// 更新错误统计 private void RefreshErrorStatistics() { if (!Directory.Exists(AssetsCheckConfig.OutputDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(AssetsCheckConfig.OutputDir); } if (!Directory.Exists(AssetsCheckConfig.ExcludeDir)) { Directory.CreateDirectory(AssetsCheckConfig.ExcludeDir); } statisticsErrorDic.Clear(); string[] lines; ReadErrorStatisticsLines(out lines); for (int i = 0; i < lines.Length; i++) { string[] ary = lines[i].Split(' '); if (ary.Length >= 3 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(ary[0]) && Convert.ToInt32(ary[1]) > 0) { ErrorItem error_item = new ErrorItem(); error_item.count = Convert.ToInt32(ary[1]); error_item.desc = ary[2]; statisticsErrorDic.Add(ary[0], error_item); } } }
public void Test_Default() { List<string> extensions; ErrorItem errorCS; ErrorItem errorCS_Upper; ErrorItem errorTxt; errorCS = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.cs", 1); errorCS_Upper = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.CS", 1); errorTxt = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.txt", 1); Assert.That(_empty.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(_empty.HasExtension("cs"), Is.False); Assert.That(_empty.HasLanguage("C#"), Is.False); Assert.That(_empty, Is.EquivalentTo(new List<string>())); Assert.That(_filled.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(_filled["C#"], Is.EqualTo(_csFormatter)); Assert.That(_filled["Plain text"], Is.EqualTo(_defaultFormatter)); Assert.That(_filled.HasExtension("cs"), Is.True); Assert.That(_filled.HasLanguage("C#"), Is.True); extensions = new List<string>(); extensions.Add("cs"); extensions.Add("txt"); Assert.That(_filled.Extensions, Is.EquivalentTo(extensions)); return; }
protected override bool CheckHeader(List <String> headerList, List <ErrorItem> ErrorList, string[] keyValue) { String errorReason = "【分公司客户经理模板】不正确,请使用正确Excel模板!"; ErrorItem item = new ErrorItem(); if (headerList != null && headerList.Count > 0) { string[] rightHeaderList = Constant.CustomerManagerTempleteListColumn; if (rightHeaderList.Length != headerList.Count) { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < headerList.Count; i++) { if (!headerList[i].Equals(rightHeaderList[i])) { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } } } else { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } return(true); }
private Folder ToErrorFolder(ErrorItem onedriveFolder) { if (onedriveFolder == null) { return(null); } return(new Folder { ID = MakeId(onedriveFolder.ErrorId), ParentFolderID = null, CreateBy = OneDriveProviderInfo.Owner, CreateOn = TenantUtil.DateTimeNow(), FolderType = FolderType.DEFAULT, ModifiedBy = OneDriveProviderInfo.Owner, ModifiedOn = TenantUtil.DateTimeNow(), ProviderId = OneDriveProviderInfo.ID, ProviderKey = OneDriveProviderInfo.ProviderKey, RootFolderCreator = OneDriveProviderInfo.Owner, RootFolderId = MakeId(), RootFolderType = OneDriveProviderInfo.RootFolderType, Shareable = false, Title = MakeItemTitle(onedriveFolder), TotalFiles = 0, TotalSubFolders = 0, Error = onedriveFolder.Error }); }
/// <summary> /// Set Default Value into selected cell, will be used when select Item Code. /// </summary> private void SetItemCDandItemDesc() { eItemType[] itemTypeEnum = { eItemType.All }; ItemFindDialog dialog = new ItemFindDialog(eSqlOperator.Equal, itemTypeEnum); dialog.ShowDialog(this); if (dialog.IsSelected) { shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.ITEM_CD].Value = dialog.SelectedItem.ITEM_CD.StrongValue; // set default into ItemCode, ItemDesc, Unit, InventoryU/M and Rate of unit. ErrorItem errItem = ValidateDupplicateItem(); if (errItem != null) { shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.ITEM_CD].Value = string.Empty; shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.ITEM_DESC].Value = string.Empty; ValidateException.ThrowErrorItem(errItem); } ValidateException.ThrowErrorItem(errItem); shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.ITEM_DESC].Value = dialog.SelectedItem.ITEM_DESC.StrongValue; //shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.UNIT].Value = dialog.SelectedItem.ORDER_UM_CLS.StrongValue; //shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.INV_UM].Value = dialog.SelectedItem.INV_UM_CLS.StrongValue; //shtView.Cells[shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColumn.RATE].Value = dialog.SelectedItem.INV_UM_RATE.StrongValue / dialog.SelectedItem.ORDER_UM_RATE.StrongValue; } }
