public void Execute()
                if (Request.Status == PathSearchStatus.Requested)
                    StartPathSearch(JobIndex, EntityRequestId, Query, CommandBuffer, Request);
                else if (Request.Status == PathSearchStatus.Started)
                    var pathfindingStatus = Query.UpdateFindPath(10, out _);
                    if (pathfindingStatus == PathQueryStatus.Success)
                        Query.EndFindPath(out int pathSize);
                        var pathBuffer = BuffersLookup[Request.Agent];

                        //Path is straight and has no obstacles
                        if (pathSize == 1)
                            pathBuffer.Add(new PathBufferElement {
                                Value = Request.Destination
                            CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(JobIndex, EntityRequestId);

                        //Path is complex and needs to be properly extracted
                        CompletePathSearch(JobIndex, EntityRequestId, Query, CommandBuffer, pathSize,
                                           MaximumPoolSize, Request, pathBuffer);
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref HelloSpawner8 spawner, [ReadOnly] ref LocalToWorld location)
                var random = new Random(1);

                for (int x = 0; x < spawner.CountX; x++)
                    for (int y = 0; y < spawner.CountY; y++)
                        Entity instance = CommandBuffer.Instantiate(index, spawner.Prefab);

                        // Place the instantiated in a grid with some noise
                        var position = math.transform(location.Value, new float3(x * 1.3F, noise.cnoise(new float2(x, y) * 0.21F) * 2, y * 1.3F));
                        CommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, instance, new Translation {
                            Value = position
                        CommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, instance, new LifeTime {
                            Value = random.NextFloat(10.0F, 100.0F)
                        CommandBuffer.SetComponent(index, instance, new RotationSpeed {
                            RadiansPerSecond = math.radians(random.NextFloat(25.0F, 90.0F))

                CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int jobIndex, [ReadOnly] ref AlivePeriod ap)
     if (ap.GetRemainTime(Time) < 0f)
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(jobIndex, entity);
Example #4
 public void Execute(int index)
     if (CurrentTime > Bullets[index].RemoveAt)
         EntityBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, EntityArray [index]);
Example #5
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref Translation posComp, ref ItemStorageComponent itemStorageComp)
                var atPlayerPosDelta = math.abs(playerPosX - posComp.Value.x);

                if (itemStorageComp.checkRadius < atPlayerPosDelta)

                itemStorageComp.gettingTime -= (agility * deltaTime);
                if (0.0f < itemStorageComp.gettingTime)
                    cmdBuf.SetComponent(index, avatarEntity, new ForceStateComponent()
                        state = (int)ForceState.Item

                var newInventoryComp = inventory;

                newInventoryComp.currentGettingItem = itemStorageComp.index;
                cmdBuf.SetComponent(index, avatarEntity, newInventoryComp);
                cmdBuf.SetComponent(index, avatarEntity, new ForceStateComponent()
                    state = (int)ForceState.None

                cmdBuf.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #6
            private InputFieldCaretState ProcessPointerInput(Entity inputFieldEntity, DynamicBuffer <PointerInputBuffer> pointerInputBuffer, DynamicBuffer <TextData> textData, InputFieldCaretState caretState, int chunkIdx)
                for (int i = 0; i < pointerInputBuffer.Length; i++)
                    var pointerEvent = pointerInputBuffer[i];
                    if (pointerEvent.EventType == PointerEventType.Selected)
                        caretState.CaretPosition = textData.Length;
                        CommandBuff.AddComponent(chunkIdx, inputFieldEntity, new InputFieldCaretEntityLink()
                            CaretEntity = CreateCaret(inputFieldEntity, chunkIdx)
                        //CommandBuff.RemoveComponent(chunkIdx, caretState.CaretEntity, typeof(Disabled));

                    if (pointerEvent.EventType == PointerEventType.Click)

                    if (pointerEvent.EventType == PointerEventType.Deselected)
                        CommandBuff.AddComponent(chunkIdx, inputFieldEntity, new InputFieldEndEditEvent());
                        if (InputFieldCaretLinkFromEntity.Exists(inputFieldEntity))
                            CommandBuff.DestroyEntity(chunkIdx, InputFieldCaretLinkFromEntity[inputFieldEntity].CaretEntity);
                            CommandBuff.RemoveComponent(chunkIdx, inputFieldEntity, typeof(InputFieldCaretEntityLink));
                        CommandBuff.AddComponent(chunkIdx, inputFieldEntity, new DirtyElementFlag());

