public static bool GetItemTypeNeedsRefining(Enums.enum_item Item_type) { UnityFunctions.PopulateItemResorces(); Recipe item = (Recipe)UnityFunctions.resource_data[Item_type.ToString()]; return(item.need_refining); }
public static Recipe GetItemTypeItem(Enums.enum_item Item_type) { UnityFunctions.PopulateItemResorces(); Recipe item = (Recipe)UnityFunctions.resource_data[Item_type.ToString()]; return(item); }
public static string GetItemTypeResorceLocation(Enums.enum_item Item_type) { UnityFunctions.PopulateItemResorces(); Recipe item = (Recipe)UnityFunctions.resource_data[Item_type.ToString()]; return(item.prefab_path); }
public void remove_material(Enums.enum_item material) { if (Inventory_Item_Count(material) >= 1) { var r = (from InventoryManager.Item n in inventory where n.item_type == material select n).Take(1).ToList(); foreach (InventoryManager.Item i in r) { inventory.Remove(i); } r = null; } }
public static string GetItemTypeDescription(Enums.enum_item Item_type) { UnityFunctions.PopulateItemResorces(); if (UnityFunctions.resource_data.Contains(Item_type.ToString())) { Recipe item = (Recipe)UnityFunctions.resource_data[Item_type.ToString()]; return(item.description); } else { return(""); } }
public bool IsAvalible(Enums.enum_item item) { //*************************************** //Check to see if can be used on a module //*************************************** foreach (Enums.enum_item e in avalible_for) { if (e == item) { return(true); } } return(false); }
public static bool ModuleInstalled(Enums.enum_item item) { ItemResorce[] items = UnityFunctions.modules.GetComponentsInChildren <ItemResorce>(); var r = (from ItemResorce n in items where n.Item_type == item select n).Count(); if (r > 0) { return(true); } else { return(false); } }
private IEnumerator ProcessBin() { processing = true; do { if (this.is_online && { Recipe item = processing_bin[0]; bool validated = true; foreach (Recipe.Ingreadient i in item.ingredients) { int in_stock = storage.Inventory_Item_Count(i.item_type); if (in_stock < i.qty) { validated = false; break; } } if (validated == true) { process_time = item.make_time; current_item = item.item_type; est_finish_time = new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now.AddSeconds(process_time)); yield return(new WaitForSeconds(process_time)); Recipe id = UnityFunctions.GetItemTypeItem(item.item_type); if (storage != null) { if (id.resorce_type == Enums.enum_resorce_type.material) { //First check we have all the items //************************************ //We need to remove x items from stock //************************************ foreach (Recipe.Ingreadient i in item.ingredients) { storage.remove_x_material(i.item_type, i.qty); } storage.Store_Material(item.item_type); } } } processing_bin.RemoveAt(0); } } while (processing_bin.Count > 0); processing = false; StopUsage(); }
private IEnumerator ProcessBin() { processing = true; do { yield return(new WaitForSeconds(processing_time)); if (this.is_online && { Enums.enum_item item = processing_bin[0]; UnityFunctions.ship_manager.Store_Material(item); processing_bin.RemoveAt(0); } } while (processing_bin.Count > 0); processing = false; StopUsage(); }
public void ReadData(GameObject module) { ModuleSystemInfo sys = module.GetComponent <ModuleSystemInfo>(); ItemResorce ir = module.GetComponent <ItemResorce>(); //Save the upgrades foreach (Upgrade_Settings u in sys.upgrades) { upgrades.Add(u.Full_name); } module_name = ir.Item_Data.recipe_name; //id =; item_type = ir.Item_Data.item_type; mount_point = sys.mount_point; health = sys.current_health; order_layer = sys.order_layer; is_in_storage = sys.is_in_storage; enabled =; is_internal_module = sys.is_internal_module; }
private void OnValidate() { //*********************************** //this deals with just setting values //Annd configuring the control //*********************************** if (recipe != null) { Setup(); item_type = recipe.item_type; img.sprite = recipe.sprite; txt.enabled = true; if (recipe != null && read_type == Enums.enum_read_type.replicator_make) { is_Blueprint = recipe.blueprint; txt.enabled = !is_Blueprint; } if (but != null) { but.targetGraphic = img; } } }
public int processbin_Item_Count(Enums.enum_item material) { var res = (from n in processing_bin where n.item_type == material select n).Count(); return(res); }
