public static EquationSegment SplitEquation(string equation, int splitIndex, SplitType sideToGet)
            var  retStruct = new EquationSegment();
            char beginningBracket;
            char endingBracket;
            int  increment;
            int  limitValue;

            if (splitIndex == 0 && (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft))
                retStruct.EndIndex   = 0;
                retStruct.StartIndex = 0;
                retStruct.Segment    = "";

            if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft)
                beginningBracket = ')';
                endingBracket    = '(';
                increment        = -1;
                limitValue       = -1;
                beginningBracket = '(';
                endingBracket    = ')';
                increment        = 1;
                limitValue       = equation.Count();

            //the left side is enclosed with brackets, so the only way to terminate the left side is with an opening bracket
            if (equation[splitIndex + increment] == beginningBracket)
                int totalBrackets = 1;
                int index         = splitIndex + increment;
                while (totalBrackets != 0)
                    index += increment;
                    if (index == limitValue)
                        throw new Exception("formatting error, brackets not set up properly");

                    if (equation[index] == beginningBracket)
                    if (equation[index] == endingBracket)

                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft)
                    retStruct.EndIndex   = splitIndex;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = index;
                    retStruct.Segment    = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                    retStruct.EndIndex   = index + 1;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = splitIndex + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment    = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                //for this case, order of operations must be respected because of lack of brackets
                //there are two ways for a termination to occur, either one of the terminating characters is reached
                //or an unexpected endingbracket is reached, such as in the case (x/y)

                int index = splitIndex + increment;

                char[] terminatingChars           = new char[0];
                bool   ignoreCharacterTermination = false;
                bool   ignoreBracketTermination   = false;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide)
                    terminatingChars = new[] { '=', '+', '-' };
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.RightSide)
                    terminatingChars = new[] { '=', '+', '-', '*', '/' };
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentRight)
                    terminatingChars = new[] { '=', '+', '-', '*', '/' };
                    if (equation[index] == beginningBracket)  //this expression may be always false
                        ignoreCharacterTermination = true;
                        index++; //we want to completely ignore the first character because of negatives
                        ignoreBracketTermination = true;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft)
                    terminatingChars = new[] { '=', '+', '-', '*', '/' };

                int totalBrackets = 0;
                if (index < equation.Count())
                    while (true)
                        //first try character based termination
                        if (terminatingChars.Contains(equation[index]))
                            if (!ignoreCharacterTermination)

                        //now try bracket based termination
                        if (equation[index] == beginningBracket)
                            if (!ignoreBracketTermination)

                        if (equation[index] == endingBracket)
                            if (!ignoreBracketTermination)

                        if (totalBrackets < 0)
                            //index -= increment;

                        //nothing interesting, loop again
                        if (index == limitValue - increment)
                            index += increment;
                        //firstCharacterException = false;
                        index += increment;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft)
                    retStruct.EndIndex   = splitIndex;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = index + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment    = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                    retStruct.EndIndex   = index;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = splitIndex + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment    = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
        public static EquationSegment SplitEquation(string equation, int splitIndex, SplitType sideToGet)
            var retStruct = new EquationSegment();
            char beginningBracket;
            char endingBracket;
            int increment;
            int limitValue;

            if (splitIndex == 0 && (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft)){
                retStruct.EndIndex = 0;
                retStruct.StartIndex = 0;
                retStruct.Segment = "";
                return retStruct;

            if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft){
                beginningBracket = ')';
                endingBracket = '(';
                increment = -1;
                limitValue = -1;
                beginningBracket = '(';
                endingBracket = ')';
                increment = 1;
                limitValue = equation.Count();

            //the left side is enclosed with brackets, so the only way to terminate the left side is with an opening bracket
            if (equation[splitIndex + increment] == beginningBracket){
                int totalBrackets = 1;
                int index = splitIndex + increment;
                while (totalBrackets != 0){
                    index += increment;
                    if (index == limitValue)
                        throw new Exception("formatting error, brackets not set up properly");

                    if (equation[index] == beginningBracket){
                    if (equation[index] == endingBracket){

                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft){
                    retStruct.EndIndex = splitIndex;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = index;
                    retStruct.Segment = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                    retStruct.EndIndex = index + 1;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = splitIndex + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                return retStruct;
                //for this case, order of operations must be respected because of lack of brackets
                //there are two ways for a termination to occur, either one of the terminating characters is reached
                //or an unexpected endingbracket is reached, such as in the case (x/y)

                int index = splitIndex + increment;

                char[] terminatingChars = new char[0];
                bool ignoreCharacterTermination = false;
                bool ignoreBracketTermination = false;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide){
                    terminatingChars = new[]{'=', '+', '-'};
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.RightSide){
                    terminatingChars = new[]{'=', '+', '-', '*', '/'};
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentRight){
                    terminatingChars = new[]{'=', '+', '-', '*', '/'};
                    if (equation[index] == beginningBracket){ //this expression may be always false
                        ignoreCharacterTermination = true;
                        index++; //we want to completely ignore the first character because of negatives
                        ignoreBracketTermination = true;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft){
                    terminatingChars = new[]{'=', '+', '-', '*', '/'};

                int totalBrackets = 0;
                if (index < equation.Count()){
                    while (true){
                        //first try character based termination
                        if (terminatingChars.Contains(equation[index])){
                            if (!ignoreCharacterTermination){

                        //now try bracket based termination
                        if (equation[index] == beginningBracket){
                            if (!ignoreBracketTermination){

                        if (equation[index] == endingBracket){
                            if (!ignoreBracketTermination){

                        if (totalBrackets < 0){
                            //index -= increment;

                        //nothing interesting, loop again
                        if (index == limitValue - increment){
                            index += increment;
                        //firstCharacterException = false;
                        index += increment;
                if (sideToGet == SplitType.LeftSide || sideToGet == SplitType.ExponentLeft){
                    retStruct.EndIndex = splitIndex;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = index + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                    retStruct.EndIndex = index;
                    retStruct.StartIndex = splitIndex + 1;
                    retStruct.Segment = equation.Substring(retStruct.StartIndex, retStruct.EndIndex - retStruct.StartIndex);
                return retStruct;