public void Test_Default() { List <string> extensions; ErrorItem errorCS; ErrorItem errorCS_Upper; ErrorItem errorTxt; errorCS = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.cs", 1); errorCS_Upper = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.CS", 1); errorTxt = new ErrorItem("C:\\dir\\file.txt", 1); Assert.That(_empty.Count, Is.EqualTo(0)); Assert.That(_empty.HasExtension("cs"), Is.False); Assert.That(_empty.HasLanguage("C#"), Is.False); Assert.That(_empty, Is.EquivalentTo(new List <string>())); Assert.That(_filled.Count, Is.EqualTo(2)); Assert.That(_filled["C#"], Is.EqualTo(_csFormatter)); Assert.That(_filled["Plain text"], Is.EqualTo(_defaultFormatter)); Assert.That(_filled.HasExtension("cs"), Is.True); Assert.That(_filled.HasLanguage("C#"), Is.True); extensions = new List <string>(); extensions.Add("cs"); extensions.Add("txt"); Assert.That(_filled.Extensions, Is.EquivalentTo(extensions)); return; }
/// <summary> /// Initializes a new instance of the <see cref="Error" /> class. /// </summary> /// <param name="configuration">The configuration.</param> /// <param name="errorItem">The error item.</param> public Error(IConfiguration configuration, ErrorItem errorItem) { var errorCode = errorItem + ":" + "ErrorCode"; ErrorCode = configuration[errorCode]; ErrorDescription = configuration[errorItem + ":" + "ErrorDescription"]; }
private void DrawItem(ErrorItem item, int index, bool selected, bool last, bool hover, Graphics g, Rectangle viewport) { Rectangle src; Font font; int x = -viewport.X; int y = _itemHeight * index - viewport.Y; src = (index % 2 == 0) ? _rectItemWhite : _rectItemGray; font = (hover == true) ? _fontUnderlined : _font; g.DrawImage(Resources.ImageErrorList, new Rectangle(0, y, viewport.Width, _itemHeight), src, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); if (selected) { g.DrawImage(Resources.ImageErrorList, new Rectangle(0, y + 1, viewport.Width, _itemHeight), _rectSelectionMiddle, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } if (item.HasSourceAttachment) { g.DrawImage(Resources.ImageErrorList, new Rectangle(x + 1, y + 2 + font.Height, 14, 15), _rectIconCSharp, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.DrawImage(Resources.ImageErrorList, new Rectangle(TEXT_MARGIN_X - 3 + x, y + 5 + 2 * font.Height, 9, 5), _rectIconArrow, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.DrawString(String.Format("Line {0}", item.LineNumber), font, _brushGray, _offsetLine, y + 2); g.DrawString(item.ClassName, font, _brushBlue, x + TEXT_MARGIN_X, y + 2 + font.Height); g.DrawString(item.BaseMethodName + "()", font, _brushBlue, x + TEXT_MARGIN_X + 5, y + 2 + 2 * font.Height); g.DrawString(item.FileName, font, _brushGray, x + TEXT_MARGIN_X, y + 2 + 3 * _font.Height); } else { g.DrawImage(Resources.ImageErrorList, new Rectangle(x + 1, y + 2 + font.Height, 16, 15), _rectIconDll, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); g.DrawString("N/A", font, _brushGray, _offsetLine, y + 2); g.DrawString(item.ClassName, font, _brushGray, x + TEXT_MARGIN_X, y + 2 + font.Height); g.DrawString(item.BaseMethodName + "()", font, _brushGray, x + TEXT_MARGIN_X, y + 2 + 2 * font.Height); } if (!last) { return; } PaintTile(Resources.ImageErrorList, g, _rectListShadow, new Rectangle(0, y + _itemHeight, viewport.Width, 9)); return; }
public void Test_MethodName() { ErrorItem item; // test to pass item = new ErrorItem("path", "namespace1.class.fullMethodName(string arg)", 1); Assert.That(item.MethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName(string arg)")); Assert.That(item.BaseMethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName")); Assert.That(item.ClassName, Is.EqualTo("class")); item = new ErrorItem("path", ".class.fullMethodName(string arg)", 1); Assert.That(item.MethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName(string arg)")); Assert.That(item.BaseMethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName")); Assert.That(item.ClassName, Is.EqualTo("class")); item = new ErrorItem("path", "0123456789012.a()", 1); Assert.That(item.MethodName, Is.EqualTo("a()")); Assert.That(item.BaseMethodName, Is.EqualTo("a")); Assert.That(item.ClassName, Is.EqualTo("0123456789012")); // test to fail item = new ErrorItem("path", "fullMethodName(string arg)", 1); Assert.That(item.MethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName(string arg)")); Assert.That(item.BaseMethodName, Is.EqualTo("fullMethodName")); Assert.That(item.ClassName, Is.EqualTo("")); item = new ErrorItem("path", "", 1); Assert.That(item.MethodName, Is.EqualTo("")); Assert.That(item.BaseMethodName, Is.EqualTo("")); Assert.That(item.ClassName, Is.EqualTo("")); return; }
