Example #1
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void DispatchMessage(ChatChannel channel, string text, PlayerIndex?index = null, EntityUid?entityUid = null)
            var msg = BuildChatMessage(channel, text, index, entityUid);

Example #2
        public async Task AirConsistencyTest()
            // --- Setup
            await using var pairTracker = await PoolManager.GetServerClient(new PoolSettings { NoClient = true, ExtraPrototypes = Prototypes });

            var server = pairTracker.Pair.Server;

            await server.WaitIdleAsync();

            var mapLoader             = server.ResolveDependency <IMapLoader>();
            var mapManager            = server.ResolveDependency <IMapManager>();
            var entityManager         = server.ResolveDependency <IEntityManager>();
            RespiratorSystem  respSys = default;
            MetabolizerSystem metaSys = default;

            MapId                   mapId;
            EntityUid?              grid          = null;
            SharedBodyComponent     body          = default;
            EntityUid               human         = default;
            GridAtmosphereComponent relevantAtmos = default;
            float                   startingMoles = 0.0f;

            var testMapName = "Maps/Test/Breathing/3by3-20oxy-80nit.yml";

            await server.WaitPost(() =>
                mapId = mapManager.CreateMap();
                grid  = mapLoader.LoadBlueprint(mapId, testMapName).gridId;

            Assert.NotNull(grid, $"Test blueprint {testMapName} not found.");

            float GetMapMoles()
                var totalMapMoles = 0.0f;

                foreach (var tile in relevantAtmos.Tiles.Values)
                    totalMapMoles += tile.Air?.TotalMoles ?? 0.0f;


            await server.WaitAssertion(() =>
                var coords      = new Vector2(0.5f, -1f);
                var coordinates = new EntityCoordinates(grid.Value, coords);
                human           = entityManager.SpawnEntity("HumanBodyDummy", coordinates);
                respSys         = EntitySystem.Get <RespiratorSystem>();
                metaSys         = EntitySystem.Get <MetabolizerSystem>();
                relevantAtmos   = entityManager.GetComponent <GridAtmosphereComponent>(grid.Value);
                startingMoles   = GetMapMoles();

                Assert.True(entityManager.TryGetComponent(human, out body));
                Assert.True(entityManager.HasComponent <RespiratorComponent>(human));

            // --- End setup

            var inhaleCycles = 100;

            for (var i = 0; i < inhaleCycles; i++)
                await server.WaitAssertion(() =>
                    // inhale
                    Assert.That(GetMapMoles(), Is.LessThan(startingMoles));

                    // metabolize + exhale
                    Assert.That(GetMapMoles(), Is.EqualTo(startingMoles).Within(0.0001));

            await pairTracker.CleanReturnAsync();
 public GetInteractionVerbsEvent(EntityUid user, EntityUid target, EntityUid? @using, SharedHandsComponent?hands,
                                 bool canInteract, bool canAccess) : base(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess)
 protected abstract void PlaySound(EntityUid gun, string?sound, EntityUid?user = null);
 protected abstract void CreateEffect(EffectSystemMessage message, EntityUid?user = null);
 public PullableComponentState(EntityUid?puller)
     Puller = puller;
Example #7
 public void SetEntity(EntityUid uid)
     EntityUid       = uid;
     RoleEntity.Text = $"{uid}";
        /// <summary>
        ///     Raises a number of events in order to get all verbs of the given type(s) defined in local systems. This
        ///     does not request verbs from the server.
        /// </summary>
        public SortedSet <Verb> GetLocalVerbs(EntityUid target, EntityUid user, List <Type> types, bool force = false)
            SortedSet <Verb> verbs = new();

            // accessibility checks
            bool canAccess = false;

            if (force || target == user)
                canAccess = true;
            else if (EntityManager.EntityExists(target) && _interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(user, target))
                if (ContainerSystem.IsInSameOrParentContainer(user, target))
                    canAccess = true;
                    // the item might be in a backpack that the user has open
                    canAccess = _interactionSystem.CanAccessViaStorage(user, target);

            // A large number of verbs need to check action blockers. Instead of repeatedly having each system individually
            // call ActionBlocker checks, just cache it for the verb request.
            var canInteract = force || _actionBlockerSystem.CanInteract(user, target);

