Example #1
        public static void UseGlobalExceptionHandler(this IApplicationBuilder app, ILogger logger)
            app.UseExceptionHandler(appError =>
                appError.Run(async context =>
                    context.Response.StatusCode  = (int)HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError;
                    context.Response.ContentType = "application/json";

                    var contextFeature = context.Features.Get <IExceptionHandlerFeature>();
                    if (contextFeature != null)
                        var errorInfo = new ErrorInfoModel()
                            ErrorId    = Guid.NewGuid(),
                            SessionId  = context.User.Claims.Where(x => x.Type == JwtRegisteredClaimNames.Jti).FirstOrDefault().Value,
                            StatusCode = context.Response.StatusCode,
                            Message    = "Internal Server Error."

                        logger.Error($"THA_Exception: {contextFeature.Error} Info: {errorInfo}");
                        await context.Response.WriteAsync(errorInfo);;
Example #2
 public static void AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(
     string sKind,
     string einvNum,
     string errorMsg,
     int errorGroupKey,
     short errorLevel,
     ref ErrorInfoModel errorInfo,
     string processName,
     string sourceFile = null,
     string otherMsg   = null
     if (!errorInfo.ErrorBuffer.ContainsKey(sKind))
         errorInfo.ErrorBuffer.Add(sKind, new EinvoiceErrorMain());
     errorInfo.ErrorBuffer[sKind].Details.Add(new EinvoiceErrorDetails()
         ErrorGroupKey  = errorGroupKey,
         EinvoiceNumber = einvNum,
         ErrorMessage   = errorMsg,
         ErrorLevel     = errorLevel,
         SourceFile     = sourceFile,
         OtherMessage   = otherMsg,
         ProcessName    = processName
        public override void Handle(ExceptionHandlerContext context)
            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var errorInfoModel = new ErrorInfoModel
                Message    = context.Exception.Message,
                TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RequestUri = context.Request.RequestUri,
                ErrorId    = correlationId,

            //ArgumentException is thrown for all the business validation exceptions
            //ArgumentNullException is thrown when an item is not found

            HttpResponseMessage httpResponseMessage;

            if (context.Exception is ArgumentException)
                httpResponseMessage = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.BadRequest, errorInfoModel);
            else if (context.Exception is ArgumentNullException)
                httpResponseMessage = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, errorInfoModel);
                httpResponseMessage =
                    context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, errorInfoModel);

            context.Result = new ResponseMessageResult(httpResponseMessage);
Example #4
        public static bool CheckHeadHasError(string sKind0, string einvoiceNum, ErrorInfoModel errorInfo)
            bool   isFail = false;
            string kind   = sKind0.Replace("D", "") + "H";
            var    data   = errorInfo.ErrorBuffer.Where(o => o.Key == kind).ToList();

            if (data.Count > 0)
                isFail = (data.Where(o => o.Value.Details.Any(w => w.EinvoiceNumber == einvoiceNum)).ToList().Count > 0);
Example #5
        public HttpResponse NotFound(string path)
            var metadata = new ErrorInfoModel
                Message    = "Route doesn't exist.",
                TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RequestUri = Request.RequestUri,
                ErrorId    = Request.GetCorrelationId()

            return(Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, metadata));
Example #6
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="ExceptionHandler.Handle"/> method with code that sets friendly error message to be shown in browser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Instance fo <see cref="ExceptionHandlerContext"/>.</param>
        public override void Handle(ExceptionHandlerContext context)
            var metadata = new ErrorInfoModel
                //Message = "An unexpected error occurred! Please use the Error ID to contact support",
                Message    = context.Exception.ToString(),
                TimeStamp  = DateTimeOffset.UtcNow,
                RequestUri = context.Request.RequestUri,

            var response = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, metadata);

            context.Result = new ResponseMessageResult(response);
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="M:System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionHandler.Handle(System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionHandlerContext)" /> method with code that sets friendly error message to be shown in browser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Instance fo <see cref="T:System.Web.Http.ExceptionHandling.ExceptionHandlerContext" />.</param>
        public override void Handle(ExceptionHandlerContext context)
            ErrorInfoModel errorInfoModel = new ErrorInfoModel
                Message         = "An unexpected error occurred! Please use the Error ID to contact support",
                TimeStamp       = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RequestUri      = context.Request.RequestUri,
                ErrorId         = Guid.NewGuid(),
                ExeptionMessage = context.Exception.Message
            HttpResponseMessage response = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, errorInfoModel);

