Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate object[index]
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object DoEvaluate()
            var ndxVal = IndexExp.Evaluate();

            this.ListObject = VariableExp.Evaluate();

            // Check for empty objects.
            ExceptionHelper.NotNull(this, this.ListObject, "indexing");
            ExceptionHelper.NotNull(this, ndxVal, "indexing");

            var lobj = (LObject)this.ListObject;

            // CASE 1. Access
            //      e.g. Array: users[0]
            //      e.g. Map:   users['total']
            if (!this.IsAssignment)
                var result = EvalHelper.AccessIndex(this.Ctx.Methods, this, lobj, (LObject)ndxVal);

            // CASE 2.  Assignment
            //      e.g. Array: users[0]        = 'john'
            //      e.g. Map:   users['total']  = 200
            // NOTE: In this case of assignment, return back a MemberAccess object descripting what is assign
            var indexAccess = new IndexAccess();

            indexAccess.Instance   = lobj;
            indexAccess.MemberName = (LObject)ndxVal;
Example #2
        public void DoConvert(ParamConvertConfig c, IContext context)
            var arg      = c.Args.First();
            var delegte1 = EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, arg);

            ParamConvertUtil.StoreToParams(context, c, delegte1.DynamicInvoke());
Example #3
        public bool Continue(Context context)
            var conditionSetting = GetConditionModel(context);
            var @delegate        = EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, conditionSetting.Eval);

Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate > >= != == less less than
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object DoEvaluate()
            object result = null;
            var    left   = (LObject)Left.Evaluate();
            var    right  = (LObject)Right.Evaluate();

            // Both double
            if (left.Type == LTypes.Number && right.Type == LTypes.Number)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareNumbers(this, (LNumber)left, (LNumber)right, Op);

            // Both strings
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.String && right.Type == LTypes.String)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareStrings(this, (LString)left, (LString)right, Op);

            // Both bools
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Bool && right.Type == LTypes.Bool)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareBools(this, (LBool)left, (LBool)right, Op);

            // Both dates
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Date && right.Type == LTypes.Date)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareDates(this, (LDate)left, (LDate)right, Op);

            // Both Timespans
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Time && right.Type == LTypes.Time)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareTimes(this, (LTime)left, (LTime)right, Op);

            // 1 or both null
            else if (left == LObjects.Null || right == LObjects.Null)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareNull(left, right, Op);

            // Day of week ?
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.DayOfWeek || right.Type == LTypes.DayOfWeek)
                result = EvalHelper.CompareDays(this, left, right, Op);

            // Units
            //else if (left.Type == LTypes.Unit || right.Type == LTypes.Unit)
            else if (left.Type.Name == "LUnit" || right.Type.Name == "LUnit")
                result = EvalHelper.CompareUnits(this, (LUnit)((LClass)left).Value, (LUnit)((LClass)right).Value, Op);

Example #5
        public bool Checked(UpdateContext context, ColumnRule mc, object data, string key, string realKey)
            var eval   = mc.Value.ToString();
            var action = context.ContentParams.CreateOrGet <string, object, Delegate>(eval, expression =>
                return(EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, expression, data));

Example #6
        public bool WhetheResultStop(Context context, object result)
            var conditionSetting = GetConditionModel(context);

            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(conditionSetting.ResultEval))

            var @delegate = EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, conditionSetting.ResultEval, result);

Example #7
        /// <summary>
        ///     Evaluates the binding returns a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="binding">The binding.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T Eval <T>(this BindingBase binding)
            ArgumentValidator.NotNull(binding, "binding");

            var helper = new EvalHelper();

            BindingOperations.SetBinding(helper, EvalHelper.ValueProperty, binding);

            T result = (T)helper.GetValue(EvalHelper.ValueProperty);

            BindingOperations.ClearBinding(helper, EvalHelper.ValueProperty);

        internal static string BuildSql(IContext context, string oldSql, Segment segment)
            var eval   = EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, segment.ArgContext);
            var result = (bool)eval.DynamicInvoke();

            if (!result)

            var content = SegmentUtil.GetContent(oldSql, segment);

            return(SegmentUtil.BuildContent(context, oldSql, content, segment));
Example #9
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluates the binding returns a value.
        /// </summary>
        /// <typeparam name="T"></typeparam>
        /// <param name="binding">The binding.</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static T Eval <T>(BindingBase binding)
            Contract.Requires(binding != null);

            var helper = new EvalHelper();

