Example #1
    static void Main()
        //var privKey = EthECKey.GenerateKey();
        var privKey = new EthECKey("97ddae0f3a25b92268175400149d65d6887b9cefaf28ea2c078e05cdc15a3c0a");

        byte[] pubKeyCompressed = new ECKey(privKey.GetPrivateKeyAsBytes(), true).GetPubKey(true);
        Console.WriteLine("Private key: {0}", privKey.GetPrivateKey().Substring(4));
        Console.WriteLine("Public key: {0}", privKey.GetPubKey().ToHex().Substring(2));
        Console.WriteLine("Public key (compressed): {0}", pubKeyCompressed.ToHex());


        string msg = "Message for signing";

        byte[] msgBytes  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg);
        byte[] msgHash   = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(msgBytes);
        var    signature = privKey.SignAndCalculateV(msgHash);

        Console.WriteLine("Msg: {0}", msg);
        Console.WriteLine("Msg hash: {0}", msgHash.ToHex());
        Console.WriteLine("Signature: [v = {0}, r = {1}, s = {2}]",
                          signature.V[0] - 27, signature.R.ToHex(), signature.S.ToHex());


        var pubKeyRecovered = EthECKey.RecoverFromSignature(signature, msgHash);

        Console.WriteLine("Recovered pubKey: {0}", pubKeyRecovered.GetPubKey().ToHex().Substring(2));

        bool validSig = pubKeyRecovered.Verify(msgHash, signature);

        Console.WriteLine("Signature valid? {0}", validSig);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Encodes data according to EIP-712, hashes it and signs with <paramref name="key"/>.
        /// Matches the signature produced by eth_signTypedData_v4
        /// </summary>
        public string SignTypedDataV4(TypedData typedData, EthECKey key)
            var encodedData = EncodeTypedData(typedData);
            var signature   = key.SignAndCalculateV(Sha3Keccack.Current.CalculateHash(encodedData));

Example #3
        private void btnSignTransact_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            Sender   = txtTransSender.Text;
            Receiver = txtTransRecip.Text;
            value    = txtTransValue.Text;
            fee      = "100";
            //dateCreated = "1534495254";
            dateCreated       = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow.ToUnixTimeSeconds().ToString();
            data              = "";
            senderPubKey      = pubKeySession;
            minedInBlockIndex = "index";
            TransferSuccess   = "success?";
            var    SignPrivKey = new EthECKey(privKeySession);
            string msg         = Sender + Receiver + value + fee + dateCreated + data + senderPubKey + minedInBlockIndex;

            //string msg = Sender + Receiver + value + fee + dateCreated + data + senderPubKey + transactionDataHash + minedInBlockIndex;
            //string msg = "Sean";
            byte[] msgBytes  = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(msg);
            byte[] msgHash   = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(msgBytes);
            var    signature = SignPrivKey.SignAndCalculateV(msgHash);

            transactionDataHash = sha256(msg);

            var walletJsonData = new { From = Sender, To = Receiver, value = value, fee = fee, dateCreated = dateCreated, data = data, senderPubKey = senderPubKey, transactionDataHash = transactionDataHash, senderSignature = signature.V[0] - 27 + signature.R.ToHex() + signature.S.ToHex(), minedInBlockIndex = minedInBlockIndex, TransferSuccess = TransferSuccess };

            JsonTrans         = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(walletJsonData, Formatting.Indented);
            txtTransData.Text = JsonTrans;
Example #4
        /// <summary>
        /// Signs using a predefined typed data schema and converts and encodes the provide the message value
        /// </summary>
        public string SignTypedDataV4 <T, TDomain>(T message, TypedData <TDomain> typedData, EthECKey key) where TDomain : IDomain
            var encodedData = EncodeTypedData(message, typedData);
            var signature   = key.SignAndCalculateV(Sha3Keccack.Current.CalculateHash(encodedData));

Example #5
        public byte[] Sign(byte[] data)
            var key    = new EthECKey(this.PrivateKey);
            var signed = key.SignAndCalculateV(this.HashMessage(data));
            var result = new byte[signed.To64ByteArray().Length + 1];

            signed.To64ByteArray().CopyTo(result, 0);
            result[result.Length - 1] = (byte)(signed.V[0] - 27);
Example #6
        public void SignPromise(EthECKey signingKey)
            if (UserKeys.GetPublicKeyString(signingKey) != FromAddress)
                throw new Exception("You cannot sign someone else's transaction.");
            string promiseHash = CalculateHash();

            byte[] msgBytes = Encoding.UTF8.GetBytes(promiseHash);
            byte[] msgHash  = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(msgBytes);
            Signature = signingKey.SignAndCalculateV(msgHash);
        private byte[] Sign(byte[] hash, string privateKey)
            var key = new EthECKey(privateKey.HexToByteArray(), true);
            EthECDSASignature signature = key.SignAndCalculateV(hash);
            var r = signature.R.ToHex();
            var s = signature.S.ToHex();
            var v = new[] { signature.V }.ToHex();

            var arr = (r + s + v).HexToByteArray();

        public async Task SignOld()
            string hex        = "";
            string privateKey = "";

            var    secret = new EthECKey(privateKey);;
            var    hash = hex.HexToByteArray();
            var    signature = secret.SignAndCalculateV(hash);
            string r = signature.R.Length == 32 ? signature.R.ToHex() : "00" + signature.R.ToHex();
            string s = signature.S.Length == 32 ? signature.S.ToHex() : "00" + signature.S.ToHex();
            string v = new[] { signature.V }.ToHex();

            var arrHex = (r + s + v);

Example #9
        public static void Sign()
            string[] input        = File.ReadAllLines("../../Input.txt");
            string   inputKey     = input[0];
            string   inputMessage = input[1];

            EthECKey privateKey = new EthECKey(inputKey);

            byte[] messageBytes = Utils.GetBytes(inputMessage);
            byte[] messageHash  = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(messageBytes);

            EthECDSASignature ethECDSASignature = privateKey.SignAndCalculateV(messageHash);
            EthereumSignature signature         = new EthereumSignature
                Address = privateKey.GetPublicAddress(),
                Msg     = inputMessage,
                Sig     = EncryptionUtils.ToString(ethECDSASignature),
                Version = "1"
            string output = JsonUtils.Serialize(signature);

            File.WriteAllText("../../Output.json", output);
        private static void Main(string[] args)
            //EthECKey privateKey = EthECKey.GenerateKey();
            EthECKey privateKey = new EthECKey("97ddae0f3a25b92268175400149d65d6887b9cefaf28ea2c078e05cdc15a3c0a");
            string   message    = "exercise-cryptography";

            byte[] messageBytes = Utils.GetBytes(message);
            byte[] messageHash  = new Sha3Keccack().CalculateHash(messageBytes);

            EthECDSASignature signature = privateKey.SignAndCalculateV(messageHash);

            EthereumSignature result = new EthereumSignature
                Signature = EncryptionUtils.ToString(signature),
                V         = string.Format("0x{0:X2}", EthECKey.GetRecIdFromV(signature.V)),
                R         = signature.R.ToHex(true),
                S         = signature.S.ToHex(true)

            string output = JsonUtils.Serialize(result);

            File.WriteAllText("../../../Output.json", output);
Example #11
 public EthECDSASignature MessageSigningRec()
     EthECKey.SignRecoverable = true;
Example #12
 public EthECDSASignature MessageSigning() => key.SignAndCalculateV(message);