            context.Result = new ResponseMessageResult(response);
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Overrides <see cref="ExceptionHandler.Handle"/> method with code that sets friendly error message to be shown in browser.
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Instance fo <see cref="ExceptionHandlerContext"/>.</param>
        public override void Handle(ExceptionHandlerContext context)
            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var metadata = new ErrorInfoModel {
                Message    = "An unexpected error occurred! Please use the Error ID to contact support",
                TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RequestUri = context.Request.RequestUri,
                ErrorId    = correlationId

            var response = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, metadata);

            context.Result = new ResponseMessageResult(response);
Example #9
        // GET: Error
        public ActionResult ApplicationError()
            var ex  = HttpContext.Server.GetLastError();
            var app = HttpContext.ApplicationInstance;

            var errors = app.Context.AllErrors?.Length;
            var model  = new ErrorInfoModel
                Message    = ex?.Message,
                Exception  = ex,
                TipoError  = "Server Error",
                StackTrace = $"Total errores: {errors.GetValueOrDefault()}"

            return(View(model: model));
Example #10
        /// <summary>
        /// Sobreescreve <see cref="ExceptionHandler.Handle"/>
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="context">Instancia de <see cref="ExceptionHandlerContext"/>.</param>
        public override void Handle(ExceptionHandlerContext context)
            var correlationId = Guid.NewGuid();

            var metadata = new ErrorInfoModel
                Message    = "Um erro não esperado aconteceu!",
                TimeStamp  = DateTime.UtcNow,
                RequestUri = context.Request.RequestUri,
                ErrorId    = correlationId

            var response = context.Request.CreateResponse(HttpStatusCode.InternalServerError, metadata);

            context.Result = new ResponseMessageResult(response);
Example #11
        public HttpResponseMessage NotFound(string path)
            ErrorInfoModel errorInfoModel = new ErrorInfoModel();

            errorInfoModel.Message = "Route doesn't exist.";
            DateTimeOffset utcNow = (DateTimeOffset)DateTime.UtcNow;

            errorInfoModel.TimeStamp = utcNow;
            Uri requestUri = this.Request.RequestUri;

            errorInfoModel.RequestUri = requestUri;
            Guid correlationId = this.Request.GetCorrelationId();

            errorInfoModel.ErrorId = correlationId;
            return(this.Request.CreateResponse <ErrorInfoModel>(HttpStatusCode.NotFound, errorInfoModel));
Example #12
    private void ValidDetailsHasError(ErrorInfoModel errorInfo)
        var detailsError = errorInfo.ErrorBuffer.Where(o => o.Key == "B0401D").ToList();

        if (detailsError.Count > 0)
            using (var sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
                foreach (var error in detailsError)
                    var detail = error.Value.Details.First();

                    string index = (error.Value.Details.IndexOf(detail) + 1).ToString();
                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(error.Key, ProcessName, detail.SourceFile, detail.ErrorMessage, index, detail.ErrorLevel, false);
                    if (detail.ErrorGroupKey == 1 || detail.ErrorGroupKey == 3)
                    sqlAdapter.GoToSTemp("B0401D", " MAllowanceNumber='" + detail.EinvoiceNumber + "' ");
                    sqlAdapter.GoToSTemp("B0401H", " MAllowanceNumber='" + detail.EinvoiceNumber + "' ");
Example #13
    public void Begin2(string path, string sKind0, ErrorInfoModel errorInfo, string identityKey)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKind0))
            sKind0 = sKind0.ToUpper();
        string[] sArr;
        using (SQL1 sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
        { sqlAdapter.ReturnArr(out sArr); }
        string sPaPartition = sArr[3];

        using (SQL1 sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
            List <EinvoiceB0401DTemp> tempData = new List <EinvoiceB0401DTemp>();
            var query = sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl2("*", "FILE_TEMP", " EINVOICE_TP='B0401D' and IDENT_KEY = '" + identityKey + "'", "", "");
            if (query != null)
                var rows = query.Table.Rows;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                    tempData.Add(new EinvoiceB0401DTemp()
                        EinvoiceContent  = rows[i]["FILE_CONTENT"].ToString(),
                        EinvoiceFIlePath = rows[i]["FILE_NM"].ToString(),
            string sPgSN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");

