private void txtFileName_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtFileName.Text.Length <= 4) { Ep.SetError(txtFileName, "Type the File Name First..." + "Name Should Be More Than 5 Characters"); txtFileName.Focus(); txtFileName.Text = ""; return; } string l = txtFileName.Text.Substring(0, 4).ToString(); if ((l == "PRJ_") || (l == "prj_") || (l == "Prj_")) { txtFileName.Text = "Prj_" + (txtFileName.Text.ToUpper().Substring(4)); Ep.Clear(); return; } else { txtFileName.Text = "Prj_" + txtFileName.Text.ToUpper(); Ep.Clear(); } }
private void ComboBox2_Leave(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComboBox2.Text != "") { Ep.Clear(); } }
private void button2_Click_1(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { DBO.AccountsConnection = new System.Data.SqlClient.SqlConnection(DBO.Connection); DBO.AccountsConnection.Open(); DBO.AccountTransaction = DBO.AccountsConnection.BeginTransaction(); for (int i = 0; i < grdVoucher.RowCount; i++) { String AccountId = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[1].Value.ToString(); String Edate = Convert.ToDateTime(grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[0].Value.ToString()).ToShortDateString(); String AccountNum = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[2].Value.ToString(); String Description = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[3].Value.ToString(); String TransactionType = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[4].Value.ToString(); String Amount = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[5].Value.ToString(); if (Amount == "0") { Amount = grdVoucher.Rows[i].Cells[6].Value.ToString(); } Accounts.InsertJournalAndPosting(AccountId, AccountNum, Amount, Description, TransactionType, Convert.ToDateTime(Edate)); } DBO.AccountTransaction.Commit(); DBO.AccountsConnection.Close(); ClearControls(); } catch (Exception Ep) { DBO.AccountTransaction.Rollback(); DBO.AccountsConnection.Close(); MessageBox.Show(Ep.ToString()); } }
private void ComboBox6_SelectedIndexChanged(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (ComboBox6.Text != "") { Ep.Clear(); } }
private void btnBoton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //Mensaje de advertencia de que no se han llenado los campos adecuados if (txtMatricula.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtMatricula, "No ha ingresado matricula"); } if (txtNombre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtNombre, "No ha ingresado Nombre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtSemestre, "No ha ingresado semestre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtCarrera, "No ha ingresado Carrera"); } if (txtTelefono.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtTelefono, "No ha ingresado telefono"); } if (txtCal.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtCal, "No ha ingresado Calificacion"); } //try catch para mostrar al alumno en caso de que los datos que entren no sean adecuados try { Alumno Al = new Alumno(); Al.Matricula = txtMatricula.Text; Al.Nombre = txtNombre.Text; Al.Semestre = Convert.ToInt32(txtSemestre.Text); Al.carrera = txtCarrera.Text; Al.Telefono = Convert.ToInt32(txtTelefono.Text); //confirmacion de que el usuario se ah creado throw new ExepcionEspecial("su alumno se creo exitosamente"); } catch (FormatException ex) { //mensaje de error al ingresar un dato no adecuado MessageBox.Show("Error en registrar alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (ExepcionEspecial espEx) { MessageBox.Show(espEx.Message); } }
public void PrintHeaders() { Extractor.Instance.ClearData(); foreach (PakElement Ep in _Elements.ToArray()) { Extractor.Instance.AddData("" + Ep.Id, Ep.GetExtention(), "" + Ep.Header.ZSize, "" + Ep.Header.Size, "Extract", Ep.Header.Software); } }
public bool Send(byte[] data) { try { UdpServer.Send(data, data.Length, Ep.ToIpEndPoint()); } catch (Exception ex) { log.Error(ex); return(false); } return(true); }
