Example #1
 /// <summary>
 /// Determines what kind of role the node has
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="node">The given xml node to check</param>
 /// <returns>If the node is a parent, group, or child</returns>
 private static GMNodeType GetNodeType(XmlNode node)
     // If the node is a text type, it carries a value so it is a child node
     // Else if the node's parent is the asset node, it is major resource parent node
     // Else it is a group node
     return(node.NodeType == XmlNodeType.Text ? GMNodeType.Child :
            node.ParentNode.Name == EnumString.GetEnumString(GMResourceType.Assets) ? GMNodeType.Parent : GMNodeType.Group);
Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all GMX timelines from a directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The XML (.GMX) file path</param>
        /// <returns>A list of timelines</returns>
        public static GMList <GMTimeline> ReadTimelinesGMX(string directory, List <string> assets)
            // A list of timelines
            GMList <GMTimeline> timelines = new GMList <GMTimeline>();

            timelines.AutoIncrementIds = false;

            // Iterate through .gmx files in the directory
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.gmx"))
                // Set name of the timeline
                string name = GetResourceName(file);

                // If the file is not in the asset list, it has been orphaned, continue
                if (!assets.Contains(name))

                // Create a dictionary of object properties
                Dictionary <string, string> objectProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXObjectProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXObjectProperty)))
                    objectProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Create a dictionary of action properties
                Dictionary <string, string> actionProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXActionProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXActionProperty)))
                    actionProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Create a dictionary of argument properties
                Dictionary <string, string> argumentProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXArgumentProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXArgumentProperty)))
                    argumentProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Local variables
                List <GMMoment> moments = new List <GMMoment>();

                // Create an xml reader
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file))
                    // Seek to content

                    // Read the GMX file
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // If the node is not an element, continue
                        if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                        // Get the element name
                        string nodeName = reader.Name;

                        // Create a new moment and get it's properties
                        GMMoment moment = new GMMoment();

                        // If the element is an event
                        if (nodeName.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Event).ToLower())
                            // Action list
                            List <GMAction> actions = new List <GMAction>();

                            // Seek to content

                            // Create a reader for the actions
                            using (XmlReader reader2 = reader.ReadSubtree())
                                // Argument list
                                List <GMArgument> arguments = new List <GMArgument>();

                                // Read in action properties
                                while (reader2.Read())
                                    // If the node is not an element, continue
                                    if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                    // Get the element name
                                    string nodeName2 = reader2.Name;

                                    // If the node is an argument
                                    if (nodeName2.ToLower() == EnumString.GetEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Argument).ToLower())
                                        // Seek to content

                                        // Create a reader for the arguments
                                        using (XmlReader reader3 = reader2.ReadSubtree())
                                            // Read in argument properties
                                            while (reader3.Read())
                                                // If the node is not an element, continue
                                                if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                                // Get the element name
                                                string nodeName3 = reader3.Name;

                                                // Read element

                                                // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader3.Value))

                                                // Set the property value
                                                argumentProperties[nodeName3] = reader3.Value;

                                            // Create a new argument
                                            GMArgument argument = new GMArgument();
                                            argument.Type  = GMXInt(argumentProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXArgumentProperty.Kind)], argument.Type);
                                            argument.Value = GMXString(argumentProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXArgumentProperty.String)], argument.Value);

                                            // Add argument to the list

                                    // Read element

                                    // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader2.Value))

                                    // Set the property value
                                    actionProperties[nodeName2] = reader2.Value;

                                // Create a new action
                                GMAction action = new GMAction();
                                action.LibraryId     = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.LibId)], action.LibraryId);
                                action.ActionId      = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Id)], action.ActionId);
                                action.ActionKind    = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Kind)], action.ActionKind);
                                action.AllowRelative = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.UseRelative)], action.AllowRelative);
                                action.Question      = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.IsQuestion)], action.Question);
                                action.CanApplyTo    = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.UseApplyTo)], action.CanApplyTo);
                                action.ExecuteMode   = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.ExeType)], action.ExecuteMode);
                                action.FunctionName  = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.FunctionName)], action.FunctionName);
                                action.ExecuteCode   = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.CodeString)], action.ExecuteCode);
                                action.AppliesToName = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.WhoName)], action.AppliesToName);
                                action.AppliesTo     = action.AppliesToName == "" ? -1 : GetIdFromName(action.AppliesToName);
                                action.Relative      = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Relative)], action.Relative);
                                action.Not           = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.IsNot)], action.Not);
                                action.Arguments     = arguments.ToArray();

