internal static IEnumerable <RuleFeedbackBase> CheckProblemInput(MgaFCO child) { var result = new List <RuleFeedbackBase>(); var incomingConnections = Enumerable.Cast <IMgaConnPoint>(child.PartOfConns).Where(cp => cp.ConnRole == "dst").Select(cp => cp.Owner) .Cast <IMgaSimpleConnection>(); if (incomingConnections.Where(conn => conn.ParentModel.ID == child.ParentModel.ID).Count() > 1) { var feedback = new GenericRuleFeedback() { FeedbackType = FeedbackTypes.Error, Message = string.Format("ProblemInput may have only one incoming connection at the same level of hierarchy") }; feedback.InvolvedObjectsByRole.Add((IMgaFCO)child); result.Add(feedback); } if (incomingConnections.Where(conn => conn.ParentModel.ID != child.ParentModel.ID).Count() > 1) { var feedback = new GenericRuleFeedback() { FeedbackType = FeedbackTypes.Error, Message = string.Format("ProblemInput may have only one incoming connection from the parent ParametricExploration") }; feedback.InvolvedObjectsByRole.Add((IMgaFCO)child); result.Add(feedback); } if (incomingConnections.Where(conn => conn.ParentModel.ID == child.ParentModel.ID).Count() == 1 && incomingConnections.Where(conn => conn.ParentModel.ID == child.ParentModel.ID).First().Src.Meta.Name != typeof(CyPhy.DesignVariable).Name && incomingConnections.Where(conn => conn.ParentModel.ID != child.ParentModel.ID).Count() == 1) { var feedback = new GenericRuleFeedback() { FeedbackType = FeedbackTypes.Error, Message = string.Format("ProblemInput must be connected to a Design Variable") // TODO: if it is connected one hierarchy level up }; feedback.InvolvedObjectsByRole.Add((IMgaFCO)child); result.Add(feedback); } if (isValidParamOrOutputName(child.Name) == false) { var feedback = new GenericRuleFeedback() { FeedbackType = FeedbackTypes.Error, Message = string.Format("Problem Input ({0}) has an invalid name. " + NAME_EXPLANATION, (object)child.Name) }; feedback.InvolvedObjectsByRole.Add(child); result.Add(feedback); } return(result); }
protected virtual void SaveBlocks(T entity, FormCollection collection) { var vm = (dynamic)entity; var listToRemove = Enumerable.Cast <IBlockEntity>((IEnumerable)vm.Blocks).ToList(); //var engine = DependencyResolver.Current.GetService<MixberryTemplateEngine>(); foreach (var key in collection.AllKeys.Where(x => x.StartsWith("BlockId")).ToList()) { var idValue = collection[key]; var sortValue = collection["BlockSort" + idValue]; var imageIdValue = collection["BlockImagesId" + idValue]; var id = int.Parse(idValue); var sort = int.Parse(sortValue); var name = collection["BlockName" + idValue]; var alias = collection["BlockAlias" + idValue]; var content = collection["BlockContent" + idValue]; var item = listToRemove.FirstOrDefault(x => x.Id == id); if (item != null) { item.Sort = sort; item.Name = name; item.Alias = alias; if (item.Alias.IsNullOrEmpty()) { item.Alias = item.Name.Transliterate(); } item.Content = content; if (!imageIdValue.IsNullOrEmpty()) { var imageId = int.Parse(imageIdValue); if (imageId != 0) { item.Images.Clear(); item.Images.Add(Repository.DataContext.Set <WebFile>().Find(imageId)); } } listToRemove.Remove(item); } collection.Remove(key); collection.Remove("BlockSort" + idValue); collection.Remove("BlockImageId" + idValue); collection.Remove("BlockName" + idValue); collection.Remove("BlockAlias" + idValue); collection.Remove("BlockContent" + idValue); } listToRemove.ForEach(x => { RemoveBlock(entity, x); }); }
internal static T GetControl <T>(Control c) where T : Control { if (c == null) { return(default(T)); } if (c is T) { return((T)c); } return(Enumerable.FirstOrDefault <T>(Enumerable.Select <Control, T>(Enumerable.Cast <Control>((IEnumerable)c.Controls), (Func <Control, T>)(child => Interop.GetControl <T>(child))), (Func <T, bool>)(ret => (object)ret != null))); }
public void Array_System() { var _ = Enumerable.Cast <object>(this.array); if (EnumerateAfterwards) { foreach (var __ in _) { ; } } }