            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 1);
            //抓 B0401D*.* 的所有檔案
            foreach (var data in tempData)
                int    index               = tempData.IndexOf(data) + 1;
                string sourceFile          = data.EinvoiceFIlePath;
                string einvoiceNumber      = string.Empty;
                string einvoiceDescription = string.Empty;
                string errorMsg            = string.Empty;

                    string           line             = "";
                    List <Hashtable> einvoiceDataList = new List <Hashtable>();

                    line = data.EinvoiceContent;
                    if (line.Trim() != "")
                        string[] CutS  = { sPaPartition };
                        string[] charA = line.Split(CutS, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        einvoiceNumber      = charA[0];
                        einvoiceDescription = charA[1];
                        if (charA.Length == 13)
                            #region 檢查Head有無寫入資料 有的話不寫入明細

                            var chkHeadHasError = EinvoiceRepository.CheckHeadHasError(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorInfo);

                            if (chkHeadHasError)
                                errorMsg = "[正式][" + sKind0 + "]" + einvoiceNumber + "[折讓證明單Head寫入時有錯,明細資料不寫入]";
                                EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 1, 51, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);

                            #endregion 檢查Head有無寫入資料 有的話不寫入明細

                            if (sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl3("B0401DSN", "MAllowanceNumber='" + charA[0].ToString() + "' And DAllowanceSequenceNumber='" + charA[10].ToString() + "'", "B0401D") == 0)
                                if (charA[1].ToString().Trim() != "" && charA[2].ToString().Trim() != "")
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}開始.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));

                                    Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
                                    hashTable["MAllowanceNumber"]        = charA[0].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DOriginalInvoiceDate"]    = charA[1].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DOriginalInvoiceNumber"]  = charA[2].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DOriginalSequenceNumber"] = charA[3].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DOriginalDescription"]    = charA[4].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DQuantity"]  = charA[5].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DUnit"]      = charA[6].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DUnitPrice"] = charA[7].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DAmount"]    = charA[8].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DTax"]       = charA[9].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DAllowanceSequenceNumber"] = charA[10].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["DTaxType"]   = charA[11].ToString().Trim();
                                    hashTable["TxFileNmae"] = sourceFile;
                                    string insertMsg = sqlAdapter.InsertDataNonKey("B0401D", hashTable);

                                    #region 寫入有錯誤之處理

                                    if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertMsg))
                                        errorMsg = "[正式][" + sKind0 + "]" + einvoiceNumber + "[TXT寫入正式資料庫發生錯誤,資料不寫入]" + insertMsg;
                                        EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 2, 51, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
                                        Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}結束.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));

                                    #endregion 寫入有錯誤之處理
                                    errorMsg = "[MInvoiceNumber:" + charA[0].ToString().Trim() + "][明細排列序號:" + charA[10].ToString().Trim() + "]";
                                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg + "[必要欄位沒值!!][DOriginalInvoiceDate][DOriginalInvoiceNumber]", 3, 17, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
                                errorMsg = "[MInvoiceNumber:" + charA[0].ToString().Trim() + "][明細排列序號:" + charA[10].ToString().Trim() + "]";
                                EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg + "[匯入商品細項的文字檔發生錯誤/此商品已存在!!]", 3, 16, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
                            errorMsg = "[正式][折讓證明單號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][字串尾要分號,共10個分號]";
                            EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 4, 12, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
                        errorMsg = "[正式][折讓證明單號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][讀取資料內容為空白]";
                        EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 4, 12, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorMsg = "[正式][未知錯誤]";
                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 5, 15, ref errorInfo, ProcessName, sourceFile, einvoiceDescription);
            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 2);
Example #14
    public void Begin2(string path, string sKind0, ErrorInfoModel errorInfo, string identityKey)
        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKind0))
            sKind0 = sKind0.ToUpper();
        string[] sArr;
        using (SQL1 sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
        { sqlAdapter.ReturnArr(out sArr); }
        string sPaPartition = sArr[3];

        using (SQL1 sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
            List <EinvoiceC0701Temp> tempData = new List <EinvoiceC0701Temp>();
            var query = sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl2("*", "FILE_TEMP", " EINVOICE_TP='C0701' and IDENT_KEY = '" + identityKey + "'", "", "");
            if (query != null)
                var rows = query.Table.Rows;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                    tempData.Add(new EinvoiceC0701Temp()
                        EinvoiceContent  = rows[i]["FILE_CONTENT"].ToString(),
                        EinvoiceFIlePath = rows[i]["FILE_NM"].ToString(),
            string sPgSN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");

