Example #1
        // Filter entries that are displayed
        private void filter_btn_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
            // Set up the filter
            EntriesFilter filter = Helper.GenerateFilter(fromFilter_DTP, toFilter_DTP, projectFilter_cb);

            List <Entry> entries = (new EntriesController()).FilterEntriesMain(filter);

Example #2
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters entries and displays them in the chart control
        /// </summary>
        private void SetUpChart()
            // Set up the filter
            EntriesFilter filter = Helper.GenerateFilter(from_DTP, to_DTP, project_cb);

            // Remove Points from before

            // Get entries from db based on filter
            // This list is being sorted in procedure by start_time ascending
            List <Entry> entries = (new Controllers.EntriesController()).FilterEntriesForChart(filter);

            int    no_of_points = 0;
            double maxHours = 0, minHours = double.MaxValue, sumHours = 0;

            if (entries.Count > 0)
                // Current chart point that will accumulate data for specific day
                ChartPoint current_point = new ChartPoint();
                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                    // If point is not set already
                    if (i == 0)
                        // We store the whole DateTime object, but will use it to get the day only
                        current_point.date = entries[i].start_time;
                    // If point is set, but the day has changed
                    else if (entries[i].start_time.DayOfYear != current_point.date.DayOfYear)
                        AddPointToChart(current_point, ref no_of_points, ref sumHours, ref maxHours, ref minHours);

                        current_point.total_hours = 0;
                        current_point.date        = entries[i].start_time;

                    // Add hours and earnings to point

                    // -- Convert to non-nullable DateTime object
                    current_point.total_hours += ((DateTime)entries[i].end_time).Subtract(entries[i].start_time).TotalHours;
                AddPointToChart(current_point, ref no_of_points, ref sumHours, ref maxHours, ref minHours);

                if (no_of_points > 0)
                    avgHours_lb.Text = Math.Round(sumHours / no_of_points, 2).ToString() + "h/day";
                    minHours_lb.Text = Math.Round(minHours, 2).ToString() + "h/day";
                    maxHours_lb.Text = Math.Round(maxHours, 2).ToString() + "h/day";
                MessageBox.Show("No entries found for specified filters.");
Example #3
        /// <summary>
        /// Filters entries and displays them in the chart control
        /// </summary>
        private void SetUpChart()
            // Set up the filter
            EntriesFilter filter = Helper.GenerateFilter(from_DTP, to_DTP, project_cb);

            // Remove Points from before for all currencies (series)
            for (int i = 0; i < chartControl.Series.Count; i++)

            // Get entries from db based on filter
            // This list is being sorted in procedure by start_time ascending
            List <Entry> entries = (new EntriesController()).FilterEntriesForChart(filter);

            if (entries.Count > 0)
                // Current chart point that will accumulate data for specific day
                ChartPoint current_point = new ChartPoint();
                for (int i = 0; i < entries.Count; i++)
                    // If point is not set already
                    if (i == 0)
                        // We store the whole DateTime object, but will use it to get the day only
                        current_point.date = entries[i].start_time;
                    // If point is set, but the day has changed
                    else if (entries[i].start_time.DayOfYear != current_point.date.DayOfYear)

                        current_point.date = entries[i].start_time;

                    if (entries[i].hourly_rate > 0)
                        // If we already have the currency in dictionary, just increment it
                        if (current_point.total_earnings.ContainsKey(entries[i].currency))
                            current_point.total_earnings[entries[i].currency] += entries[i].CalculateEarnings();
                        // If we don't have this currency, initialize it
                            current_point.total_earnings.Add(entries[i].currency, entries[i].CalculateEarnings());
Example #4
 /// <summary>
 /// Filters entries for report to send to contact. Sorted by start_time - desc.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">Filter object to be applied to query</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List <Entry> GetForReport(EntriesFilter filter)
     using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helper.ConnectionString(db_name)))
         string query = "dbo.Entry_GetForReport @from_date, @to_date";
         if (filter.project_id > 0)
             query += ", @project_id";
         return(conn.Query <Entry>(query, filter).ToList());
Example #5
        // Create the report object
        private Report CreateReportObject()
            // Set up the filter
            EntriesFilter filter = Helper.GenerateFilter(from_DTP, to_DTP, projects_cb);

            // Get entries from db based on filter
            // This list is being sorted in procedure by start_time ascending
            List <Entry> entries = (new EntriesController()).GetForReport(filter);