                                // Add action to the list

                            // Set the events actions
                            moment.Actions = actions.ToArray();

                        if (nodeName.ToLower() == "step")
                            // Read element

                            // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.Value))

                            moment.StepIndex = GMXInt(reader.Value, moment.StepIndex);

                        // Set the property value
                        objectProperties[nodeName] = reader.Value;

                // Create a new timeline, set properties
                GMTimeline timeline = new GMTimeline();
                timeline.Moments = moments.ToArray();

                // Add the timeline

            // Return the list of timelines
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Gets data files from project file
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="path">File path to project file</param>
        public static GMList <GMDataFile> ReadDataFilesGMX(string path, out int lastDataFileId)
            // Create a new list of data files
            GMList <GMDataFile> dataFiles = new GMList <GMDataFile>();

            dataFiles.AutoIncrementIds = false;

            // Create a dictionary of data file properties
            Dictionary <string, string> properties = new Dictionary <string, string>();

            foreach (GMXDataFileProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXDataFileProperty)))
                properties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

            // Group this data file belongs to, needed because files can have duplicate names
            string group = "";

            lastDataFileId = -1;

            // List of configs
            List <GMConfig> configs = new List <GMConfig>();

            // Create an xml reader
            using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(path))

                // Read the GMX file
                while (reader.Read())
                    // If the node is not an element, continue
                    if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                    // Get the element name
                    string nodeName = reader.Name;

                    // If a datafiles parent or group
                    if (nodeName.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMResourceType.DataFiles))
                        // If the last data file id has not been set, do so now
                        if (lastDataFileId == -1)
                            int.TryParse(reader.GetAttribute("number"), out lastDataFileId);

                        // Set the group the datafile belongs to
                        group = reader.GetAttribute("name");

                    // If the node is a data file, read it in
                    if (nodeName.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMResourceSubType.DataFile))
                        // Seek to content

                        // Create an xml reader
                        using (XmlReader reader2 = reader.ReadSubtree())
                            // Read in data file properties
                            while (reader2.Read())
                                // If the node is not an element, continue
                                if (reader2.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                // Get the element name
                                string nodeName2 = reader2.Name;

                                // If the node is a data file, read it in
                                if (nodeName2.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMResourceType.ConfigOptions).ToLower())

                                    // Create an xml reader
                                    using (XmlReader reader3 = reader2.ReadSubtree())
                                        // Read in data file properties
                                        while (reader3.Read())
                                            // If the node is not an element, continue
                                            if (reader3.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                            // Get the element name
                                            string nodeName3 = reader3.Name;

                                            // If the node is a data file, read it in
                                            if (nodeName3.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMResourceSubType.Config).ToLower())
                                                GMConfig config = new GMConfig();
                                                config.Name = GMXString(reader3.GetAttribute(GMXEnumString(GMXConfigProperty.Name)), config.Name);
                                                config.Id   = GetIdFromName(config.Name);


                                                // Create an xml reader
                                                using (XmlReader reader4 = reader3.ReadSubtree())
                                                    // Read in data file properties
                                                    while (reader4.Read())
                                                        // If the node is not an element, continue
                                                        if (reader4.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                                        // Get the element name
                                                        string nodeName4 = reader4.Name;

                                                        // If the node is a data file, read it in
                                                        if (nodeName4.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMXConfigProperty.CopyToMask).ToLower())
                                                            // Read element

                                                            // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                                            if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader4.Value))

                                                            // Finally read the config file data
                                                            config.CopyToMask = GMXString(reader4.Value, config.CopyToMask);

                                // Read element

                                // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader2.Value))

