        public override void OpenModel() {
            // Exit if invalid
            if (this._geometricNetwork == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            base.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Add GeometricNetwork Shape
            EsriShape<GeometricNetwork> shapeGN = new EsriShape<GeometricNetwork>(this._geometricNetwork);
            base.Shapes.Add(base.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeGN);

            // Get Parent FeatureDataset
            Dataset parent = this._geometricNetwork.GetParent();
            if (parent == null) { return; }
            FeatureDataset featureDataset = parent as FeatureDataset;
            if (featureDataset == null) { return; }

            // Add FeatureDataset Shape
            EsriShape<FeatureDataset> shapeFD = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
            base.Shapes.Add(base.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeFD);

            // Add all Child FeatureClasses
            foreach (Dataset dataset in featureDataset.GetChildren()) {
                if (dataset.GetType() == typeof(FeatureClass)) {
                    // Add FetaureClass Shape
                    FeatureClass featureClass = (FeatureClass)dataset;
                    EsriShape<FeatureClass> shapeFC = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                    base.Shapes.Add(base.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeFC);

                    // Add Link 
                    Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                    arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    arrow.DrawBackground = false;
                    Line line = new Line(shapeFC, shapeFD);
                    line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    line.End.AllowMove = false;
                    line.Start.Marker = arrow;
                    line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                    base.Lines.Add(base.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                    foreach (ControllerMembership controllerMembership in featureClass.ControllerMemberships) {
                        if (controllerMembership is GeometricNetworkControllerMembership) {
                            GeometricNetworkControllerMembership geometricNetworkControllerMembership = (GeometricNetworkControllerMembership)controllerMembership;
                            if (geometricNetworkControllerMembership.GeometricNetworkName == this._geometricNetwork.Name) {
                                EsriLine<GeometricNetworkControllerMembership> line2 = new EsriLine<GeometricNetworkControllerMembership>(geometricNetworkControllerMembership, shapeGN, shapeFC);
                                base.Lines.Add(base.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

            // Perform Layout
            base.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            base.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
        public override void OpenModel() {
            // Create Origin and Destination Lists
            List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>> listFeatureClassFrom = new List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>>();
            List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>> listFeatureClassTo = new List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>>();
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> listSubtypeFrom = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> listSubtypeTo = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();

            // Exit if invalid
            if (this._topology == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            this.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Get SchemaModel
            SchemaModel schemaModel = (SchemaModel)this._topology.Container;

            // Get Parent FeatureDataset
            Dataset parent = this._topology.GetParent();
            if (parent == null) { return; }
            FeatureDataset featureDataset = parent as FeatureDataset;
            if (featureDataset == null) { return; }

            // Add From and To FeatureDatasets
            EsriShape<FeatureDataset> featureDataset1 = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
            EsriShape<FeatureDataset> featureDataset2 = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureDataset1);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureDataset2);

            // Add all Child FeatureClasses
            foreach (Dataset dataset in featureDataset.GetChildren()) {
                if (dataset.GetType() != typeof(FeatureClass)) { continue; }

                // Get FeatureClass
                FeatureClass featureClass = (FeatureClass)dataset;

                // Only continue if FeatureClass belongs to the Topology
                bool participate = false;
                foreach (ControllerMembership controller in featureClass.ControllerMemberships) {
                    if (controller is TopologyControllerMembership) {
                        TopologyControllerMembership topologyControllerMembership = (TopologyControllerMembership)controller;
                        if (topologyControllerMembership.TopologyName == this._topology.Name) {
                            participate = true;
                if (!participate) { continue; }

                // Get Subtypes
                List<Subtype> subtypes = featureClass.GetSubtypes();

                // Add From FetaureClasses and Subtypes
                EsriShape<FeatureClass> featureClass1 = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureClass1);

                // Add Line from FeatureDataset to FeatureClass
                Arrow arrow1 = new Arrow();
                arrow1.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow1.DrawBackground = false;
                Line line1 = new Line(featureDataset1, featureClass1);
                line1.End.AllowMove = false;
                line1.End.Marker = arrow1;
                line1.Start.AllowMove = false;
                line1.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line1);