            BindingOperations.SetBinding(helper, EvalHelper.ValueProperty, binding);

            var result = (T)helper.Value;

            BindingOperations.ClearBinding(helper, EvalHelper.ValueProperty);

Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Returns calculated price and rounded price
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="productID"></param>
        /// <param name="formula"></param>
        /// <param name="connectorID"></param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public KeyValuePair <decimal, decimal> RoundPrice(int productID, string formula, int connectorID)
            var f = new PriceRoundingFormulaParser(formula);

            var connector = _scope.Repository <Connector>().GetSingle(c => c.ConnectorID == connectorID);

            var     calculatedPrice = CalculatePrice(productID, 1, connector, PriceRuleType.UnitPrice);
            var     costPrice       = CalculatePrice(productID, 1, connector, PriceRuleType.CostPrice);
            decimal price           = calculatedPrice;

            if (costPrice == 0)
                var vendorPrices = _scope.Repository <VendorAssortment>().GetSingle(c => c.ProductID == productID).VendorPrices;
                vendorPrices.ThrowIfNull("This product contains no vendor prices.");
                costPrice = vendorPrices.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MinimumQuantity == 0 || c.MinimumQuantity == 1).Price.Try(c => c.Value, 0);
            costPrice.ThrowIf(c => c == 0, "The cost price of this product is 0");

            if (f.IsMargin)
                var margin = (calculatedPrice - costPrice) / (costPrice / 100);
                //apply formula and round
                var condition = f.Formula.Replace("m", margin.ToString());

                var isTrue = (Boolean)EvalHelper.Eval(condition);
                if (isTrue)
                    //round price
                    int p = (int)calculatedPrice;
                    price = (decimal)p + f.RoundValue;
                //apply formula to fixed value && round
                var condition = f.Formula.Replace("x", calculatedPrice.ToString());
                condition = condition.Replace("*", ((int)calculatedPrice).ToString()); //replace * with whole number
                var isTrue = (Boolean)EvalHelper.Eval(condition);
                if (isTrue)
                    //round price
                    int p = (int)calculatedPrice;
                    price = (decimal)p + f.RoundValue;
            return(new KeyValuePair <decimal, decimal>(calculatedPrice, price));
        protected static IEnumerable<object> GetDatas(UpdateContext context, UpdateConfig config, object complexData)
            string field = string.Empty;
            if (config.Config != null && config.Config[BatchFieldPath] != null)
               field = config.Config[BatchFieldPath].ToSingleData<string>(string.Empty);

            bool isArray;
            object inputData;
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(field))
                isArray = ReflectUtil.ReflectUtil.IsArray(complexData);
                inputData = complexData;
                var array = field.Split('.');
                var valueInfo = ValueGetter.GetValue(array, complexData);
                isArray = valueInfo.IsArray;
                inputData = valueInfo.Data;

            IEnumerable<object> results;
            if (!isArray)
                results = new object[] { inputData };
            else {
                results = (IEnumerable<object>)inputData;

            var filterEval = config.Config[FilterEval].ToSingleData<string>(string.Empty);
            if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(filterEval) || results.Any() == false)
                return results;

            var action = context.ContentParams.CreateOrGet<string, object, Delegate>(filterEval, eval =>
                return EvalHelper.GetDelegate(context, filterEval, results.First());
            results = results.Where(r => (bool)action.DynamicInvoke(r)).ToArray();
            return results;
Example #12
        private LNumber IncrementNumber(LNumber val)
            this.DataType = typeof(double);
            var inc = this.Increment == 0 ? 1 : this.Increment;

            if (this.Expression != null)
                var incval = this.Expression.Evaluate();
                // TODO: Check if null and throw langexception?
                inc = ((LNumber)incval).Value;

            // 1. Calculate the unary value
            val = EvalHelper.CalcUnary(val, Op, inc);

