Example #1
        public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Only returning the lower 32 bits of the timer, as the upper 32 bits will be pretty static.
            var result = BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)_Timer.ElapsedTicks));

Example #2
        public async Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Determine the next poll time.
            var period      = PriorityToPeriod(priority);
            var nextRunTime = _LastPollDatestamp.Add(period);

            if (Log.IsTraceEnabled())
                Log.Trace("Period for priority {0} is {1}. Next run time after {2} (utc).", priority, period, nextRunTime);

            // If we're before the next run time, we don't run.
            if (nextRunTime >= DateTime.UtcNow)
                Log.Trace("Not after next run time.");

            // Now we get the real entropy.
            Log.Trace("Reading entropy...");
            var result = await GetInternalEntropyAsync(priority);

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy.", (result == null ? 0 : result.Length));

            // And update when we last ran.
            _LastPollDatestamp = DateTime.UtcNow;
            Log.Trace("Next run at {0} UTC (at priority {1}).", _LastPollDatestamp.Add(period), period);

Example #3
        public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            var result = _Entropy;

            _Entropy = null;
Example #4
            public async Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
                var result = new byte[_ResultLength];

                await Task.Delay(50);

Example #5
        public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // When in high priority, we return double the normal amount.
            var length = (priority == EntropyPriority.High ? _ResultLength * 2 : _ResultLength);
            var result = new byte[length];

Example #6
        protected override Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // This reads details of all processes running on the system, and uses them as inputs to a hash for final result.
            // Often, different properties or processes will throw exceptions.
            // Given this isn't trivial work, we run in a separate threadpool task.

            return(Task.Run(() =>
                Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");
                var ps = Process.GetProcesses();        // TODO: assert we can do this during initialisation?
                Log.Trace("Found {0:N0} processes.", ps.Length);

                var processStats = new long[ps.Length * _ItemsPerProcess];

                // Read details from all processes.
                // PERF: This takes several seconds, which isn't helped by the fact a large number of these will throw exceptions when not running as admin.
                for (int i = 0; i < ps.Length; i++)
                    var p = ps[i];
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 0] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.Id);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 1] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.MainWindowHandle.ToInt64());
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 2] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.MaxWorkingSet.ToInt64());
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 3] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.NonpagedSystemMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 4] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PagedMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 5] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PagedSystemMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 6] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PeakPagedMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 7] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PeakVirtualMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 8] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PeakWorkingSet64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 9] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PrivateMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 10] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.WorkingSet64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 11] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.VirtualMemorySize64);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 12] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.UserProcessorTime.Ticks);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 13] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.TotalProcessorTime.Ticks);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 14] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.PrivilegedProcessorTime.Ticks);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 15] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.StartTime.Ticks);
                    processStats[(i * _ItemsPerProcess) + 16] = p.TryAndIgnoreException(x => x.HandleCount);

                // Remove all zero items (to prevent silly things like a mostly, or all, zero hash result).
                var processStatsNoZero = processStats.Where(x => x != 0L).ToArray();
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} non-zero stat items.", processStatsNoZero.Length);
                if (LogRawStats)
                    Log.Trace("Raw stats: ", processStatsNoZero.LongsToHexString());

                // Shuffle the details, so there isn't a repetition of similar stats.

                // Get digests of the stats to return.
                var result = ByteArrayHelpers.LongsToDigestBytes(processStatsNoZero, _ItemsPerResultChunk);
                Log.Trace("Converted stats to {0:N0} bytes of entropy.", result.Length);

                return result;
 protected override Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
     if (_ApiKey == Guid.Empty)
Example #8
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Do x pings to y servers in parallel.
            // Time each of them, use the high precision part as the result.
            // TODO: perhaps do real DNS queries rather than ICMP pings, as many have disabled ping. Note that this will need a 3rd party library.

            // TODO: check to see if there is a network available before trying this. Eg: https://stackoverflow.com/a/8345173/117070

            // Select the servers we will ping.
            var serversToSample = new List <PingAndStopwatch>(_ServersPerSample);

            for (int i = 0; i < _ServersPerSample; i++)
                if (_NextServer >= _Servers.Count)
                    _NextServer = 0;
                serversToSample.Add(new PingAndStopwatch(_Servers[_NextServer]));
                _NextServer = _NextServer + 1;

            // Now ping the servers and time how long it takes.
            var result = new List <byte>((_ServersPerSample + _PingsPerSample) * sizeof(ushort));

            for (int c = 0; c < _PingsPerSample; c++)
                if (!_UseRandomSourceForUnitTest)
                    await Task.WhenAll(serversToSample.Select(x => x.ResetAndRun()).ToArray());

                    foreach (var s in serversToSample.Where(x => x.Timing.TotalMilliseconds > 0 && x.Timing.TotalMilliseconds < _Timeout))
                        var timingBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((ushort)s.Timing.Ticks));
                    // Unit tests simply read random bytes.