                // Add Subtypes and Link to FeatureClass
                foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                    EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                    this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);
                    Arrow arrow3 = new Arrow();
                    arrow3.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    arrow3.DrawBackground = false;
                    Line line = new Line(featureClass1, sub);
                    line.End.AllowMove = false;
                    line.End.Marker = arrow3;
                    line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                    line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                // Add To FetaureClasses and Subtypes
                EsriShape<FeatureClass> featureClass2 = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureClass2);

                // Add Line from FeatureDataset to FeatureClass
                Arrow arrow2 = new Arrow();
                arrow2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow2.DrawBackground = false;
                Line line2 = new Line(featureClass2, featureDataset2);
                line2.End.AllowMove = false;
                line2.Start.AllowMove = false;
                line2.Start.Marker = arrow2;
                line2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

                // Add Subtyes and Link to FeatureClasses
                foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                    EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                    this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);
                    Arrow arrow4 = new Arrow();
                    arrow4.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    arrow4.DrawBackground = false;
                    Line line = new Line(sub, featureClass2);
                    line.End.AllowMove = false;
                    line.Start.Marker = arrow4;
                    line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                    line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);


            // Loop Through All Connectivity Rules
            foreach (TopologyRule topologyRule in this._topology.TopologyRules) {
                // Origin Table
                EsriTable origin = null;
                if (topologyRule.AllOriginSubtypes) {
                    origin = schemaModel.FindObjectClass(topologyRule.OriginClassId);
                else {
                    origin = schemaModel.FindObjectClassOrSubtype(

                // Destination Table
                EsriTable destination = null;
                if (topologyRule.AllDestinationSubtypes) {
                    destination = schemaModel.FindObjectClass(topologyRule.DestinationClassId);
                else {
                    destination = schemaModel.FindObjectClassOrSubtype(

                // Origin and Destination Shapes
                Shape shapeOrigin = null;
                Shape shapeDestiantion = null;

                // Find Origin Shape in Diagram
                foreach (EsriShape<FeatureClass> f in listFeatureClassFrom) {
                    if (f.Parent == origin) {
                        shapeOrigin = f;
                if (shapeOrigin == null) {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> s in listSubtypeFrom) {
                        if (s.Parent == origin) {
                            shapeOrigin = s;

                // Find Destination Shape in Diagram
                foreach (EsriShape<FeatureClass> f in listFeatureClassTo) {
                    if (f.Parent == destination) {
                        shapeDestiantion = f;
                if (shapeDestiantion == null) {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> s in listSubtypeTo) {
                        if (s.Parent == destination) {
                            shapeDestiantion = s;

                // Skip if Origin and Destination Shapes not found
                if (shapeOrigin == null || shapeDestiantion == null) { continue; }

                EsriLine<TopologyRule> line2 = new EsriLine<TopologyRule>(topologyRule, shapeOrigin, shapeDestiantion);
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

            // Perform Layout
            this.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            this.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
        public override void OpenModel() {
            // Exit if invalid
            if (this._terrain == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            this.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Add GeometricNetwork Shape
            EsriShape<Terrain> shapeTerrain = new EsriShape<Terrain>(this._terrain);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeTerrain);

            // Get Parent FeatureDataset
            Dataset parent = this._terrain.GetParent();
            if (parent != null) {
                FeatureDataset featureDataset = parent as FeatureDataset;
                if (featureDataset != null) {

                    // Add FeatureDataset Shape
                    EsriShape<FeatureDataset> shapeFeatureDataset = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
                    this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeFeatureDataset);

                    // Add all Child FeatureClasses
                    foreach (Dataset dataset in featureDataset.GetChildren()) {
                        if (dataset.GetType() == typeof(FeatureClass)) {
                            // Add FetaureClass Shape
                            FeatureClass featureClass = (FeatureClass)dataset;
                            EsriShape<FeatureClass> shapeFeatureClass = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeFeatureClass);

                            // Add Link 
                            Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                            arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                            arrow.DrawBackground = false;
                            Line line = new Line(shapeFeatureClass, shapeFeatureDataset);
                            line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                            line.End.AllowMove = false;
                            line.Start.Marker = arrow;
                            line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                            this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                            foreach (TerrainDataSource terrainDataSource in this._terrain.TerrainDataSources) {
                                if (terrainDataSource.FeatureClassName == dataset.Name) {
                                    EsriLine<TerrainDataSource> line2 = new EsriLine<TerrainDataSource>(terrainDataSource, shapeTerrain, shapeFeatureClass);
                                    this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