protected override bool CheckHeader(List <String> headerList, List <ErrorItem> ErrorList, string[] keyValue) { String errorReason = "【全年任务模板】不正确,请下载最新Excel模板、并按正确顺序上传!"; string taskType = keyValue[1]; ErrorItem item = new ErrorItem(); if (headerList != null && headerList.Count > 0) { string[] rightHeaderList = taskType.Equals("0") ? Constant.YearlyTaskTempleteCompanyListColumn : Constant.YearlyTaskTempletePersonListColumn; if (rightHeaderList.Length != headerList.Count) { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } for (int i = 0; i < headerList.Count; i++) { if (!headerList[i].Equals(rightHeaderList[i])) { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } } } else { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } return(true); }
protected override bool CheckDataRow(DataRow dr, ErrorItem item, string[] keyValue) { for (int i = 0; i < dr.ItemArray.Length; i++) { if (i == 0) { string branchName = dr.ItemArray[0] + ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(branchName)) { item.ErrorReson = "分公司名称不能为空"; return(false); } if (organizeApp.GetOrgByName(branchName) == null) { item.ErrorReson = "“" + branchName + "”该分公司不存在"; return(false); } } else { string value = dr.ItemArray[i] + ""; if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(value)) { item.ErrorReson = "完成量不能为空"; return(false); } if (!Validate.IsNumber(value)) { item.ErrorReson = "指标量必须是数字"; return(false); } } } return(true); }
protected override bool CheckHeader(List <String> headerList, List <ErrorItem> ErrorList, string[] keyValue) { String errorReason = "【金融产品模板】不正确,请下载最新Excel模板、并按正确顺序上传!"; string taskType = keyValue[1]; ErrorItem item = new ErrorItem(); //分公司 if (headerList != null && headerList.Count > 0) { string[] rightHeaderList = Constant.FinancialProductTaskTempleteListColumn; for (int i = 0; i < headerList.Count; i++) { if (!headerList[i].Equals(rightHeaderList[i])) { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } } } else { item.ErrorReson = errorReason; ErrorList.Add(item); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// 取得告警列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void GetFaultList() { if (this.listTcpbug != null && listTcpbug.Count > 0) { Fault fault = null; int colllectorID = GetCollectorId(); foreach (Bug bug in listTcpbug) { fault = new Fault(); fault.address = bug.deviceAddress.ToString(); fault.errorCode = bug.faultType; ErrorItem errorItem = ErrorItem.getErrotItemByCode(bug.faultType); fault.errorTypeCode = errorItem == null?ErrorType.ERROR_TYPE_FAULT:errorItem.errorType; fault.sendTime = bug.faultTime; fault.collectorID = colllectorID; fault.confirm = false; int deviceID = this.GetDeviceId(colllectorID, bug.deviceAddress); fault.device = new Device() { id = deviceID }; faultList.Add(fault); } } }
/// <summary> /// Queue Error Item /// </summary> /// <param name="error">Error Item</param> internal void Queue(ErrorItem error) { if (null != error) { this.errors.Enqueue(error); } }
/// <summary> /// Log an error to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="ticker"></param> /// <param name="reason"></param> public static void HandleError(string ticker, string subsystem = "", string reason = "", Exception ex = null) { ErrorItem errorItem = new ErrorItem { Ticker = ticker, Subsystem = subsystem, Reason = reason }; if (null == ex) { log.Error(reason); } else { log.Error(reason, ex); } var factory = ErrorItem.ErrorItemFactory(); using (IDbConnection db = factory.OpenDbConnection()) { db.CreateTableIfNotExists <ErrorItem>(); db.Insert <ErrorItem>(errorItem); } }
