Example #1
    public List <Connection> FindPathRealTimeAStar(EnvironmentGraph graph, Node start, Node end, Heuristic heuristic)
        // If the end node isn't in the graph
        // and therefore isn't able to be found
        // change the end position to the lowest
        // estimated cost node
        Node finalEndNode = new Node();

        // Find the end node in the graph
        finalEndNode = graph.FindClosestEstimatedNode(end, heuristic);

        // If in the graph run normal A* pathfinding
        return(FindPathAStar(graph, start, finalEndNode, heuristic));

        //TODO: change the finalEndNode to the closest estimated Cost node
        //TODO: real-time A* pathfinding
Example #2
    void Start()
        m_graph = new EnvironmentGraph(mesh, nodeMat2);

        m_CurrentNode = new GameObject();
        m_CurrentNode.transform.localScale *= 0.5f;
        m_CurrentNode.name = "CurrentNode";
        m_CurrentNode.AddComponent <MeshRenderer>();
        m_CurrentNode.AddComponent <MeshFilter>();
        m_CurrentNode.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh       = mesh;
        m_CurrentNode.GetComponent <MeshFilter>().mesh.name  = "Sphere";
        m_CurrentNode.GetComponent <MeshRenderer>().material = CurrNodeMat;


        m_searchRange = 2;
Example #3
    public List <Connection> FindPathAStar(EnvironmentGraph graph, Node start, Node end, Heuristic heuristic)

        // Initialise the start node
        NodeRecord startRecord = new NodeRecord();

        startRecord.Node               = start;
        startRecord.Connection         = null;
        startRecord.CostSoFar          = 0;
        startRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = heuristic.Estimate(start);

        // Add to start node to the open list

        // Iterate through all open list nodes
        while (m_OpenList.Count > 0)
            // Find the closest node and make it the current node
            if (m_OpenList.Count == 1)
                m_Current = m_OpenList[0];
                NodeRecord previousRecord = m_OpenList[0];
                foreach (NodeRecord record in m_OpenList)
                    if (record.EstimatedTotalCost <= previousRecord.EstimatedTotalCost)
                        m_Current = record;

            // If it is the goal node - terminate
            if (m_Current.Node.NodeId == end.NodeId)

            // Otherwise get the nodes around the current node
            List <Connection> connections = graph.GetSurroundingConnections(m_Current.Node);

            // Value to be used later on...
            float endNodeHeuristic = 0f;

            // Iterate through all the connections
            foreach (Connection connection in connections)
                Node  endNode     = connection.GetToNode();
                float endNodeCost = m_Current.CostSoFar + connection.GetCost();

                NodeRecord endNodeRecord = new NodeRecord();
                // If the node is in the closed list we may
                // have to skip or remove it
                if (m_ClosedList.Exists(nr => nr.Node.NodeId == endNode.NodeId))
                    //If the node is in the closed list
                    //get the node
                    endNodeRecord = m_ClosedList.Find(nr => nr.Node.NodeId == endNode.NodeId);

                    //If the route isn't shorter, skip the node
                    if (endNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= endNodeCost)

                    //Otherwise remove it from the closed list

                    //Calculate end node heuristic
                    //[Cost to get from the current node to this node]
                    endNodeHeuristic = endNodeRecord.Cost - endNodeRecord.CostSoFar;
                // Skip if the node is open and we've
                //found a better route
                else if (m_OpenList.Exists(nr => nr.Node.NodeId == endNode.NodeId))
                    //If the node is in the open list
                    //get the node
                    endNodeRecord = m_OpenList.Find(nr => nr.Node.NodeId == endNode.NodeId);

                    //If the route isn't better, then skip the node
                    if (endNodeRecord.CostSoFar <= endNodeCost)

                    //Calculate end node heuristic
                    //[Cost to get from the current node to this node]
                    endNodeHeuristic = endNodeRecord.Cost - endNodeRecord.CostSoFar;
                // Otherwise we know we've got an unvisited node
                    //So make a new node
                    endNodeRecord.Node = endNode;

                    //Calculate end node heuristic using
                    //the heuristic function
                    endNodeHeuristic = heuristic.Estimate(endNode);

                // Update the node
                // Update the cost, estimate and connection
                endNodeRecord.Cost               = endNodeCost;
                endNodeRecord.CostSoFar         += endNodeCost;
                endNodeRecord.Connection         = connection;
                endNodeRecord.EstimatedTotalCost = endNodeCost + endNodeHeuristic;

                if (!m_OpenList.Contains(endNodeRecord))

            // We are finished looking at connections
            // from the current node therefore we
            // remove it from the open list and add
            // it to the closed list

        // Either the goal has been found or
        // there are no more nodes to search
        if (m_Current.Node.NodeId != end.NodeId)
            // Ran out of nodes without finding
            // a solution, thus no solution
            Debug.Log("Ran out of nodes before finding a solution");
            // Compile a list of nodes to create the path
            List <Connection> path     = new List <Connection>();
            List <Connection> tempPath = new List <Connection> {

            //NodeRecord previousRecord = m_Current;

            // Work back along the path, accumilating the nodes
            while (m_Current.Node.NodeId != start.NodeId)
                if (m_Current.Node.NodeId == start.NodeId)
                    NodeRecord startRecordListItem = m_ClosedList.Find(r => r.Node.NodeId == start.NodeId);
                Node       fromNode = m_Current.Connection.GetFromNode();
                NodeRecord record   = m_ClosedList.Find(r => r.Node.NodeId == fromNode.NodeId);
                if (record.Connection != null)
                m_Current = record;

            // Reverse the path and return it
            for (int i = tempPath.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
//            Debug.Log("Found a solution: " + path.Count + " Node Connections");