/// <summary> /// Set EndTime to start of the next file of the same type where it has not yet been set explicitly. /// </summary> /// <param name="objectSequence"> /// Must be sorted chronologically /// </param> public static void InferEndTimeWhereNotDefinedExplicitly(List <BackupFileInfo> objectSequence) { var supportedBackupTypes = Enumerable.Cast <SupportedBackupType>( Enum.GetValues(typeof(SupportedBackupType))) .Where(t => t != SupportedBackupType.None); foreach (var tp in supportedBackupTypes) { var filesOfTheSameType = objectSequence.Where(o => o.BackupType == tp).ToList(); BackupFileCatalog.InferEndTimeWhereNotDefinedExplicitly(filesOfTheSameType); } }
public void Collection_System() { var _ = Enumerable.Cast <object>(this.collection); if (EnumerateAfterwards) { foreach (var __ in _) { ; } } }
public object[] ExecuteQuery(System.Xml.Linq.XElement xml) { Expression e = this.serializer.Deserialize(xml); MethodCallExpression m = (MethodCallExpression)e; LambdaExpression lambda = Expression.Lambda(m); Delegate fn = lambda.Compile(); dynamic result = fn.DynamicInvoke(new object[0]); //dynamic array = Enumerable.ToArray(result); var array = Enumerable.ToArray(Enumerable.Cast <NorthwindObject>(result)); return(array); }
static FyleDb() { ParameterExpression expression; ParameterExpression expression2; ParameterExpression expression3; ParameterExpression expression4; FunkFsoInt = new Func <KV <int, KV <int, string> >, int>(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_0); FunkFsoIntMax = new Func <IEnumerable <KV <int, KV <int, string> > >, int>(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_1); FunkStrKV = null; FunkFsoKV = new Func <FileSystemInfo, int, int, KV <int, KV <int, string> > >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_2); FunkFsoInts = new Func <IEnumerable <KV <int, KV <int, string> > >, IEnumerable <int> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_3); FunkFsoKVs = new Func <IEnumerable <FileSystemInfo>, int, IEnumerable <KV <int, KV <int, string> > > >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_4); StrFuncSplitRmvEmpty = new Func <string, Func <string, string[]> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_6); Expression[] arguments = new Expression[2]; arguments[0] = expression2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string[]), "strAry"); Expression[] expressionArray2 = new Expression[] { expression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "s") }; Expression[] expressionArray3 = new Expression[1]; Expression[] expressionArray4 = new Expression[] { expression4 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "x") }; expressionArray3[0] = Expression.Call(expression3, (MethodInfo)methodof(Func <string, string> .Invoke, Func <string, string>), expressionArray4); ParameterExpression[] parameters = new ParameterExpression[] { expression4 }; arguments[1] = Expression.Lambda <Func <string, bool> >(Expression.Call(Expression.Call(expression3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Func <string, string>), "F"), (MethodInfo)methodof(Func <string, string> .Invoke, Func <string, string>), expressionArray2), (MethodInfo)methodof(string.Contains), expressionArray3), parameters); ParameterExpression[] expressionArray6 = new ParameterExpression[] { expression, expression2, expression3 }; ExprStrAryStrAll = Expression.Lambda <Func <string, string[], Func <string, string>, bool> >(Expression.Call(null, (MethodInfo)methodof(Enumerable.All), arguments), expressionArray6); Expression[] expressionArray7 = new Expression[2]; Expression[] expressionArray8 = new Expression[] { expression4 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FileSystemInfo), "fso") }; expressionArray7[0] = Expression.Invoke(expression3 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Func <FileSystemInfo, string>), "f2s"), expressionArray8); expressionArray7[1] = expression = Expression.Parameter(typeof(string), "s"); ParameterExpression[] expressionArray9 = new ParameterExpression[] { expression4 }; ParameterExpression[] expressionArray10 = new ParameterExpression[] { expression }; ParameterExpression[] expressionArray11 = new ParameterExpression[] { expression3, expression2 }; esff = Expression.Lambda <Func <Func <FileSystemInfo, string>, Func <string, string, bool>, Expression <Func <string, Expression <Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> > > > > >(Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda <Func <string, Expression <Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> > > >(Expression.Quote(Expression.Lambda <Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(Expression.Invoke(expression2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(Func <string, string, bool>), "ss2b"), expressionArray7), expressionArray9)), expressionArray10)), expressionArray11); ef = esff.Compile().Invoke(new Func <FileSystemInfo, string>(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_8), new Func <string, string, bool>(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_9)); tests010ff = new Func <Expression <Func <FileSystemInfo, string> >, Expression <Func <string, string, bool> >, string, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_10); Expression[] expressionArray12 = new Expression[] { Expression.Property(expression2 = Expression.Parameter(typeof(FileSystemInfo), "x"), (MethodInfo)methodof(FileSystemInfo.get_FullName)) }; ParameterExpression[] expressionArray13 = new ParameterExpression[] { expression2 }; XprsnFileNm = Expression.Lambda <Func <FileSystemInfo, string> >(Expression.Call(null, (MethodInfo)methodof(Path.GetFileName), expressionArray12), expressionArray13); FuncFileNm = XprsnFileNm; tests010f = new Func <string, Expression <Func <string, string, bool> >, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_11); tests101 = new Func <string, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_12); tests102 = new Func <string, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_13); tests103 = new Func <string, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_14); tests104 = new Func <string, Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> >(< > c.< > 9, this.<.cctor > b__53_15); tests01Ary = new Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[] { tests101.Invoke("index"), tests102.Invoke("-"), tests103.Invoke("ml"), tests104.Invoke(@"(ht|f)tps?:\/\/") }; Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[] funcArray2 = new Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> [4]; funcArray2[0] = ef.Compile().Invoke("index").Compile(); funcArray2[1] = ef.Compile().Invoke("publishers").Compile(); Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[][] source = new Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[][] { tests01Ary }; funcArray2[2] = IsTypAndAll <FileSystemInfo>(typeof(DirectoryInfo), Enumerable.Cast <Expression <Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> > >(source)).Compile(); Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[][] funcArrayArray2 = new Func <FileSystemInfo, bool>[][] { tests01Ary }; funcArray2[3] = IsTypAndAll <FileSystemInfo>(typeof(FileInfo), Enumerable.Cast <Expression <Func <FileSystemInfo, bool> > >(funcArrayArray2)).Compile(); tests105 = funcArray2; }
private List <DatabaseFile> ReadDatabaseFileList(Restore restore) { return(Enumerable.Cast <DataRow>(restore.ReadFileList(Server).Rows).Select( r => new DatabaseFile() { LogicalName = (string)r["LogicalName"], PhysicalName = (string)r["PhysicalName"], IsLog = "L".Equals((string)r["Type"]), Size = Convert.ToInt64(r["Size"]), UniqueId = (Guid)r["UniqueId"] }).ToList()); }
