public Task(string title, int workProgressPercent, DateTime startDate, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, TaskCategory category, EntityActionType entityActionType, Guid syncId, bool syncedWithServer) { setProperties(title, workProgressPercent, startDate, startTime, endTime, category, entityActionType); setSyncStatus(syncedWithServer); setSyncId(syncId); }
public static void Add(this List <Link> links, string rel, string href, EntityActionType entityAction) { switch (entityAction) { case EntityActionType.ReferenceEntity: links.AddReferenceEntity(rel, href); break; case EntityActionType.Entity: //links.AddEntity(rel, href, HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); links.AddEntity(rel, href); break; case EntityActionType.EntitySearch: //links.AddEntity(rel, href.Replace("/search", ""), HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); links.AddEntity(rel, href, HttpMethodType.POST); break; case EntityActionType.RelatedEntity: //links.AddRelatedEntity(rel, href, HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); links.AddRelatedEntity(rel, href); break; case EntityActionType.SubEntity: //links.AddSubEntity(rel, href, HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); links.AddSubEntity(rel, href); break; case EntityActionType.SubEntitySearch: //links.AddSubEntity(rel, href.Replace("/search", ""), HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); links.AddSubEntity(rel, href, HttpMethodType.POST); break; case EntityActionType.Action_Add: links.AddAction(rel, href, HttpMethodType.POST); links.AddAction(rel, href, HttpMethodType.OPTIONS); // TODO: This line should be removed and the options on all the other gets should be uncommented break; case EntityActionType.Action_Update: links.AddAction(rel, href, HttpMethodType.PUT); break; case EntityActionType.Action_Partial_Update: links.AddAction(rel, href, HttpMethodType.PATCH); break; case EntityActionType.Action_Delete: links.AddAction(rel, href, HttpMethodType.DELETE); break; case EntityActionType.Action_Clone: links.AddAction(rel, href + "/clone", HttpMethodType.POST); break; default: throw new Exception(string.Format("Unhandled Entity Action Type '{0}'", rel)); } }
public EntityAction(Enum entityType, EntityActionType entityActionType) : this( entityType : entityType, entityKey : null, entityActionTypes : new List <EntityActionType>() { entityActionType }, entityActions : null ) { }
public int JumpBoost; //Varint public override void Read(byte[] array) { _ = McVarint.TryParse(ref array, out EntityID); if (McVarint.TryParse(ref array, out var actionID)) { ActionID = (EntityActionType)actionID; } _ = McVarint.TryParse(ref array, out JumpBoost); }
private void setProperties(string title, int workProgressPercent, DateTime startDate, DateTime startTime, DateTime endTime, TaskCategory category, EntityActionType entityActionType) { this.WorkProgressPercent = workProgressPercent; this.StartDate = startDate; this.StartTime = startTime; this.EndTime = endTime; this.Title = title; this.Category = category; this.SyncedWithServer = false; this.ActionType = entityActionType; }
public bool IsAuthorized(int userId, int entityId, EntityActionType actionType, EntityType entityType) { IUserAuthData user = _auth.GetCurrentUser(); IEnumerable <string> roles = user.Roles; bool?isAdmin = roles?.Contains("SysAdmin"); if (isAdmin.HasValue && isAdmin.Value) { return(true); } bool hasAccess = false; string proc = "dbo.Security_" + entityType + "_Can" + actionType; _dataProvider.ExecuteNonQuery ( proc, inputParamMapper : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCol) { SqlParameter p = new SqlParameter(); p.ParameterName = "@HasAccess"; p.SqlDbType = SqlDbType.Bit; p.Direction = ParameterDirection.Output; paramCol.Add(p); paramCol.AddWithValue("@userId", userId); paramCol.AddWithValue("@EntityId", entityId); }, returnParameters : delegate(SqlParameterCollection paramCol) { Boolean.TryParse(paramCol["@HasAccess"].Value.ToString(), out hasAccess); } ); return(hasAccess); }
public void Add(EntityActionType entityActionTypes) { _entityActionTypes.Add(entityActionTypes); }
public static void Add(this IList <EntityAction> entityActions, Enum entityType, long?id, EntityActionType actionType) { List <EntityActionType> entityActionTypes = new List <EntityActionType>() { actionType }; entityActions.Add(new EntityAction( entityType: entityType, entityId: id, entityActionTypes: entityActionTypes )); }
public static void Add(this IList <EntityAction> entityActions, Enum entityType, string key, EntityActionType actionType) { List <EntityActionType> entityActionTypes = new List <EntityActionType>() { actionType }; entityActions.Add(new EntityAction( entityType: entityType, entityKey: key, entityActionTypes: entityActionTypes )); }
public static Type TypeToClassType(EntityActionType type) { typeMap.TryGetValue(type, out Type classType); return(classType); }