public JsonResult GetDealershipInfo(int id) { try { var service = new DealershipAccountService(db); var dealership = service.GetDealership(id); var dealershipEditManager = new DealershipManager { Id = dealership.Id, CompanyName = dealership.CompanyName, Email = dealership.Email, City = dealership.City, State = dealership.State, ZipCode = dealership.ZipCode, Notes = dealership.Notes, PhoneNumber = dealership.PhoneNumber, FaxNumber = dealership.FaxNumber }; return(Json(dealershipEditManager, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { /* when we start our service we are generating xml files according to data from database */ var projectPath = AppDomain.CurrentDomain.BaseDirectory; var manager = new MyConfigurationManager.ConfigurationManager(); var pathOption = manager.GetOptions <PathsOptions>(projectPath + "xmlConfig.xml"); try { var repositories = new UnitOfWork(pathOption.DBpath1); OrderService orderService = new OrderService(repositories); /* now getting list of orders */ var ordersInfo = orderService.GetListOfOrders(); XmlGenerateService <Order> orders = new XmlGenerateService <Order>(pathOption.ClientDirectory + "\\Orders.xml"); /* generating xml file */ orders.XmlGenerate(ordersInfo); } catch (Exception trouble) { /* if something went wrong */ var repositories2 = new UnitOfWork(pathOption.DBpath2); ErrorService service = new ErrorService(repositories2); service.AddErrors(new Errors(trouble.GetType().Name, trouble.Message, DateTime.Now)); } }
public JsonResult GetCurrentDealershipInfo() { try { var service = new DealershipAccountService(db); var currentId = service.GetCurrentUserDealershipIdFromIdentity(); var dealership = db.Dealerships.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == currentId); var dealershipEditManager = new DealershipManager { Id = dealership.Id, CompanyName = dealership.CompanyName, Email = dealership.Email, City = dealership.City, State = dealership.State, ZipCode = dealership.ZipCode, Notes = dealership.Notes, PhoneNumber = dealership.PhoneNumber, FaxNumber = dealership.FaxNumber }; return(Json(dealershipEditManager, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public ActionResult Create(evento model) { try { var idusu = SesionLogin().ID; DateTime fec = DateTime.Today; model.usuario_mod = SesionLogin().Sigla; model.fecha_mod = DateTime.Now; model.id_usuario = idusu; model.estado = "1"; model.id_usuario = idusu; //!(model.fecha.ToString().Equals(fec.ToString())) || if (model.fecha < fec) { return(JsonError("Fecha ingresada no debe ser anterior a la de hoy.")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _db.evento.Add(model); _db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonExitoMsg("Evento")); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorService.LogError(ex); return(JsonError("Hey !!! hubo un problema.")); } return(View()); }
public void IsReturnTypeCorrect() { var actual = ErrorService.GetError("test"); var expected = typeof(Error); Assert.IsType(expected, actual); }
protected override void OnStart(string[] args) { ThreadPool.QueueUserWorkItem(async state => { logger = new Logger(); string connectionString = ConfigurationManager.ConnectionStrings["DefaultConnection"].ConnectionString; try { var repositories = new UnitOfWork(connectionString); OrderService orderService = new OrderService(repositories); var ordersInfo = await orderService.GetOrders(); //making proper file name DateTime now = DateTime.Now; var currTime = now.ToString("yyyy_MM_dd_HH_mm_ss"); XmlGenerator <Order> orders = new XmlGenerator <Order>(logger.parsedOptions.options.PathsOptions.SourceDirectory + "Sales_" + currTime + ".txt"); await orders.XmlGenerate(ordersInfo); this.OnStop(); } catch (Exception trouble) { var repositories2 = new UnitOfWork(connectionString); ErrorService service = new ErrorService(repositories2); service.AddErrors(new Error(trouble.GetType().Name, trouble.Message, DateTime.Now)); } Thread loggerThread = new Thread(new ThreadStart(logger.Start)); loggerThread.Start(); }); }