            EntityUid? @using = null;

            if (TryComp(user, out SharedHandsComponent? hands) && (force || _actionBlockerSystem.CanUseHeldEntity(user)))
                @using = hands.ActiveHandEntity;

                // Check whether the "Held" entity is a virtual pull entity. If yes, set that as the entity being "Used".
                // This allows you to do things like buckle a dragged person onto a surgery table, without click-dragging
                // their sprite.

                if (TryComp(@using, out HandVirtualItemComponent? pull))
                    @using = pull.BlockingEntity;

            if (types.Contains(typeof(InteractionVerb)))
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <InteractionVerb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, verbEvent);

            if (types.Contains(typeof(UtilityVerb)) &&
                @using != null &&
                @using != target)
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <UtilityVerb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(@using.Value, verbEvent); // directed at used, not at target

            if (types.Contains(typeof(AlternativeVerb)))
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <AlternativeVerb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, verbEvent);

            if (types.Contains(typeof(ActivationVerb)))
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <ActivationVerb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, verbEvent);

            if (types.Contains(typeof(ExamineVerb)))
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <ExamineVerb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, verbEvent);

            // generic verbs
            if (types.Contains(typeof(Verb)))
                var verbEvent = new GetVerbsEvent <Verb>(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, verbEvent);

 IEntity IClientEntityManagerInternal.CreateEntity(string?prototypeName, EntityUid?uid)
     return(base.CreateEntity(prototypeName, uid));
Example #10
 private void HandlePlayerAttached(PlayerAttachSysMessage message)
     _attachedEntity = message.AttachedEntity;
Example #11
 public bool CanHarvest(SeedData proto, EntityUid?held = null)
     return(!proto.Ligneous || proto.Ligneous && held != null && HasComp <SharpComponent>(held));
 public UplinkAccountData(EntityUid?dataAccountHolder, int dataBalance)
     DataAccountHolder = dataAccountHolder;
     DataBalance       = dataBalance;
 public void RequestRoundEnd(EntityUid?requester = null, bool checkCooldown = true)
     RequestRoundEnd(DefaultCountdownDuration, requester, checkCooldown);
Example #14
        private MsgChat BuildChatMessage(ChatChannel channel, string text, PlayerIndex?index, EntityUid?entityUid)
            var message = _network.CreateNetMessage <MsgChat>();

            message.Channel  = channel;
            message.Text     = text;
            message.Index    = index;
            message.EntityId = entityUid;

Example #15
        public override void DoAttack(EntityUid user, EntityCoordinates coordinates, bool wideAttack, EntityUid?target = null)
            // TODO PREDICTION move server-side interaction logic into the shared system for interaction prediction.
            if (!ValidateInteractAndFace(user, coordinates))

            if (!_actionBlockerSystem.CanAttack(user, target))

            if (!wideAttack)
                // Check if interacted entity is in the same container, the direct child, or direct parent of the user.
                if (target != null && !Deleted(target.Value) && !user.IsInSameOrParentContainer(target.Value) && !CanAccessViaStorage(user, target.Value))
                                    $"User entity {ToPrettyString(user):user} clicked on object {ToPrettyString(target.Value):target} that isn't the parent, child, or in the same container");

                // TODO: Replace with body attack range when we get something like arm length or telekinesis or something.
                if (!user.InRangeUnobstructed(coordinates, ignoreInsideBlocker: true))

            // Verify user has a hand, and find what object they are currently holding in their active hand
            if (TryComp(user, out HandsComponent? hands))
                var item = hands.GetActiveHandItem?.Owner;

                if (item != null && !Deleted(item.Value))
                    if (wideAttack)
                        var ev = new WideAttackEvent(item.Value, user, coordinates);
                        RaiseLocalEvent(item.Value, ev, false);

                        if (ev.Handled)
                            _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackArmedWide, LogImpact.Medium, $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} wide attacked with {ToPrettyString(item.Value):used} at {coordinates}");
                        var ev = new ClickAttackEvent(item.Value, user, coordinates, target);
                        RaiseLocalEvent(item.Value, ev, false);