            // Perform Layout
            this.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            this.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
        public override void OpenModel() {
            EsriShape<ObjectClass> orig = null;
            EsriShape<ObjectClass> dest = null;
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> originSubtypes = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> destinationSubtypes = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();

            // Exit if invalid
            if (this._relationshipClass == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            this.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Get Schema Model
            SchemaModel schemaModel = (SchemaModel)this._relationshipClass.Container;

            // Get Origin and Destination ObjectClasses
            ObjectClass objectClassOrig = schemaModel.FindObjectClass(this._relationshipClass.OriginClassName);
            ObjectClass objectClassDest = schemaModel.FindObjectClass(this._relationshipClass.DestinationClassName);

            // Add ObjectClasses
            orig = new EsriShape<ObjectClass>(objectClassOrig);
            dest = new EsriShape<ObjectClass>(objectClassDest);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), orig);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), dest);

            // Get Subtypes
            List<Subtype> subtypesOrig = objectClassOrig.GetSubtypes();
            List<Subtype> subtypesDest = objectClassDest.GetSubtypes();

            // Add Subtypes
            foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypesOrig) {
                EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);

                Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow.DrawBackground = false;

                Line line = new Line(orig, sub);
                line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                line.End.AllowMove = false;
                line.End.Marker = arrow;
                line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

            foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypesDest) {
                EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);

                Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow.DrawBackground = false;

                Line line = new Line(sub, dest);
                line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                line.End.AllowMove = false;
                line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                line.Start.Marker = arrow;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);


            // Get Rules
            List<RelationshipRule> rules = this._relationshipClass.RelationshipRules;
            foreach (RelationshipRule rule in rules) {
                Shape shapeOrign = null;
                if (subtypesOrig.Count == 0) {
                    shapeOrign = orig;
                else {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> subtype in originSubtypes) {
                        if (subtype.Parent.SubtypeCode == rule.OriginSubtype) {
                            shapeOrign = subtype;

                Shape shapeDestination = null;
                if (subtypesDest.Count == 0) {
                    shapeDestination = dest;
                else {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> subtype in destinationSubtypes) {
                        if (subtype.Parent.SubtypeCode == rule.DestinationSubtype) {
                            shapeDestination = subtype;
                if (shapeOrign == null || shapeDestination == null) { continue; }
                EsriLine<RelationshipRule> line = new EsriLine<RelationshipRule>(rule, shapeOrign, shapeDestination);
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

            // Perform Layout
            this.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            this.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
        public override void OpenModel() {
            // Exit if invalid
            if (this.m_domain == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            this.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Get Schema Model
            SchemaModel model = (SchemaModel)this.m_domain.Container;

            // Add ObjectClasses that use the Domain
            List<ObjectClass> objectClasses = model.GetObjectClasses();
            foreach (ObjectClass objectClass in objectClasses) {
                // Add Fields
                List<Field> fields = objectClass.GetFields();
                List<Subtype> subtypes = objectClass.GetSubtypes();

                // Check if Domain Used
                bool domainUsed = false;
                foreach (Field field in fields) {
                    if (field.Domain == this.m_domain.Name) {
                        domainUsed = true;

                if (!domainUsed) {
                    foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                        // Loop for each subtype field
                        List<SubtypeField> subtypeFields = subtype.GetSubtypeFields();
                        foreach (SubtypeField subtypeField in subtypeFields) {
                            if (subtypeField.DomainName == this.m_domain.Name) {
                                domainUsed = true;

                // Skip this ObjectClass if Domain not used
                if (!domainUsed) { continue; }

                // Add ObjectClass
                Shape shapeObjectClass = null;
                if (objectClass.GetType() == typeof(ObjectClass)) {
                    shapeObjectClass = new EsriShape<ObjectClass>(objectClass);
                else if (objectClass.GetType() == typeof(FeatureClass)) {
                    shapeObjectClass = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>((FeatureClass)objectClass);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeObjectClass);

                // Add Fields
                foreach (Field field in fields) {
                    if (field.Domain == this.m_domain.Name) {
                        // Create Field
                        EsriShape<Field> shapeField = new EsriShape<Field>(field);
                        this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeField);

