public override async IAsyncEnumerable <Path> ComputePaths(EvaluationContext ctx)
     _entityPaths ??= EntityCandidate.ComputePaths(ctx);
     await foreach (var path in _entityPaths)
         yield return(path.Append(PropertyName)); // <-- Best guess, since we don't know if the property is simple or nav
        public override async IAsyncEnumerable <Path> ComputeSelect(EvaluationContext ctx)
            await foreach (var select in EntityCandidate.ComputeSelect(ctx))
                yield return(select);

            _entityPaths ??= EntityCandidate.ComputePaths(ctx);
            await foreach (var path in _entityPaths)
                yield return(path.Append(PropertyName));
        public override async Task <object> Evaluate(EvaluationContext ctx)
            var entityCandidate = await EntityCandidate.Evaluate(ctx);

            if (entityCandidate == null)
                // Template property access implements null propagation out of the box

            if (entityCandidate is Entity entity)
                if (entity is EntityWithKey entityWithKey && PropertyName == "Id")

                var entityType = entity.GetType();
                var propInfo   = entityType.GetProperty(PropertyName);
                if (propInfo == null || propInfo.GetCustomAttribute <NotMappedAttribute>() != null)
                    throw new TemplateException($"Property '{PropertyName}' does not exist on type {entityType.Name}.");
                else if (!entity.EntityMetadata.TryGetValue(PropertyName, out FieldMetadata meta))
                    // Developer mistake
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Property '{PropertyName}' on type {entityType.Name} was not loaded correctly.");
                else if (meta == FieldMetadata.Restricted)
                    throw new TemplateException($"Your account is not granted access to property '{PropertyName}' on type '{entityType.Name}'.");
                else if (meta == FieldMetadata.Loaded)
                    // For future proofing
                    throw new InvalidOperationException($"Unknown FieldMetadata value '{meta}'.");
                throw new TemplateException($"Property access '.{PropertyName}' is only valid on model entities.");