Example #1
        private static List <SMSStatus> SendSMS(EnumtestbdType smsType, List <SMSRequest> smsList, SystemInformation sysInfo)
            List <SMSStatus> smsResponses = new List <SMSStatus>();

            if (sysInfo.SMSServiceEnable == 0)

            StringBuilder SMS      = new StringBuilder();
            string        result   = string.Empty;
            string        MobileNo = string.Empty;
            string        BASE_URL = string.Empty;

            int Counter = 0, Length = 0;;

            HttpResponseMessage response;

                switch (smsType)
                    #region One To One username and password
                case EnumtestbdType.OneToOne:
                    #region URL
                    //&smsText=Your Text&username=username&password=password&maskName=&campaignName=
                    var SMSInfo = smsList.FirstOrDefault();

                    if (SMSInfo != null)
                        MobileNo = SMSInfo.MobileNo;
                        //SMS.Append(sysInfo.Name + Environment.NewLine);
                        if (SMSInfo.SMSType == EnumSMSType.CashCollection)
                            SMS.Append("Date: " + Global.DateddMMMYYYY(SMSInfo.Date) + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("A/C No: " + SMSInfo.CustomerCode + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Pre. Due: " + SMSInfo.PreviousDue + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Receive Amt: " + SMSInfo.ReceiveAmount + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Present Due: " + SMSInfo.PresentDue + Environment.NewLine);
                        else if (SMSInfo.SMSType == EnumSMSType.SalesTime)
                            string ProductName = string.Join(",", SMSInfo.ProductNameList);
                            SMS.Append("Dear Sir," + Environment.NewLine + "you are welcome to buy a Honda Motorcycle," + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Date: " + Global.DateddMMMYYYY(SMSInfo.Date) + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("A/C No: " + SMSInfo.CustomerCode + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Model: " + ProductName + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Price: " + SMSInfo.SalesAmount + Environment.NewLine);
                            //SMS.Append("Pre. Due: " + SMSInfo.PreviousDue + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Today Payment: " + SMSInfo.ReceiveAmount + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Present Due: " + SMSInfo.PresentDue + Environment.NewLine);
                            //SMS.Append("Paid Date: " + SMSInfo.PresentDue + Environment.NewLine);
                        else if (SMSInfo.SMSType == EnumSMSType.InstallmentCollection)
                            SMS.Append("Date: " + Global.DateddMMMYYYY(SMSInfo.Date) + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("A/C No: " + SMSInfo.CustomerCode + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Installment: " + SMSInfo.ReceiveAmount + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Cash to Date: " + SMSInfo.TotalReceiveAmount + Environment.NewLine);
                            SMS.Append("Remaining: " + SMSInfo.PresentDue + Environment.NewLine);
                        else if (SMSInfo.SMSType == EnumSMSType.Registration)
                            MobileNo = sysInfo.InsuranceContactNo;
                            SMS.Append(SMSInfo.CustomerName + ", S/O ");
                            SMS.Append(SMSInfo.CustomerFatherName + ", ");
                            SMS.Append(SMSInfo.CustomerAddress + "." + Environment.NewLine);
                            string EngineNo = string.Empty;
                            string ChasisNo = string.Empty;
                            foreach (var item in SMSInfo.ProductDetailList)
                                EngineNo = item.EngineNo.Length >= 7 ? item.EngineNo.Substring(item.EngineNo.Length - 7) : item.EngineNo;    //Take Last 7 Digits
                                ChasisNo = item.ChasisNo.Length >= 6 ? item.ChasisNo.Substring(item.ChasisNo.Length - 6) : item.ChasisNo;    //Take Last 6 Digits
                                SMS.Append(item.ProductName + ", " + item.ColorName + ", EN-" + EngineNo + ", CH-" + ChasisNo + Environment.NewLine);
                        SMS.Append("Thank you." + Environment.NewLine + sysInfo.Name);

                    BASE_URL = new Uri(Global.TESTBD_BASE_URL + "op=" + smsType + "&type=TEXT").ToString();

                    response = new HttpClient().GetAsync(BASE_URL + "&mobile=" + MobileNo + "&smsText=" + SMS + "&username="******"&password="******"&maskName=&campaignName=").Result;
                    result   = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    //var obj = JObject.Parse(result);
                    #region response
                    //Success response: 1900||01762125041||100782732/

                    if (result != null)
                        var smsResponse = new SMSStatus();
                        smsResponse.Code         = result.Substring(0, result.IndexOf("||"));
                        smsResponse.SMSFormateID = (int)SMSInfo.SMSType;
                        smsResponse.NoOfSMS      = SMSCounter(SMS.ToString());
                        smsResponse.ResponseMsg  = result;
                        smsResponse.SMS          = SMS.ToString();
                        smsResponse.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                        smsResponse.EntryDate    = DateTime.Today;
                        smsResponse.CreatedBy    = Global.CurrentUser.UserID;
                        smsResponse.CustomerID   = SMSInfo.CustomerID;
                        smsResponse.ContactNo    = MobileNo;
                        if (smsResponse.Code.Equals("1900"))
                            smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Success;
                            smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Fail;

                    #region One to Many API
                case EnumtestbdType.NumberSms:     //One to Many API
                    #region URL
                    // https://api2.testbd.com/HttpSendSms.ashx?op=NumberSms&apiKey=ApiKey&type=TEXT
                    //&mobile=01738474602, 01738474602&smsText=YourText&maskName=&campaignName=
                    if (smsList.Count() == 0)

                    foreach (var item in smsList)
                        if (smsList.Count != Counter)
                            MobileNo = MobileNo + item.MobileNo + ",";
                            MobileNo = MobileNo + item.MobileNo;
                    SMSInfo = smsList.FirstOrDefault();
                    SMS.Append("Thank you." + Environment.NewLine + sysInfo.Name);

