/// <summary> /// 评估记录-保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="pgData"></param> /// <param name="pgId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxyPgRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, EntityGxyPg gxyPg, EntityGxyPgData pgData, out decimal pgId) { using (Biz205 biz = new Biz205()) { return(biz.SaveGxyPgRecord(gxyRecord, gxyPg, pgData, out pgId)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="gxyRecord"></param> /// <param name="recId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxyRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, out decimal recId) { using (Biz205 biz = new Biz205()) { return(biz.SaveGxyRecord(gxyRecord, out recId)); } }
/// <summary> /// 随访记录-保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sfData"></param> /// <param name="sfId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxySfRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, EntityGxySf gxySf, EntityGxySfData sfData, out decimal sfId) { using (Biz205 biz = new Biz205()) { return(biz.SaveGxySfRecord(gxyRecord, gxySf, sfData, out sfId)); } }
/// <summary> /// /// </summary> /// <param name="sender"></param> /// <param name="e"></param> private void blbiAdd_ItemClick(object sender, DevExpress.XtraBars.ItemClickEventArgs e) { EntityClientGxyResult gxyResult = GetRowObject(); if (gxyResult == null) { return; } List <EntityParm> parms = new List <EntityParm>(); EntityParm vo1 = new EntityParm(); vo1.key = "clientNo"; vo1.value = gxyResult.clientNo; parms.Add(vo1); EntityParm vo2 = new EntityParm(); vo2.key = "regTimes"; vo2.value = gxyResult.regTimes.ToString(); parms.Add(vo2); using (ProxyHms proxy = new ProxyHms()) { List <EntityGxyRecord> lstRecord = proxy.Service.GetGxyPatients(parms); if (lstRecord != null) { DialogBox.Msg("人员已添加,请重新选择!"); return; } } EntityGxyRecord gxyRecorde = new EntityGxyRecord(); gxyRecorde.clientNo = gxyResult.clientNo; gxyRecorde.regNo = gxyResult.regNo; gxyRecorde.beginDate = DateTime.Now; gxyRecorde.regTimes = gxyResult.regTimes; gxyRecorde.status = 0; decimal recId = 0; using (ProxyHms proxy = new ProxyHms()) { int affect = proxy.Service.SaveGxyRecord(gxyRecorde, out recId); if (affect > 0) { isRefresh = true; gxyRecorde.recId = recId; DialogBox.Msg("添加成功!"); } else { DialogBox.Msg("添加失败!"); } } }
public frmPopup2050101(EntityGxyRecord _gxyRecord) { InitializeComponent(); this.Height = System.Windows.Forms.Screen.PrimaryScreen.WorkingArea.Height; if (!DesignMode) { this.lueSfOper.LookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; this.lueSfOper.LookAndFeel.SkinName = "Black"; this.lueSfRecorder.LookAndFeel.UseDefaultLookAndFeel = false; this.lueSfRecorder.LookAndFeel.SkinName = "Black"; gxyRecord = _gxyRecord; } }
/// <summary> /// 添加计划 /// </summary> public override void Copy() { if (mbglTab == EnumMbgltab.record) { if (this.gvGxyRecord.SelectedRowsCount > 0) { EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord = this.gvGxyRecord.GetRow(this.gvGxyRecord.GetSelectedRows()[0]) as EntityGxyRecord; EntityClientInfo client = new EntityClientInfo(); client = Function.MapperToModel(client, gxyRecord); List <EntityClientInfo> lstClientInfo = new List <EntityClientInfo>(); lstClientInfo.Add(client); //frm20401 frm = new frm20401(lstClientInfo); //frm.ShowDialog(); object[] parm = new object[2]; parm[0] = GlobalParm.dicSysMenu["创建计划"]; Form frmMain = this.MdiParent; System.Reflection.MethodInfo objMth = frmMain.GetType().GetMethod("ReflectionByAccVo"); objMth.Invoke(frmMain, parm); } } }