/// <summary> /// Recepción de datos del puerto serial enviados por arduino /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void serialPort1_DataReceived(object sender, SerialDataReceivedEventArgs e) { //-------------------------Recepción de datos del arduino------------------------------ _bufferint = serialPort1.ReadLine(); //-------------Convirtiendo valores recibidos a datos tipo double------------------ bool valnum1 = double.TryParse(_bufferint, out _data1); //-------------------Muestreo de datos para filtrar errores de medición------------- if (valnum1) // Validando que el dato recibido sea un número { _dataHcsr04 = _data1; ErrorIntegral(_dataHcsr04 * 0.017); _sumHcsr04 = _sumHcsr04 + _dataHcsr04; _contador++; } //--------------Promediando datos del muestreo y calculando distancias------------------ if (_contador == 29) { _promHcsr04 = _sumHcsr04 / 30; _contador = 0; _sumHcsr04 = 0; _sumTime = 0; _distanceHcsr04 = _promHcsr04 * 0.017; ErrorProporcional(_distanceHcsr04); ErrorDerivativo(_distanceHcsr04); //-------------Mandando distancia sensada por el sensor al monitor------------------ BufferContentHcsr04(Math.Round(_distanceHcsr04, 1).ToString()); BufferOutEp(Ep.ToString()); BufferOutEint(Ei.ToString()); BufferOutEderiv(Ed.ToString()); BufferOutPwm(_pwmPid.ToString()); //-----------------Envio de datos al arduino y graficación--------------------------- serialPort1_SenddataProportional(_distanceHcsr04); Updategraph(i++, _distanceHcsr04); serialPort1.DiscardInBuffer(); //-----------------Añadiendo datos a lista para su ingreso al excel------------------- Posiciones.Add(_distanceHcsr04); Errores.Add(Ep); if (i > 100) { i = 0; } } }
public void btnBoton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { //hacemos una condicion para saber si se cumple lo que se pide if (txtMatricula.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtMatricula, "No ha ingresado matricula"); } if (txtNombre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtNombre, "No ha ingresado Nombre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtSemestre, "No ha ingresado semestre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtCarrera, "No ha ingresado Carrera"); } if (txtTelefono.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtTelefono, "No ha ingresado telefono"); } //aqui se atrapan los errores y se regresan try { Alumno Al = new Alumno(); Al.Matricula = txtMatricula.Text; Al.Nombre = txtNombre.Text; Al.Semestre = Convert.ToInt32(txtSemestre.Text); Al.carrera = txtCarrera.Text; Al.Telefono = Convert.ToInt32(txtTelefono.Text); throw new ExepcionEspecial("alumno no se creo exitosamente"); } //atrapala excepcion y la muestra al usuario catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error al registrar alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (ExepcionEspecial esp) { MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(esp)); } finally { Ep.Clear(); } }
private void cmdAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (txtMatricula.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtMatricula, "No ha ingresado matricula"); } if (txtNombre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtNombre, "No ha ingresado Nombre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtSemestre, "No ha ingresado semestre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtCarrera, "No ha ingresado Carrera"); } if (txtTelefono.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtTelefono, "No ha ingresado telefono"); } try { Alumno Al = new Alumno(); Al.Matricula = txtMatricula.Text; Al.Nombre = txtNombre.Text; Al.Semestre = Convert.ToInt32(txtSemestre.Text); Al.carrera = txtCarrera.Text; Al.Telefono = Convert.ToDouble(txtTelefono.Text); //throw new ExepcionEspecial("su alumno se creo exitosamente"); } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error en registrar alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (Excepcion_Especial espex) { MessageBox.Show(espex.Message); } finally { Ep.Clear(); } }