                        if (ev.Handled)
                            if (target != null)
                                _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackArmedClick, LogImpact.Medium,
                                                    $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} attacked {ToPrettyString(target.Value):target} with {ToPrettyString(item.Value):used} at {coordinates}");
                                _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackArmedClick, LogImpact.Medium,
                                                    $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} attacked with {ToPrettyString(item.Value):used} at {coordinates}");

                else if (!wideAttack && target != null && HasComp <SharedItemComponent>(target.Value))
                    // We pick up items if our hand is empty, even if we're in combat mode.
                    InteractHand(user, target.Value);

            // TODO: Make this saner?
            // Attempt to do unarmed combat. We don't check for handled just because at this point it doesn't matter.
            if (wideAttack)
                var ev = new WideAttackEvent(user, user, coordinates);
                RaiseLocalEvent(user, ev, false);
                if (ev.Handled)
                    _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackUnarmedWide, $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} wide attacked at {coordinates}");
                var ev = new ClickAttackEvent(user, user, coordinates, target);
                RaiseLocalEvent(user, ev, false);
                if (ev.Handled)
                    if (target != null)
                        _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackUnarmedClick, LogImpact.Medium,
                                            $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} attacked {ToPrettyString(target.Value):target} at {coordinates}");
                        _adminLogSystem.Add(LogType.AttackUnarmedClick, LogImpact.Medium,
                                            $"{ToPrettyString(user):user} attacked at {coordinates}");
 public WearableAnimatedSpriteComponentState(bool isCurrentlyWorn, bool isCurrentlyCarried,
                                             bool visible, DrawDepth drawDepth, string name, string currentAnimation, bool loop, EntityUid?masterUid)
     : base(visible, drawDepth, name, currentAnimation, loop, masterUid, NetIDs.WEARABLE_ANIMATED_SPRITE)
     IsCurrentlyWorn    = isCurrentlyWorn;
     IsCurrentlyCarried = isCurrentlyCarried;
 /// <summary>
 ///     Constructs a new state snapshot of a TransformComponent.
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="position">Current position offset of the entity.</param>
 /// <param name="rotation">Current direction offset of the entity.</param>
 /// <param name="parentID">Current parent transform of this entity.</param>
 public TransformComponentState(Vector2 localPosition, GridId gridId, MapId mapId, Angle rotation, EntityUid?parentID)
     : base(NetIDs.TRANSFORM)
     LocalPosition = localPosition;
     GridID        = gridId;
     MapID         = mapId;
     Rotation      = rotation;
     ParentID      = parentID;
Example #18
 public PilotComponentState(EntityUid?uid)
     Console = uid;
 public StopPullingEvent(EntityUid?uid = null)
     User = uid;
Example #20
 public ElectrocutedEvent(EntityUid targetUid, EntityUid?sourceUid, float siemensCoefficient)
     TargetUid          = targetUid;
     SourceUid          = sourceUid;
     SiemensCoefficient = siemensCoefficient;
 public abstract void Shoot(
     GunComponent gun,
     List <IShootable> ammo,
     EntityCoordinates fromCoordinates,
     EntityCoordinates toCoordinates,
     EntityUid?user = null);
        public void Execute(IConsoleShell shell, string argStr, string[] args)
            if (args.Length < 1)

            // Get player entity
            if (!IoCManager.Resolve <IPlayerManager>().TryGetSessionByUsername(args[0], out var session))
            if (session.AttachedEntity is not {
            } user)
                shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("Selected player doesn't controll any entity"));

            // Get target item
            EntityUid?uplinkEntity  = null;
            var       entityManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IEntityManager>();

            if (args.Length >= 2)
                if (!int.TryParse(args[1], out var itemID))

                var eUid = new EntityUid(itemID);
                if (!eUid.IsValid() || !entityManager.EntityExists(eUid))

                uplinkEntity = eUid;

            // Get TC count
            var configManager = IoCManager.Resolve <IConfigurationManager>();
            var tcCount       = configManager.GetCVar(CCVars.TraitorStartingBalance);

            // Get account
            var uplinkAccount = new UplinkAccount(tcCount, user);
            var accounts      = entityManager.EntitySysManager.GetEntitySystem <UplinkAccountsSystem>();