                        // Create ObjectClass Link
                        Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                        arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                        arrow.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                        arrow.BorderWidth = 1f;
                        arrow.DrawBackground = false;

                        Line line = new Line(shapeObjectClass, shapeField);
                        line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                        line.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                        line.BorderWidth = 1f;
                        line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                        line.End.AllowMove = false;
                        line.End.Marker = arrow;
                        this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                // Add Subtypes
                foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                    EsriShape<Subtype> shapeSubtype = null;

                    List<SubtypeField> subtypeFields = subtype.GetSubtypeFields();
                    foreach (SubtypeField subtypeField in subtypeFields) {
                        if (subtypeField.DomainName == this.m_domain.Name) {
                            // Add Subtype
                            if (shapeSubtype == null) {
                                // Add Subtype Table
                                shapeSubtype = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeSubtype);

                                // Add ObjectClass to Subtype Line
                                Arrow arrow = new Arrow();
                                arrow.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                                arrow.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                                arrow.BorderWidth = 1f;
                                arrow.DrawBackground = false;

                                Line line = new Line(shapeObjectClass, shapeSubtype);
                                line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                                line.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                                line.BorderWidth = 1f;
                                line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                                line.End.AllowMove = false;
                                line.End.Marker = arrow;
                                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                            // Create SubtypeField
                            EsriShape<SubtypeField> shapeSubtypeField = new EsriShape<SubtypeField>(subtypeField);
                            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), shapeSubtypeField);

                            // Create SubtypeField Link
                            Arrow arrow2 = new Arrow();
                            arrow2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                            arrow2.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                            arrow2.BorderWidth = 1f;
                            arrow2.DrawBackground = false;

                            Line line2 = new Line(shapeSubtype, shapeSubtypeField);
                            line2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                            line2.BorderStyle = DashStyle.Solid;
                            line2.BorderWidth = 1f;
                            line2.Start.AllowMove = false;
                            line2.End.AllowMove = false;
                            line2.End.Marker = arrow2;
                            this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);


            // Perform Layout
            this.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            this.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
        public override void OpenModel() {
            List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>> listFeatureClassFrom = new List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>>();
            List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>> listFeatureClassTo = new List<EsriShape<FeatureClass>>();
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> listSubtypeFrom = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();
            List<EsriShape<Subtype>> listSubtypeTo = new List<EsriShape<Subtype>>();

            // Exit if invalid
            if (this._geometricNetwork == null) { return; }

            // Suspend Model
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {
            this.SuspendEvents = true;

            // Get SchemaModel
            SchemaModel schemaModel = (SchemaModel)this._geometricNetwork.Container;

            // Get Parent FeatureDataset
            Dataset parent = this._geometricNetwork.GetParent();
            if (parent == null) { return; }
            FeatureDataset featureDataset = parent as FeatureDataset;
            if (featureDataset == null) { return; }

            // Add From and To FeatureDatasets
            EsriShape<FeatureDataset> featureDataset1 = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
            EsriShape<FeatureDataset> featureDataset2 = new EsriShape<FeatureDataset>(featureDataset);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureDataset1);
            this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureDataset2);

            // Add all Child FeatureClasses
            foreach (Dataset dataset in featureDataset.GetChildren()) {
                if (dataset.GetType() != typeof(FeatureClass)) { continue; }

                // Get FeatureClass
                FeatureClass featureClass = (FeatureClass)dataset;

                // Only allow Simle and Complex Edges
                switch (featureClass.FeatureType) {
                    case esriFeatureType.esriFTSimpleEdge:
                    case esriFeatureType.esriFTComplexEdge:
                //switch (featureClass.CLSID) {
                //    case EsriRegistry.CLASS_SIMPLEEDGE:
                //    case EsriRegistry.CLASS_COMPLEXEDGE:
                //        break;
                //    default:
                //        continue;

                // Only continue if FeatureClass belongs to the GeometricNetwork
                bool participate = false;
                foreach (ControllerMembership controller in featureClass.ControllerMemberships) {
                    if (controller is GeometricNetworkControllerMembership) {
                        GeometricNetworkControllerMembership geometricNetworkControllerMembership = (GeometricNetworkControllerMembership)controller;
                        if (geometricNetworkControllerMembership.GeometricNetworkName == this._geometricNetwork.Name) {
                            participate = true;
                if (!participate) { continue; }