/// <summary> /// 取得告警列表 /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> public void GetFaultList() { if (this.listTcpbug != null && listTcpbug.Count > 0) { Fault fault = null; int colllectorID = GetCollectorId(); foreach (Bug bug in listTcpbug) { fault = new Fault(); fault.address = bug.deviceAddress.ToString(); fault.errorCode = bug.faultType; fault.errorTypeCode = ErrorItem.getErrorTypefromMemcached(bug.faultType); fault.data1 = bug.data1; fault.data2 = bug.data2; fault.sendTime = bug.faultTime; fault.collectorID = colllectorID; fault.confirm = false; int deviceID = this.GetDeviceId(colllectorID, bug.deviceAddress); fault.device = new Device() { id = deviceID }; faultList.Add(fault); } } }
public StackifyError(string message, Exception exception) : base(message) { Init(); if (exception != null) { //Reflection caused error. Real error is the inner exception if (exception is TargetInvocationException && exception.InnerException != null) { Error = new ErrorItem(exception.InnerException); _Exception = exception.InnerException; } #if NET451 || NET45 || NET40 else if (exception is HttpUnhandledException && exception.InnerException != null) { Error = new ErrorItem(exception.GetBaseException()); _Exception = exception.GetBaseException(); } #endif else { Error = new ErrorItem(exception); _Exception = exception; } } SetAdditionalMessage(message); }
public void FormatResource(TestResource res) { ErrorItem error; FormattedCode code; List <ICodeFormatter> array = GetAllFormatters(); foreach (ICodeFormatter item in array) { error = new ErrorItem(res.Path, 1); code = item.Format(error.ReadFile()); Assert.That(code, Is.Not.Null, "Formatter: " + item + " failed to format resource."); try { FormattedCode.CheckData(code); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail("Formatter: " + item + " has created an ill-formed data. Error: " + e.Message); } } return; }
public void DrawToGraphics(ErrorItemCollection items, ErrorItem selected, Graphics g, Rectangle viewport) { SizeF sizeLineSource; int last; int i; UiExceptionHelper.CheckNotNull(items, "items"); UiExceptionHelper.CheckNotNull(g, "g"); if (!_paintData.Equals(items, selected, viewport)) { _paintData.Dispose(); _paintData = new PaintData(items, selected, viewport, g); PaintBackground(Resources.ImageErrorList, _paintData.WorkingGraphics, _rectListBackground, viewport); sizeLineSource = g.MeasureString("Line 9999", _font); _offsetLine = viewport.Width - sizeLineSource.Width; last = LastIndexVisible(items.Count, viewport); for (i = FirstIndexVisible(items.Count, viewport); i <= last; ++i) DrawItem(items[i], i, selected == items[i], i == items.Count - 1, false, _paintData.WorkingGraphics, viewport); //_paintData.WorkingGraphics.DrawImage(Resources.ErrorList, //new Rectangle(0, 0, viewport.Width, _rectShadow.Height), //_rectShadow, GraphicsUnit.Pixel); } _paintData.PaintTo(g); return; }
public void Format_Pick_Best_Formatter() { ErrorItem itemHelloTxt; ErrorItem itemBasicCs; ICodeFormatter txtFormatter; ICodeFormatter csFormatter; FormattedCode exp; using (TestResource resource = new TestResource("HelloWorld.txt")) { itemHelloTxt = new ErrorItem(resource.Path, 1); txtFormatter = new PlainTextCodeFormatter(); exp = txtFormatter.Format(itemHelloTxt.ReadFile()); Assert.That( _formatter.FormatFromExtension(itemHelloTxt.ReadFile(), itemHelloTxt.FileExtension), Is.EqualTo(exp)); FormattedCode.CheckData(exp); } using (TestResource resource = new TestResource("Basic.cs")) { itemBasicCs = new ErrorItem(resource.Path, 1); csFormatter = new CSharpCodeFormatter(); exp = csFormatter.Format(itemBasicCs.ReadFile()); Assert.That( _formatter.FormatFromExtension(itemBasicCs.ReadFile(), itemBasicCs.FileExtension), Is.EqualTo(exp)); FormattedCode.CheckData(exp); } return; }
public void NullDeleteErrorItemToken() { LogCore core = new LogCore(); var item = new ErrorItem(); core.Delete(item); }
public void Format_Pick_Best_Formatter() { ErrorItem itemHelloTxt; ErrorItem itemBasicCs; ICodeFormatter txtFormatter; ICodeFormatter csFormatter; FormattedCode exp; using (new TestResource("HelloWorld.txt")) { itemHelloTxt = new ErrorItem("HelloWorld.txt", 1); txtFormatter = new PlainTextCodeFormatter(); exp = txtFormatter.Format(itemHelloTxt.ReadFile()); Assert.That( _formatter.FormatFromExtension(itemHelloTxt.ReadFile(), itemHelloTxt.FileExtension), Is.EqualTo(exp)); FormattedCode.CheckData(exp); } using (new TestResource("Basic.cs")) { itemBasicCs = new ErrorItem("Basic.cs", 1); csFormatter = new CSharpCodeFormatter(); exp = csFormatter.Format(itemBasicCs.ReadFile()); Assert.That( _formatter.FormatFromExtension(itemBasicCs.ReadFile(), itemBasicCs.FileExtension), Is.EqualTo(exp)); FormattedCode.CheckData(exp); } return; }