public void SetItem(GameObject item) { Debug.Log("Adding item"); //WriteLine(item); ItemResorce ir = item.GetComponent <ItemResorce>(); sr = GetComponent <Image>(); this.item_type = ir.Item_type; ModuleSystemInfo module_sys = item.GetComponent <ModuleSystemInfo>(); this.mount_type_util_side = module_sys.mount_type_util_side; this.mount_type_util_top = module_sys.mount_type_util_top; this.mount_type_internal = module_sys.is_internal_module; this.mount_type_thruster = module_sys.mount_type_thruster; this.mount_type_engine = module_sys.mount_type_engine; this.is_command_module = module_sys.is_command_module; this.item = item; //SpriteRenderer isr = item.GetComponent<SpriteRenderer>(); sr.sprite = module_sys.settings.Sprite; //module_sys.settings.ico //************* //Set the image //************* /* switch (this.item_type) { * case Enums.enum_item.module_command_module_type1: * sr.sprite = single_blaster; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_single_blaster: * sr.sprite = single_blaster; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_double_blaster: * sr.sprite = double_blaster; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_mining_laser: * sr.sprite = mining_laser; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_main_engine: * sr.sprite = main_engine; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_thruster: * sr.sprite = thruster; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_refiner: * sr.sprite = refiner; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_tracktor_beam: * sr.sprite = tracktor_beam; * break; * * case Enums.enum_item.module_power_reactor: * sr.sprite = power; * break; * * default: * sr.sprite = unknown; * break; * }*/ }
public Ingreadient(Enums.enum_item item_type, int qty) { this.item_type = item_type; this.qty = qty; }
public Item(Enums.enum_item item_type, GameObject item) { this.item_type = item_type; this.item = item; }
//Enum of the item type //Ref to the item #region Public Constructors public Item(Enums.enum_item item_type) { this.item_type = item_type; this.item = null; }
public void Store_Blueprint(Enums.enum_item blue_print) { blueprints.Add(new InventoryManager.Item(blue_print)); }
public void Store_Material(Enums.enum_item material) { inventory.Add(new InventoryManager.Item(material)); }
void Reader.UpdateDisplayData() { if (storage != null && txt != null) { //************** //Set the colour //************** if (is_Blueprint && read_type == Enums.enum_read_type.replicator_make) { ColorBlock cb = but.colors; if (storage.Blueprint_Item_Count(recipe.required_blueprint) > 0) { cb.disabledColor =; but.interactable = HasIngredients(); } else { but.interactable = false; cb.disabledColor =; } but.colors = cb; } if (read_type == Enums.enum_read_type.replicator_que) { //********************************** //Counts items in the replicator que //********************************** if (replicator != null) { txt.text = replicator.processbin_Item_Count(item_type).ToString(); } } else if (read_type == Enums.enum_read_type.replicator_time) { //************************ //Show the replicator time //************************ if (replicator != null) { if (replicator_time <= 0) { if (replicator.processing) { replicator_current_item = replicator.current_item; replicator_time = replicator.est_finish_time.Subtract(new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now)).Seconds; txt.text = "Making " + replicator_current_item.ToString() + " Completion time " + replicator_time; } else { txt.text = ""; } } else { if (replicator.processing) { replicator_time = replicator.est_finish_time.Subtract(new DateTimeOffset(DateTime.Now)).Seconds; } else { replicator_time = 0; txt.text = ""; } if (replicator_time < 0) { replicator_time = 0; txt.text = ""; } else { txt.text = "Making " + replicator_current_item.ToString() + " Completion time " + replicator_time; } } } } else { //************* //Show the time //************* txt.text = storage.Inventory_Item_Count(item_type).ToString(); } } }
public int Inventory_Item_Count(Enums.enum_item material) { var res = (from n in inventory where n.item_type == material select n).Count(); return(res); }
/* public ModuleSystemInfo[] GetStoredItems() { * Stored_Modules_game_object = GameObject.Find("Stored_Modules"); * return Stored_Modules_game_object.GetComponentsInChildren<ModuleSystemInfo>(); * }*/ /*public Upgrade_Settings[] GetStoredUpgrades() { * Stored_Upgrades_game_object = GameObject.Find("Stored_Upgrades"); * return Stored_Upgrades_game_object.GetComponentsInChildren<Upgrade_Settings>(); * }*/ public int Blueprint_Item_Count(Enums.enum_item material) { var res = (from n in blueprints where n.item_type == material select n).Count(); return(res); }
public static Enums.enum_item GetItemType(Enums.enum_item Item_type) { Recipe item = (Recipe)UnityFunctions.resource_data[Item_type.ToString()]; return(item.item_type); }