            // Finally add uplink
            if (!entityManager.EntitySysManager.GetEntitySystem <UplinkSystem>()
                .AddUplink(user, uplinkAccount, uplinkEntity))
                shell.WriteLine(Loc.GetString("Failed to add uplink to the player"));
 protected abstract void Popup(string message, EntityUid?uid, EntityUid?user);
    /// <summary>
    /// Equips an ID card and PDA onto the given entity.
    /// </summary>
    /// <param name="entity">Entity to load out.</param>
    /// <param name="characterName">Character name to use for the ID.</param>
    /// <param name="jobPrototype">Job prototype to use for the PDA and ID.</param>
    /// <param name="station">The station this player is being spawned on.</param>
    public void EquipIdCard(EntityUid entity, string characterName, JobPrototype jobPrototype, EntityUid?station)
        if (!_inventorySystem.TryGetSlotEntity(entity, "id", out var idUid))

        if (!EntityManager.TryGetComponent(idUid, out PDAComponent? pdaComponent) || pdaComponent.ContainedID == null)

        var card   = pdaComponent.ContainedID;
        var cardId = card.Owner;

        _cardSystem.TryChangeFullName(cardId, characterName, card);
        _cardSystem.TryChangeJobTitle(cardId, jobPrototype.Name, card);

        var extendedAccess = false;

        if (station != null)
            var data = Comp <StationJobsComponent>(station.Value);
            extendedAccess = data.ExtendedAccess;

        _accessSystem.SetAccessToJob(cardId, jobPrototype, extendedAccess);

        _pdaSystem.SetOwner(pdaComponent, characterName);
Example #25
 public abstract void PickupAnimation(EntityUid item, EntityCoordinates initialPosition, Vector2 finalPosition,
 public PlayerSpawningEvent(Job?job, HumanoidCharacterProfile?humanoidCharacterProfile, EntityUid?station)
     Job = job;
     HumanoidCharacterProfile = humanoidCharacterProfile;
     Station = station;
        /// <summary>
        ///     Raises a number of events in order to get all verbs of the given type(s) defined in local systems. This
        ///     does not request verbs from the server.
        /// </summary>
        public virtual Dictionary <VerbType, SortedSet <Verb> > GetLocalVerbs(EntityUid target, EntityUid user, VerbType verbTypes, bool force = false)
            Dictionary <VerbType, SortedSet <Verb> > verbs = new();

            // accessibility checks
            bool canAccess = false;

            if (force || target == user)
                canAccess = true;
            else if (EntityManager.EntityExists(target) && _interactionSystem.InRangeUnobstructed(user, target, ignoreInsideBlocker: true))
                if (user.IsInSameOrParentContainer(target))
                    canAccess = true;
                    // the item might be in a backpack that the user has open
                    canAccess = _interactionSystem.CanAccessViaStorage(user, target);

            // A large number of verbs need to check action blockers. Instead of repeatedly having each system individually
            // call ActionBlocker checks, just cache it for the verb request.
            var canInteract = force || _actionBlockerSystem.CanInteract(user);

            EntityUid? @using = null;

            if (TryComp(user, out SharedHandsComponent? hands) && (force || _actionBlockerSystem.CanUse(user)))
                hands.TryGetActiveHeldEntity(out @using);

                // Check whether the "Held" entity is a virtual pull entity. If yes, set that as the entity being "Used".
                // This allows you to do things like buckle a dragged person onto a surgery table, without click-dragging
                // their sprite.

                if (TryComp(@using, out HandVirtualItemComponent? pull))
                    @using = pull.BlockingEntity;

            if ((verbTypes & VerbType.Interaction) == VerbType.Interaction)
                GetInteractionVerbsEvent getVerbEvent = new(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, getVerbEvent);
                verbs.Add(VerbType.Interaction, getVerbEvent.Verbs);

            if ((verbTypes & VerbType.Activation) == VerbType.Activation)
                GetActivationVerbsEvent getVerbEvent = new(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, getVerbEvent);
                verbs.Add(VerbType.Activation, getVerbEvent.Verbs);

            if ((verbTypes & VerbType.Alternative) == VerbType.Alternative)
                GetAlternativeVerbsEvent getVerbEvent = new(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, getVerbEvent);
                verbs.Add(VerbType.Alternative, getVerbEvent.Verbs);

            if ((verbTypes & VerbType.Other) == VerbType.Other)
                GetOtherVerbsEvent getVerbEvent = new(user, target, @using, hands, canInteract, canAccess);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target, getVerbEvent);
                verbs.Add(VerbType.Other, getVerbEvent.Verbs);