private void button1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { if (textBox1.Text == " ") //Condicion por si el TextBox esta vacio { Ep.SetError(textBox1, "No ha Ingresado Matricula"); //Mensaje de aviso } else if (textBox2.Text == " ") //Condicion por si el TextBox esta vacio { Ep.SetError(textBox2, "No se ha Ingresado el Nombre"); //Mensaje de aviso } else if (textBox3.Text == " ") //Condicion por si el TextBox esta vacio { Ep.SetError(textBox3, "No se ha Ingresado el Semestre"); //Mensaje de aviso } else if (textBox4.Text == " ") //Condicion por si el TextBox esta vacio { Ep.SetError(textBox4, "No se ha Ingresasddo la Carrera"); //Mensaje de aviso } else if (textBox5.Text == " ") //Condicion por si el TextBox esta vacio { Ep.SetError(textBox5, "No se ha Ingresado el Telefono"); //Mensaje de aviso } try //Try-Catch por si el TextBox de la matricula no es un valor numerico { A.Matricula = Convert.ToInt32(textBox1.Text); //Convertimos a Int la Matricula MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(A.Matricula)); //Mensaje de la matricula ingresada } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); //Mensaje con toda esa madre del error MessageBox.Show("Error, ingrese valores Numericos..."); //Mensaje de aviso } try //Try-Catch por si se crea el alumno con los valores que se deben o no { throw new Excepcion_Especial("¡Creado Correctamente!"); //Mensaje de aviso } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error en registrar alumno... " + ex.Message); //Mensaje de aviso mas el error } catch (Excepcion_Especial espex) { MessageBox.Show(espex.Message); //Mensaje de aviso } finally { Ep.Clear(); //Limpiamos el eeror... } }
private void ButtonAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { Dato data = new Dato(); if (TxtMatricula.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtMatricula, "Matricula no ha sido ingresada"); } else if (TxtNombre.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtNombre, "Nombre sin ingresar"); } else if (TxtSemestre.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtSemestre, "Escribe un semestre"); } else if (TxtCarrera.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtCarrera, "Coloca una carrera"); } else if (TxtTelefono.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtTelefono, "Teclea un numero de telefono"); } try { data.Matricula = Convert.ToInt32(TxtMatricula.Text); MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(data.Matricula)); } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Favor de ingresar exclusivamente numeros"); } try { throw new Excepcion_Especial("ha sido creado de modo correcto"); } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error al registrar al alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (Excepcion_Especial espEx) { MessageBox.Show(espEx.Message); } finally { Ep.Clear(); } }
/* * public static BigInteger Pow(BigInteger value, BigInteger exponent) * { * BigInteger originalValue = value; * while (exponent-- > 1) * value = BigInteger.Multiply(value, originalValue); * return value; * }*/ public static MyRSAProvider.MyMyKeys GenerateKey(int Keysize) { //initialize constructor MyRSAProvider.MyMyKeys MyKeys = new MyRSAProvider.MyMyKeys(); //Get prime P P = GetPrime(Keysize); //Get prime Q Q = GetPrime(Keysize); //calculate the modulus N = GetN(P, Q); //calculate the totient or phi To = GetTotient(P, Q); // Get the value of the public exponent...(65537) E = GetE(); //compute the value of the private exponent such that (D*E % To) = 1 D = GetD(E, To); //calculate other properties of the private and public keys to be used in chinese remender theorem Dp = D % (P - 1); Dq = D % (Q - 1); Ep = E % (P - 1); Eq = E % (Q - 1); Qinv = GetD(Q, P); //get the keysize into our constructor MyKeys.KeySize = Keysize; //do checks to see that everything is in other else calculate again if (P == 0 || Q == 0 || N == 0 || To == 0 || D == 0 || P == Q || (D * E % To) != 1) { GenerateKey(Keysize); } //Add the private key values to the constructor MyKeys.PrivateKey.Add(new MyRSAProvider.PrivateKey { D = D.ToString(), N = N.ToString(), Dp = Dp.ToString(), Dq = Dq.ToString(), Qinv = Qinv.ToString(), P = P.ToString(), Q = Q.ToString() }); //Add the public key values to the constructor MyKeys.PublicKey.Add(new MyRSAProvider.PublicKey { E = E.ToString(), N = N.ToString(), Ep = Ep.ToString(), Eq = Eq.ToString(), Qinv = Qinv.ToString(), P = P.ToString(), Q = Q.ToString() }); return(MyKeys); }