private void TryChangeWorkingProject() { IProject project = this.designerContext.ActiveProject; if (project == this.workingProject) { return; } this.workingProject = project; this.UpdateProviders(project); EnumerableExtensions.ForEach <UserThemeAssetProvider>(Enumerable.Cast <UserThemeAssetProvider>((IEnumerable)this.AssetProviders), (Action <UserThemeAssetProvider>)(provider => provider.OnProjectChanged(project))); }
public static IEnumerable <TResult> Cast <TResult>(this IEnumerable list) { #if UNITY_IOS || UNITY_ANDROID foreach (var e in list) { TResult c = (TResult)e; yield return(c); } #else return(Enumerable.Cast <TResult>(list)); #endif }
private static void GetChildPrivateFields(IList <MemberInfo> initialFields, Type targetType, BindingFlags bindingAttr) { if ((bindingAttr & 32) != null) { BindingFlags bindingFlags = bindingAttr.RemoveFlag(16); while ((targetType = targetType.get_BaseType()) != null) { IEnumerable <MemberInfo> collection = Enumerable.Cast <MemberInfo>(Enumerable.Where <FieldInfo>(targetType.GetFields(bindingFlags), (FieldInfo f) => f.get_IsPrivate())); initialFields.AddRange(collection); } } }
public void List_System() { var _ = Enumerable.Cast <object>(this.list); if (EnumerateAfterwards) { foreach (var __ in _) { ; } } }
private IEnumerable GetTextAlignments(SceneNodeProperty sceneNodeProperty) { SceneNodeObjectSet sceneNodeObjectSet = sceneNodeProperty.SceneNodeObjectSet; bool flag = sceneNodeObjectSet.ProjectContext.IsCapabilitySet(PlatformCapability.SupportsJustifyAlignmentEverywhere) || sceneNodeObjectSet.ObjectTypeId == null || PlatformTypes.RichTextBox.IsAssignableFrom((ITypeId)sceneNodeObjectSet.ObjectTypeId) || sceneNodeObjectSet.IsTextRange && this.IsRichTextBoxRange(sceneNodeObjectSet); IEnumerable source = (IEnumerable)sceneNodeProperty.StandardValues; if (!flag) { source = (IEnumerable)Enumerable.Where <object>(Enumerable.Cast <object>(source), (Func <object, bool>)(standardValue => !standardValue.ToString().Equals("Justify", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase))); } return(source); }
/// <summary> /// Resolves all requested service instances. /// </summary> /// <param name="serviceType">Type of instance requested.</param> /// <returns>Sequence of service instance objects.</returns> /// <exception cref="T:System.ArgumentNullException"> /// Thrown if <paramref name="serviceType" /> is <see langword="null" />. /// </exception> protected override IEnumerable <object> DoGetAllInstances(Type serviceType) { if (serviceType == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("serviceType"); } Type type = typeof(IEnumerable).MakeGenericType(new Type[] { serviceType }); return(Enumerable.Cast <object>((IEnumerable)ResolutionExtensions.Resolve(this._container, type))); }
internal static IEnumerable <string> GetColumnNames(IDataReader data) { var columns = new List <string>(); var sheetSchema = data.GetSchemaTable(); if (sheetSchema == null) { return(columns); } columns.AddRange(from DataRow row in Enumerable.Cast <DataRow>(sheetSchema.Rows) select row["ColumnName"].ToString()); return(columns); }
public override void Dispose() { base.Dispose(); Utility.ForEach <Entry>(Enumerable.Cast <Entry>(this.newEntries), delegate(Entry x) { x.Close(); }); Utility.ForEach <Entry>(Enumerable.Cast <Entry>(this.removedEntries), delegate(Entry x) { x.Close(); }); Utility.ForEach <Entry>(Enumerable.Cast <Entry>(this.modifiedEntries), delegate(Entry x) { x.Close(); }); }
public virtual void Dispose() { if (!this.disposed) { Utility.ForEach <TVolume>(this.lazyVolumes, delegate(TVolume v) { v.Dispose(); }); Utility.ForEach <Entry>(Enumerable.Cast <Entry>(this.lazyEntries.GetLoaded()), delegate(Entry x) { x.Close(); }); this.disposed = true; } }
