private ShippingRate CreateShippingRate( Guid methodId, ShippingMethodDto shippingMethod, EstimateResult <ShipmentEstimate> result) { var estimate = result.Estimates.First(); var priceExclTax = shippingMethod.GetShippingMethodParameterValue(ParameterNames.PriceExclTax) == "True"; var usesAdditionalServices = !string.IsNullOrEmpty(shippingMethod.GetShippingMethodParameterValue(ParameterNames.AdditionalServices)); var priceWithAdditionalServices = !priceExclTax ? (decimal)estimate.PackagePrice.PackagePriceWithAdditionalServices.AmountWithVAT : (decimal)estimate.PackagePrice.PackagePriceWithAdditionalServices.AmountWithoutVAT; var priceWithoutAdditionalServices = !priceExclTax ? (decimal)estimate.PackagePrice.PackagePriceWithoutAdditionalServices.AmountWithVAT : (decimal)estimate.PackagePrice.PackagePriceWithoutAdditionalServices.AmountWithoutVAT; var amount = AdjustPrice(shippingMethod, usesAdditionalServices ? priceWithAdditionalServices : priceWithoutAdditionalServices); var moneyAmount = new Money( amount, new Currency(estimate.PackagePrice.CurrencyIdentificationCode)); return(new BringShippingRate( methodId, estimate.GuiInformation.DisplayName, estimate.GuiInformation.MainDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.SubDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.DescriptionText, estimate.GuiInformation.HelpText, estimate.GuiInformation.Tip, estimate.ExpectedDelivery.ExpectedDeliveryDate, moneyAmount)); }
public async Task <EstimateResult <IEstimate> > FindEstimatesAsync(EstimateQuery query) { string jsonResponse; var requestUri = CreateRequestUri(query); using (var client = CreateClient()) { try { jsonResponse = await client.GetStringAsync(requestUri).ConfigureAwait(false); } catch (HttpRequestException rEx) { // TODO: parse errors from here and create strongly typed error messages // Could be object with Code, Description and HTML (full message received from Bring) // Some errors are validation errors like - invalid postal code, invalid city etc., but some are exceptions. // Wrap and return only validation errors, others throw further. // Wrap configuration errors and throw them with details, but other errors throw as is. // return(EstimateResult <IEstimate> .CreateFailure(rEx.Message)); } } var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ShippingResponse>(jsonResponse); var estimates = response.Product.Select(MapProduct).Cast <IEstimate>(); return(EstimateResult <IEstimate> .CreateSuccess(estimates)); }
public EstimateResult EstimateScore(TasteValue model, List <VegetableDosing> VegModel) { EstimateResult Result = new EstimateResult(); List <string> DescriptionList = new List <string>(); List <string> VegCatagories = new List <string>(); foreach (var item in VegModel) { VegCatagories.Add(item.VegValue.Name); } var response = new SQL().GetVegetableFlavour(VegCatagories); int number = response.Where(x => x.FlavourName != null || x.FlavourName != "").Count(); int saltyScore, sweetScore, sourScore, spicyScore, bitterScore, oilScore, FlavourScore; DescriptionList.Add(FlavourEstimate(number, out FlavourScore)); DescriptionList.Add(SaltyEstimate(model.Salty, out saltyScore)); DescriptionList.Add(SweetEstimate(model.Sweet, out sweetScore)); DescriptionList.Add(SourEstimate(model.Sour, out sourScore)); DescriptionList.Add(SpicyEstimate(model.Spicy, out spicyScore)); DescriptionList.Add(BitterEstimate(model.Bitter, out bitterScore)); DescriptionList.Add(OilEstimate(model.Oil, out oilScore)); Result.Description = string.Join(", ", DescriptionList.ToArray()); Result.Score = 95 - saltyScore - sweetScore - sourScore - spicyScore - bitterScore - oilScore; return(Result); }