public StackifyError(DateTime errorOccurredUtc, ErrorItem errorItem) : this(errorItem.Message, null) { TimeSpan ts = errorOccurredUtc.Subtract(new DateTime(1970, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 0)); OccurredEpochMillis = (long)ts.TotalMilliseconds; this.Error = errorItem; }
private void mnuDelete_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { string MACHINE_CD = shtView.GetValue(shtView.ActiveRowIndex, (int)eColView.MACHINE_CD).ToString(); MachineValidator validator = new MachineValidator(); ErrorItem errorItem = null; errorItem = validator.ValidateBeforeDelete(MACHINE_CD.ToNZString()); if (null != errorItem) { ValidateException.ThrowErrorItem(errorItem); } MessageDialogResult dr = MessageDialog.ShowConfirmation(this, new Message(Messages.eConfirm.CFM9002.ToString()), MessageDialogButtons.YesNo); if (dr == MessageDialogResult.No) { return; } m_machineController.DeleteMachine(MACHINE_CD.ToNZString()); LoadData(false); MessageDialog.ShowInformation(this, null, new Message(Messages.eInformation.INF9003.ToString()).MessageDescription); } catch (ValidateException err) { MessageDialog.ShowBusiness(this, err.ErrorResults[0].Message); err.ErrorResults[0].FocusOnControl(); } }
public void EventType() { var item = new ErrorItem(); var data = EventTypes.Stop; item.EventType = data; Assert.AreEqual <EventTypes>(data, item.EventType); }
public void ClassName() { var item = new ErrorItem(); var data = StringHelper.ValidString(); item.ClassName = data; Assert.AreEqual <string>(data, item.ClassName); }
public void StackTrace() { var item = new ErrorItem(); var data = StringHelper.ValidString(); item.StackTrace = data; Assert.AreEqual <string>(data, item.StackTrace); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the errors are equal. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="error">The error.</param> /// <returns>True if the errors are equal; otherwise false.</returns> private static bool ErrorsEqual(ErrorItem item, IJSLintError error) { var description = string.Concat(Resources.ErrorTextPrefix, error.Reason); return(item.Description.Equals(description, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && item.Line == error.Line && item.Column == error.Character); }
public void EmptyGuidDeleteErrorItem() { LogCore core = new LogCore(); var item = new ErrorItem(); item.Token = new Token(); core.Delete(item); }
public void Parent() { var item = new ErrorItem(); var data = new ErrorItem(); item.Parent = data; Assert.AreEqual <ErrorItem>(data, item.Parent); }
private static DataRow AddDataRow(DataRow dr, IAppError err, ErrorItem item) { dr[0] = err.AppErrorId; dr[1] = err.ToHtmlName(item); dr[2] = err.ToHtmlValue(item); return(dr); }
public bool Equals(ErrorItemCollection items, ErrorItem item, Rectangle rectangle) { ErrorItem first = ((items.Count > 0) ? items[0] : null); return(viewport.Equals(rectangle) && object.ReferenceEquals(item, selection) && object.ReferenceEquals(first, _firstItem)); }
/// <summary> /// Determines whether the errors are equal. /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The item.</param> /// <param name="error">The error.</param> /// <returns>True if the errors are equal; otherwise false.</returns> private static bool ErrorsEqual(ErrorItem item, IJSLintWarning error) { var description = string.Concat(Resources.ErrorTextPrefix, error.Message); return(item.Description.Equals(description, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) && item.Line == error.Line + 1 && item.Column == error.Column + 1); }
private void AddUpErrors(CompilerErrors errors, ErrorItem item) { switch (item.ErrorLevel) { case vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelHigh: errors.ErrorCount++; break; case vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelMedium: case vsBuildErrorLevel.vsBuildErrorLevelLow: errors.WarningCount++; break; default: break; } }