public EntitySalesRepositoryTests() { _scope = new TransactionScope(TransactionScopeOption.RequiresNew, TransactionScopeAsyncFlowOption.Enabled); _container = CompositionRoot.GetContainer(); _EntityEp = new Ep { EpGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, PlaceId = PlaceId, EpSystem = string.Empty, OFFC = string.Empty, AutorizeDate = _targetSqlDate, AK = string.Empty, Comment = string.Empty, CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate }; _EntityEp = new Ep { EpGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, PlaceId = PlaceId, EpSystem = string.Empty, OFFC = string.Empty, AutorizeDate = _targetSqlDate, AK = string.Empty, Comment = string.Empty, CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate }; _EntityEp = new Ep { EpGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, PlaceId = PlaceId, EpSystem = string.Empty, OFFC = string.Empty, AutorizeDate = _targetSqlDate, AK = string.Empty, Comment = string.Empty, CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate }; _EntityEntityalePoint = new BasePoint { BasePointGuid = FakeBasePointId, Deal = new Deal { Code = AgencyCode }, TownCode = "OVB", Address = string.Empty, BasePointTypeGuid = Guid.Parse("18D2C60A-9718-4ED0-BA31-8E563A17FF4A"), CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate, Systematic = SystematicType.UesET, Eps = new[] { _EntityEp } }; _UesEtBasePoint = new BasePoint { BasePointGuid = FakeBasePointId, Deal = new Deal { Code = AgencyCode }, TownCode = "OVB", Address = string.Empty, BasePointTypeGuid = Guid.Parse("18D2C60A-9718-4ED0-BA31-8E563A17FF4A"), CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate, Systematic = SystematicType.UesET, Eps = new[] { _EntityEp } }; _UesBasePoint = new UesBasePoint { Id = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointId = BasePointId, DealCode = AgencyCode, ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate, TownCode = "MOW", Address = string.Empty, SaleType = 0, Organization = new Organization { Code = AgencyCode, Role = "~", CreatedDate = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate }, EntityBasePoints = new[] { _UesEtBasePoint } }; _firstEntity = new Entity { EntityGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = FirstEntityNumber, EntityExpirations = new[] { new EntityExpiration { EntityExpirationGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointGuid = _UesEtBasePoint.BasePointGuid, IsActive = true, ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate } } }; _secondEntity = new Entity { EntityGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = SecondEntityNumber, EntityExpirations = new[] { new EntityExpiration { EntityExpirationGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointGuid = _UesEtBasePoint.BasePointGuid, IsActive = true, ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate } } }; _notActiveEntity = new Entity { EntityGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = NonActiveEntityNumber, EntityExpirations = new[] { new EntityExpiration { EntityExpirationGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointGuid = _UesEtBasePoint.BasePointGuid, IsActive = false, ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate, ValidTo = _targetSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate } } }; _expiredEntity = new Entity { EntityGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = NonActiveEntityNumber, EntityExpirations = new[] { new EntityExpiration { EntityExpirationGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointGuid = _UesEtBasePoint.BasePointGuid, IsActive = true, ValidFrom = _minSqlDate, ValidTo = _minSqlDate, ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate } } }; _futureEntity = new Entity { EntityGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), Number = NonActiveEntityNumber, EntityExpirations = new[] { new EntityExpiration { EntityExpirationGuid = Guid.NewGuid(), BasePointGuid = _UesEtBasePoint.BasePointGuid, IsActive = false, ValidFrom = _targetSqlDate.AddDays(1), ValidTo = _targetSqlDate.AddDays(1), ModifiedDate = _minSqlDate } } }; _newEntityEntity = new EntityEntity(new EntityEntityDataAccessModel { Number = NewEntityEntityNumber, SystematicType = EntitySystematicType.ElioET, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, ValidTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Places = new List <EntityPlaceDataAccessModel> { { new EntityPlaceDataAccessModel { Pcc = "~~~~1", AuthorizationDate = DateTime.Now } } } }); _newSabreEtEntity = new EntityEntity(new EntityEntityDataAccessModel { Number = NewEntityEntityNumber, SystematicType = EntitySystematicType.SabreET, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, ValidTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), Places = new List <EntityPlaceDataAccessModel> { { new EntityPlaceDataAccessModel { Pcc = "AZ12", AuthorizationDate = DateTime.Now, } } } }); _newSrnEntity = new EntityEntity(new EntityEntityDataAccessModel { Number = NewEntityEntityNumber, SystematicType = EntitySystematicType.Srn, ValidFrom = DateTime.Now, ValidTo = DateTime.Now.AddDays(1), SrnEntity = new SrnEntityDataAccessModel { Agn = "12Ааа", Grp = "4211111111", SrnPools = new List <SrnPoolDataAccessModel> { new SrnPoolDataAccessModel { PoolNumber = "Аааа12", AuthorizationDate = DateTime.Now } } } }); CreateEntityForTestInDatabase(); }
public void LoadIntellisenseResults(List <Diagnostic> hc) { lock (s_obs) { if (ef == null) { return; } ScriptControl.ScriptControl scr = null; VSSolution vs = null; string filename = ""; if (ef != null) { if (ef.scr != null) { scr = ef.scr; } } ToolStripComboBox b = toolStripComboBox1; int i = b.SelectedIndex; vs = ef.GetVSSolution(); VSProject vp = null; //if (vs != null) // vp = vs.MainVSProject; //dg.SuspendLayout(); //LI = new ArrayList(); //if (vp != null) // if (i == 2) // { // foreach (IntErrors e in DD) // { // if (vp != null) // if (e.vp != vp) // continue; // int rowId = dg.Rows.Add(); // DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[rowId]; // row.Cells[0].Value = ""; // row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Breakall_6323; // row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code"; // row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message; // row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName); // row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file); // row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString(); // row.Cells[7].Value = "project"; // string message = e.e.Message; // //if (message.StartsWith("UnknownIdentifier") == true) // // MessageBox.Show("Unknown identifier"); // //v.Checked = true; // row.Tag = e; // //lv.Items.Add(v); // } // dg.ResumeLayout(); // return; // } //if (i == 3 || i == 0) { if (hc != null) { } //filename = d.FileName; foreach (/*IntErrors e in DD*/ Diagnostic hs in hc) { //if (filename != "") // if (e.file != filename) // continue; Diagnostic dc = hs;// hc[hs]; filename = dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath; AvalonDocument d = scr.FileOpened(filename, false); int hash = dc.GetMessage().GetHashCode(); if (hcd.ContainsKey(hash)) { continue; } int line = 0; string file = ""; if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None) { if (dc.Location.SourceTree != null) { file = dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath;// syntaxTree.FilePath; FileLinePositionSpan c = dc.Location.GetLineSpan(); line = c.StartLinePosition.Line; } } int rowId = dg.Rows.Add(); DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[rowId]; row.InheritedStyle.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control); //dg.Rows.Remove(row); //dg.Rows.Insert(0, row); row.Cells[0].Value = dc.Descriptor.Category; if (dc.Severity.ToString() == "Error") { row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.Breakall_6323, 15, 15); Ep.Add(row); } else if (dc.Severity.ToString() == "Warning") { row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.StatusWarning_16x, 15, 15); Wp.Add(row); } else { row.Cells[1].Value = new Bitmap(ve_resource.StatusHelp_256x, 15, 15); Mp.Add(row); } row.Cells[2].Value = dc.Descriptor.Id; row.Cells[3].Value = dc.GetMessage(); if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None) { if (vp != null) { row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(vp.FileName); } else if (dc.Location != Microsoft.CodeAnalysis.Location.None) { if (dc.Location.SourceTree != null) { row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(dc.Location.SourceTree.FilePath); } } } row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(file); if (line > 0) { row.Cells[6].Value = d.GetLineExtended(line) + 1; } row.Cells[7].Value = "project"; //row.Cells[0].Value = ""; //row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Errors; //row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code"; //row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message; //row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName); //row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file); //row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString(); //row.Cells[7].Value = "project"; //ListViewItem v = new ListViewItem(); //v.Text = ""; //v.SubItems.Add(""); //v.SubItems.Add("e.Code"); //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Message); //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName)); //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileName(e.c.FileName)); //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString()); //v.SubItems.Add("project"); //v.Checked = true; row.Tag = dc; dg.Rows.Remove(row); dg.Rows.Insert(0, row); hcd.Add(hash, row); //lv.Items.Add(v); } dg.ResumeLayout(); //ef.scr.FocusActiveDocument(); return; } //ArrayList F = ef.scr.GetOpenFiles(); /* * foreach (IntErrors e in DD) * { * //ListViewItem v = new ListViewItem(); * //v.Text = ""; * //v.SubItems.Add(""); * //v.SubItems.Add("e.Code"); * //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Message); * //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.c.FileName)); * //v.SubItems.Add(Path.GetFileName(e.c.FileName)); * //v.SubItems.Add(e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString()); * //v.SubItems.Add("project"); * * //v.Checked = true; * * int rowId = dg.Rows.Add(); * DataGridViewRow row = dg.Rows[rowId]; * row.InheritedStyle.BackColor = Color.FromKnownColor(KnownColor.Control); * * row.Cells[0].Value = ""; * row.Cells[1].Value = ve_resource.Errors; * row.Cells[2].Value = "e.Code"; * row.Cells[3].Value = e.e.Message; * row.Cells[4].Value = Path.GetFileNameWithoutExtension(e.vp.FileName); * row.Cells[5].Value = Path.GetFileName(e.file); * row.Cells[6].Value = e.e.Region.BeginLine.ToString(); * row.Cells[7].Value = "project"; * * //string message = e.e.Message; * * //if (message.StartsWith("UnknownIdentifier") == true) * //{ * // // MessageBox.Show("Unknown identifier"); * * // string[] cc = e.e.Message.Split(" ".ToCharArray()); * * // Document d = ef.scr.FileOpened(e.c.FileName); * * // //foreach (Row r in d.Editor.Document) * // // foreach (Word w in r) * // // w.HasError = false; * * // if (d != null) * // { * // // MessageBox.Show("File has been found"); * * // if (e.e.Region.BeginLine < 0) * // continue; * * // d.SuspendLayout(); * * // Row r = d.Editor.Document[e.e.Region.BeginLine]; * * // foreach (Word w in r) * // { * // string[] bb = w.Text.Split(";".ToCharArray()); * * // foreach (string dd in bb) * * // if (dd == cc[1]) * // { * // // MessageBox.Show("Identifier found"); * * // w.HasError = true; * * // //d.Refresh(); * // } * // } * * // d.ResumeLayout(); * // } * * //} * * row.Tag = e; * } * * ef.scr.LoadErrors(DD); * * dg.ResumeLayout(); */ } }
private void ButtonAceptar_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Aqui instanciamos nuestro objeto despues de eso creamos varias condiciones donde decimos que si el usuario deja un // espacio donde se supone que tiene que ingresar un valor alfanumerico entonces ahi entran nuestras condiciones // donde si el usuario no ingresa nada le manda un aviso Dato d = new Dato(); if (TxtMatricula.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtMatricula, "No ha ingresado la Matricula"); } else if (TxtNombre.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtNombre, "No ha ingresado el Nombre"); } else if (TxtSemestre.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtSemestre, "No ha ingresado el Semestre"); } else if (TxtCarrera.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtCarrera, "No ha ingresado la Carrera"); } else if (TxtTelefono.Text == " ") { Ep.SetError(TxtTelefono, "No ha ingresado el Telefono"); } // Aqui ya comenzamos con nuestros Try catch el cual lo que hacemos es que le asignamos que nuestro valor de // nuestro Txt sea int, asi arrojamos un mensaje de nuestra matricula, si no es asi aqui entra nuestro catch el cual // tiene una excepcion la cual nos dira en que linea esta el error o la falla y igual nos mostrara un mensaje try { d.Matricula = Convert.ToInt32(TxtMatricula.Text); MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(d.Matricula)); } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show(ex.ToString()); MessageBox.Show("Valor incorrecto, ingrese solo numeros"); } // Aqui volvemos