/// <summary> /// 评估记录-保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="pgData"></param> /// <param name="pgId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxyPgRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, EntityGxyPg gxyPg, EntityGxyPgData pgData, out decimal pgId) { int affectRows = 0; pgId = 0; string Sql = string.Empty; SqlHelper svc = null; decimal id = 0; try { svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); List <DacParm> lstParm = new List <DacParm>(); svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); if (gxyPg.pgId <= 0) { id = svc.GetNextID("gxyPg", "pgId"); gxyPg.status = 1; gxyPg.pgId = id; gxyPg.recordDate = DateTime.Now; gxyRecord.pgTimes += 1; lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(gxyPg)); //高血压下次随访数据 string sql = @"update gxyRecord set pgTimes = ? where recId = ?"; IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(2); param[0].Value = gxyRecord.pgTimes; param[1].Value = gxyRecord.recId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, sql, param)); } else { id = gxyPg.pgId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetUpdateParm(gxyPg, new List <string> { EntityGxyPg.Columns.bloodPressLevel, EntityGxyPg.Columns.dangerLevel, EntityGxyPg.Columns.manageLevel, EntityGxyPg.Columns.evaDate, }, new List <string> { EntityGxyPg.Columns.pgId })); } pgData.pgId = id; //评估数据 lstParm.Add(svc.GetDelParm(pgData, EntityGxyPgData.Columns.pgId)); lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(pgData)); if (lstParm.Count > 0) { affectRows = svc.Commit(lstParm); } pgId = id; } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); affectRows = -1; } finally { svc = null; } return(affectRows); }
/// <summary> /// 随访记录-保存 /// </summary> /// <param name="sfData"></param> /// <param name="sfId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxySfRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, EntityGxySf gxySf, EntityGxySfData sfData, out decimal sfId) { int affectRows = 0; sfId = 0; string Sql = string.Empty; SqlHelper svc = null; decimal id = 0; try { svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); List <DacParm> lstParm = new List <DacParm>(); svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); if (gxySf.sfId <= 0) { id = svc.GetNextID("gxySf", "sfId"); gxySf.sfId = id; gxySf.sfStatus = 1; gxySf.recordDate = DateTime.Now; gxyRecord.sfId = id; gxyRecord.sfTimes += 1; sfData.sfId = id; lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(gxySf)); } else { id = gxySf.sfId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetUpdateParm(gxySf, new List <string> { EntityGxySf.Columns.sfMethod, EntityGxySf.Columns.sfClass, EntityGxySf.Columns.sfDate }, new List <string> { EntityGxySf.Columns.sfId })); } //随访数据 lstParm.Add(svc.GetDelParm(sfData, EntityGxySfData.Columns.sfId)); lstParm.Add(svc.GetInsertParm(sfData)); if (gxyRecord.sfTimes > 0) { //高血压下次随访数据 string sql = @"update gxyRecord set manageLevel = ?, nextSfDate = ?, sfId = ?,sfTimes = ? where recId = ?"; IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(5); param[0].Value = gxyRecord.manageLevel; param[1].Value = gxyRecord.nextSfDate; param[2].Value = gxyRecord.sfId; param[3].Value = gxyRecord.sfTimes; param[4].Value = gxyRecord.recId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, sql, param)); } else { //高血压下次随访数据 string sql = @"update gxyRecord set manageLevel = ?, nextSfDate = ?, sfId = ? where recId = ?"; IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(4); param[0].Value = gxyRecord.manageLevel; param[1].Value = gxyRecord.nextSfDate; param[2].Value = gxyRecord.sfId; param[3].Value = gxyRecord.recId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, sql, param)); } if (lstParm.Count > 0) { affectRows = svc.Commit(lstParm); } sfId = id; } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); affectRows = -1; } finally { svc = null; } return(affectRows); }