Example #7
        public void Execute(ArchetypeChunk chunk, int chunkIndex, int firstEntityIndex)
            var chunkTranslations = chunk.GetNativeArray(translationType);
            var chunkBullets      = chunk.GetNativeArray(bulletComponentType);
            var chunkEntities     = chunk.GetNativeArray(entityType);

            for (int i = 0; i < chunk.Count; i++)
                var vec0   = chunkBullets[i].vec;
                var vec1   = vec0 - math.up() * 9.8f * deltaTime;
                var newPos = chunkTranslations[i].Value + (vec0 + vec1) * 0.5f * deltaTime;

                chunkBullets[i] = new BulletComponent {
                    vec = vec1
                chunkTranslations[i] = new Translation {
                    Value = newPos

                if (newPos.y < 0 && vec1.y < 0)
                    commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(chunkIndex, chunkEntities[i]);
        public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref SimapleForceSender_C sender)
            double t = deltime;

            if (sender.time < t)
                t = sender.time;
            sender.time -= t;

            if (sender.time <= 0)
                concurrent.RemoveComponent(index, entity, typeof(SimapleForceSender_C));
                concurrent.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
            Force_C f = new Force_C();

            f.from  = entity;
            f.time  = t;
            f.value = sender.value;
            f.type  = sender.type;
            var forceClone = concurrent.CreateEntity(index);

            concurrent.AddComponent(index, forceClone, f);
            //var senderClone = concurrent.Instantiate (index, entity);
            //concurrent.SetComponent (index, senderClone, sender);
            //concurrent.DestroyEntity (index, entity);
Example #9
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref Distance distance)
     if (distance.Value >= distance.MaxDistance || distance.Value >= MaxDistance) // cache distance and compare squares
         Buffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
        public void Execute(Entity e, int index, ref PhysicsCollider collider, ref Translation translation, ref Rotation rotation)
            ColliderDistanceInput distanceInput = new ColliderDistanceInput
                Collider    = collider.ColliderPtr,
                MaxDistance = .01f,
                Transform   = new RigidTransform(rotation.Value, translation.Value),

            NativeList <DistanceHit> hits = new NativeList <DistanceHit>(Allocator.Temp);
            var collisionWorld            = physicsWorld.CollisionWorld;

            if (collisionWorld.CalculateDistance(distanceInput, ref hits))
                foreach (var hit in hits)
                    var entity = collisionWorld.Bodies[hit.RigidBodyIndex].Entity;
                    if (entity != e)
                        if (consumedObjectIndex.HasComponent(entity))
                            var consumedEntity = commandBuffer.CreateEntity(index);
                            var consumedObject = consumedObjectIndex[entity];
                            commandBuffer.AddComponent(index, consumedEntity, consumedObject);
                            commandBuffer.AddComponent(index, consumedEntity, new ConsumedTag());
                            commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);

Example #11
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Health health)
     if (health.Value <= 0)
         commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #12
 protected override void OnUpdate()
 {   //线程安全的IBufferElementData,World管理的单例锁,Allocator.TempJob 4帧后回收
     EntityCommandBuffer.Concurrent cmdBuffer = m_syncPointCEManager.CreateCommandBuffer().ToConcurrent();
     //sync point job/Task.Run()
     Entities.WithName("SpawnData")                               //找到自己GOToEntity,特殊编译设置
     .WithBurst(FloatMode.Default, FloatPrecision.Standard, true) //sync compile: compile before Update
     .ForEach((Entity entity, int entityInQueryIndex, in SpawnData spawnData, in LocalToWorld location) =>
     {                                                            //entityQueryIndex as CommandEntityIndex
         for (var x = 0; x < spawnData.SpawnSize.x; x++)
             for (var z = 0; z < spawnData.SpawnSize.z; z++)
                 Entity instance = cmdBuffer.Instantiate(entityInQueryIndex, spawnData.PrefabRoot);
                 //center transform(parent.transform), offset
                 float3 pos = math.transform(location.Value, new float3(x, 0, z));
                 cmdBuffer.SetComponent(entityInQueryIndex, instance, new Translation {
                     Value = pos
                 cmdBuffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, instance,
                                        new PlanetRotateBehavior {
                     AngularVelocity = 2
                 cmdBuffer.AddComponent(entityInQueryIndex, instance, new LifetimeData {
                     TimeSpan = spawnData.TimeSpan
         //this CommandEntityIndex
         cmdBuffer.DestroyEntity(entityInQueryIndex, entity);
 public void Execute(int i)
     if (ToDestroy[i].Destroy == 1)
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(i, Entities[i]);
Example #14
            public void Execute(int i)
                var entity = entities[i];

                if (predictionMask[i] == 0)
                    pendingSpawnQueue.Enqueue(new DelayedSpawnGhost {
                        ghostId = newGhostIds[i], spawnTick = newGhosts[i].Tick, oldEntity = entity
                // If multiple entities map to the same prediction spawned entity, the first one will get it, the others are treated like regular spawns
                else if (predictionMask[i] > 1 && predictionSpawnCleanupMap.TryAdd(predictionMask[i] - 2, 1))
                    commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(i, entity);
                    entity = predictionSpawnGhosts[predictionMask[i] - 2].entity;
                    predictedSpawnQueue.Enqueue(new DelayedSpawnGhost
                        ghostId = newGhostIds[i], spawnTick = newGhosts[i].Tick, oldEntity = entity
                var snapshot = snapshotFromEntity[entity];

