Example #1
        private static void ReportGraph(EntryGraph graph, int indent = 0)
            Console.WriteLine((new String('\t', indent)) + graph.Entry.Id);

            foreach (var child in graph.Children)
                ReportGraph(child, indent);
Example #2
        private static void ReportPost(Entry post, EntryGraph graph)
            Console.WriteLine("Id: " + post.Id);
            Console.WriteLine("Published: " + post.Published);
            Console.WriteLine("Updated: " + post.Updated);
            Console.WriteLine("Title: " + post.Title);
            Console.WriteLine("Url: " + post.Url);
            Console.WriteLine("Tags: " + String.Join(", ", post.Tags));
            Console.WriteLine("Author: " + post.Author.Name);
            Console.WriteLine("Content Length: " + post.Content.Length);

Example #3
 private static void BuildRss(Rss comments, Blog meta, EntryGraph graph)
     if (graph.Children != null && graph.Children.Count > 0)
         comments.Channel.Items.Add(new Item
             Title            = meta.Title,
             AbsoluteUrl      = DESTINATION_BLOG_PATH + meta.Url,
             Content          = "",
             ThreadIdentified = meta.Id,
             Published        = meta.Published,
             Status           = "open",
             Comments         = BuildComments(graph.Children, "")
Example #4
        public static void Export(EntryGraph graph, Rss comments)
            var debug = false;


            Blog meta = new Blog();

            meta.Id        = Guid.NewGuid().ToString();
            meta.Url       = graph.Entry.Url;
            meta.Author    = graph.Entry.Author.Name;
            meta.Published = graph.Entry.Published;
            meta.Modified  = graph.Entry.Updated;
            meta.Title     = graph.Entry.Title;
            meta.Enabled   = true;
            meta.Redirects = new List <Redirect>
                new Redirect
                    Url                 = graph.Entry.BloggerUrl,
                    RedirectType        = HttpStatusCode.MovedPermanently,
                    RedirectByParameter = true,
                    RedirectByRoute     = false

            string contentFolder = CreateContentFolder(graph.Entry.Url);
            string mediaFolder   = CreateMediaFolder(graph.Entry.Url);
            string mediaPath     = MEDIABASEPATH + graph.Entry.Url;

            var md = graph.Entry.Content;

            // Add Carriage Returns
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Add Carriage Returns");
            md = md.Replace("<br />", Environment.NewLine);

            // Map <hx>
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Map <hx>");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<h1>(.*?)</h1>", x =>
                return("# " + x.Groups[1] + Environment.NewLine); // + new String('-', x.Groups[1].Length) + Environment.NewLine;
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<h2>(.*?)</h2>", x =>
                return("## " + x.Groups[1] + Environment.NewLine); // + new String('-', x.Groups[1].Length) + Environment.NewLine;
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<h3>(.*?)</h3>", x =>
                return("### " + x.Groups[1] + Environment.NewLine); // + new String('-', x.Groups[1].Length) + Environment.NewLine;

            // Replace non-breaking spaces
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Replace non-breaking spaces");
            md = md.Replace("&nbsp;", " ");

            // Remove any meta Tags
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove any meta Tags");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<meta (.*?)/>" + Environment.NewLine, "");

            // Map blogger image
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Map blogger image");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<div class=\"separator\"(.*?)<a href=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)<img (.*?)src=\"(.*?)\"(.*?)</div>", x =>
                return("![Image](" + ProcessImage(mediaFolder, mediaPath, x.Groups[2].Value) + ")" + Environment.NewLine);

            // Remove summary breaks
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove summary breaks");
            md = md.Replace("<a name='more'></a>" + Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine, DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG);
            md = md.Replace("<a name='more'></a>" + Environment.NewLine, DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG);
            md = md.Replace("<a name='more'></a>", DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG);

            // Remove RFC Weekly header
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove RFC Weekly header");
            Regex rfcWeeklyHeaderRegex = new Regex("<a href=\"(.*?)Hopefully someone else will also find useful.", RegexOptions.Singleline);

            md = rfcWeeklyHeaderRegex.Replace(md, "");

            // Map Anchors
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Map Anchors");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<a (.*?)>(.*?)</a>", x =>
                var sb = new StringBuilder();
                sb.Append(Regex.Matches(x.Groups[1].ToString(), "href=\"(.*?)\"")[0].Groups[1]);

            // Map Lists
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Map Lists");
            md = md.Replace("<ul>", Environment.NewLine);
            md = md.Replace("<li>", "* ");
            md = md.Replace("</li>", Environment.NewLine);
            md = md.Replace("</ul>", Environment.NewLine);

            // Gists
            if (debug)
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<script src=\"(.*?)\">(.*?)</script>", x => "%[" + x.Groups[1].Value + "]");

            // Remove Spread the love
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove Spread the love");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<div id=\"SpreadTheLove\">(.*?)</div>", "");

            // Remove Divs
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove Divs");
            md = Regex.Replace(md, "<div(.*?)>", "");
            md = md.Replace("</div>", "");

            // Replace html encoding
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Replace html encoding");
            md = md.Replace("&gt;", ">");

            // Remove empty lines at the start & end
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Remove empty lines at the start & end");
            while (md.StartsWith(Environment.NewLine))
                md = md.Substring(Environment.NewLine.Length);
            while (md.EndsWith(Environment.NewLine + Environment.NewLine))
                md = md.Substring(0, md.Length - Environment.NewLine.Length);

            // Load the Description (then remove the tag)
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Load the Description (then remove the tag)");
            if (md.Contains(DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG))
                meta.Description = md.Substring(0, md.IndexOf(DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG));
                md = md.Replace(DESCRIPTION_BREAK_TAG, "");

            // Set up the Keywords
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Setup the keywords");
            meta.KeyWords = graph.Entry.Tags;

            // RFC Weekly specific actions
            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("RFC Weekly specific actions");
            if (graph.Entry.Title.ToLower().Contains("rfc") && graph.Entry.Title.ToLower().Contains("weekly"))
                // Add the image & description
                meta.Image       = "/media/blog/rfc-weekly/RFCWeeklyTwitterCard.png";
                meta.Description = "RFC Weekly - a summary of things that I find interesting.  It is an indulgence; its the weekly update that I would like to receive.  Unfortunately no-one else is producing it so I figured I best get on with it.  Hopefully someone else will also find useful.";

                // Add as a key word
                if (!meta.KeyWords.Contains("RFCWeekly"))

            if (debug)
                Console.WriteLine("Save to file");
            SaveMarkdown(contentFolder, graph.Entry.Url, md);
            SaveMeta(contentFolder, graph.Entry.Url, meta);

            BuildRss(comments, meta, graph);