public static DataTable ToDataTable2(this IEnumerable <Dictionary <string, object> > parents) { var table = new DataTable(); foreach (var parent in parents) { var children = parent.Values .OfType <IEnumerable <IDictionary <string, object> > >() .ToArray(); var length = children.Any() ? children.Length : 1; var parentEntries = parent.Where(x => x.Value is string) .Repeat(length) .ToLookup(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); var childEntries = children.SelectMany(x => x.First()) .ToLookup(x => x.Key, x => x.Value); var allEntries = parentEntries.Concat(childEntries) .ToDictionary(x => x.Key, x => x.ToArray()); var headers = Enumerable.Cast <DataColumn>(allEntries.Select(x => x.Key).Except(Enumerable.Cast <string>(table.Columns))).Select(x => x.ColumnName) .Select(x => new DataColumn(x)) .ToArray(); table.Columns.AddRange(headers); var addedRows = new int[length]; for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { addedRows[i] = table.Rows.IndexOf(table.Rows.Add()); } foreach (DataColumn col in table.Columns) { object[] columnRows; if (!allEntries.TryGetValue(col.ColumnName, out columnRows)) { continue; } for (int i = 0; i < addedRows.Length; i++) { table.Rows[addedRows[i]][col] = columnRows[i]; } } } return(table); }
private static void GetChildPrivateFields(IList <MemberInfo> initialFields, Type targetType, BindingFlags bindingAttr) { if ((bindingAttr & BindingFlags.NonPublic) == BindingFlags.Default) { return; } BindingFlags bindingAttr1 = ReflectionUtils.RemoveFlag(bindingAttr, BindingFlags.Public); while ((targetType = TypeExtensions.BaseType(targetType)) != null) { IEnumerable <MemberInfo> collection = Enumerable.Cast <MemberInfo>((IEnumerable)Enumerable.Where <FieldInfo>((IEnumerable <FieldInfo>)targetType.GetFields(bindingAttr1), (Func <FieldInfo, bool>)(f => f.IsPrivate))); CollectionUtils.AddRange <MemberInfo>(initialFields, collection); } }
private object TraverseMember(object target, MemberTraversal member, bool isLastPathSegment) { if (target == null) { return(null); } object result = null; // Is Target a Collection? // Extract first item target.TryAs <IEnumerable>(collection => { var list = Enumerable.Cast <object>(collection); var newTarget = list.FirstOrDefault(); result = TraverseMember(newTarget, member, isLastPathSegment); }); if (result == null) { // Target is a single object if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(member.MemberName)) { // Self result = target; } else { // Get Related Member result = ReflectionHelper.GetMemberValue(target, member.MemberName); } // Is it a Collection? result.TryAs <IEnumerable>(collection => { // If not last path segment // or supposed to extract item bool shouldExtractItem = !isLastPathSegment || member is ExtractFromCollectionTraversal; if (shouldExtractItem) { result = ExtractItemFromCollection(collection.Cast <object>().ToList(), member); } }); } return(result); }
public void MatrixNxNConstructorFromMatrix() { var values = new int[, ] { { 1, 2 }, { 3, 4 } }; var matrix1 = new MatrixNxN <int>(values); Assert.AreEqual(matrix1.Zip(Enumerable.Cast <int>(matrix1), (a, b) => a == b).Count(a => !a), 0); var matrix2 = new MatrixNxN <int>(matrix1); Assert.IsTrue(matrix2.Equals(matrix1)); }
internal HttpContentTypeField(byte[] fieldValue) : base("Content-Type", (IList <byte>)fieldValue) { string @string = HttpRegex.GetString(fieldValue); Match match = HttpContentTypeField._regex.Match(@string); if (!match.Success) { return; } this.MediaType = Enumerable.First <Capture>(Enumerable.Cast <Capture>((IEnumerable)match.Groups["MediaType"].Captures)).Value; this.MediaSubtype = Enumerable.First <Capture>(Enumerable.Cast <Capture>((IEnumerable)match.Groups["MediaSubType"].Captures)).Value; this.Parameters = new HttpFieldParameters(MatchExtensions.GroupCapturesValues(match, "ParameterName"), MatchExtensions.GroupCapturesValues(match, "ParameterValue")); }
void ITable.InsertAllOnSubmit(IEnumerable entities) { if (entities == null) { throw System.Data.Linq.Error.ArgumentNull("entities"); } CheckReadOnly(); Context.CheckNotInSubmitChanges(); Context.VerifyTrackingEnabled(); foreach (var item in Enumerable.ToList(Enumerable.Cast <object>(entities))) { ((ITable)this).InsertOnSubmit(item); } }