            // Report
            return(new Report(selected_contact, filter, entries));
Example #6
 // -- Filter entries for chart
 // -- -- Returns entries in a time span, sorted by start_time
 /// <summary>
 /// Filters entries by date and project. Returns list sorted by start_time.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">Filter object to be applied to query</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List <Entry> FilterEntriesForChart(EntriesFilter filter)
     using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helper.ConnectionString(db_name)))
         if (filter.project_id > 0)
             return(conn.Query <Entry>("dbo.Entry_Filter @from_date, @to_date, @project_id", filter).ToList());
             return(conn.Query <Entry>("dbo.Entry_Filter @from_date, @to_date", filter).ToList());
Example #7
        /// <summary>
        /// Generates filter object for entries based on from and to dates and combobox with projects names
        /// </summary>
        /// <param name="from">Form control containing min. date</param>
        /// <param name="to">Form control containing max. date</param>
        /// <param name="cb">Form control containing list of projects names where one is selected (or an empty string is selected)</param>
        /// <returns></returns>
        public static EntriesFilter GenerateFilter(DateTimePicker from, DateTimePicker to, ComboBox cb)
            EntriesFilter filter = new EntriesFilter(from.Value, to.Value);

            if (cb.SelectedItem != null)
                string  project_name = cb.SelectedItem.ToString();
                Project project      = (new Controllers.ProjectsController()).FindProjectByName(project_name);
                if (project != null)
                    filter.project_id = project.id;
Example #8
        /// <summary>
        /// Used to populate quick preview listboxes
        /// </summary>
        private void GenerateQuickPreview()
            DateTime          to = DateTime.Now;
            DateTime          from;
            List <Entry>      entries;
            EntriesController eController = new EntriesController();
            EntriesFilter     filter      = new EntriesFilter(DateTime.Now, to); // using DateTime.Now just to initialize

            // Today, past 7, past 30
            int[]     decrease = { 0, -7, -30 };
            ListBox[] lbs      = { today_lb, pastSevenDays_lb, pastThrityDays_lb };
            for (int i = 0; i < decrease.Length; i++)
                from             = to.AddDays(decrease[i]).AddHours(to.Hour * -1).AddMinutes(to.Minute * -1).AddSeconds(to.Second * -1);
                filter.from_date = from;
                entries          = eController.FilterEntriesForChart(filter);
                PopulateListBox(entries, lbs[i]);

            // Past 6 months
            from             = to.AddMonths(-6).AddHours(to.Hour * -1).AddMinutes(to.Minute * -1).AddSeconds(to.Second * -1);
            filter.from_date = from;
            entries          = eController.FilterEntriesForChart(filter);
            PopulateListBox(entries, pastSixMonths_lb);

            // Past year
            from             = to.AddYears(-1).AddHours(to.Hour * -1).AddMinutes(to.Minute * -1).AddSeconds(to.Second * -1);
            filter.from_date = from;
            entries          = eController.FilterEntriesForChart(filter);
            PopulateListBox(entries, pastYear_lb);

            // This year
            from             = to.AddMonths((to.Month - 1) * -1).AddDays((to.Day - 1) * -1).AddHours(to.Hour * -1).AddMinutes(to.Minute * -1).AddSeconds(to.Second * -1);
            filter.from_date = from;
            entries          = eController.FilterEntriesForChart(filter);
            PopulateListBox(entries, thisYear_lb);

            // All time
            entries = eController.GetAllEntries();
            PopulateListBox(entries, allTime_lb);
Example #9
 /// <summary>
 /// Will filter entries on Main.cs and automatically sort them by id-asc, as in Main.cs entries are added in reverse order then they are in list.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="filter">Filter object to be applied to query</param>
 /// <returns></returns>
 public List <Entry> FilterEntriesMain(EntriesFilter filter)
     using (IDbConnection conn = new SqlConnection(Helper.ConnectionString(db_name)))
         string query = "dbo.Entry_FilterMain ";
         if (filter.from_date != DateTime.MinValue)
             query += "@from_date, ";
         if (filter.to_date != DateTime.MinValue)
             query += "@to_date, ";
         if (filter.project_id > 0)
             query += "@project_id, ";
         query = query.Substring(0, query.Length - 2);
         return(conn.Query <Entry>(query, filter).ToList());
Example #10
 public void AddFilter(EntriesFilter filter)
Example #11
 public void AddFilter(EntriesFilter filter)
     throw new NotImplementedException();