/// <summary> /// 人员列表 /// </summary> /// <param name="parms"></param> /// <returns></returns> public List <EntityGxyRecord> GetGxyPatients(List <EntityParm> parms) { List <EntityGxyRecord> data = null; SqlHelper svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); string Sql = string.Empty; Sql = @"select a.recId,a.regNo, b.clientNo, b.clientName, a.regTimes, b.gender, b.birthday, b.gradeName, b.company, manageLevel, sfTimes , pgTimes , a.beginDate, a.nextSfDate, 0 as planTimes from gxyRecord a inner join V_ClientInfo b on a.clientNo = b.clientNo and a.regTimes = b.regTimes where a.recid >= 0 "; string subStr = string.Empty; List <IDataParameter> lstParm = new List <IDataParameter>(); if (parms != null) { foreach (var po in parms) { switch (po.key) { case "queryDate": IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(2); param[0].Value = po.value.Split('|')[0] + " 00:00:00"; param[1].Value = po.value.Split('|')[1] + " 23:59:59"; subStr += " and a.recordDate between ? and ?"; lstParm.AddRange(param); break; case "clientNo": subStr += " and a.clientNo = '" + po.value + "'"; break; case "regTimes": subStr += " and a.regTimes = '" + po.value + "'"; break; default: break; } } } Sql += subStr; DataTable dt = svc.GetDataTable(Sql, lstParm); if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0) { data = new List <EntityGxyRecord>(); EntityGxyRecord vo = null; foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows) { vo = new EntityGxyRecord(); vo.recId = Function.Dec(dr["recId"]); vo.regNo = dr["regNo"].ToString(); vo.regTimes = Function.Int(dr["regTimes"]); vo.clientNo = dr["clientNo"].ToString(); vo.clientName = dr["clientName"].ToString(); string gender = dr["gender"].ToString(); if (gender == "1") { vo.sex = "男"; } else if (gender == "2") { vo.sex = "女"; } vo.age = dr["birthday"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Function.CalcAge(Function.Datetime(dr["birthday"])); vo.gradeName = dr["gradeName"].ToString(); vo.company = dr["company"].ToString(); vo.beginDateStr = dr["beginDate"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Function.Datetime(dr["beginDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); vo.manageLevel = dr["manageLevel"].ToString(); if (vo.manageLevel == "1") { vo.manageLevel = "一级管理"; } if (vo.manageLevel == "2") { vo.manageLevel = "二级管理"; } if (vo.manageLevel == "3") { vo.manageLevel = "三级管理"; } vo.sfNextDateStr = dr["nextSfDate"] == DBNull.Value ? "" : Function.Datetime(dr["nextSfDate"]).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm"); vo.sfTimes = Function.Dec(dr["sfTimes"]); vo.pgTimes = Function.Dec(dr["pgTimes"]); data.Add(vo); } } return(data); }
/// <summary> /// 保存人员记录 /// </summary> /// <param name="gxyRecord"></param> /// <param name="recId"></param> /// <returns></returns> public int SaveGxyRecord(EntityGxyRecord gxyRecord, out decimal recId) { int affectRows = 0; recId = 0; string Sql = string.Empty; SqlHelper svc = null; try { if (gxyRecord == null) { return(-1); } decimal id = 0; List <DacParm> lstParm = new List <DacParm>(); svc = new SqlHelper(EnumBiz.onlineDB); if (gxyRecord.recId <= 0) { string sql = @"insert into gxyRecord(recid,clientno,regtimes,regno,beginDate,recorder,recorddate,status) values (?,?,?,?,?,?,?,?)"; id = svc.GetNextID("gxyRecord", "recId"); gxyRecord.recordDate = DateTime.Now; gxyRecord.beginDate = DateTime.Now; gxyRecord.recorder = "00"; IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(8); param[0].Value = id; param[1].Value = gxyRecord.clientNo; param[2].Value = gxyRecord.regTimes; param[3].Value = gxyRecord.regNo; param[4].Value = gxyRecord.beginDate; param[5].Value = gxyRecord.recorder; param[6].Value = gxyRecord.recordDate; param[7].Value = gxyRecord.status; lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, sql, param)); } else { string sql = @"update gxyRecord set beginDate = ?, manageLevel = ?, nextSfDate = ? where recId = ?"; IDataParameter[] param = svc.CreateParm(4); param[0].Value = gxyRecord.beginDate; param[1].Value = gxyRecord.manageLevel; param[2].Value = gxyRecord.nextSfDate; param[3].Value = gxyRecord.recId; lstParm.Add(svc.GetDacParm(EnumExecType.ExecSql, sql, param)); } recId = id; if (lstParm.Count > 0) { affectRows = svc.Commit(lstParm); } } catch (Exception e) { ExceptionLog.OutPutException(e); affectRows = -1; } finally { svc = null; } return(affectRows); }
