Example #1
        public override NodeState GetNodeState(ResourceNode node)
            var nodeState = new NodeState();

            var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService();

            ClustersService.Code             errCode;
            ClustersService.ClusterStateInfo clusterStateInfo;

            lock (_clustersServiceLock)
                clusterStateInfo = service.GetClusterStateInfo(node.ResourceName, out errCode);
                // GetClusterStateInfoFast is probably buggy! (doesn't update immediatly after task launch)

            if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess || clusterStateInfo == null)
                throw new ClusterException(errCode);

                var nodeStateInfo = clusterStateInfo.Node.First(stateInfo =>
                                                                stateInfo != null &&
                                                                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(stateInfo.DNSName) &&
                                                                !String.IsNullOrEmpty(node.NodeName) &&
                                                                stateInfo.DNSName == node.NodeName

                if (nodeStateInfo == null || (nodeStateInfo.TaskID != null && nodeStateInfo.TaskID.Count > 0))
                    nodeState.CoresAvailable = 0;
                    nodeState.CoresAvailable = node.CoresCount;
                nodeState.CoresAvailable = 0;

Example #2
        public override void Abort(string providedTaskId, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig)
            // todo : [5] implement ClustersProxy.Abort(clusterName)

            var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService();

            ClustersService.Code errCode;

            lock (_clustersServiceLock)
                service.CancelTask(providedTaskId, out errCode);

            if (errCode != ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess)
                throw new ClusterException(errCode);
Example #3
        public override Tuple <TaskState, string> GetTaskState(ulong taskId, string providedTaskId, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig)
            lock (_pcLock)
                    string[] providedWords = providedTaskId.Split(new char[] { '\n' });
                    if (providedWords.Length > 2)
                        Log.Warn(String.Format("Too many sections in provided task id for win PC: {0}", providedTaskId));

                    string pid      = providedWords[0];
                    string nodeName = providedWords[1];
                    var    node     = resource.Nodes.First(n => n.NodeName == nodeName);

                    using (var rexService = EntryPointProxy.GetREx(node.Services.ExecutionUrl))
                        bool isRunning = rexService.IsProcessRunning(Int32.Parse(pid));

                        if (!isRunning)
                            _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = false;
                            return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Completed, ""));

                        return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Started, ""));
                catch (Exception e)
                                 "Exception while getting task state (provided id = {0}): {1}\n{2}",
                                 providedTaskId, e.Message, e.StackTrace

                    return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Started, ""));
Example #4
        //public static string GetNewProvidedTaskId()
        //    var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService();
        //    ClustersService.Code errCode;
        //    ServiceProxies.ClustersService.TaskInfo taskInfo = null;

        //    lock (_clustersServiceLock)
        //    {
        //        taskInfo = service.CreateTask(out errCode);
        //    }

        //    if (errCode == ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess)
        //        return taskInfo.TaskID;
        //    else
        //        throw new ClusterException(errCode);

        /// <summary>
        /// Get resource-specific task state and convert it to one of task's possible states
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="providedTaskId">Task’s id specific to this resource provider</param>
        /// <returns>Tuple (task state, "fail reason or some comment to task's state")</returns>
        public override Tuple <TaskState, string> GetTaskState(ulong taskId, string providedTaskId, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig)
            var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService();

            ClustersService.Code     errCode;
            ClustersService.TaskInfo taskInfo;

            lock (_clustersServiceLock)
                taskInfo = service.GetTaskState(providedTaskId, out errCode);

            if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess)
                throw new ClusterException(errCode);

            if (taskInfo.State == ClustersService.TaskState.Complete)
                return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Completed, ""));

            if (taskInfo.State == ClustersService.TaskState.Fail)
                return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Failed, "Failed on cluster"));

            if (taskInfo.State == ClustersService.TaskState.Execute)
                return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Started, ""));

            if (taskInfo.State == ClustersService.TaskState.Cancel)
                return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Aborted, ""));

            return(Tuple.Create(TaskState.Defined, taskInfo.State.ToString()));
Example #5
        public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig)
            string providedTaskId = taskId.ToString();

            var node = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig);
            var pack = node.PackageByName(incarnation.PackageName);

            var service = EntryPointProxy.GetClustersService();