                // Get Subtypes
                List<Subtype> subtypes = featureClass.GetSubtypes();

                // Add From FetaureClasses and Subtypes
                EsriShape<FeatureClass> featureClass1 = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureClass1);

                // Add Line from FeatureDataset to FeatureClass
                Arrow arrow1 = new Arrow();
                arrow1.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow1.DrawBackground = false;
                Line line1 = new Line(featureDataset1, featureClass1);
                line1.End.AllowMove = false;
                line1.End.Marker = arrow1;
                line1.Start.AllowMove = false;
                line1.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line1);

                // Add Subtypes and Link to FeatureClass
                foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                    EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                    this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);
                    Arrow arrow3 = new Arrow();
                    arrow3.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    arrow3.DrawBackground = false;
                    Line line = new Line(featureClass1, sub);
                    line.End.AllowMove = false;
                    line.End.Marker = arrow3;
                    line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                    line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);

                // Add To FetaureClasses and Subtypes
                EsriShape<FeatureClass> featureClass2 = new EsriShape<FeatureClass>(featureClass);
                this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), featureClass2);

                // Add Line from FeatureDataset to FeatureClass
                Arrow arrow2 = new Arrow();
                arrow2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                arrow2.DrawBackground = false;
                Line line2 = new Line(featureClass2, featureDataset2);
                line2.End.AllowMove = false;
                line2.Start.AllowMove = false;
                line2.Start.Marker = arrow2;
                line2.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

                // Add Subtyes and Link to FeatureClasses
                foreach (Subtype subtype in subtypes) {
                    EsriShape<Subtype> sub = new EsriShape<Subtype>(subtype);
                    this.Shapes.Add(this.Shapes.CreateKey(), sub);
                    Arrow arrow4 = new Arrow();
                    arrow4.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    arrow4.DrawBackground = false;
                    Line line = new Line(sub, featureClass2);
                    line.End.AllowMove = false;
                    line.Start.Marker = arrow4;
                    line.Start.AllowMove = false;
                    line.BorderColor = ModelSettings.Default.DisabledLined;
                    this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line);


            // Loop Through All Connectivity Rules
            foreach (ConnectivityRule connectivityRule in this._geometricNetwork.ConnectivityRules) {
                // Continue only if Edge Connectivity Rule
                if (!(connectivityRule is EdgeConnectivityRule)) { continue; }

                // Get Edge Connectivity Rule
                EdgeConnectivityRule edgeConnectivityRule = (EdgeConnectivityRule)connectivityRule;

                // Origin Table
                EsriTable origin = schemaModel.FindObjectClassOrSubtype(

                // Destination Table
                EsriTable destination = schemaModel.FindObjectClassOrSubtype(

                // Origin and Destination Shapes
                Shape shapeOrigin = null;
                Shape shapeDestiantion = null;

                // Find Origin Shape in Diagram
                foreach (EsriShape<FeatureClass> f in listFeatureClassFrom) {
                    if (f.Parent == origin) {
                        shapeOrigin = f;
                if (shapeOrigin == null) {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> s in listSubtypeFrom) {
                        if (s.Parent == origin) {
                            shapeOrigin = s;

                // Find Destination Shape in Diagram
                foreach (EsriShape<FeatureClass> f in listFeatureClassTo) {
                    if (f.Parent == destination) {
                        shapeDestiantion = f;
                if (shapeDestiantion == null) {
                    foreach (EsriShape<Subtype> s in listSubtypeTo) {
                        if (s.Parent == destination) {
                            shapeDestiantion = s;

                // Skip if Origin and Destination Shapes not found
                if (shapeOrigin == null || shapeDestiantion == null) { continue; }

                EsriLine<EdgeConnectivityRule> line2 = new EsriLine<EdgeConnectivityRule>(edgeConnectivityRule, shapeOrigin, shapeDestiantion);
                this.Lines.Add(this.Lines.CreateKey(), line2);

            // Perform Layout
            this.ExecuteLayout(typeof(HierarchicalLayout), true);

            // Resume and Refresh Model
            this.SuspendEvents = false;
            if (ModelSettings.Default.EnableUndoRedo) {