            // Check for IPs where every attempt was a failure: something is likely wrong.
            foreach (var server in serversToSample.Where(x => x.Failures == _PingsPerSample))
                Log.Warn("Every attempt to ping IP {0} failed. Server is likely offline or firewalled.", server.IP);

        private async Task <byte[]> GetPublicEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // https://random.org

            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("https://www.random.org/cgi-bin/randbyte?nbytes=" + _BytesPerRequest + "&format=h");
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "www.random.org.html"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // The entire content is random hex bytes.
            // Albeit with a bunch of whitespace.
            var randomString = response.Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "").Replace(" ", "");

            var randomBytes = randomString.ParseFromHexString()
                              .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks)))       // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", randomBytes.Length);

Example #10
        public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            byte[] result;
            if (!_HasRunOnce)
                // On first run, we include the entire 64 bit value.
                result      = BitConverter.GetBytes(DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks);
                _HasRunOnce = true;
                // All subsequent runs only include the lower 32 bits.
                result = BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)DateTime.UtcNow.Ticks));

Example #11
        public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            uint gcCollections = 0;

            for (int i = GC.MaxGeneration; i >= 0; i--)
                gcCollections = (gcCollections << 5) ^ (uint)GC.CollectionCount(i);
            var low = BitConverter.GetBytes(gcCollections);

            var gcTotalMemory = GC.GetTotalMemory(false);
            var high          = BitConverter.GetBytes((uint)gcTotalMemory);

            var result = new byte[8];

            Buffer.BlockCopy(low, 0, result, 0, low.Length);
            Buffer.BlockCopy(high, 0, result, 4, high.Length);

Example #12
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // Note that many of these servers will have similar content and it is publicly accessible.
            // We must mix in some local entropy to ensure differnt computers end up with different entropy.
            // Yes, this reduces the effectiveness of this source, but it will still contribute over time.
            var localEntropy = (await StaticLocalEntropy.Get32()).Concat(CheapEntropy.Get16()).ToArray();

            // Select the servers we will fetch from.
            var serversToSample = new List <ServerFetcher>(_ServersPerSample);

            for (int i = 0; i < _ServersPerSample; i++)
                if (_NextSource >= _Sources.Count)
                    _NextSource = 0;
                serversToSample.Add(new ServerFetcher(_Sources[_NextSource], _UserAgent, localEntropy));
                _NextSource = _NextSource + 1;
            if (!serversToSample.Any())

            byte[] response;
            if (!_UseRandomSourceForUnitTest)
                // Now fetch from the servers and use the contents, and time to derive entropy.
                var responses = await Task.WhenAll(serversToSample.Select(x => x.ResetAndRun()));

                response = responses.SelectMany(x => x ?? new byte[0]).ToArray();
                // For unit tests, we just get random bytes.
                response = _Rng.GetRandomBytes(_ServersPerSample * 32);

Example #13
 private TimeSpan PriorityToPeriod(EntropyPriority priority) => priority == EntropyPriority.Normal ? _PeriodNormalPriority
                                                              : priority == EntropyPriority.High ? _PeriodHighPriority
                                                              : priority == EntropyPriority.Low ? _PeriodLowPriority
                                                              : _PeriodNormalPriority;       // Shouldn't happen.
Example #14
 protected abstract Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority);
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // This supports SSL, but the cert isn't valid (it's for the uni, rather than the correct domain).
            // http://www.randomnumbers.info/content/Download.htm
            // This returns HTML, which means I'm doing some hacky parsing here.
            const int rangeOfNumbers = 4096 - 1;      // 12 bits per number (1.5 bytes).

