Example #1
        /// <summary>
        /// Finds the best delivery task for the specified pod.
        /// Sets <code>bestDeliveryRequest</code> to null if none found, otherwise <code>bestDeliveryRequest</code> and <code>bestTimeForDeliveryRequest</code> are initialized.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="bot">The bot to consider.</param>
        /// <param name="pod">Pod to take.</param>
        /// <param name="podLocation">Current location of the pod.</param>
        /// <param name="bestExtractTask">The best extract task set by this method.</param>
        /// <param name="bestTimeForExtract">The time of the best extract set by this method.</param>
        void GetBestTaskForPod(Bot bot, Pod pod, Waypoint podLocation,
                               out ExtractRequest bestExtractTask, out double bestTimeForExtract)
            bestExtractTask    = null;
            bestTimeForExtract = 0.0;

            bestExtractTask = null;
            if (pod == null || podLocation == null)

            bestTimeForExtract = double.PositiveInfinity;

            // Check all tasks
            foreach (var delivery in Instance.ResourceManager.AvailableAndAssignedExtractRequests)
                // If it has the item
                if (pod.IsContained(delivery.Item))
                    // See how long it would take to get to the output-station
                    // Choose the worst of delivering or waiting
                    Waypoint sw   = delivery.Station.Waypoint;
                    double   time = Math.Max(Estimators.EstimateTravelTimeEuclid(bot, podLocation, sw), Estimators.EstimateOutputStationWaitTime(bot, sw));

                    // If it's the best, then use it
                    if (time < bestTimeForExtract)
                        bestExtractTask    = delivery;
                        bestTimeForExtract = time;