            // 2. Set the value back into scope
            this.Value = val;
            this.Ctx.Memory.SetValue(this.Name, val);
    private static void EnsureAllTypesAreHandled(IEnumerable <object[]> supportedResults, IEnumerable <object[]> unsupportedTypes, string operatorName)
        var data = supportedResults.Concat(unsupportedTypes);

        var knownTypes = TypeCoercer.SignedIntegerLengthByType.Keys

        var seenTypeCombinations = new HashSet <(Type, Type)>();

        foreach (object[] objects in data)
            Type leftType  = EvalHelper.Eval((string)objects[0]).GetType();
            Type rightType = EvalHelper.Eval((string)objects[1]).GetType();

            seenTypeCombinations.Add((leftType, rightType));

        var unhandledTypeCombinations = new HashSet <(Type LeftType, Type RightType)>();

        foreach (Type knownLeftType in knownTypes)
            foreach (Type knownRightType in knownTypes)
                (Type, Type)knownTypesTuple = (knownLeftType, knownRightType);

                if (!seenTypeCombinations.Contains(knownTypesTuple))

        .BeEmpty($"'{operatorName}' operator test data contains all possible type combinations");
Example #14
 public Task <ActionResult> EvalAsync(
     [Remainder, Description("The C# code to execute. Can be in a codeblock with C# highlighting if you want.")]
     string code)
 => Ok(async() => await EvalHelper.EvaluateAsync(Context, code), false);
Example #15
        /// <summary>
        /// Evaluate * / + - %
        /// </summary>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public override object DoEvaluate()
            // Validate
            object result = 0;
            var    left   = (LObject)Left.Evaluate();
            var    right  = (LObject)Right.Evaluate();

            // Case 1: Both numbers
            if (this.IsTypeMatch(LTypes.Number, left, right))
                result = EvalHelper.CalcNumbers(this, (LNumber)left, (LNumber)right, Op);
            // Case 2: Both times
            else if (this.IsTypeMatch(LTypes.Time, left, right))
                result = EvalHelper.CalcTimes(this, (LTime)left, (LTime)right, Op);
            // Case 3: Both dates
            else if (this.IsTypeMatch(LTypes.Date, left, right))
                result = EvalHelper.CalcDates(this, (LDate)left, (LDate)right, Op);
            // Case 4: Both strings.
            else if (this.IsTypeMatch(LTypes.String, left, right))
                var strleft  = ((LString)left).Value;
                var strright = ((LString)right).Value;

                // Check string limit.
                Ctx.Limits.CheckStringLength(this, strleft, strright);
                result = new LString(strleft + strright);

            // MIXED TYPES
            // TODO: Needs to be improved with new code for types.
            // Case 5 : Double and Bool
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Number && right.Type == LTypes.Bool)
                var r    = ((LBool)right).Value;
                var rval = r ? 1 : 0;
                result = EvalHelper.CalcNumbers(this, (LNumber)left, new LNumber(rval), Op);
            // Bool Double
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Bool && right.Type == LTypes.Number)
                var l    = ((LBool)left).Value;
                var lval = l ? 1 : 0;
                result = EvalHelper.CalcNumbers(this, new LNumber(lval), (LNumber)right, Op);
            // Append as strings.
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.String && right.Type == LTypes.Bool)
                var st1 = ((LString)left).Value + ((LBool)right).Value.ToString().ToLower();
                result = new LString(st1);
            // Append as strings.
            else if (left.Type == LTypes.Bool && right.Type == LTypes.String)
                var st2 = ((LBool)left).Value.ToString().ToLower() + ((LString)right).Value;
                result = new LString(st2);
            // TODO: Need to handle LUnit and LVersion better
            //else if (left.Type == LTypes.Unit && right.Type == LTypes.Unit)
            else if (left.Type.Name == "LUnit" && right.Type.Name == "LUnit")
                result = EvalHelper.CalcUnits(this, (LUnit)((LClass)left).Value, (LUnit)((LClass)right).Value, Op, Ctx.Units);
                var st3 = left.GetValue().ToString() + right.GetValue().ToString();
                result = new LString(st3);