public async Task <EstimateResult <IEstimate> > FindEstimatesAsync(EstimateQuery query) { HttpResponseMessage responseMessage = null; string jsonResponse = null; var requestUri = CreateRequestUri(query); var cacheKey = CreateCacheKey(requestUri); if (HttpRuntime.Cache.Get(cacheKey) is EstimateResult <IEstimate> cached) { return(await Task.FromResult(cached)); } using (var client = CreateClient()) { try { responseMessage = await client.GetAsync(requestUri).ConfigureAwait(false); jsonResponse = await responseMessage.Content.ReadAsStringAsync(); responseMessage.EnsureSuccessStatusCode(); } catch (HttpRequestException) { if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(jsonResponse)) { var responseError = new ResponseError(responseMessage?.StatusCode ?? HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError); return(EstimateResult <IEstimate> .CreateFailure(responseError)); } } } var response = JsonConvert.DeserializeObject <ShippingResponse>(jsonResponse, new JsonSerializerSettings { ContractResolver = new CamelCasePropertyNamesContractResolver() }); var errors = response.GetAllErrors().ToArray(); if (errors.Any()) { return(EstimateResult <IEstimate> .CreateFailure(errors)); } var products = response.GetAllProducts(); var estimates = products.Select(MapProduct).Cast <IEstimate>().ToList(); var result = EstimateResult <IEstimate> .CreateSuccess(estimates); HttpRuntime.Cache.Insert(cacheKey, result, null, DateTime.UtcNow.AddMinutes(2), Cache.NoSlidingExpiration); return(result); }
public EstimateResult EvaluteRecipe(RecipeViewModel Recipemodel) { Recipe model = new Recipe(); GetMaterialData GetData = new GetMaterialData(); model = GetData.TransData(Recipemodel); TasteCalculator calculator = new TasteCalculator(); List <TasteValue> TasteList = new List <TasteValue>(); TasteEstimate TasteEst = new TasteEstimate(); TasteList.Add(calculator.VegtableCalculate(model.VegDosing)); TasteList.Add(calculator.MeatCalculate(model.MeatDosings)); TasteList.Add(calculator.SeasonCalculate(model.SeasonDosings)); TasteList.Add(calculator.EggCalculate(model.EggDosings)); EstimateResult result = TasteEst.EstimateScore(calculator.AvgCalculator(TasteList), model.VegDosing); return(result); }
/// <summary> /// Finds Bring Shipping estimates based on estimate query. /// </summary> /// <typeparam name="T">Type of estimates <see cref="IEstimate"/>.</typeparam> /// <param name="query">Query parameters of type <see cref="EstimateQuery"/>.</param> /// <returns>Estimate find result of type <see cref="EstimateResult{T}"/>.</returns> public async Task <EstimateResult <T> > FindAsync <T>(EstimateQuery query) where T : IEstimate { foreach (var handler in Settings.QueryHandlers) { if (handler.CanHandle(typeof(T))) { var estimate = await handler.FindEstimatesAsync(query).ConfigureAwait(false); if (estimate.Success) { return(EstimateResult <T> .CreateSuccess(estimate.Estimates.Cast <T>())); } return(EstimateResult <T> .CreateFailure(estimate.ErrorMessages)); } } throw new Exception(string.Format("No matching query handler found for estimate type {0}", typeof(T).Name)); }
private ShippingRate CreateShippingRate( Guid methodId, ShippingMethodDto shippingMethod, EstimateResult <ShipmentEstimate> result) { var estimate = result.Estimates.First(); var amount = AdjustPrice(shippingMethod, (decimal)estimate.PackagePrice.PackagePriceWithAdditionalServices.AmountWithVAT); var moneyAmount = new Money( amount, new Currency(estimate.PackagePrice.CurrencyIdentificationCode)); return(new BringShippingRate( methodId, estimate.GuiInformation.DisplayName, estimate.GuiInformation.MainDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.SubDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.DescriptionText, estimate.GuiInformation.HelpText, estimate.GuiInformation.Tip, estimate.ExpectedDelivery.ExpectedDeliveryDate, moneyAmount)); }