public void SetUp() { _items = new InternalTraceItemCollection(); _resourceA = new TestResource("HelloWorld.txt"); _resourceB = new TestResource("TextCode.txt"); _itemA = new ErrorItem(_resourceA.Path, 1); _itemB = new ErrorItem(_resourceB.Path, 2); return; }
public ErrorItem Find(string code) { var retVal = new ErrorItem(); foreach (ErrorItem item in list) { if (item.code == code) { retVal = item; break; } } return retVal; }
public void Save() { IErrorRepository iErrorRepository = new ErrorRepository(this.connectionString); ErrorItem errorItem = new ErrorItem ( "data", "eventName", new DeviceDynamicInformation(2342344423333332333, 2342344423333332333, 50), new AppActs.DomainModel.Exception.DeviceException("message", "stackTrace", "source", "data"), "screenName", Guid.NewGuid(), DateTime.Now, "1.1" ); iErrorRepository.Save(this.Application.Id, this.Device.Id, errorItem); }
public void Ctor_2() { ErrorItem item; item = new ErrorItem("Test.cs", "myFunction()", 1); Assert.That(item.Path, Is.EqualTo("Test.cs")); Assert.That(item.FullyQualifiedMethodName, Is.EqualTo("myFunction()")); Assert.That(item.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(item.HasSourceAttachment, Is.True); Assert.That(item.FileExtension, Is.EqualTo("cs")); item = new ErrorItem(null, "myFunction()", 1); Assert.That(item.Path, Is.Null); Assert.That(item.FileExtension, Is.Null); Assert.That(item.FullyQualifiedMethodName, Is.EqualTo("myFunction()")); Assert.That(item.LineNumber, Is.EqualTo(1)); Assert.That(item.HasSourceAttachment, Is.False); return; }
/// <summary> /// Log an error to the database. /// </summary> /// <param name="ticker"></param> /// <param name="reason"></param> public static void HandleError(string ticker, string subsystem = "", string reason = "", Exception ex = null) { ErrorItem errorItem = new ErrorItem { Ticker = ticker, Subsystem = subsystem, Reason = reason }; if (null == ex) log.Error(reason); else log.Error(reason, ex); var factory = ErrorItem.ErrorItemFactory(); using (IDbConnection db = factory.OpenDbConnection()) { db.CreateTableIfNotExists<ErrorItem>(); db.Insert<ErrorItem>(errorItem); } }
public void MeasureItem() { TestingRenderer renderer = new TestingRenderer(); SizeF exp; SizeF actual; ErrorItem itemClass = new ErrorItem("/dir/f.cs", "0123456789012.a()", 3); ErrorItem itemMethod = new ErrorItem("/dir/f.cs", "a.0123456789012()", 3); ErrorItem itemFile = new ErrorItem("/dir/0123456789012.cs", "a.b()", 3); // measure an item whoose width should be determined // by class field value exp = _gr.MeasureString("0123456789012", renderer.Font); actual = renderer.MeasureItem(_gr, itemClass); int itemHeight = renderer.Font.Height * 4 + 6; Assert.That((int)actual.Width, Is.EqualTo((int)exp.Width + 16)); Assert.That((int)actual.Height, Is.EqualTo(itemHeight)); // measure an item whoose width should be determined // by method field value exp = _gr.MeasureString("0123456789012()", renderer.Font); actual = renderer.MeasureItem(_gr, itemMethod); Assert.That((int)actual.Width, Is.EqualTo((int)exp.Width + 16)); Assert.That((int)actual.Height, Is.EqualTo(itemHeight)); // measure an item whoose width should be determined // by filename field value exp = _gr.MeasureString("0123456789012.cs", renderer.Font); actual = renderer.MeasureItem(_gr, itemFile); Assert.That((int)actual.Width, Is.EqualTo((int)exp.Width + 16)); Assert.That((int)actual.Height, Is.EqualTo(itemHeight)); return; }
public StackifyError(string message, Exception exception) { Init(); //Reflection caused error. Real error is the inner exception if (exception is TargetInvocationException && exception.InnerException != null) { Error = new ErrorItem(exception.InnerException); _Exception = exception.InnerException; } else if (exception is HttpUnhandledException && exception.InnerException != null) { Error = new ErrorItem(exception.GetBaseException()); _Exception = exception.GetBaseException(); } else { Error = new ErrorItem(exception); _Exception = exception; } SetAdditionalMessage(message); }
ErrorItem ParseInterpreterOutput(string errOutput) { if(rx.IsMatch(errOutput)) { var m = rx.Match(errOutput); string filepath = m.Groups[1].Value; int linenum = int.Parse(m.Groups[2].Value); string description = m.Groups[3].Value + Environment.NewLine; int i = 0; foreach(var s in errOutput.Split('\n')) { if(i > 0) description += s.Trim() + Environment.NewLine; i++; } var targetItem = this.Project.FindCodeDocumentByPath(filepath); if(targetItem != null) { var error = new ErrorItem(linenum, targetItem, description.Trim()) { Source = ErrorSource.External }; return error; } } return null; }