public async Task <ActionResult> RemoveLogin(string loginProvider, string providerKey) { try { ManageMessageId?message; var result = await UserManager.RemoveLoginAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId(), new UserLoginInfo(loginProvider, providerKey)); if (result.Succeeded) { var user = await UserManager.FindByIdAsync(User.Identity.GetUserId()); if (user != null) { await SignInManager.SignInAsync(user, isPersistent : false, rememberBrowser : false); } message = ManageMessageId.RemoveLoginSuccess; } else { message = ManageMessageId.Error; } return(RedirectToAction("ManageLogins", new { Message = message })); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public void LoadData() { if (NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { IScheduler scheduler = Scheduler.Dispatcher; scheduler.Schedule(() => { GetTwitterFeed(); GetCanucksGameFeed(); GetCanucksticketsFeed(); GetCanucksStoreFeed(); GetCanucksPromoFeed(); CheckForErrors(); }); } else { var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("To update the application a network connection is required."); builder.AppendLine("The application will attempt to load saved data"); builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendLine( "When a network connection has been re-established tap on the ellipsis at the bottom right hand corner and select ‘refresh’"); ErrorService errorService = new ErrorService(builder.ToString(), "No network connection detected") .ErrorDialog(true); errorService.HandleError(); } }
public void FromException_GeneratesCorrectTransactionExceptionData() { IErrorService errorService = new ErrorService(Mock.Create <IConfigurationService>()); var now = DateTime.UtcNow; Exception ex; try { throw new Exception("Oh no!"); } catch (Exception e) { ex = e; } var errorData = errorService.FromException(ex); NrAssert.Multiple( () => Assert.AreEqual("Oh no!", errorData.ErrorMessage), () => Assert.AreEqual("System.Exception", errorData.ErrorTypeName), () => Assert.IsFalse(string.IsNullOrEmpty(errorData.StackTrace)), () => Assert.IsTrue(errorData.NoticedAt > now.AddMinutes(-1) && errorData.NoticedAt < now.AddMinutes(1)) ); }
public ActionResult SetProfileImages(HttpPostedFileBase[] headerImageFile) { try { //get the dealer id from dealership account service var dealershipService = new DealershipAccountService(db); var imageService = new ImageManagementService(db); var currentDealerId = dealershipService.GetCurrentUserDealershipIdFromIdentity(); //add images to Dealership table using image service var dealership = db.Dealerships.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == currentDealerId); if (dealership != null) { //imageService.AssignProfileImagesToDealership(currentDealerId, headerImageFile, iconImageFile); } return(RedirectToAction("Index")); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public IActionResult Index() { var feature = HttpContext.Features.Get <IExceptionHandlerFeature>(); var error = feature?.Error; if (error != null) { if (error is ForbiddenException) { return(RedirectToAction("AccessDenied", "User")); } else if (error is NotFoundException) { return(RedirectToAction("NotFound")); } else if (error is UnauthorizedException) { return(RedirectToAction("Logout", "User")); } else { var task = ErrorService.CreateError(new AppErrorModel(error, MyUser?.UserId.ToString(), "global error handler")); } } return(View(new ErrorViewModel { RequestId = System.Diagnostics.Activity.Current?.Id ?? HttpContext.TraceIdentifier })); }
//GET - retrieve jason representations of vehicle images to render to view public JsonResult LoadVehicleImages(int id) { try { var vehicleService = new VehicleSearchService(db); var dealershipService = new DealershipAccountService(db); var images = vehicleService.GetAllVehicleImages(id); var vehicleImages = new List <VehicleImageViewModel>(); if (images != null) { foreach (var item in images) { var imageBytes = item.ImageBytes; //convert image byte array to base64 string to be rendered properly in browser var imageBytesBase64String = Convert.ToBase64String(imageBytes); vehicleImages.Add(new VehicleImageViewModel(item.Id, imageBytesBase64String)); } return(Json(vehicleImages, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } return(null); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
//Get - retrieve vehicle search results public JsonResult GetSearchResults(string make, string model, string transmission, string style, string condition, int year, int minPrice, int maxPrice, int minMileage, int maxMileage, int cylinderNumber, string exteriorColor) { try { using (var db = new AutoScoutDBContext()) { //create instance of Vehicle Search Service var vehicleSearchService = new VehicleSearchService(db); //send search result criteria from parameters to SearchInventory method which will return matching vehicles var searchResults = vehicleSearchService.SearchInventory(make, model, year, minPrice, maxPrice, minMileage, maxMileage, transmission, style, condition, cylinderNumber, exteriorColor); var vehicleViewModels = new List <VehicleSearchCriteriaViewModel>(); foreach (var item in searchResults) { var companyName = vehicleSearchService.GetCompanyName(item.DealershipId); vehicleViewModels.Add(new VehicleSearchCriteriaViewModel(item.Id, item.Make, item.Model, item.Year, item.Price, item.Mileage, item.Transmission, item.Style, item.Condition, item.CylinderNumber, item.ExteriorColor, item.DealershipId, companyName)); } //return JSON objects to view model return(Json(vehicleViewModels, JsonRequestBehavior.AllowGet)); } } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public IHttpActionResult Get() { ErrorService errorService = CreateErrorService(); var errors = errorService.GetErrors(); return(Ok(errors)); }