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("http://www.randomnumbers.info/cgibin/wqrng.cgi?amount=" + _NumberOfNumbers.ToString() + "&limit=" + rangeOfNumbers.ToString());
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "www.randomnumbers.info.html"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // Locate some pretty clear boundaries around the random numbers returned.
            var startIdxString = "Download random numbers from quantum origin";
            var startIdx       = response.IndexOf(startIdxString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (startIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate start string in html of randomnumbers.info result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}'. Actual result in next message.", startIdxString);
            var hrIdxString = "<hr>";

            startIdx = response.IndexOf(hrIdxString, startIdx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);
            if (startIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate start string in html of randomnumbers.info result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}'. Actual result in next message.", hrIdxString);
            var endIdxString = "</td>";
            var endIdx       = response.IndexOf("</td>", startIdx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (endIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate end string in html of randomnumbers.info result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}'. Actual result in next message.", endIdxString);
            Log.Trace("Parsed beginning and end of useful entropy.");

            var haystack            = response.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx);
            var numbersAndOtherJunk = haystack.Split(new char[] { ' ' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries); // Numbers are space separated.
            var numbers             = numbersAndOtherJunk
                                      .Where(x => x.All(Char.IsDigit))                                           // Remove non-numeric junk.
                                      .Select(x => Int16.Parse(x))                                               // Parse to an int16.
            var result = new byte[(numbers.Count() * 2) + sizeof(uint)];

            for (int i = 0; i < numbers.Count; i++)
                // Take the Int16s in the range 0..4095 (4096 possibilities) and write them into the result array.
                // The top 4 bits will always be empty, but that doesn't matter too much as they will be hashed when added to a Pool.
                // This means only 75% of bits are truly random, so 16 bytes is only equivalent to 12 bytes.
                // TODO: some bit bashing to pack things more efficiently
                var twoBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(numbers[i]);
                result[i * 2]       = twoBytes[0];
                result[(i * 2) + 1] = twoBytes[1];
            var timingBytes = BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks));

            result[result.Length - 4] = timingBytes[0];
            result[result.Length - 3] = timingBytes[1];
            result[result.Length - 2] = timingBytes[2];
            result[result.Length - 1] = timingBytes[3];

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", result.Length);

Example #16
 public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
     // Increment the counter and return its value.
Example #17
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // https://beacon.nist.gov/
            // Note that this will return the same result for 60 second period.
            // We must mix in some local entropy to ensure differnt computers end up with different entropy.
            // Yes, this reduces the effectiveness of this source, but it will still contribute over time.

            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("https://beacon.nist.gov/rest/record/last");
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "beacon.nist.gov-last.xml"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            var localEntropy = (await StaticLocalEntropy.Get32()).Concat(CheapEntropy.Get16())

            Log.Trace("Got {0:N0} bytes of local entropy to mix.", localEntropy.Length);

            // Parse out the useful parts of the response.
            // Keeping away from XML parsing to minimise dependencies. At least for now.

            // The first two return 64 random bytes each, the signature is 256 bytes. All are hashed to 64 bytes when combined with local entropy.
            var lastOutputBytes  = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "previousOutputValue").ParseFromHexString();
            var outputValueBytes = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "outputValue").ParseFromHexString();
            var signatureBytes   = GetWithinXmlTags(response, "signatureValue").ParseFromHexString();

            Log.Trace("Got {0:N0} output bytes, {1:N0} last output bytes, {2:N0} signature bytes.", outputValueBytes.Length, lastOutputBytes.Length, signatureBytes.Length);

            // Mix in some local entropy.
            var hasher = SHA512.Create();
            var result = hasher.ComputeHash(lastOutputBytes.Concat(localEntropy).ToArray())
                         .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks)))    // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy.", result.Length);

Example #18
        protected override Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // This reads details of all network interfaces running on the system, and uses them as inputs to a hash for final result.
            // Given this isn't trivial work, we run in a separate threadpool task.

            return(Task.Run(() =>
                Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");
                var ins = NetworkInterface.GetAllNetworkInterfaces();
                Log.Trace("Found {0:N0} interfaces.", ins.Length);

                // First result includes IP address, hardware address, etc.
                var allStats = new List <long>();
                if (!_HasRunOnce)
                    Log.Trace("Including static properties on first run.");
                    _HasRunOnce = true;

