File.Exists(backupPath))