                                // Set the property value
                                properties[nodeName2] = reader2.Value;

                            // Create a new data file
                            GMDataFile dataFile = new GMDataFile();
                            dataFile.Name            = GMXString(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Name)], dataFile.Name);
                            dataFile.Id              = GetIdFromName(dataFile.Name);
                            dataFile.Exists          = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Exists)], dataFile.Exists);
                            dataFile.Size            = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Size)], dataFile.Size);
                            dataFile.ExportAction    = GMXInt(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.ExportAction)], dataFile.ExportAction);
                            dataFile.ExportDirectory = GMXString(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.ExportDir)], dataFile.ExportDirectory);
                            dataFile.OverwriteFile   = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Overwrite)], dataFile.OverwriteFile);
                            dataFile.FreeDataMemory  = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.FreeData)], dataFile.FreeDataMemory);
                            dataFile.RemoveAtGameEnd = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.RemoveEnd)], dataFile.RemoveAtGameEnd);
                            dataFile.Store           = GMXBool(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Store)], dataFile.Store);
                            dataFile.FileName        = GMXString(properties[GMXEnumString(GMXDataFileProperty.Filename)], dataFile.FileName);
                            dataFile.Group           = group == "" ? EnumString.GetEnumString(GMResourceType.DataFiles) : group;
                            dataFile.Configs         = configs.ToArray();
                            group = "";

                            // Add data file to the list

            // Return the list of data files
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Gets the GMX property string for the given string enum
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="e">The numeration to extract the property srting from</param>
 /// <returns>A string representation of an enumeration elelment</returns>
 public static string GMXEnumString(Enum e)
Example #5
        /// <summary>
        /// Reads all GMX objects from a directory
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="file">The XML (.GMX) file path</param>
        /// <returns>A list of objects</returns>
        public static GMList <GMObject> ReadObjectsGMX(string directory, ref List <string> assets)
            // A list of objects
            GMList <GMObject> objects = new GMList <GMObject>();

            objects.AutoIncrementIds = false;

            // Iterate through .gmx files in the directory
            foreach (string file in Directory.GetFiles(directory, "*.gmx"))
                // Set name of the object
                string name = GetResourceName(file);

                // If the file is not in the asset list, it has been orphaned, continue
                if (!assets.Contains(name))

                // Create a dictionary of object properties
                Dictionary <string, string> objectProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXObjectProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXObjectProperty)))
                    objectProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Create a dictionary of action properties
                Dictionary <string, string> actionProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXActionProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXActionProperty)))
                    actionProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Create a dictionary of argument properties
                Dictionary <string, string> argumentProperties = new Dictionary <string, string>();
                foreach (GMXArgumentProperty property in Enum.GetValues(typeof(GMXArgumentProperty)))
                    argumentProperties.Add(GMXEnumString(property), "");

                // Local variables
                List <GMEvent>[] events        = new List <GMEvent> [12];
                List <GMPoint>   physicsPoints = new List <GMPoint>();

                // Create an xml reader
                using (XmlReader reader = XmlReader.Create(file))
                    // Seek to content

                    // Read the GMX file
                    while (reader.Read())
                        // If the node is not an element, continue
                        if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                        // Get the element name
                        string nodeName = reader.Name;

                        // If the element is an event
                        if (nodeName.ToLower() == GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Event).ToLower())
                            // Create a new event and get it's properties
                            GMEvent gmEvent = new GMEvent();
                            int     type    = GMXInt(reader.GetAttribute(GMXEnumString(GMXEventProperty.Eventtype)), gmEvent.MainType);
                            gmEvent.MainType = type;

                            // If the event is a collision event, set the other name, else use subtype value
                            if (gmEvent.MainType == (int)EventType.Collision)
                                gmEvent.OtherName = GMXString(reader.GetAttribute(GMXEnumString(GMXEventProperty.EName)), gmEvent.OtherName);
                                gmEvent.SubType = GMXInt(reader.GetAttribute(GMXEnumString(GMXEventProperty.ENumb)), gmEvent.SubType);

