Example #1
        private void OnUseInHand(EntityUid uid, SpawnItemsOnUseComponent component, UseInHandEvent args)
            if (args.Handled)

            var       coords               = Transform(args.User).Coordinates;
            var       spawnEntities        = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(component.Items, _random);
            EntityUid?entityToPlaceInHands = null;

            foreach (var proto in spawnEntities)
                entityToPlaceInHands = Spawn(proto, coords);

            if (component.Sound != null)
                SoundSystem.Play(component.Sound.GetSound(), Filter.Pvs(uid), uid);

            if (component.Uses == 0)
                args.Handled = true;

            if (entityToPlaceInHands != null)
                _handsSystem.PickupOrDrop(args.User, entityToPlaceInHands.Value);
Example #2
    public bool TryLayEgg(EntityUid uid, EggLayerComponent?component)
        if (!Resolve(uid, ref component))

        // Allow infinitely laying eggs if they can't get hungry
        if (TryComp <HungerComponent>(uid, out var hunger))
            if (hunger.CurrentHunger < component.HungerUsage)
                _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("action-popup-lay-egg-too-hungry"), uid, Filter.Entities(uid));

            hunger.CurrentHunger -= component.HungerUsage;

        foreach (var ent in EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(component.EggSpawn, _random))
            Spawn(ent, Transform(uid).Coordinates);

        // Sound + popups
        SoundSystem.Play(component.EggLaySound.GetSound(), Filter.Pvs(uid), uid, component.EggLaySound.Params);
        _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("action-popup-lay-egg-user"), uid, Filter.Entities(uid));
        _popup.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("action-popup-lay-egg-others", ("entity", uid)), uid, Filter.PvsExcept(uid));

        private void Spike(EntityUid uid, EntityUid userUid, EntityUid victimUid,
                           KitchenSpikeComponent?component = null, SharedButcherableComponent?butcherable = null)
            if (!Resolve(uid, ref component) || !Resolve(victimUid, ref butcherable))

            // TODO VERY SUS
            component.PrototypesToSpawn = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(butcherable.SpawnedEntities, _random);

            // This feels not okay, but entity is getting deleted on "Spike", for now...
            component.MeatSource1p = Loc.GetString("comp-kitchen-spike-remove-meat", ("victim", victimUid));
            component.MeatSource0  = Loc.GetString("comp-kitchen-spike-remove-meat-last", ("victim", victimUid));
            component.Victim       = Name(victimUid);

            UpdateAppearance(uid, null, component);

            _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("comp-kitchen-spike-kill", ("user", userUid), ("victim", victimUid)), uid, Filter.Pvs(userUid));

            // THE WHAT?
            // TODO: Need to be able to leave them on the spike to do DoT, see ss13.

            SoundSystem.Play(component.SpikeSound.GetSound(), Filter.Pvs(uid), uid);
Example #4
    private void OnStorageFillMapInit(EntityUid uid, StorageFillComponent component, MapInitEvent args)
        if (component.Contents.Count == 0)
        if (!EntityManager.EntitySysManager.TryGetEntitySystem <EntityStorageSystem>(out var entityStorage))

        TryComp <ServerStorageComponent>(uid, out var serverStorageComp);
        TryComp <EntityStorageComponent>(uid, out var entityStorageComp);

        if (entityStorageComp == null && serverStorageComp == null)
            Logger.Error($"StorageFillComponent couldn't find any StorageComponent ({uid})");

        var coordinates = Transform(uid).Coordinates;

        var spawnItems = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(component.Contents, _random);

        foreach (var item in spawnItems)
            var ent = EntityManager.SpawnEntity(item, coordinates);

            // handle depending on storage component, again this should be unified after ECS
            if (entityStorageComp != null && entityStorage.Insert(ent, uid))

            if (serverStorageComp != null && Insert(uid, ent, serverStorageComp))

            Logger.ErrorS("storage", $"Tried to StorageFill {item} inside {ToPrettyString(uid)} but can't.");
Example #5
    /// <summary>
    /// Loops through a supplied list of entity prototypes and spawns them
    /// </summary>
    /// <remarks>
    /// If an offset of 0, 0 is supplied then the entities will all spawn on the same tile.
    /// Any other offset will spawn entities starting from the source Map Coordinates and will increment the supplied
    /// offset
    /// </remarks>
    /// <param name="entityEntries"> The list of Entities to spawn in</param>
    /// <param name="mapCoords"> Map Coordinates where the entities will spawn</param>
    /// <param name="lifetime"> Check to see if the entities should self delete</param>
    /// <param name="offsetVector2"> A Vector2 offset that the entities will spawn in</param>
    private void SpawnSpellHelper(List <EntitySpawnEntry> entityEntries, MapCoordinates mapCoords, float?lifetime, Vector2 offsetVector2)
        var getProtos = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(entityEntries, _random);

        var offsetCoords = mapCoords;

        foreach (var proto in getProtos)
            // TODO: Share this code with instant because they're both doing similar things for positioning.
            var entity = Spawn(proto, offsetCoords);
            offsetCoords = offsetCoords.Offset(offsetVector2);

            if (lifetime != null)
                var comp = EnsureComp <TimedDespawnComponent>(entity);
                comp.Lifetime = lifetime.Value;
        private void OnMindAdded(EntityUid uid, DroneComponent drone, MindAddedMessage args)
            UpdateDroneAppearance(uid, DroneStatus.On);
            _popupSystem.PopupEntity(Loc.GetString("drone-activated"), uid,
                                     Filter.Pvs(uid), PopupType.Large);

            if (drone.AlreadyAwoken == false)
                var spawnCoord = Transform(uid).Coordinates;

                if (drone.Tools.Count == 0)

                if (TryComp <HandsComponent>(uid, out var hands) && hands.Count >= drone.Tools.Count)
                    var items = EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(drone.Tools, _robustRandom);
                    foreach (var entry in items)
                        var item = Spawn(entry, spawnCoord);
                        AddComp <UnremoveableComponent>(item);
                        if (!_handsSystem.TryPickupAnyHand(uid, item, checkActionBlocker: false))
                            Logger.Error($"Drone ({ToPrettyString(uid)}) failed to pick up innate item ({ToPrettyString(item)})");

                if (TryComp <ActionsComponent>(uid, out var actions) && TryComp <UnpoweredFlashlightComponent>(uid, out var flashlight))
                    _actionsSystem.AddAction(uid, flashlight.ToggleAction, null, actions);

                drone.AlreadyAwoken = true;
 /// <inheritdoc cref="EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns"/>
 public List <string> GetSpawns(IRobustRandom?random = null)
     return(EntitySpawnCollection.GetSpawns(Entries, random));