                    BASE_URL = new Uri(Global.TESTBD_BASE_URL + "op=" + smsType + "&apiKey=" + Global.TESTBD_APIKEY + "&type=TEXT").ToString();

                    response = new HttpClient().PostAsync(BASE_URL + "&mobile=" + MobileNo + "&smsText=" + SMS + "&maskName=&campaignName=", null).Result;
                    result   = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    //var obj = JObject.Parse(result);
                    //Response: 1900||01714||39.../1900||017...||39.../
                    if (result != null)
                        string[] IndividulsResponse = result.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int i = 0; i < IndividulsResponse.Length; i++)
                            var smsResponse = new SMSStatus();

                            smsResponse.Code = IndividulsResponse[i].Substring(0, IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||"));
                            Length           = (IndividulsResponse[i].LastIndexOf("||") - IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||")) - 2;
                            MobileNo         = IndividulsResponse[i].Substring(IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||") + 2, Length);
                            SMSInfo          = smsList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MobileNo.Contains(MobileNo.Trim()));

                            smsResponse.SMSFormateID = (int)SMSInfo.SMSType;
                            smsResponse.NoOfSMS      = SMSCounter(SMS.ToString());
                            smsResponse.ResponseMsg  = IndividulsResponse[i];
                            smsResponse.SMS          = SMS.ToString();
                            smsResponse.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                            smsResponse.EntryDate    = DateTime.Today;
                            smsResponse.CreatedBy    = Global.CurrentUser.UserID;
                            smsResponse.CustomerID   = SMSInfo.CustomerID;
                            smsResponse.ContactNo    = MobileNo;
                            if (smsResponse.Code.Equals("1900"))
                                smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Success;
                                smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Fail;

                    #region Many to Many API
                case EnumtestbdType.ListSms:     //Many to Many API
                    #region URL
                    //&smsListJson=[{"MobileNumber":"01738474602","SmsText":"Individual List SMS is ok","Type":"TEXT"},{"MobileNumber":"0180000000","SmsText":"Individual List SMS2 is ok","Type":"TEXT"}]&maskName=&campaignName=

                    if (smsList.Count == 0)

                    var jsonList = from sms in smsList
                                   select new
                        MobileNumber = sms.MobileNo,
                        SmsText      = "Dear Mr./Mrs. " + sms.CustomerName + "," + Environment.NewLine + "your due payment Date is " + Global.DateddMMMYYYY(sms.Date) + " and due amout is " + sms.PresentDue + ". Thank you." + Environment.NewLine + sysInfo.Name,
                        Type         = "TEXT"

                    using (var output = new StringWriter())
                        JSON.SerializeDynamic(jsonList, output);

                    BASE_URL = new Uri(Global.TESTBD_BASE_URL + "op=" + smsType + "&apiKey=" + Global.TESTBD_APIKEY + "&type=TEXT").ToString();

                    response = new HttpClient().PostAsync(BASE_URL + "&smsListJson=" + SMS + "&maskName=&campaignName=", null).Result;
                    result   = response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync().Result;
                    Length   = 0;
                    if (result != null)
                        string[] IndividulsResponse = result.Split(new char[] { '/' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
                        for (int i = 0; i < IndividulsResponse.Length; i++)
                            var smsResponse = new SMSStatus();

                            smsResponse.Code = IndividulsResponse[i].Substring(0, IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||"));

                            Length   = (IndividulsResponse[i].LastIndexOf("||") - IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||")) - 2;
                            MobileNo = IndividulsResponse[i].Substring(IndividulsResponse[i].IndexOf("||") + 2, Length);

                            SMSInfo                  = smsList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MobileNo.Contains(MobileNo.Trim()));
                            smsResponse.SMS          = jsonList.FirstOrDefault(c => c.MobileNumber.Contains(MobileNo.Trim())).SmsText;
                            smsResponse.SMSFormateID = (int)SMSInfo.SMSType;
                            smsResponse.NoOfSMS      = SMSCounter(smsResponse.SMS);
                            smsResponse.ResponseMsg  = IndividulsResponse[i];
                            smsResponse.CreatedDate  = DateTime.Now;
                            smsResponse.EntryDate    = DateTime.Today;
                            smsResponse.CreatedBy    = Global.CurrentUser.UserID;
                            smsResponse.CustomerID   = SMSInfo.CustomerID;
                            smsResponse.ContactNo    = MobileNo;
                            if (smsResponse.Code.Equals("1900"))
                                smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Success;
                                smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Fail;

            catch (Exception ex)
                var smsResponse = new SMSStatus();
                smsResponse.Code          = "0000";
                smsResponse.ResponseMsg   = ex.Message;
                smsResponse.SMSFormateID  = (int)EnumSMSType.Error;
                smsResponse.NoOfSMS       = 0;
                smsResponse.SMS           = SMS.ToString();
                smsResponse.CreatedDate   = DateTime.Now;
                smsResponse.EntryDate     = DateTime.Today;
                smsResponse.CreatedBy     = Global.CurrentUser.UserID;
                smsResponse.ContactNo     = MobileNo;
                smsResponse.CustomerID    = 0;
                smsResponse.SendingStatus = (int)EnumSMSSendStatus.Fail;

Example #2
 public static async Task <List <SMSStatus> > SendSMSAsync(EnumtestbdType smsType, List <SMSRequest> smsList, SystemInformation sysInfo)
     return(await Task.Run(() => SendSMS(smsType, smsList, sysInfo)));