public static void BindTo <TFrom, TTo>(this ObservableCollection <TFrom> from, ICollection <TTo> to) where TFrom : TTo { if (from == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("from"); } if (to == null) { throw new ArgumentNullException("to"); } to.Clear(); CollectionUtilities.AddRange <TTo>(to, Enumerable.Cast <TTo>((IEnumerable)from)); CollectionUtilities.StartReplicatingChangesTo <TTo>((INotifyCollectionChanged)from, to, true); }
protected void FillColumnsList() { lbDynamicColumns.Items.Clear(); lbSelectCategory.Items.Clear(); UpdateRules(); lbDynamicColumns.Items.Add("[Built-in category]"); lbDynamicColumns.Items.AddRange(Enumerable.Cast <object>(_views.MainForm.datasetMain.DynamicColumns.Where(x => x.Type == (int)DynamicColumnType.Category)) .ToArray()); lbDynamicColumns.SelectedIndex = 0; }
public static Array Slice(this Array a, int beginIndex, int endIndex) { if (a == null || a.Length == 0) { return(a); } var e = Enumerable.Cast <object>(a); return(beginIndex >= 0 ? e.Skip(beginIndex).ToArray() : e.Skip(e.Count() - beginIndex).ToArray()); }
public IAttachedPropertyMetadata[] AllAttachedProperties() { if (this.cachedAllAttachedProperties == null || this.owner.platformTypesWorker.IsDirty || this.owner.projectTypesWorker.IsDirty) { List <IAttachedPropertyMetadata> list; lock (AttachedPropertiesMetadata.platformTypesWorkerLock) list = Enumerable.ToList <IAttachedPropertyMetadata>(Enumerable.Cast <IAttachedPropertyMetadata>((IEnumerable); list.AddRange(Enumerable.Cast <IAttachedPropertyMetadata>((IEnumerable); this.owner.platformTypesWorker.IsDirty = false; this.owner.projectTypesWorker.IsDirty = false; this.cachedAllAttachedProperties = list.ToArray(); } return(this.cachedAllAttachedProperties); }
public static void ThrowExceptionWhenNotInEnum(string paramName, object value, Type enumType) { Validators.EnsureValidParamName(paramName); Validators.ThrowExceptionWhenIsNull("enumType", (object)enumType); Type enumType1 = enumType; bool flag = false; if (enumType.IsGenericType) { if (!enumType.Assembly.FullName.Equals(typeof(Nullable <>).Assembly.FullName) || !enumType.Namespace.Equals(typeof(Nullable <>).Namespace) || !enumType.Name.Equals(typeof(Nullable <>).Name)) { throw new ArgumentException("enumType debe ser una enumeraciĆ³n", "enumType"); } flag = true; enumType1 = Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(enumType); } if (!enumType1.IsEnum) { throw new ArgumentException("enumType debe ser una enumeraciĆ³n", "enumType"); } if (!flag && value == null) { throw new ArgumentException("El valor de '{0}' no puedo ser nulo si el tipo no es nulable", paramName); } if (!Enumerable.Any <FlagsAttribute>(Enumerable.OfType <FlagsAttribute>((IEnumerable)enumType1.GetCustomAttributes(false)))) { if (value != null && !Enum.IsDefined(enumType1, value)) { throw new ArgumentException("El valor de '{0}' no es un valor posible", paramName); } } else { IEnumerable <long> enumerable = Enumerable.Select <object, long>(Enumerable.Cast <object>((IEnumerable)Enum.GetValues(enumType1)), (Func <object, long>)(x => (long)Convert.ChangeType(x, typeof(long)))); long num1 = 0; long num2 = (long)Convert.ChangeType(value, typeof(long)); foreach (long num3 in enumerable) { if ((num3 & num2) == num3) { num1 += num3; } } if (num1 != num2) { throw new ArgumentException("El valor de '{0}' no es un valor posible", paramName); } } }
public IEnumerable <IDictionary> GetAllDictionaries() { try{ int currentUserID = CurrentOptions.CurrentUser.UserID; using (var context = new DataContext()) { var query = context.Users.SingleOrDefault(x => x.UserID == currentUserID); return(Enumerable.Cast <IDictionary>(query.Dictionaries).ToList()); } } catch (Exception) { Console.WriteLine("User was not selected"); } return(null); }