            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 1);

            foreach (var data in tempData)
                int    index          = tempData.IndexOf(data) + 1;
                string sourceFile     = data.EinvoiceFIlePath;
                string einvoiceNumber = string.Empty;
                string errorMsg       = string.Empty;

                    string           line             = "";
                    List <Hashtable> einvoiceDataList = new List <Hashtable>();

                    line = data.EinvoiceContent;
                    if (line.Trim() != "")
                        string[] CutS  = { sPaPartition };
                        string[] charA = line.Split(CutS, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        einvoiceNumber = charA[0].ToUpper();
                        if (charA.Length == 9)
                            if (sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl3("D0501SN", "CancelAllowanceNumber='" + charA[0].ToString() + "'", "D0501") == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}開始.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));

                                Hashtable hashData  = SetEinvoiceToHashtable(charA, sourceFile);
                                string    insertMsg = sqlAdapter.InsertDataNonKey("D0501", hashData);

                                #region 寫入有錯誤之處理

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertMsg))
                                    errorMsg = "[正式][" + sKind0 + "]" + einvoiceNumber + "[TXT寫入正式資料庫發生錯誤,資料不寫入]" + insertMsg;
                                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg, index.ToString(), 51, false);
                                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 2, 51, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}結束.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));

                                #endregion 寫入有錯誤之處理
                                errorMsg = "[正式][作廢折讓證明單號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][此發票號碼已存在,資料不寫入]";
                                sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg, index.ToString(), 11, false);
                                EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 3, 11, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                            errorMsg = "[正式][作廢折讓證明單號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][字串尾要分號,共9個分號]";
                            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, "[正式]", index.ToString(), 12);
                            EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 4, 12, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorMsg = "[正式][未知錯誤]";
                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg + ex.ToString(), "", 15, false);
                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 5, 15, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 2);
Example #15
    /// <summary>
    /// 處理錯誤通知mail
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="errorInfo"></param>
    private void SendErrorEmail(ErrorInfoModel errorInfo)
        SQL1          sqlAdaper   = new SQL1();
        StringBuilder htmlContent = new StringBuilder();

        string propertiesHtml = string.Empty;
        var    groupData      = errorInfo.ErrorBuffer.OrderBy(o => o.Key)
                                .GroupBy(o => o.Key, o => o.Value).ToList();

        foreach (var group in groupData)
            var    dataTotalCount = group.Sum(s => s.Details.Count);
            string einvoiceType   = group.Key;
            htmlContent.AppendLine(@"<div style=""border:solid black 1px;padding:7px;"">");
            htmlContent.AppendLine(@"<p style=""font-size:23px;"">");
            htmlContent.AppendLine("發票處理程序:" + einvoiceType + " 資料筆數:" + dataTotalCount);

            var errorsGroup = group.First().Details.GroupBy(g => g.ErrorGroupKey).Select(s => s);
            foreach (var error in errorsGroup)
                var erKey = error.Key;
                htmlContent.AppendLine("錯誤分類:" + erKey);
                int dataIndex = 1;
                foreach (var er in error)
                    htmlContent.AppendLine(@"<div style=""border:solid #ccc 1px;padding:3px;"">");
                    htmlContent.AppendLine("項目:" + dataIndex);

                    htmlContent.AppendLine("錯誤發票:" + er.EinvoiceNumber);

                    htmlContent.AppendLine("錯誤訊息:" + er.ErrorMessage);

                    htmlContent.AppendLine("其他訊息:" + er.OtherMessage);

                    htmlContent.AppendLine("處理程序:" + er.ProcessName);

        var      viewHtml     = htmlContent.ToString();
        XMLClass oXMLeParamts = new XMLClass();
        string   eToWho1      = oXMLeParamts.GetParaXml("eToWho");
        string   eFromWho1    = oXMLeParamts.GetParaXml("eFromWho");

        sqlAdaper.AutoEMail(eToWho1, "", eFromWho1, "", htmlContent.ToString());
 public ActionResult Index()
     ErrorInfoModel model = new ErrorInfoModel();
     model.BaseViewModelInfo.Title = GeneralTexts.UnexpectedError;
     return View(model);
 public ActionResult UnAuthorized()
     ErrorInfoModel model = new ErrorInfoModel();
     model.BaseViewModelInfo.Title = GeneralTexts.UnAuthorizedError;
     return View(model);
Example #18
    public void Begin2(string path, string sKind0, ErrorInfoModel errorInfo, string identityKey)
        Dictionary <string, List <string> > pdfNumList = new Dictionary <string, List <string> >();