public void List_Return_ShouldNotBeNull( int?start, int?end, bool archived) { // Arrange var context = GenerateContext("ListErros"); var service = new ErrorService(context); var expected = context.Errors .Where(x => x.IsArchived == archived) .Skip(start.HasValue ? start.Value : 0) .ToList(); // Act if (end.HasValue) { expected = expected .Take(end.Value) .ToList(); } var result = service.List( start, end, archived); // Assert Assert.NotNull(result); Assert.Equal(result.Count(), expected.Count()); }
public ActionResult Edit(WebApplicationMod.Clientes model, string chk_activo, string chk_irfs, string chk_adm_cheq, string chk_contdolares, string chk_eeff, string chk_tesoreria, string chk_payroll, string chk_idioma, string chk_impu, string chk_snringles, string ivaselect) { try { // Almaceno el usuario modificador de la empresa. model.Usu = "Jackermann"; // convierto Checkbox en S o N model.Activo = chk_activo == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.IRFS = chk_irfs == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.AdmCheque = chk_adm_cheq == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.CTD = chk_contdolares == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.publicar_eeff = chk_eeff == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.TES = chk_tesoreria == "true" ? "S" : "N"; //model.RRHH = chk_payroll == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.RRHH = chk_payroll == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.IIng = chk_idioma == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.impsug = chk_impu == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.snr_ingl = chk_snringles == "true" ? "S" : "N"; model.Tipo = ivaselect; if (ModelState.IsValid) { _db.Entry(model).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonExitoMsg(model.ID.ToString())); } return(JsonError("Hey !!! hubo un problema.")); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorService.LogError(ex); return(JsonError("Hey !!! hubo un problema.")); } }
private ErrorService CreateErrorService() { var userId = Guid.Parse(User.Identity.GetUserId()); var errorService = new ErrorService(userId); return(errorService); }
public async Task RefreshDataAsync() { UpdateInProgress = true; if (ViewMode == SprudelDetailPageViewModeEnum.DisplayFavorite) { var repo = CreateSprudelRepository(); var newInfos = await repo.RefreshAsync(); if (newInfos.Succeeded) { QueryResult = newInfos.Results.Single(r => r.UniqueId == QueryResult.UniqueId); } else { ErrorService.ShowLightDismissError("Refresh der Preise ist fehlgeschlagen"); } } else { var gasinfoProxy = CreateGasPriceInfoProxy(); var result = await gasinfoProxy.DownloadAsync(QueryResult); if (result.Succeeded) { QueryResult = result.Result; } else { ErrorService.ShowLightDismissError("Refresh der Preise ist fehlgeschlagen"); } } UpdateInProgress = false; }
public async Task DownloadInfoAsync(double lat1, double long1, double lat2, double long2) { var fueltype = QueryResult.FuelType; var parameter = new GasQuery(Guid.NewGuid().ToString(), fueltype, long1, lat1, long2, lat2); try { var gasinfoProxy = CreateGasPriceInfoProxy(); var result = await gasinfoProxy.DownloadAsync(parameter); if (result.Succeeded) { SetQueryResultToGeocodeResult(result.Result); SendUpdateMapNotification(); CurrentLocationFound = true; } else { ErrorService.ShowLightDismissError("Die Preisinformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden"); } } catch (Exception) { ErrorService.ShowLightDismissError("Die Preisinformationen konnten nicht ermittelt werden"); } UpdateInProgress = false; }
protected override void OnActionExecuting(ActionExecutingContext filterContext) { object errorObj = Request[ConstHelper.ErrorCode]; if (errorObj != null) { var errorKey = errorObj.ToString(); var errorText = ErrorService.Get(errorKey); ViewBag.ExceptionText = errorText; } if (UserContext.Current != null && !UserContext.Current.IsPhoneVerified) { if (!Request.Path.Contains("/home/") && !Request.Path.Contains("/account/") && !Request.Path.Contains("/about") && !Request.Path.Contains("/help") && !Request.Path.Contains("/feedback")) { var result = RedirectToAction("activation", "account", null); filterContext.Result = result; } } //if (UserContext.Current != null && UserContext.Current.IsOutdated) //{ // if (!Request.Path.Contains("/home/") && !Request.Path.Contains("/account/") && !Request.Path.Contains("/about") && !Request.Path.Contains("/help") && !Request.Path.Contains("/feedback")) // { // var result = RedirectToAction("activation", "account", null); // filterContext.Result = result; // } //} base.OnActionExecuting(filterContext); }