private ShippingRate CreateShippingRate( Guid methodId, ShippingMethodDto shippingMethod, EstimateResult <ShipmentEstimate> result) { var settings = _estimateSettingsFactory.CreateFrom(shippingMethod); var estimate = result.Estimates.First(); var usesAdditionalServices = settings.AdditionalServices.Any(); var packagePrice = estimate.Price.NetPrice ?? estimate.Price.ListPrice; var priceWithAdditionalServices = !settings.PriceExclTax ? (decimal)packagePrice.PriceWithAdditionalServices.AmountWithVAT : (decimal)packagePrice.PriceWithAdditionalServices.AmountWithoutVAT; var priceWithoutAdditionalServices = !settings.PriceExclTax ? (decimal)packagePrice.PriceWithoutAdditionalServices.AmountWithVAT : (decimal)packagePrice.PriceWithoutAdditionalServices.AmountWithoutVAT; var amount = AdjustPrice(shippingMethod, settings, usesAdditionalServices ? priceWithAdditionalServices : priceWithoutAdditionalServices); var moneyAmount = new Money( amount, new Currency(packagePrice.CurrencyCode)); return(new BringShippingRate( methodId, estimate.GuiInformation.DisplayName, estimate.GuiInformation.MainDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.SubDisplayCategory, estimate.GuiInformation.DescriptionText, estimate.GuiInformation.HelpText, estimate.GuiInformation.Tip, estimate.ExpectedDelivery.ExpectedDeliveryDate, moneyAmount)); }
private byte[] CompressPframe(Bitmap bitmap) { YCbCr[,] yCbCrs = ColorChannel.ReadYCbCrs(bitmap); YCbCrSubSample yCbCrSubSamples = JPEG.SubSample(yCbCrs); // motion vecotr estimate var mv = new MotionVector(15); EstimateResult vecotrDiffs = mv.Estimate(frameMemory, yCbCrSubSamples); // dct subquantized differences var tasks = new Task[3]; sbyte[,] yQuantized = null, cbQuantized = null, crQuantized = null; tasks[0] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { yQuantized = DCTSubQuantized(vecotrDiffs.YDiffs, LuminanceQuantizationTable); }); tasks[1] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { cbQuantized = DCTSubQuantized(vecotrDiffs.CbDiffs, ChrominanceQuantizationTable); }); tasks[2] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { crQuantized = DCTSubQuantized(vecotrDiffs.CrDiffs, ChrominanceQuantizationTable); }); Task.WaitAll(tasks); //upquantized IDCT, add to frame memory int yHeight = yCbCrSubSamples.Y.GetLength(0), yWidth = yCbCrSubSamples.Y.GetLength(1), cHeight = yCbCrSubSamples.Cb.GetLength(0), cWidth = yCbCrSubSamples.Cb.GetLength(1); tasks[0] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { yCbCrSubSamples.Y = UpQuantizedIDCT(yHeight, yWidth, yQuantized, LuminanceQuantizationTable); }); tasks[1] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { yCbCrSubSamples.Cb = UpQuantizedIDCT(cHeight, cWidth, cbQuantized, ChrominanceQuantizationTable); }); tasks[2] = Task.Factory.StartNew(() => { yCbCrSubSamples.Cr = UpQuantizedIDCT(cHeight, cWidth, crQuantized, ChrominanceQuantizationTable); }); // zigzag RLE differences sbyte[] yStream = ZigZagTransform(yQuantized); sbyte[] cbStream = ZigZagTransform(cbQuantized); sbyte[] crStream = ZigZagTransform(crQuantized); // concatennate byte stream var data = new sbyte[vecotrDiffs.Vectors.Length * 2 + yStream.Length + cbStream.Length + crStream.Length]; for (int i = 0, j = 0; i < vecotrDiffs.Vectors.Length; ++i) { data[j++] = (sbyte)(vecotrDiffs.Vectors[i].x); data[j++] = (sbyte)(vecotrDiffs.Vectors[i].y); } yStream.CopyTo(data, vecotrDiffs.Vectors.Length * 2); cbStream.CopyTo(data, yStream.Length + vecotrDiffs.Vectors.Length * 2); crStream.CopyTo(data, yStream.Length + cbStream.Length + vecotrDiffs.Vectors.Length * 2); Task.WaitAll(tasks); AddDifferencesToMemoryFrame(yCbCrSubSamples, vecotrDiffs.Vectors); // update frame memory return(RunLengthEncode(data)); }
// estimate best match using 2d logorithmic search public EstimateResult Estimate(YCbCrSubSample reference, YCbCrSubSample target) { // image dimension int height = reference.Y.GetLength(0); int width = reference.Y.GetLength(1); // number of 8*8 blocks to fill the y channel int h = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)height / N); int w = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)width / N); var result = new EstimateResult { }; int vectorIndex = 0; result.Vectors = new Vector[h * w]; // y channel with paddings if origin image is not multiples of 8 h <<= 3; w <<= 3; result.YDiffs = new double[h, w]; // cb cr h = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)reference.Cb.GetLength(0) / N) << 3; w = (int)Math.Ceiling((double)reference.Cb.GetLength(1) / N) << 3; result.CbDiffs = new double[h, w]; result.CrDiffs = new double[h, w]; // dec to prevent -1 calculation inside the loop --width; --height; // cb