a hacer otro try catch pero en este no influye mucho ya que nuestras variables son de tipo string // y lo que hacemos solo es imprimir por mensaje lo que el usuario ingreso try { d.Nombre = TxtNombre.Text; d.Semestre = TxtSemestre.Text; d.Carrera = TxtCarrera.Text; d.Telefono = TxtTelefono.Text; MessageBox.Show(d.Nombre); MessageBox.Show(d.Semestre); MessageBox.Show(d.Carrera); MessageBox.Show(d.Telefono); } catch { MessageBox.Show("Listo"); } // Aqui en este Try catch usamos nuestra sobrecarga la cual habiamos creado en la clase Excepcion Especial // la cual enviamos como parametro un string y aplicamos un AplicationExcepcion, en nuestro catch si hay un error // nos mostraria solo un mensaje donde nos diria error al registrar junto con el mensaje try { throw new Excepcion_Especial("Se creo correctamente"); } catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error en registrar alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (Excepcion_Especial espEx) { MessageBox.Show(espEx.Message); } finally { Ep.Clear(); } }
protected override void OnNavigatedTo(NavigationEventArgs e) { bool needReLoad = false; if (e.NavigationMode == NavigationMode.New) { needReLoad = true; } if (e.Parameter.GetType() == typeof(WatchingStatus)) { var p = (WatchingStatus)e.Parameter; if (!(ViewModel.SubjectId == p.subject_id.ToString())) { needReLoad = true; ViewModel.InitViewModel(); } ViewModel.SubjectId = p.subject_id.ToString(); ViewModel.ImageSource = p.image; ViewModel.NameCn = p.name_cn; if (p.eps != null) { ViewModel.eps.Clear(); foreach (var ep in p.eps) { var newEp = new Ep(); newEp.Id =; newEp.Sort = ep.sort; newEp.Status = ep.status; newEp.Type = ep.type; newEp.NameCn =; if (newEp.Type == 0) { newEp.Sort = "第 " + newEp.Sort + " 话"; } else { newEp.Sort = ViewModel.GetEpisodeType(newEp.Type) + " " + newEp.Sort; } ViewModel.eps.Add(newEp); } } } else if (e.Parameter.GetType() == typeof(Subject)) { var p = (Subject)e.Parameter; if (!(ViewModel.SubjectId == p.Id.ToString())) { needReLoad = true; ViewModel.InitViewModel(); } ViewModel.SubjectId = p.Id.ToString(); ViewModel.ImageSource = p.Images.Common; ViewModel.NameCn = p.NameCn; ViewModel.AirDate = p.AirDate; ViewModel.AirWeekday = p.AirWeekday; } else if (e.Parameter.GetType() == typeof(Int32)) { if (!(ViewModel.SubjectId == e.Parameter.ToString())) { needReLoad = true; ViewModel.InitViewModel(); } ViewModel.SubjectId = e.Parameter.ToString(); } if (needReLoad) { ViewModel.LoadDetails(); } }
private void Button3_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { try { int X = 0; if (txtFileName.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtFileName, "please select/Enter fileName....."); txtFileName.Focus(); return; } if (ComboBox2.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(ComboBox2, "please select Engine File....."); ComboBox2.Focus(); return; } if (ComboBox3.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(ComboBox3, "please select Sequence File....."); ComboBox3.Focus(); return; } if (ComboBox4.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(ComboBox4, "please select Limit File....."); ComboBox4.Focus(); return; } if (ComboBox5.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(ComboBox5, "please select Correction Standard....."); ComboBox5.Focus(); return; } if (ComboBox6.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(ComboBox6, "please Test Type Standard....."); ComboBox6.Focus(); return; } for (X = 1; X < (DGPrj.RowCount); X++) { if (DGPrj[1, X].Value == null) { Ep.SetError(DGPrj, "please Enter the Value ....."); DGPrj.Focus(); return; } else { Ep.Clear(); } } Format_Cells(); X = 0; flg_New = true; while (X < PrjGV.RowCount - 1) { if (txtFileName.Text == PrjGV[0, X].Value.ToString()) { flg_New = false; Rw = PrjGV.CurrentRow.Index; break; } else { flg_New = true; } X++; } Rw = PrjGV.CurrentRow.Index; if (flg_New == false) { Global.Open_Connection("General", "con"); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "UPDATE tblProject SET " + " EngFile = '" + ComboBox2.Text + "'," + " ProgFile = '" + ComboBox3.Text + "'," + " LimitFile = '" + ComboBox4.Text + "'," + " CorrFile = '" + ComboBox5.Text + "'," + " Test_Type = '" + ComboBox6.Text + "'," + " R_power = '" + DGPrj[1, 0].Value.ToString() + "'," + " R_rpm = '" + DGPrj[1, 1].Value.ToString() + "'," + " MT_Torque = '" + DGPrj[1, 2].Value.ToString() + "'," + " MT_rpm = '" + DGPrj[1, 3].Value.ToString() + "'," + " Fly_rpm = '" + DGPrj[1, 4].Value.ToString() + "'," + " Idle_rpm = '" + DGPrj[1, 5].Value.ToString() + "'," + " Max_Tq = '" + DGPrj[1, 6].Value.ToString() + "'," + " Tq_Range = '" + DGPrj[1, 7].Value.ToString() + "'," + " PTO_Ratio = '" + DGPrj[1, 8].Value.ToString() + "'," + " PM_Log = '" + DGPrj[1, 9].Value.ToString() + "'" + " WHERE ProjectFile = '" + txtFileName.Text + "'"; cmd.Connection = Global.con; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Load_DataGrid(); MessageBox.Show("File Updated ....."); } else if (flg_New == true) { Global.Open_Connection("General", "con"); MySqlCommand cmd = new MySqlCommand(); cmd.CommandText = "INSERT INTO tblProject VALUES ('" + txtFileName.Text + "','" + ComboBox2.Text + "','" + ComboBox3.Text + "','" + ComboBox4.Text + "','" + ComboBox5.Text + "','" + ComboBox6.Text + "','" + DGPrj[1, 0].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 1].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 2].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 3].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 4].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 5].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 6].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 7].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 8].Value + "','" + DGPrj[1, 9].Value + "')"; cmd.Connection = Global.con; cmd.ExecuteNonQuery(); Load_DataGrid(); MessageBox.Show("File Saved ....."); } } catch (Exception ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error Code:- 11004" + ex.Message); } }
public static void EntityAreEqual(Entity Entity, EntityEntity EntityEntity, BasePoint BasePoint, Ep Ep) { Assert.Equal(Entity.EntityExpirations.First().EntityExpirationGuid, EntityEntity.Id); Assert.Equal(Entity.Number, EntityEntity.Number); Assert.Equal(Entity.EntityExpirations.First().ValidFrom, EntityEntity.ValidFrom); Assert.Equal(Entity.EntityExpirations.First().ValidTo, EntityEntity.ValidTo); Assert.Equal(BasePoint.Systematic.ToEntitySystematic(), EntityEntity.Systematic); var Place = EntityEntity.EntityPlaces.First(); EtDirectPlaceAreEqual(Place, Ep); }
public static void EtDirectPlaceAreEqual(EntityPlace Place, Ep Ep) { Assert.Equal(Ep.EpGuid, Place.Id); Assert.Equal(Ep.PlaceId, Place.Pcc); Assert.Equal(Ep.ValidFrom, Place.AuthorizationDate); }
private void btnBoton1_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { /* try * { * int telefono = Convert.ToInt32(txtTelefono.Text); * int Matricula = Convert.ToInt32(txtMatricula.Text); * int Semestre = Convert.ToInt32(txtSemestre.Text); * * * MessageBox.Show("Hello"); * } * catch (Exception eX) * { //El primero es un mensaje para el usuario * MessageBox.Show("Valor incorrecto, Ingrese un nuevi valor"); * //El segundo es un mensaje pero para el desarollador * MessageBox.Show(eX.ToString()); * } * finally { txtTelefono.Focus(); }; */ //estos procesos ven si la condicion se cumple para hacer lo que esta alli senalado if (txtMatricula.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtMatricula, "No ha ingresado matricula"); } if (txtNombre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtNombre, "No ha ingresado Nombre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtSemestre, "No ha ingresado semestre"); } if (txtSemestre.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtCarrera, "No ha ingresado Carrera"); } if (txtTelefono.Text == "") { Ep.SetError(txtTelefono, "No ha ingresado telefono"); } //este proceso del try hace lo que esta dentro de los corchetes para atrapar errores con el catch y se regrese al error que senalo try { Alumno Al = new Alumno(); Al.Matricula = txtMatricula.Text; Al.Nombre = txtNombre.Text; Al.Semestre = Convert.ToInt32(txtSemestre.Text); Al.carrera = txtCarrera.Text; Al.Telefono = Convert.ToInt32(txtTelefono.Text); throw new ExepcionEspecial("alumno no se creo exitosamente"); } //atrapala excepcion del evento ex y la muestra al usuario con un mbox catch (FormatException ex) { MessageBox.Show("Error al registrar alumno" + ex.Message); } catch (ExepcionEspecial esp) { MessageBox.Show(Convert.ToString(esp)); } finally { Ep.Clear(); } }