public new bool IsDirty(ErrorItemCollection items, ErrorItem selection, Rectangle viewport) { return (base.IsDirty(items, selection, viewport)); }
/// <summary> /// Parse the complete verbose output text looking for errors and warnings /// </summary> /// <returns>Returns a sorted list of error item structs that are the cursor positions for 'warning ' or ' error' in the verbose output</returns> public static List <ErrorItem>FindWarnings() { List <ErrorItem>list = new List <ErrorItem>(); string[] candidates = { "BUILD FAILED", "error", "warning", "exception" }; bool bIsValid = false; int itemID = 0; foreach (string lookFor in candidates) { int p = 0; while (p >= 0) { p = _verboseOutput.IndexOf(lookFor, p, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase); if (p >= 0) { bIsValid = true; if ((itemID == 1) || (itemID == 2)) { // error and warning must not be plural because this is just a repeat of what we know already bIsValid = (_verboseOutput.Substring(p + lookFor.Length, 3).CompareTo("(s)") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p + lookFor.Length, 1).CompareTo("s") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p - 2, 8).CompareTo("s_error_") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p - 1, 12).CompareTo("\\ErrorLog.cs") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p - 1, 22).CompareTo("\\ErrorCodeInventory.cs") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p - 1, 20).CompareTo("\\ErrorCodesHelper.cs") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p - 1, 14).CompareTo("\\ErrorCodes.cs") != 0 && _verboseOutput.Substring(p, 15).CompareTo("ErrorCodeDoc.cs") != 0); } else if (itemID == 3) { // exception must not be ExceptionDetailsDialog or ExceptionLogFileDialog- bIsValid = (_verboseOutput.LastIndexOf('\\', p, 24) == -1 && _verboseOutput.IndexOf("DetailsDialog", p, 24) == -1 && _verboseOutput.IndexOf("LogFileDialog", p, 24) == -1); } if (bIsValid) { ErrorItem ei = new ErrorItem(); ei.Position = p; ei.SelLength = lookFor.Length; list.Add(ei); if (itemID == 0) { ErrorCount++; } else { WarningCount++; } } p++; } } itemID++; } // Put everything in order of occurrence in the text list.Sort(ErrorItemComparisonDelegate); return list; }
public new SizeF MeasureItem(Graphics g, ErrorItem item) { return (base.MeasureItem(g, item)); }
public bool Equals(ErrorItemCollection items, ErrorItem item, Rectangle rectangle) { ErrorItem first = ((items.Count > 0) ? items[0] : null); return (viewport.Equals(rectangle) && object.ReferenceEquals(item, selection) && object.ReferenceEquals(first, _firstItem)); }
public void Remove(ErrorItem error) { _errors.Remove(error); OnErrorRemoved(error); }
/// <summary> /// Get project associated with the ErrorItem /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The ErrorItem</param> /// <returns>Project associated with the ErrorItem</returns> private Project GetProject(ErrorItem item) { Projects projects = _dte.Solution.Projects; for (int i = 1; i <= projects.Count; i++) { if (projects.Item(i).UniqueName == item.Project) return projects.Item(i); } return null; }
private static DataRow AddDataRow(DataRow dr, IAppError err, ErrorItem item) { dr[0] = err.AppErrorId; dr[1] = err.ToHtmlName(item); dr[2] = err.ToHtmlValue(item); return dr; }
/// <summary> /// Get the unresolved symbols mangled name from an ErrorItem /// </summary> /// <param name="item">The ErrorItem</param> /// <returns>The symbols mangled name, or null if the item is not an 'unresolved external symbol' error</returns> private string GetUnresolvedSymbol(ErrorItem item) { string error = item.Description; if (!error.StartsWith("unresolved external symbol")) return null; error = error.Substring(error.IndexOf("\" (") + 3); error = error.Substring(0, error.IndexOf(')')); return error; }
protected ErrorList(IErrorListRenderer renderer) { UiExceptionHelper.CheckNotNull(renderer, "display"); SetStyle(ControlStyles.UserPaint, true); SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint, true); DoubleBuffered = true; _renderer = renderer; _items = new ErrorItemCollection(); _stackTrace = null; _selection = null; _workingGraphics = CreateGraphics(); _hoveredIndex = -1; _autoSelectFirstItem = false; _listOrder = ErrorListOrderPolicy.InitialOrder; return; }
