public AnimatedCogsMenu() { const string BUTTON_BACKGROUND_PATH = "Sprites/UI/Menu/buttonBackground"; buttonTexture = GameResources.Content.Load<Texture2D>(BUTTON_BACKGROUND_PATH); isInMenuRoot = true; easingFunction = new GaussianFunction(6f, 3f); const string LARGE_COG_PATH = "Sprites/UI/Menu/largeCog"; const string SMALL_COG_PATH = "Sprites/UI/Menu/smallCog"; const string FONT_PATH = "Fonts/forque"; normalTextColor = Color.Gold; selectedTextColor = Color.White; this.origin = largeCogOrigin; lineSpacing = 100; marginLeft = 200; marginBottom = 300; initialized = true; Font = GameResources.Content.Load<SpriteFont>(FONT_PATH); largeCogTexture = GameResources.Content.Load<Texture2D>(LARGE_COG_PATH); smallCogTexture = GameResources.Content.Load<Texture2D>(SMALL_COG_PATH); SelectNewEntries = SelectMainMenu; easingFunctionArg = 0f; rotatesForward = true; }
public void OpenAnimSet() { SourceAnimSet = null; SourcePcc?.Dispose(); SourcePcc = null; LiveFile?.Dispose(); LiveFile = null; ActorTag = null; var dlg = new OpenFileDialog { Filter = App.ME3ME2SaveFileFilter, CheckFileExists = true, Multiselect = false, Title = "Select ME3 file containing the FaceFXAnimSet you want to edit" }; if (dlg.ShowDialog() == true) { try { SourcePcc = MEPackageHandler.OpenME3Package(dlg.FileName); } catch (FormatException) { MessageBox.Show("Must be an ME3 file!"); return; } if (EntrySelector.GetEntry <ExportEntry>(null, SourcePcc, "Choose FaceFxAnimSet to edit", exp => exp.ClassName == "FaceFXAnimSet") is ExportEntry animSetEntry) { SourceAnimSet = animSetEntry.GetBinaryData <FaceFXAnimSet>(); } } }
private void _paintList(List <EntryElement> list) { EntrySelector.BeginUpdate(); EntrySelector.Items.Clear(); foreach (EntryElement entry in list) { ListViewItem nEntry = new ListViewItem(entry.Title); nEntry.SubItems.Add(entry.Url); nEntry.SubItems.Add(entry.AccessTime.ToString()); EntrySelector.Items.Add(nEntry); } EntrySelector.EndUpdate(); }
/// <summary> /// Event handler for when the Options menu entry is selected. /// </summary> void OptionsMenuEntrySelected(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e) { SoundManager.PlaySound("cogs"); SelectNewEntries = SelectOptionsMenu; easingFunctionArg = 0f; rotatesForward = true; }
/// <summary> /// When the user cancels the main menu, ask if they want to exit the sample. /// </summary> void OnCancel(object sender, PlayerIndexEventArgs e) { if (!isInMenuRoot) { SoundManager.PlaySound("cogs"); SelectNewEntries = SelectMainMenu; easingFunctionArg = 0f; rotatesForward = true; SelectOptionsMenu(); } else { BomberGame.ExitRequested = true; } }