                            // Action list
                            List <GMAction> actions = new List <GMAction>();

                            // Seek to content

                            // Create a reader for the actions
                            using (XmlReader reader2 = reader.ReadSubtree())
                                // Argument list
                                List <GMArgument> arguments = new List <GMArgument>();

                                // Read in action properties
                                while (reader2.Read())
                                    // If the node is not an element, continue
                                    if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                    // Get the element name
                                    string nodeName2 = reader2.Name;

                                    // If the node is an argument
                                    if (nodeName2.ToLower() == EnumString.GetEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Argument).ToLower())
                                        // Seek to content

                                        // Create a reader for the arguments
                                        using (XmlReader reader3 = reader2.ReadSubtree())
                                            // Read in argument properties
                                            while (reader3.Read())
                                                // If the node is not an element, continue
                                                if (reader.NodeType != XmlNodeType.Element)

                                                // Get the element name
                                                string nodeName3 = reader3.Name;

                                                // Read element

                                                // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader3.Value))

                                                // Set the property value
                                                argumentProperties[nodeName3] = reader3.Value;

                                            // Create a new argument
                                            GMArgument argument = new GMArgument();
                                            argument.Type  = GMXInt(argumentProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXArgumentProperty.Kind)], argument.Type);
                                            argument.Value = GMXString(argumentProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXArgumentProperty.String)], argument.Value);

                                            // Add argument to the list

                                    // Read element

                                    // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                                    if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader2.Value))

                                    // Set the property value
                                    actionProperties[nodeName2] = reader2.Value;

                                // Create a new action
                                GMAction action = new GMAction();
                                action.LibraryId     = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.LibId)], action.LibraryId);
                                action.ActionId      = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Id)], action.ActionId);
                                action.ActionKind    = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Kind)], action.ActionKind);
                                action.AllowRelative = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.UseRelative)], action.AllowRelative);
                                action.Question      = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.IsQuestion)], action.Question);
                                action.CanApplyTo    = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.UseApplyTo)], action.CanApplyTo);
                                action.ExecuteMode   = GMXInt(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.ExeType)], action.ExecuteMode);
                                action.FunctionName  = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.FunctionName)], action.FunctionName);
                                action.ExecuteCode   = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.CodeString)], action.ExecuteCode);
                                action.AppliesToName = GMXString(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.WhoName)], action.AppliesToName);
                                action.AppliesTo     = GetIdFromName(action.AppliesToName);
                                action.Relative      = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.Relative)], action.Relative);
                                action.Not           = GMXBool(actionProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXActionProperty.IsNot)], action.Not);
                                action.Arguments     = arguments.ToArray();

                                // Add action to the list

                            // Set the events actions
                            gmEvent.Actions = actions.ToArray();

                            // If the event type list has not been generated, create it
                            if (events[type] == null)
                                events[type] = new List <GMEvent>();

                            // Add the event of the event type

                        // Read element

                        // If the element value is null or empty, continue
                        if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(reader.Value))

                        // Set the property value
                        objectProperties[nodeName] = reader.Value;

                // Create a new object and set its properties
                GMObject obj = new GMObject();
                obj.Id         = GetIdFromName(name);
                obj.Name       = name;
                obj.SpriteName = GMXString(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.SpriteName)], obj.SpriteName);
                obj.SpriteId   = GetIdFromName(obj.SpriteName);
                obj.Solid      = GMXBool(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Solid)], obj.Solid);
                obj.Visible    = GMXBool(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Visible)], obj.Visible);
                obj.Depth      = GMXInt(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Depth)], obj.Depth);
                obj.Persistent = GMXBool(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.Persistent)], obj.Persistent);
                obj.ParentName = GMXString(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.ParentName)], obj.ParentName);
                obj.Parent     = GetIdFromName(obj.ParentName);
                obj.MaskName   = GMXString(objectProperties[GMXEnumString(GMXObjectProperty.MaskName)], obj.MaskName);
                obj.Mask       = GetIdFromName(obj.MaskName);
                obj.Events     = events;

                // Add the object

            // Return the list of objects