///<summary> Adds the given Effect to cullList if inputList contains it. </summary>
 public void FlagForRemoval(EnvironOutput effect)
     if (inputList.Contains(effect))
        ///<summary> Finds all Effects in the inputList matching the given Output. If there are none, the Effect will be added to inputList, otherwise the matching Effects are refreshed. </summary>
        public void Add(EnvironOutput effect, EnvironObject targetEO, EnvironObject lastSourceEO)
            List <EnvironOutput> effectList = inputList.FindAll(e => e == effect);

            if (effectList.Count > 0)
                foreach (EnvironOutput eOut in effectList)

            EnvironOutput newEffect = UnityEngine.Object.Instantiate(effect);

            newEffect.Setup(targetEO, lastSourceEO);

            if (newEffect.appearanceI)
                if (inputList.Count == 0 || IsPriority(newEffect.appearanceI))      //If the given Effect has a valid material Appearance that takes priority
                    newEffect.appearanceI.SetRendererMaterial();                    //The material will be added to the Effect's set AppearanceI MeshRenderer.
 ///<summary> Adds the given Effect to cullList if inputList contains it and the given Boolean is true. </summary>
 public void ConditionalFlagForRemoval(bool value, EnvironOutput effect)
     if (value && inputList.Contains(effect))
        ///<summary> Determines the priority material AppearanceInfo in the inputList and applies it to the target MeshRenderer. </summary>
        private void SetMaterialAppearance(EnvironObject targetEO)
            if (inputList.Count > 0)
                EnvironOutput output = inputList.Find(eOut => eOut.appearanceI && eOut.appearanceI.canUseMaterial);

                if (output.appearanceI)                                         //Sets the meshRenderer material of targetEO to:
                    output.appearanceI.SetRendererMaterial();                   //apInfo material (from Effect in inputList)
                    targetEO.appearance.SetRendererMaterial();      //TargetEO's appearance material (reset)