                snapshot[0] = newGhosts[i];
                ghostMap.TryAdd(newGhostIds[i], new GhostEntity
                    entity = entity,
                    ghostType = ghostType
Example #15
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref InitComponent initComponent)
                var positionX = initComponent.X;
                var positionY = initComponent.Y;
                var canMove   = true;

                for (var i = 0; i < BlockPositionArray.Length; i++)
                    var blockPositionX = BlockPositionArray[i].x;
                    var blockPositionY = BlockPositionArray[i].y;

                    if (positionX != blockPositionX || positionY != blockPositionY)
                    canMove = false;

                if (canMove)
                    EntityCommandBuffer.RemoveComponent(index, entity, ComponentType.ReadOnly <InitComponent>());
                    EntityCommandBuffer.AddComponent(index, entity, new StartTranslationComponent()
                        X = positionX, Y = positionY
                    EntityCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #16
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref CubeComponent cube, ref Scale scale)
                cube.lifeTime = cube.lifeTime - deltaTime;

                if (cube.lifeTime > 0.5 && cube.lifeTime <= 2)
                    //do not change
                else if (cube.lifeTime > 0.2 && cube.lifeTime <= 0.25)
                    scale.Value = new float3(scale.Value.x, 1f, (0.25f - cube.lifeTime) * 1000);
                else if (cube.lifeTime > 0.1 && cube.lifeTime <= 0.2)
                    //do not change
                else if (cube.lifeTime > 0 && cube.lifeTime <= 0.1)
                    scale.Value = new float3(scale.Value.x, 1f, (cube.lifeTime) * 500);
                else if (cube.lifeTime <= 0)
                    entityCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #17
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Translation translation, [ReadOnly] ref Collectible collectible)
     if (translation.Value.x == x && translation.Value.z == z)
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
         result[0] = true;
Example #18
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int jobIndex, ref CursorLifetimeComponent lifetime)
     lifetime.Value -= DeltaTime;
     if (lifetime.Value <= 0.01f)
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(jobIndex, entity);
Example #19
            public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref LongNoteComponent longNote, ref Scale scale)
                if (longNote.position.z <= LongNoteBasis.GetInstance().GetHitPos(LaneController.NoteNum - 1).z + 1.0f &&
                    longNote.position.z >= LongNoteBasis.GetInstance().GetHitPos(LaneController.NoteNum - 1).z - 1.0f &&
                    entityCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);

                longNote.lifeTime = longNote.lifeTime - deltaTime;

                if (longNote.lifeTime <= 0)
                    entityCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #20
 public void Execute(int index, Entity requestEntity, ref ReceiveRpcCommandRequestComponent reqSrc)
     CommandBuffer.AddComponent <NetworkStreamInGame>(index, reqSrc.SourceConnection);
     CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, requestEntity);
     EnqueueClientConnectedEventJobPart.EventData.ConnectionEntity = reqSrc.SourceConnection;
     CommandBuffer.CreateRpcRequest(index, new ConfirmConnectionRequest(), reqSrc.SourceConnection);
Example #21
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref BulletAgeComponentData age)
     age.age += deltaTime;
     if (age.age > age.maxAge)
         commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #22
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Runner runner)
     Runner.UpdateMultipleTicks(ref runner, globals);
     if (runner.dead != 0)
         ecb.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #23
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Lifetime lifetime)
     lifetime.value -= dt;
     if (lifetime.value <= 0)
         commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #24
 public void Execute(int index)
     // remove after 10 seconds
     if (time > deads[index].TimeOfDeath + 10)
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref Translation position, [ReadOnly] ref ShotTag spiderTag)
     if (GameDetails.GD.DestroyedShotsIndexes.Contains(entity.Index))
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #26
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref LifeTimerComponent c0)
     c0.Value -= DeltaTime;
     if (c0.Value <= 0.0f)
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
Example #27
 /// <summary>
 /// 每帧执行,如果寿命 < 0, 则摧毁实体
 /// </summary>
 /// <param name="entity">实体</param>
 /// <param name="jobIndex">任务索引器</param>
 /// <param name="timeToLive">寿命</param>
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int jobIndex, ref TimeToLive timeToLive)
     timeToLive.Value -= dt;
     if (timeToLive.Value <= 0f)
         commands.DestroyEntity(jobIndex, entity);                 //如果时间到则进入销毁队列
Example #28
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, ref AsteroidData c0)
     if (index > limit)
         //destroy asteroid
         CommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int index, [ReadOnly] ref PingServerConnectionComponentData connection)
     // Cleanup old connections
     if (!connection.connection.IsCreated)
         commandBuffer.DestroyEntity(index, entity);
 public void Execute(Entity entity, int jobIndex, ref TimeToLive timeToLive)
     timeToLive.Value -= mainThreadDeltaTime;
     if (timeToLive.Value <= 0f)
         bufferCommandBuffer.DestroyEntity(jobIndex, entity);