                // After that, its just the number of packets, etc.
                foreach (var i in ins)
                    // Most of these will be zero.
                    // Note that these can throw on some platforms, so we do a bunch of exception wrapping.
                    var stats = i.GetIPStatistics();
                    if (!_BytesReceivedFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.BytesReceived)), ref _BytesReceivedFailed);
                    if (!_BytesSentFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.BytesSent)), ref _BytesSentFailed);
                    if (!_IncomingPacketsDiscardedFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.IncomingPacketsDiscarded)), ref _IncomingPacketsDiscardedFailed);
                    if (!_IncomingPacketsWithErrorsFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.IncomingPacketsWithErrors)), ref _IncomingPacketsWithErrorsFailed);
                    if (!_IncomingUnknownProtocolPacketsFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.IncomingUnknownProtocolPackets)), ref _IncomingUnknownProtocolPacketsFailed);
                    if (!_NonUnicastPacketsReceivedFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.NonUnicastPacketsReceived)), ref _NonUnicastPacketsReceivedFailed);
                    if (!_NonUnicastPacketsSentFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.NonUnicastPacketsSent)), ref _NonUnicastPacketsSentFailed);
                    if (!_OutgoingPacketsDiscardedFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.OutgoingPacketsDiscarded)), ref _OutgoingPacketsDiscardedFailed);
                    if (!_OutgoingPacketsWithErrorsFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.OutgoingPacketsWithErrors)), ref _OutgoingPacketsWithErrorsFailed);
                    if (!_OutputQueueLengthFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.OutputQueueLength)), ref _OutputQueueLengthFailed);
                    if (!_UnicastPacketsReceivedFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.UnicastPacketsReceived)), ref _UnicastPacketsReceivedFailed);
                    if (!_UnicastPacketsSentFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() => allStats.Add(stats.UnicastPacketsSent)), ref _UnicastPacketsSentFailed);

                    // Remaining lease duration.
                    if (!_AddressValidLifetimeFailed)
                        ExceptionHelper.TryAndIgnoreException(() => Uh.ToUnit(() =>
                            var props = i.GetIPProperties();
                            allStats.AddRange(props.UnicastAddresses.Select(x => x.AddressValidLifetime));
                        }), ref _AddressValidLifetimeFailed);

                // Remove zeros and shuffle to prevent obvious correlations.
                var statsNoZero = allStats.Where(x => x != 0L).ToArray();
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} non-zero stat items.", statsNoZero.Length);
                if (LogRawStats)
                    Log.Trace("Raw stats: ", statsNoZero.LongsToHexString());

                // Shuffle the details, so there isn't a repetition of similar stats.

                // Convert to digest byte array to return.
                var result = ByteArrayHelpers.LongsToDigestBytes(statsNoZero, _ItemsPerResultChunk);
                Log.Trace("Converted stats to {0:N0} bytes of entropy.", result.Length);

                return result;
Example #19
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // http://qrng.anu.edu.au/index.php

            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // Fetch data.
            // This always returns 1024 bytes!!
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("https://qrng.anu.edu.au/RawHex.php");
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "qrng.anu.edu.au-RawHex.php.html"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // Locate some pretty clear boundaries around the random numbers returned.
            var startIdxString = "1024 bytes of randomness in hexadecimal form";
            var startIdx       = response.IndexOf(startIdxString, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (startIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate start string in html of anu result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}', actual result in next message.", startIdxString);

            var startIdxString2 = "<td>";

            startIdx = response.IndexOf(startIdxString2, startIdx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + startIdxString2.Length;
            if (startIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate start string in html of anu result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}', actual result in next message.", startIdxString2);

            var endIdxString = "</td>";
            var endIdx       = response.IndexOf(endIdxString, startIdx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (endIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate end string in html of anu result: source will return nothing. Looking for '{0}', actual result in next message.", endIdxString);
            Log.Trace("Parsed beginning and end of useful entropy.");

            // Trim and parse.
            var randomString = response.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx).Trim();
            var randomBytes  = randomString.ParseFromHexString()
                               .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks)))      // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", randomBytes.Length);

Example #20
 public Task <byte[]> GetEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
     return(Task.FromResult(new byte[8]));
        private async Task <byte[]> GetApiEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // http://www.random.org/

            // https://api.random.org/json-rpc/2/introduction
            // https://api.random.org/json-rpc/2/basic
            // https://api.random.org/json-rpc/2/request-builder

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri      = new Uri("https://api.random.org/json-rpc/2/invoke");
                var hc          = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                var requestBody = "{\"jsonrpc\":\"2.0\",\"method\":\"generateBlobs\",\"params\":{\"apiKey\":\"" + _ApiKey.ToString("D") + "\",\"n\":1,\"size\":" + (_BytesPerRequest * 8) + ",\"format\":\"base64\"},\"id\":1}";
                    response = await hc.PostStringAsync(apiUri, requestBody, "application/json");
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to POST to {0} with body {1}", apiUri, requestBody);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "api.random.org.html"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // To avoid using dynamic or a Json library, we do hacky string parsing!