            ClustersService.Code     errCode;
            ClustersService.TaskInfo taskInfo;

            lock (_clustersServiceLock)
                taskInfo = service.GetTaskState(providedTaskId, out errCode);

            if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess)
                throw new ClusterException(errCode);

            taskInfo.ClusterName = resource.ResourceName;
            taskInfo.CommandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath);
            taskInfo.PackageName = incarnation.PackageName.ToUpperInvariant();

             * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdInFile))
             *  taskInfo.StdinFileName = incarnation.StdInFile;
             * else
             *  taskInfo.StdinFileName = "";
             * if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(incarnation.StdOutFile))
             *  taskInfo.StdoutFileName = incarnation.StdOutFile;
             * else
             *  taskInfo.StdoutFileName = "";

            // cores on nodes: {n, 0, 0} -> {n}
            taskInfo.NumberOfCores = new ClustersService.ArrayOfInt();
            taskInfo.NumberOfCores.AddRange(nodesConfig.Where(conf => conf.Cores > 0).Select(conf => conf.Cores));

            taskInfo.NumberOfNodes = taskInfo.NumberOfCores.Count;

            var logStream = new StringWriter();

            logStream.WriteLine("Задача {0} ({1}) запускается на кластере {2}",
                                taskInfo.TaskID, taskInfo.PackageName, taskInfo.ClusterName);
            logStream.WriteLine("     Папка с файлами расчета: {0}", taskInfo.FTPPath);
            logStream.WriteLine("     Строка запуска: {0}", taskInfo.CommandLine);
            logStream.WriteLine("     Перенаправление вывода: {0}", taskInfo.StdoutFileName);
            logStream.Write("     Количество ядер (по каждому узлу): ");
            foreach (int coresCount in taskInfo.NumberOfCores)
                logStream.Write("{0} ", coresCount);


            lock (_clustersServiceLock)
                errCode = service.ExecuteTask(taskInfo);

            if (errCode != ServiceProxies.ClustersService.Code.OperationSuccess)
                throw new ClusterException(String.Format(
                                               CONST.Dirty <string>("Ошибка интегратора управления кластерами при запуске задачи: {0}"), errCode.ToString()

Example #6
        public override string Run(ulong taskId, IncarnationParams incarnation, Resource resource, IEnumerable <NodeConfig> nodesConfig)
            lock (_pcLock)

                int coresToUse = nodesConfig.Sum(conf => conf.Cores);
                var node       = GetDefaultNodeSettings(resource, nodesConfig);

                if (_nodeUsed[node.NodeName])
                    throw new Exception(String.Format("Could not run task {0} on node {1}: node used by another task", taskId, node.NodeName));

                string ftpFolder          = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.In);
                string jobFtpFolder       = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromSystem, taskId, CopyPhase.None);
                string sharedInputFolder  = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.In);
                string sharedOutputFolder = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.ExchangeUrlFromResource, taskId, CopyPhase.Out);
                string tmpFolder          = IncarnationParams.IncarnatePath(node.DataFolders.LocalFolder, taskId, CopyPhase.None);


                string jobFileName = "job_" + taskId + ".cmd";

                             "Trying to exec task {0} on win PC {1}",
                             taskId, node.NodeName

                var    pack         = node.Packages.First(p => String.Equals(p.Name, incarnation.PackageName, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                string batchContent = "";
                batchContent += "mkdir " + tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine;

                if (Path.IsPathRooted(tmpFolder)) // change drive if needed
                    batchContent += Path.GetPathRoot(tmpFolder).TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }) + Environment.NewLine;

                batchContent += String.Format(
                    @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine,
                    tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' })

                batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_script_started" + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (string copyPath in pack.CopyOnStartup)
                    batchContent += String.Format(
                        @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine,
                        copyPath.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }),
                        tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' })

                batchContent += String.Format(
                    //@"ping localhost -w 1000 -n 50" + Environment.NewLine +
                    @"xcopy {0} {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine,
                    sharedInputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }),
                    tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' })