        if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(sKind0))
            sKind0 = sKind0.ToUpper();
        string[] sArr;
        using (SQL1 sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
        { sqlAdapter.ReturnArr(out sArr); }

        string sPaPartition = sArr[3];

        using (var sqlAdapter = new SQL1())
            List <EinvoiceA0401HTemp> tempData = new List <EinvoiceA0401HTemp>();
            var query = sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl2("*", "FILE_TEMP", " EINVOICE_TP='A0401H' and IDENT_KEY = '" + identityKey + "'", "", "");
            if (query != null)
                var rows = query.Table.Rows;
                for (int i = 0; i < rows.Count; i++)
                    tempData.Add(new EinvoiceA0401HTemp()
                        EinvoiceContent  = rows[i]["FILE_CONTENT"].ToString(),
                        EinvoiceFIlePath = rows[i]["FILE_NM"].ToString(),
            string sPgSN = DateTime.Now.ToString("yyyyMMddHHmmssfff");
            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 1);

            foreach (var data in tempData)
                int    index          = tempData.IndexOf(data) + 1;
                string sourceFile     = data.EinvoiceFIlePath;
                string einvoiceNumber = string.Empty;
                string errorMsg       = string.Empty;

                    string           line             = "";
                    List <Hashtable> einvoiceDataList = new List <Hashtable>();

                    line = data.EinvoiceContent;
                    if (line.Trim() != "")
                        string[] CutS  = { sPaPartition };
                        string[] charA = line.Split(CutS, StringSplitOptions.None);
                        einvoiceNumber = charA[0].ToUpper();
                        if (charA.Length == 48)
                            if (sqlAdapter.Kind1SelectTbl3("A0401SN", "MInvoiceNumber='" + charA[0].ToString() + "'", "A0401H") == 0)
                                Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}開始.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));
                                Dictionary <bool, string> validErrorBuffer = ValidInvoiceData(charA);

                                if (validErrorBuffer.Count > 0 && validErrorBuffer.Keys.First() == false)
                                    errorMsg = validErrorBuffer.Values.First() + "[正式]驗證失敗,資料不寫入";
                                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg, index.ToString(), 11, false);
                                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 1, 11, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                                Hashtable hashData  = SetEinvoiceToHashtable(charA, sourceFile);
                                string    insertMsg = sqlAdapter.InsertDataNonKey("A0401H", hashData);

                                #region 寫入有錯誤之處理

                                if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(insertMsg))
                                    errorMsg = "[正式][" + sKind0 + "]" + einvoiceNumber + "[TXT寫入正式資料庫發生錯誤,資料不寫入]" + insertMsg;
                                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg, index.ToString(), 51, false);
                                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 2, 51, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                                    if (!pdfNumList.ContainsKey(sKind0))
                                        pdfNumList[sKind0] = new List <string>();
                                    Console.WriteLine(string.Format("{0} 寫入正式資料庫 第{1}筆 發票號碼:{2}完成.", sKind0, index, einvoiceNumber));

                                #endregion 寫入有錯誤之處理
                                errorMsg = "[正式][發票號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][此發票號碼已存在,資料不寫入]";
                                sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg, index.ToString(), 11, false);
                                EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 3, 11, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                            errorMsg = "[正式][發票號碼:" + einvoiceNumber + "][字串尾要分號,共48個分號]";
                            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, "[正式]", index.ToString(), 12);
                            EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 4, 12, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    errorMsg = "[正式][未知錯誤]";
                    sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, sourceFile, errorMsg + ex.ToString(), "", 15, false);
                    EinvoiceRepository.AddEinvoiceToErrorBuffer(sKind0, einvoiceNumber, errorMsg, 5, 15, ref errorInfo, ProcessName);
            sqlAdapter.GoLogsAll(sPgSN, ProcessName, "FILE_TEMP", "", "", 2);

            foreach (var inv in pdfNumList)
                foreach (var item in inv.Value)
                    Hashtable hashTable = new Hashtable();
                    hashTable["PRINT_METHOD"]   = inv.Key;
                    hashTable["PRINT_EINV_NUM"] = item;
                    //hashTable["MAKE_FILE_DATE"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    hashTable["WRITE_DATE"] = DateTime.UtcNow;
                    hashTable["IDEN_KEY"]   = identityKey;
                    string insertMsg = sqlAdapter.InsertDataNonKey("PRINT_TEMP", hashTable);