Example #1
        private void KeeEntryUserControl_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
            bool kfNeverAutoFill    = false;
            bool kfAlwaysAutoFill   = false;
            bool kfNeverAutoSubmit  = false;
            bool kfAlwaysAutoSubmit = false;

            if (_conf == null)

            this.checkBoxHideFromKee.CheckedChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.checkBoxHideFromKee_CheckedChanged);

            if (_conf.Hide)
                checkBoxHideFromKee.Checked = true;
            if (_conf.GetMatchAccuracyMethod() == MatchAccuracyMethod.Exact)
                radioButton3.Checked = true;
            else if (_conf.GetMatchAccuracyMethod() == MatchAccuracyMethod.Hostname)
                radioButton2.Checked = true;
                radioButton1.Checked = true;
            RadioButton defaultRadioButton = null;

            switch (_dbConf.DefaultMatchAccuracy)
            case MatchAccuracyMethod.Exact: defaultRadioButton = radioButton3; break;

            case MatchAccuracyMethod.Hostname: defaultRadioButton = radioButton2; break;

            case MatchAccuracyMethod.Domain: defaultRadioButton = radioButton1; break;
            toolTipRealm.SetToolTip(defaultRadioButton, "This is the default behaviour for new entries. Change in the Database Settings dialog.");

            if (_conf.NeverAutoFill)
                kfNeverAutoFill = true;
            if (_conf.AlwaysAutoFill)
                kfAlwaysAutoFill = true;
            if (_conf.NeverAutoSubmit)
                kfNeverAutoSubmit = true;
            if (_conf.AlwaysAutoSubmit)
                kfAlwaysAutoSubmit = true;
            if (_conf.Priority != 0)
                textBoxKeePriority.Text = _conf.Priority.ToString();

            listNormalURLs        = new List <string>();
            listNormalBlockedURLs = new List <string>();
            listRegExURLs         = new List <string>();
            listRegExBlockedURLs  = new List <string>();

            if (_conf.AltURLs != null)
            if (_conf.BlockedURLs != null)
            if (_conf.RegExURLs != null)
            if (_conf.RegExBlockedURLs != null)

            textBoxKeeRealm.Text = _conf.HTTPRealm;

            bool standardPasswordFound = false;
            bool standardUsernameFound = false;

            // Read the list of form field objects and create ListViewItems for display to the user
            if (_conf.FormFieldList != null)
                foreach (FormField ff in _conf.FormFieldList)
                    string type = Utilities.FormFieldTypeToDisplay(ff.Type, false);

                    // Override display of standard variables
                    string value = ff.Value;
                    if (ff.Type == FormFieldType.FFTpassword)
                        value = "********";
                    if (ff.DisplayName == "KeePass username")
                        standardUsernameFound = true;
                        value = ff.DisplayName;
                    if (ff.DisplayName == "KeePass password")
                        standardPasswordFound = true;
                        value = ff.DisplayName;
                    if (ff.Type == FormFieldType.FFTcheckbox)
                        value = ff.Value == "KEEFOX_CHECKED_FLAG_TRUE" ? "Enabled" : "Disabled";
                    ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { ff.Name, value, ff.Id, type, ff.Page.ToString() });
                    lvi.Tag = ff;

            // if we didn't find specific details about the username and
            // password, we'll pre-populate the standard KeePass ones so
            // users can easily change things like page number and ID

            // we don't add them to the list of actual fields though - just the display list.
            if (!standardPasswordFound)
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", "KeePass password", "", "password", "1" });
            if (!standardUsernameFound)
                ListViewItem lvi = new ListViewItem(new string[] { "", "KeePass username", "", "username", "1" });


            comboBoxAutoSubmit.Text = "Use Kee setting";
            comboBoxAutoFill.Text   = "Use Kee setting";

            // There are implicit behaviours based on single option choices so we'll make them explicit now so that the GUI accurately reflects the
            // strings stored in the advanced tab
            if (kfNeverAutoFill)
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.NeverAutoFillNeverAutoSubmit;
            else if (kfAlwaysAutoSubmit)
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.AlwaysAutoFillAlwaysAutoSubmit;
            else if (kfAlwaysAutoFill && kfNeverAutoSubmit)
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.AlwaysAutoFillNeverAutoSubmit;
            else if (kfNeverAutoSubmit)
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.NeverAutoSubmit;
            else if (kfAlwaysAutoFill)
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.AlwaysAutoFill;
                currentBehaviour = EntryBehaviour.Default;

            this.comboBoxAutoSubmit.SelectedIndexChanged += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxAutoSubmit_SelectedIndexChanged);
            this.comboBoxAutoFill.SelectedIndexChanged   += new System.EventHandler(this.comboBoxAutoFill_SelectedIndexChanged);
            this.textBoxKeePriority.TextChanged          += new System.EventHandler(this.textBoxKeePriority_TextChanged);

            string realmTooltip = "Set this to the realm (what the \"site says\") in the HTTP authentication popup dialog box for a more accurate match";

            toolTipRealm.SetToolTip(this.textBoxKeeRealm, realmTooltip);
            toolTipRealm.SetToolTip(this.labelRealm, realmTooltip);