                // todo : env vars on WinPc provider

                string commandLine = incarnation.CommandLine;
                //var pack = node.Packages.First(p => commandLine.StartsWith(p.Name, StringComparison.InvariantCultureIgnoreCase));
                //commandLine = pack.Params["appPath"] + commandLine.Substring(pack.Name.Length);
                commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.AppPath);
                //commandLine = String.Format(incarnation.CommandLine, pack.Params["appPath"]);

                batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_started" + Environment.NewLine;
                batchContent += //"start \"" + jobFileName + " " + incarnation.PackageNameInConfig + "\" /wait /b" +
                                "cmd.exe /c " + commandLine + Environment.NewLine;
                batchContent += "echo %time% > clavire_task_finished" + Environment.NewLine;

                foreach (string delPath in pack.Cleanup)
                    batchContent += String.Format(
                        @"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine +
                        @"del /f /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine,
                        tmpFolder + delPath

                batchContent += String.Format(
                    @"xcopy {1} {0}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine,
                    sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }),
                    tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' })

                batchContent += String.Format(
                    @"ping localhost -n 3" + Environment.NewLine +
                    @"echo %time% > clavire_script_finished" + Environment.NewLine +
                    @"xcopy clavire_script_finished {1}\ /z /s /e /c /i /h /r /y" + Environment.NewLine +
                    @"cd {0}" + Environment.NewLine +
                    @"cd .." + Environment.NewLine +
                    //@"rmdir /s /q {0}" + Environment.NewLine +
                    tmpFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' }),
                    sharedOutputFolder.TrimEnd(new char[] { '/', '\\' })

                IOProxy.Ftp.UploadFileContent(batchContent, jobFtpFolder, jobFileName);

                //string cmdArgs = "/c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd");
                //string cmdArgs = "\\\\ -u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm -d cmd.exe /c \"\\\\\\ftp_exchange\\Tasks\\10043\\job_10043.cmd\"";
                //Process.Start(CONST.Path.PsExec, cmdArgs);

                //var psexecProcess = new Process();
                //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UseShellExecute = false;
                ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardOutput = true;
                ////psexecProcess.StartInfo.RedirectStandardError = true;
                //psexecProcess.StartInfo.FileName = CONST.Path.PsExec;
                //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments = String.Format(
                //    "\\\\{0} -d -u {1} -p {2} cmd.exe /c {4}", // -d -w \"{3}\"  ^> C:\\Temp\\out
                //    //"-u nano -p Yt1NyDpQNm cmd.exe /c " + CONST.Path.PsExec.Replace("PsExec.exe", "p.cmd"),
                //    resParams.name, resParams.user, resParams.pass,
                //    resParams.tempFolderOnMachine.Replace(@"\", @"\\"),
                //    sharedJobFilePath

                //psexecProcess.StartInfo.UserName = "******";
                //psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password = new System.Security.SecureString();
                //foreach (var c in "Yt1NyDpQNm".ToCharArray())
                //    psexecProcess.StartInfo.Password.AppendChar(c);

                //Log.Debug("psexec args:\n" + psexecProcess.StartInfo.Arguments);
                //Log.Debug("psexec process started");

                //string execMessage = /*psexecProcess.StandardOutput.ReadToEnd() + " " +*/ "1 " + PS_PID_START_MSG + "5."; //psexecProcess.StandardError.ReadToEnd();
                //execMessage = execMessage.Trim();
                //Log.Debug("psexec output:\n" + execMessage);

                //if (!execMessage.Contains(PS_PID_START_MSG))
                //    throw new Exception(String.Format(
                //        "Couldn't exec task {0} on win pc {1}",
                //        taskId, resParams.name
                //    ));

                //execMessage = execMessage.Remove(0, execMessage.IndexOf(PS_PID_START_MSG) + PS_PID_START_MSG.Length);
                //string pid = execMessage.Substring(0, execMessage.Length-1);

                var rexService = EntryPointProxy.GetREx(node.Services.ExecutionUrl);
                int pid        = rexService.Exec(taskId);

                              "Task {0} ({1}) started on pc {2} with pid = {3}",
                              taskId, pack.Name, node.NodeName, pid

                _nodeUsed[node.NodeName] = true;


                return(pid + "\n" + node.NodeName);