cr height and width int cHeight = height >> 1, cWidth = width >> 1; for (int row = 0; row <= height; row += N) { for (int col = 0; col <= width; col += N) { // calculate the difference at the same pos first var r8 = new double[N, N]; var t8 = new double[N, N]; // 8*8 block filling for (int i = 0, Y = row; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = 0, X = col; j < N; ++j) { // use y channel to get vector r8[i, j] = reference.Y[Y, X]; t8[i, j] = target.Y[Y, X]; if (X < width) // padding number use the boundary number { ++X; } } if (Y < height) { ++Y; } } Differences min = CalDifferences(r8, t8); Vector mv = new Vector { x = 0, y = 0 }; // 2d logorithmic search for new reference block (p92) int centerY = row, centerX = col; int offset = (int)Math.Ceiling(P / 2.0); bool last = false; while (!last) { // find one of the nine specified macroblocks that yields minimum MAD, then update centerX, centerY, min Difference. vecotr. for (int offY = centerY - offset; offY <= centerY + offset; offY += offset) { for (int offX = centerX - offset; offX <= centerX + offset; offX += offset) { if ((offX == centerX && offY == centerY) || offX < 0 || offY < 0 || offX > width || offY > height) { continue; } // 8*8 block filling references block for (int i = 0, Y = offY; i < N; ++i) { for (int j = 0, X = offX; j < N; ++j) { r8[i, j] = reference.Y[Y, X]; if (X < width) // padding number use the boundary number { ++X; } } if (Y < height) { ++Y; } } Differences d = CalDifferences(r8, t8); // compare with min if (d.AbsoluteDifference < min.AbsoluteDifference) { min = d; mv.x = col - offX; mv.y = row - offY; centerX = offX; centerY = offY; } } } if (offset == 1) { last = true; } offset = (int)Math.Ceiling(offset / 2.0); } // cb cr for (int Y = row >> 1, YB = Y + (N >> 1); Y < YB && Y < cHeight; ++Y) { for (int X = col >> 1, XB = X + (N >> 1); X < XB && X < cWidth; ++X) { int ry = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(Y - mv.y, cHeight)); int rx = Math.Max(0, Math.Min(X - mv.x, cWidth)); result.CbDiffs[Y, X] = target.Cb[Y, X] - reference.Cb[ry, rx]; result.CrDiffs[Y, X] = target.Cr[Y, X] - reference.Cr[ry, rx]; } } // y for (int _y = 0, Y = row; _y < N; ++_y, ++Y) { for (int _x = 0, X = col; _x < N; ++_x, ++X) { result.YDiffs[Y, X] = min.DifferenceBlock[_y, _x]; } } result.Vectors[vectorIndex++] = mv; } } return(result); }
public PositionEstimate GetPosition(string clientMac) { /** * [WebGet] = SnifferReceiver operation (cf: ) * usage example: http://localhost:38244/SnifferService.svc/GetPosition?mac='Big Mac' */ if (clientMac == null) { return(null); } SnifferWifiMeasurement curMeas; if (!(currentOnlineMeasurements.TryGetValue(clientMac, out curMeas))) { return(null); //we do not have a measurement yet to base an estimate on } //Check whether the client is associated with a building //If not, positioning has (JUST) been requested, but the correct building not established yet. WifiPosEngine posEngine; if (!(currentWifiPosEngines.TryGetValue(clientMac, out posEngine))) { return(null); //we do not have a wifi pos engine. Reason: User has probably not called StartWifiPositioning. } if (posEngine.getCurrentBuilding() == null) //It is the very first estimate { posEngine.setCurrentBuilding(getCorrectBuilding(curMeas)); } EstimateResult currentEstimate = posEngine.getEstimate(curMeas); //We have a result if (currentEstimate != null && currentEstimate.getVertex() != null) { //convert estimated location to PositionEstimate PositionEstimate result = new PositionEstimate(); Vertex v = currentEstimate.getVertex(); AbsoluteLocation a = v.AbsoluteLocations.First(); result.VertexID = v.ID; result.Building_ID = v.Building_ID; result.Latitude = (double)a.latitude; result.Longitude = (double)a.longitude; result.Altitude = (double)a.longitude; result.Accuracy = currentEstimate.getErrorEstimate(); result.HasAccuracy = true; result.HasBearing = false; result.HasSpeed = false; result.Provider = WIFI_PROVIDER; result.Time = DateTime.Now; return(result); } else //We do not have a result { return(null); } }