Example #28
        /// <summary>
        /// Will have two behaviors, either "uses" the used entity at range on the target entity if it is capable of accepting that action
        /// Or it will use the used entity itself on the position clicked, regardless of what was there
        /// </summary>
        public override async Task <bool> InteractUsingRanged(EntityUid user, EntityUid used, EntityUid?target, EntityCoordinates clickLocation, bool inRangeUnobstructed)
            // TODO PREDICTION move server-side interaction logic into the shared system for interaction prediction.
            if (InteractDoBefore(user, used, inRangeUnobstructed ? target : null, clickLocation, false))

            if (target != null)
                var rangedMsg = new RangedInteractEvent(user, used, target.Value, clickLocation);
                RaiseLocalEvent(target.Value, rangedMsg);
                if (rangedMsg.Handled)

                var rangedInteractions         = AllComps <IRangedInteract>(target.Value).ToList();
                var rangedInteractionEventArgs = new RangedInteractEventArgs(user, used, clickLocation);

                // See if we have a ranged interaction
                foreach (var t in rangedInteractions)
                    // If an InteractUsingRanged returns a status completion we finish our interaction
#pragma warning disable 618
                    if (t.RangedInteract(rangedInteractionEventArgs))
#pragma warning restore 618

            return(await InteractDoAfter(user, used, inRangeUnobstructed?target : null, clickLocation, false));
        public void PerformAction(EntityUid uid, EntityUid?userUid, IEntityManager entityManager)
            if (!entityManager.TryGetComponent(uid, out ContainerManagerComponent? containerManager))
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} did not have a container manager! Aborting build machine action.");

            if (!entityManager.TryGetComponent(uid, out MachineFrameComponent? machineFrame))
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} did not have a machine frame component! Aborting build machine action.");

            if (!machineFrame.IsComplete)
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} doesn't have all required parts to be built! Aborting build machine action.");

            if (!containerManager.TryGetContainer(MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer, out var entBoardContainer))
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} did not have the '{MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer}' container! Aborting build machine action.");

            if (!containerManager.TryGetContainer(MachineFrameComponent.PartContainer, out var entPartContainer))
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} did not have the '{MachineFrameComponent.PartContainer}' container! Aborting build machine action.");

            if (entBoardContainer.ContainedEntities.Count != 1)
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} did not have exactly one item in the '{MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer}' container! Aborting build machine action.");

            var board = entBoardContainer.ContainedEntities[0];

            if (!board.TryGetComponent(out MachineBoardComponent? boardComponent))
                Logger.Warning($"Machine frame entity {uid} had an invalid entity in container \"{MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer}\"! Aborting build machine action.");


            var transform = entityManager.GetComponent <ITransformComponent>(uid);
            var machine   = entityManager.SpawnEntity(boardComponent.Prototype, transform.Coordinates);

            machine.Transform.LocalRotation = transform.LocalRotation;

            var boardContainer = machine.EnsureContainer <Container>(MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer, out var existed);

            if (existed)
                // Clean that up...

            var partContainer = machine.EnsureContainer <Container>(MachineFrameComponent.PartContainer, out existed);

            if (existed)
                // Clean that up, too...


            // Now we insert all parts.
            foreach (var part in entPartContainer.ContainedEntities.ToArray())

            var constructionSystem = entityManager.EntitySysManager.GetEntitySystem <ConstructionSystem>();

            if (machine.TryGetComponent(out ConstructionComponent? construction))
                // We only add these two container. If some construction needs to take other containers into account, fix this.
                constructionSystem.AddContainer(machine.Uid, MachineFrameComponent.BoardContainer, construction);
                constructionSystem.AddContainer(machine.Uid, MachineFrameComponent.PartContainer, construction);

            if (machine.TryGetComponent(out MachineComponent? machineComp))

Example #30
        /// <inheritdoc />
        public void DispatchMessage(List <INetChannel> clients, ChatChannel channel, string text, PlayerIndex?index = null, EntityUid?entityUid = null)
            var msg = BuildChatMessage(channel, text, index, entityUid);

            _network.ServerSendToMany(msg, clients);