/// <summary> /// SaveData /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> void SaveData() { if (gxySf == null) { gxySf = new EntityGxySf(); gxySf.recId = gxyRecord.recId; } if (gxyRecord == null) { gxyRecord = new EntityGxyRecord(); gxyRecord.recId = gxySf.recId; } gxySf.sfDate = Function.Datetime(dteSfDate.Text); gxySf.sfMethod = string.Empty; gxySf.sfClass = string.Empty; gxyRecord.manageLevel = string.Empty; if (chkSffs01.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfMethod = "1"; } if (chkSffs02.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfMethod = "2"; } if (chkSffs03.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfClass = "3"; } if (chkSfClass01.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfClass = "1"; } if (chkSfClass02.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfClass = "2"; } if (chkSfClass03.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfClass = "3"; } if (chkSfClass04.Checked == true) { gxySf.sfClass = "4"; } if (chkManageLevel01.Checked == true) { gxyRecord.manageLevel = "1"; } if (chkManageLevel02.Checked == true) { gxyRecord.manageLevel = "2"; } if (chkManageLevel03.Checked == true) { gxyRecord.manageLevel = "3"; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gxySf.sfMethod)) { DialogBox.Msg("随访形式必选 !"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gxySf.sfClass)) { DialogBox.Msg("随访分类必选 !"); return; } if (string.IsNullOrEmpty(gxyRecord.manageLevel)) { DialogBox.Msg("管理等级必选 !"); return; } gxySf.sfRecorder = this.lueSfRecorder.EditValue.ToString(); gxySf.sfStatus = 1; if (this.sfData == null) { this.sfData = new EntityGxySfData(); } this.sfData.sfId = gxySf.sfId; this.sfData.xmlData = this.GetData(); if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(dteNextSfDate.Text)) { gxyRecord.nextSfDate = Function.Datetime(dteNextSfDate.Text); } decimal sfId = 0; bool isNew = this.sfData.sfId <= 0 ? true : false; using (ProxyHms proxy = new ProxyHms()) { if (proxy.Service.SaveGxySfRecord(this.gxyRecord, this.gxySf, this.sfData, out sfId) > 0) { this.IsRequireRefresh = true; if (isNew) { this.gxySf.sfId = sfId; this.sfData.sfId = sfId; this.gxyRecord.sfId = sfId; } DialogBox.Msg("保存成功!"); } else { DialogBox.Msg("保存失败。"); } } }
/// <summary> /// SaveData /// </summary> /// <returns></returns> void SaveData() { if (pgVo == null) { pgVo = new EntityGxyPg(); pgVo.recId = gxyRecord.recId; } if (gxyRecord == null) { gxyRecord = new EntityGxyRecord(); gxyRecord.recId = pgVo.recId; } if (chkXyfj01.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "1"; } if (chkXyfj02.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "2"; } if (chkXyfj03.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "3"; } if (chkXyfj04.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "4"; } if (chkXyfj05.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "5"; } if (chkXyfj06.Checked == true) { pgVo.bloodPressLevel = "6"; } if (chkWxfc01.Checked == true) { pgVo.dangerLevel = "1"; } if (chkWxfc02.Checked == true) { pgVo.dangerLevel = "2"; } if (chkWxfc03.Checked == true) { pgVo.dangerLevel = "3"; } if (chkManageLevel01.Checked == true) { pgVo.manageLevel = "1"; } if (chkManageLevel02.Checked == true) { pgVo.manageLevel = "2"; } if (chkManageLevel03.Checked == true) { pgVo.manageLevel = "3"; } pgVo.evaluator = lueEnaOper.EditValue.ToString(); pgVo.evaDate = Function.Datetime(dteEnaDate.Text); pgData = new EntityGxyPgData(); pgData.xmlData = GetData(); decimal pgId = 0; bool isNew = this.pgVo.pgId <= 0 ? true : false; using (ProxyHms proxy = new ProxyHms()) { if (proxy.Service.SaveGxyPgRecord(this.gxyRecord, this.pgVo, this.pgData, out pgId) > 0) { this.IsRequireRefresh = true; if (isNew) { this.pgVo.pgId = pgId; this.pgData.pgId = pgId; } DialogBox.Msg("保存成功!"); } else { DialogBox.Msg("保存失败。"); } } }