public void Register_Should_Add_New_Error() { // Arrange var fakeContext = new FakeContext("RegisterError"); fakeContext.FillWith <Level>(); fakeContext.FillWith <Microsservice>(); fakeContext.FillWith <Model.Models.Environment>(); var context = new CentralDeErrosDbContext(fakeContext.FakeOptions); var service = new ErrorService(context); Error entry = new Error { Title = "Teste1", Origin = "", Details = "Detail1", ErrorDate = DateTime.Today, MicrosserviceClientId = new Guid("031c156c-c072-4793-a542-4d20840b8031"), EnviromentId = 1, LevelId = 1, IsArchived = false }; // Act var result = service.Register(entry); // Assert Assert.True(result.Id == 1, $"Should return new error with id 1. returned: {result.Id}"); Assert.True(context.Errors.Count() == 1, $"Should have one error saved. > Amount: {context.Errors.Count()}"); }
public IHttpActionResult Get(int id) { ErrorService errorService = CreateErrorService(); var error = errorService.GetErrorById(id); return(Ok($"Here is the error you requested: {error}")); }
public void Register_Should_Throw_When_Add_Non_Existent_FK( Guid microsserviceId, int LevelId, int environmentId) { // Arrange var context = GenerateContext("RegisterBadError"); var service = new ErrorService(context); Error entry = new Error { Id = 1, Title = "Teste1", Origin = "", Details = "Detail1", ErrorDate = DateTime.Today, MicrosserviceClientId = microsserviceId, EnviromentId = environmentId, LevelId = LevelId, IsArchived = false }; // Act // Assert Assert.Throws <Exception>(() => service.Register(entry)); }
public ActionResult Delete(string id) { int id_ex = Int32.Parse(id); var model = _db.evento.FirstOrDefault(p => == id_ex); if (model == null) { return(RedirectToAction("Create")); } try { model.usuario_mod = SesionLogin().Sigla; model.fecha_mod = DateTime.Now; model.estado = "0"; if (ModelState.IsValid) { _db.Entry(model).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonExitoMsg("Eliminado")); } } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorService.LogError(ex); return(JsonError("Hey !!! hubo un problema.")); } return(View()); }
// GET: Vehicles/Delete/5 public void Delete(int?id) { try { if (id != null) { Vehicle vehicle = db.Vehicles.Find(id); if (vehicle != null) { string make = vehicle.Make; string model = vehicle.Model; string year = vehicle.Year.ToString(); string item = year + " " + make + " " + model; ViewBag.stringDescription = item; var dealershipService = new DealershipAccountService(db); var currentDealerId = dealershipService.GetCurrentUserDealershipIdFromIdentity(); dealershipService.DeleteVehicleFromInventory(vehicle.Id, currentDealerId); } } } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public async Task <ActionResult> Edit([Bind(Include = "Id,CompanyName,Email,City,State,ZipCode,FaxNumber,Notes,PhoneNumber")] Dealership dealership) { try { var service = new DealershipAccountService(db); string identityId = service.GetCurrentUserIdentity(); dealership.AutoScoutIdentityUserId = identityId; if (ModelState.IsValid) { db.Entry(dealership).State = EntityState.Modified; await db.SaveChangesAsync(); ViewBag.ResponseMessage = "Your changes have been saved."; } //ViewBag.AutoScoutIdentityUserId = new SelectList(db.Dealerships, "Id", "Email", dealership.AutoScoutIdentityUserId); return(View("ManageProfile")); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
//GET public ActionResult AddImage(int?id) { try { var vehicle = db.Vehicles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (vehicle != null) { string make = vehicle.Make; string vModel = vehicle.Model; string year = vehicle.Year.ToString(); string item = year + " " + make + " " + vModel; ViewBag.stringDescription = item; } VehicleImage image = new VehicleImage(); return(View(image)); } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public ActionResult Update(evento model) { try { //var idusu = SesionLogin().ID; model.usuario_mod = SesionLogin().Sigla; model.fecha_mod = DateTime.Now; model.id_usuario = SesionLogin().ID; model.estado = "1"; if (model.fecha < DateTime.Now) { return(JsonError("Fecha ingresada no debe ser anterior a la de hoy.")); } if (ModelState.IsValid) { _db.Entry(model).State = System.Data.Entity.EntityState.Modified; _db.SaveChanges(); return(JsonExitoMsg("Actualizado")); } return(JsonError("Error")); } catch (Exception ex) { ErrorService.LogError(ex); return(JsonError("Hey !!! hubo un problema.")); } }
