Example #1
        public async Task <IActionResult> PutErrand([FromRoute] Guid id, [FromBody] PutErrandDto model)
            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            if (id != model.ErrandId)

            var errand = await _context.Errands.FindAsync(id);

            if (errand == null)

            if (errand.UserId != User.Identity.Name || !User.IsInRole("Admin"))

            if (errand.Status != ErrandStatus.Open)
                return(BadRequest("Errand is either in progress or completed. Can't be modified"));

            var   oldErrand        = errand;
            int   oldUsersRequired = errand.UsersRequired;
            float oldReward        = errand.Reward;

            if (model.UsersRequired != null)
                errand.UsersRequired = (int)(model.UsersRequired);

            if (model.Reward != null)
                errand.Reward = (float)(model.Reward);

            _context.Entry(errand).State = EntityState.Modified;

            if (oldReward > 0)
                var oldTransactionInfo = _context.ErrandTransactionInfos.Where(x => x.ErrandId == errand.ErrandId).FirstOrDefault();
                if (oldTransactionInfo == null)
                    return(BadRequest("There is a Reward but there are no transaction info saved"));

                if (errand.Reward == 0)

                else if (errand.UsersRequired != oldUsersRequired || errand.Reward != oldReward)
                    var newTransactionInfo = new ErrandTransactionInfo()
                        TransactionInfoId = oldTransactionInfo.TransactionInfoId,
                        ErrandId          = errand.ErrandId,
                        CreditCardId      = oldTransactionInfo.CreditCardId,
                        CreditCard        = oldTransactionInfo.CreditCard,
                        TotalCost         = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired,
                        Profit            = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired * 0.05f
                    _context.Entry(newTransactionInfo).State = EntityState.Modified;
                if (errand.Reward > 0)
                    var creditCard = await _context.CreditCards.FindAsync(model.CreditCardId);

                    if (creditCard == null)
                        return(NotFound("This Credit Card doesn't exist"));

                    if (creditCard.UserId != User.Identity.Name)
                        return(Unauthorized("This Credit Card belongs to someone else"));

                    var newTransactionInfo = new ErrandTransactionInfo()
                        ErrandId     = errand.ErrandId,
                        CreditCardId = creditCard.CreditCardId,
                        CreditCard   = creditCard,
                        TotalCost    = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired,
                        Profit       = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired * 0.05f

                    if (newTransactionInfo.CreditCard.Balance < newTransactionInfo.TotalCost + newTransactionInfo.Profit)
                        return(BadRequest("Not enough money"));

                    await _context.ErrandTransactionInfos.AddAsync(newTransactionInfo);

            if (oldErrand != errand)
                var errandApplications = await _context.ErrandApplications.Where(x => x.ErrandId == errand.ErrandId).ToListAsync();

                if (errandApplications != null)
                    foreach (var application in errandApplications)

            try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }
            catch (DbUpdateConcurrencyException)
                if (!ErrandExists(id))

            return(Ok("Errand Modified Successfully"));
Example #2
        public async Task <ActionResult <Errand> > PostErrand(PostErrandDto model)
            if (_context.Errands.Where(x => x.UserId == User.Identity.Name && x.Status != ErrandStatus.Completed).Count() >= 5)
                return(BadRequest("You have 5 active Errands already"));

            if (!ModelState.IsValid)

            var errand = new Errand()
                UserId        = User.Identity.Name,
                Description   = model.Description,
                StartDateTime = model.StartDateTime,
                EndDateTime   = model.EndDateTime,
                UsersRequired = model.UsersRequired,
                Reward        = model.Reward

            var existingErrand = _context.Errands.Where(x => x.Description == errand.Description && x.UserId == errand.UserId).FirstOrDefault();

            if (existingErrand != null)
                return(BadRequest($"You have already requested errand with this description: {existingErrand.Description}"));

            await _context.Errands.AddAsync(errand);

            if (errand.Reward > 0 && model.CreditCardId != null)
                var creditCard = await _context.CreditCards.FindAsync(model.CreditCardId);

                if (creditCard == null)
                    return(NotFound("Credit Card doesn't exist"));

                if (creditCard.UserId != User.Identity.Name)
                    return(Unauthorized("Credit Card belongs to someone else"));

                var transactionInfo = new ErrandTransactionInfo()
                    ErrandId     = errand.ErrandId,
                    CreditCardId = creditCard.CreditCardId,
                    CreditCard   = creditCard,
                    TotalCost    = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired,
                    Profit       = errand.Reward * errand.UsersRequired * 0.05f

                if (transactionInfo.CreditCard.Balance < transactionInfo.TotalCost + transactionInfo.Profit)
                    return(BadRequest("Not enough money"));

                await _context.ErrandTransactionInfos.AddAsync(transactionInfo);

            try { await _context.SaveChangesAsync(); }

            catch (Exception) { BadRequest(); }

            return(Ok(new { message = "Errand Creation Successful" }));