            // Check for error.
            if (response.IndexOf("\"error\":") != -1)
                Log.Error("Random.org API returned error result. Full result in next message.");
            int dataIdx = response.IndexOf("\"data\":[\"");

            if (dataIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate random result in random.org API result: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            dataIdx = dataIdx + "\"data\":[\"".Length;
            int endIdx = response.IndexOf("\"]", dataIdx);

            if (endIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate end of random result in random.org API result: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            Log.Trace("Parsed Json result.");

            // Trim and parse.
            var randomString = response.Substring(dataIdx, endIdx - dataIdx).Trim();
            var randomBytes  = Convert.FromBase64String(randomString)
                               .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks))) // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", randomBytes.Length);

Example #22
        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // http://qrng.ethz.ch/http_api/

            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("http://qrng.ethz.ch/api/randint?min=0&max=255&size=" + _BytesPerRequest);
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of json in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "qrng.ethz.ch-randint.txt"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // To avoid using dynamic or a Json library, we do hacky string parsing!

            // Check for valid result.
            if (response.IndexOf("\"result\":") == -1)
                Log.Error("qrng.ethz.ch returned unknown result. Full result in next message.");
            int dataIdx = response.IndexOf("[");

            if (dataIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate random result in qrng.ethz.ch response: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            dataIdx = dataIdx + 1;
            int endIdx = response.IndexOf("]", dataIdx);

            if (endIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate end of random result in qrng.ethz.ch response: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            Log.Trace("Parsed Json result.");

            // Trim and parse.
            var randomInts          = response.Substring(dataIdx, endIdx - dataIdx).Trim();
            var numbersAndOtherJunk = randomInts.Split(new char[] { ',' }, StringSplitOptions.RemoveEmptyEntries);
            var result = numbersAndOtherJunk
                         .Select(x => (x ?? "").Trim())
                         .Where(x => x.All(Char.IsDigit))                                   // Remove non-numeric junk.
                         .Select(x => Byte.Parse(x))                                        // Parse to byte.
                         .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks))) // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", result.Length);

        protected override async Task <byte[]> GetInternalEntropyAsync(EntropyPriority priority)
            // http://www.fourmilab.ch/hotbits/
            Log.Trace("Beginning to gather entropy.");

            string pseudoSource, apiKey;

            if (String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(_ApiKey))
                pseudoSource = "&pseudo=pseudo";
                apiKey       = "&apikey=";
                pseudoSource = "";
                apiKey       = "&apikey=" + _ApiKey;

            // Fetch data.
            var response = "";
            var sw       = Stopwatch.StartNew();

            if (!_UseDiskSourceForUnitTests)
                var apiUri = new Uri("https://www.fourmilab.ch/cgi-bin/Hotbits.api?nbytes=" + _BytesPerRequest + "&fmt=hex&npass=1&lpass=8&pwtype=3" + apiKey + pseudoSource);
                var hc     = HttpClientHelpers.Create(userAgent: _UserAgent);
                    response = await hc.GetStringAsync(apiUri);
                catch (Exception ex)
                    Log.Warn(ex, "Unable to GET from {0}", apiUri);
                Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} characters of html in {1:N2}ms.", response.Length, sw.Elapsed.TotalMilliseconds);
                using (var stream = File.OpenRead(HttpClientHelpers._BasePathToUnitTestData + "hotbits.html"))
                    response = await new StreamReader(stream).ReadToEndAsync();

            // Locate some pretty clear boundaries around the random numbers returned.
            var startIdx = response.IndexOf("<pre>", StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase) + "<pre>".Length;

            if (startIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate start string in html of hotbits result: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            var endIdx = response.IndexOf("</pre>", startIdx, StringComparison.OrdinalIgnoreCase);

            if (endIdx == -1)
                Log.Error("Cannot locate end string in html of hotbits result: source will return nothing. Actual result in next message.");
            var randomString = response.Substring(startIdx, endIdx - startIdx).Trim().Replace("\r", "").Replace("\n", "");

            Log.Trace("Parsed beginning and end of useful entropy.");

            var randomBytes = randomString.ParseFromHexString()
                              .Concat(BitConverter.GetBytes(unchecked ((uint)sw.Elapsed.Ticks)))       // Don't forget to include network timing!

            Log.Trace("Read {0:N0} bytes of entropy (including 4 bytes of timing info).", randomBytes.Length);