public ActionResult AddImage(int id, VehicleImage model, HttpPostedFileBase imageFile) { try { var db = new AutoScoutDBContext(); //var vehicle = db.Vehicles.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == vehicleId); Vehicle vehicle = db.Vehicles.Find(id); if (vehicle != null) { string make = vehicle.Make; string vModel = vehicle.Model; string year = vehicle.Year.ToString(); string item = year + " " + make + " " + vModel; ViewBag.stringDescription = item; } if (imageFile != null) { var service = new ImageManagementService(db); service.AssignImageToVehicle(id, imageFile); } return(RedirectToAction("Edit", new { id = id }));; } catch (Exception ex) { var errorService = new ErrorService(db); errorService.logError(ex); throw (ex); } }
public void LoadData() { CheckPlayOff(); if (!NetworkInterface.GetIsNetworkAvailable()) { var builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.AppendLine("To update the application a network connection is required."); builder.AppendLine("The application will attempt to load saved data"); builder.AppendLine(); builder.AppendLine( "When a network connection has been re-established tap on the ellipsis at the bottom right hand corner and select ‘refresh’"); ErrorService errorService = new ErrorService(builder.ToString(), "No network connection detected") .ErrorDialog(true); errorService.HandleError(); LoadCachedData(); } else { if (IsPlayoffs) { LoadPlayoffScoresAndSchedules(); } LoadScoresAndSchedules(); IScheduler scheduler = Scheduler.Dispatcher; scheduler.Schedule(() => { GetNewsStream(); GetFeatures(); GetTwitterFeed(); GetFeedInfoItems(); CheckForErrors(); }); } }
public void ValidateErrorInfo_Returns_False_Test() { // Arrange ErrorService service = new ErrorService(); // Act bool result = service.ValidateErrorInfo(new ErrorInfo()); // Assert Assert.False(result); }
public void ValidateToken_Returns_True_Test() { // Arrange ErrorService service = new ErrorService(); // Act bool result = service.ValidateToken("token"); // Assert Assert.True(result); }
public void ValidateErrorInfo_Returns_True_Test() { // Arrange ErrorService service = new ErrorService(); ErrorInfo info = new ErrorInfo { ApplicationName = "ApplicationName", Host = "Host", Message = "Message", Detail = "Error" }; // Act bool result = service.ValidateErrorInfo(info); // Assert Assert.True(result); }
/// <summary> /// Setup steps that we do each time WorkflowDesigner is refreshed. Right now we just configure what assemblies to show in the /// type lists for Variable/Argument types. /// </summary> /// <param name="workflowDesigner"></param> private void ConfigureWorkflowDesigner(WorkflowDesigner workflowDesigner) { Errors = new ErrorService(this); ErrorService errors = Errors; workflowDesigner.Context.Services.Publish<IXamlLoadErrorService>(errors); workflowDesigner.Context.Services.Publish<IValidationErrorService>(errors); workflowDesigner.Text = xamlCode; // setup for workflowDesigner.Load() workflowDesigner.Load(); // initialize workflow based on Text property if (errors.ErrorList.Any()) { // There were XAML errors loading, don't bother adding a validationErrorInfo // since it's kind of redunant, but do set the WorkflowDesigner to readonly mode. // If the user fixes the Xaml errors we'll get a new WorkflowDesigner which will // have an empty errors.ErrorList. if (!workflowDesigner.IsInErrorState()) { // If we are still going to show a diagram, make it translucent to make it clear it's read-only workflowDesigner.Context.Items.GetValue<ReadOnlyState>().IsReadOnly = true; workflowDesigner.View.Opacity = 0.60; // code smell: setting View property from WorkflowItem ctor. But it's hard to get IsReadOnly from XAML. } } else { // Do initial validation synchronously to avoid UI glitches // (buttons enabled-until-validation-realizes-workflow-isn't-valid) try { var rootActivity = AsDynamicActivity(); if (rootActivity == null) { // It loaded but it's not a workflow and we can't validate it in detail. // All we know is that it's not a valid workflow. E.g. it could be a XAML object like // <x:String xmlns:x="">32</x:String> errors.ShowValidationErrors(new[] { new ValidationErrorInfo(MSG_Validation_Error) }); } else { ValidationResults myValidationResults = ActivityValidationServices.Validate(rootActivity); errors.ShowValidationErrors((from err in myValidationResults.Errors select new ValidationErrorInfo(err)).ToList()); } } catch (XamlException e) // Yes, ActivityValidationServices.Validate can throw No, it's not documented on MSDN. { // Bad XAML (e.g. setting nonexistent properties) is not a valid workflow errors.ShowXamlLoadErrors(new[] { new XamlLoadErrorInfo(e.Message, e.LineNumber, e.LinePosition) }); } } }