public void FormatResource(TestResource res) { ErrorItem error; FormattedCode code; List<ICodeFormatter> array = GetAllFormatters(); foreach (ICodeFormatter item in array) { error = new ErrorItem(res.Path, 1); code = item.Format(error.ReadFile()); Assert.That(code, Is.Not.Null, "Formatter: " + item + " failed to format resource."); try { FormattedCode.CheckData(code); } catch (Exception e) { Assert.Fail("Formatter: " + item + " has created an ill-formed data. Error: " + e.Message); } } return; }
internal ShellErrorListItem(ErrorItem item) { _item = item; }
/// <summary> /// Gets a human readable text representation for the specified <paramref name="enumItem"/>. The text is returned from the resource /// file. Example: If <paramref name="enumItem"/> = ErrorItem.StackTrace, the text "Stack Trace" is used. /// </summary> /// <param name="enumItem">The enum value for which to get human readable text.</param> /// <returns>Returns human readable text representation for the specified <paramref name="enumItem"/></returns> internal static string GetFriendlyEnum(ErrorItem enumItem) { switch (enumItem) { case ErrorItem.AppErrorId: return Resources.Err_AppErrorId_Lbl; case ErrorItem.Url: return Resources.Err_Url_Lbl; case ErrorItem.Timestamp: return Resources.Err_Timestamp_Lbl; case ErrorItem.ExceptionType: return Resources.Err_ExceptionType_Lbl; case ErrorItem.Message: return Resources.Err_Message_Lbl; case ErrorItem.Source: return Resources.Err_Source_Lbl; case ErrorItem.TargetSite: return Resources.Err_TargetSite_Lbl; case ErrorItem.StackTrace: return Resources.Err_StackTrace_Lbl; case ErrorItem.ExceptionData: return Resources.Err_ExceptionData_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExType: return Resources.Err_InnerExType_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExMessage: return Resources.Err_InnerExMessage_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExSource: return Resources.Err_InnerExSource_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExTargetSite: return Resources.Err_InnerExTargetSite_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExStackTrace: return Resources.Err_InnerExStackTrace_Lbl; case ErrorItem.InnerExData: return Resources.Err_InnerExData_Lbl; case ErrorItem.GalleryId: return Resources.Err_GalleryId_Lbl; case ErrorItem.HttpUserAgent: return Resources.Err_HttpUserAgent_Lbl; case ErrorItem.FormVariables: return Resources.Err_FormVariables_Lbl; case ErrorItem.Cookies: return Resources.Err_Cookies_Lbl; case ErrorItem.SessionVariables: return Resources.Err_SessionVariables_Lbl; case ErrorItem.ServerVariables: return Resources.Err_ServerVariables_Lbl; default: throw new Exception(String.Format("Encountered unexpected ErrorItem enum value {0}. Error.GetFriendlyEnum is not designed to handle this enum value. The function must be updated.", enumItem)); } }
public void Add(ErrorItem error) { _errors.Add(error); OnErrorAdded(error); }
public void SelectedItemChanged() { GeneralCodeFormatter formatter = new GeneralCodeFormatter(); ErrorItem item; // test to pass: // // handle selection changed event when there // is a non null selected item using (TestResource resource = new TestResource("Basic.cs")) { item = new ErrorItem(resource.Path, 2); Assert.That(item.ReadFile(), Is.Not.Null); _mockStack.SelectedItem.Returns(item); _mockCode.Formatter.Returns(formatter); _code.RaiseSelectedItemChanged(); Assert.That(_mockCode.Text, Is.EqualTo(item.ReadFile())); Assert.That(_mockCode.Language, Is.EqualTo("C#")); // CurrentLine is a based 0 index Assert.That(_mockCode.CurrentLine, Is.EqualTo(1)); } // test to fail: // // should handle selection changed event even // if selection comes to null _mockStack.SelectedItem.Returns((ErrorItem) null); _code.RaiseSelectedItemChanged(); Assert.That(_mockCode.Text, Is.EqualTo(null)); return; }
protected virtual void OnErrorRemoved(ErrorItem item) { if(ErrorRemoved != null) ErrorRemoved(this, new EventArgs<ErrorItem>(item)); }
public static int OnErrorItemSort(ErrorItem item1, ErrorItem item2) { return (item1.Position > item2.Position) ? 1 : (item1.Position == item2.Position) ? 0 : -1; }