public override void ExecuteCommand()
            // Work to do:
            // 0) Find Pending Edits in DB that have been attempted less than 3 times
            // 1) Backup all old NUPKGS
            // 2) Generate all new NUPKGs (in place), and tell gallery the edit is completed
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;

            // We group edits together by their package key and process them together - this is a read-only operation
            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: true);
            var editsPerPackage = entitiesContext.Set <PackageEdit>()
                                  .GroupBy(pe => pe.PackageKey);

            // Now that we have our list of packages with pending edits, we'll process the pending edits for each
            // Note that we're not doing editing in parallel because
            // a) any particular blob may use a large amount of memory to process. Let's not multiply that!
            // b) we don't want multithreaded usage of the entitiesContext (and its implied transactions)!
            foreach (IGrouping <int, PackageEdit> editsGroup in editsPerPackage)
                if (editsGroup.Any((pe => pe.TriedCount < 3)))
                    ProcessPackageEdits(editsGroup.Key, editsGroup);
Example #2
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            // Work to do:
            // 0) Find Pending Edits in DB that have been attempted less than 3 times
            // 1) Backup all old NUPKGS
            // 2) Generate all new NUPKGs (in place), and tell gallery the edit is completed
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;
            var storageAccount   = StorageAccount;

            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: false);
            var editsPerPackage = entitiesContext.Set <PackageEdit>()
                                  .Where(pe => pe.TriedCount < 3)
                                  .Include(pe => pe.Package)
                                  .Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration)
                                  .Include(pe => pe.Package.User)
                                  .GroupBy(pe => pe.PackageKey);

            // Do edit with a 'most recent edit to this package wins - other edits are deleted' strategy.
            // Not doing editing in parallel because
            // a) any particular blob may use a large amount of memory to process. Let's not multiply that!
            // b) we don't want multithreaded usage of the entitiesContext (and its implied transactions)!
            foreach (IGrouping <int, PackageEdit> editsGroup in editsPerPackage)
                ProcessPackageEdits(editsGroup, entitiesContext);
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            // Work to do:
            // 0) Find Pending Edits in DB that have been attempted less than 3 times
            // 1) Backup all old NUPKGS
            // 2) Generate all new NUPKGs (in place), and tell gallery the edit is completed
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;

            // We group edits together by their package key and process them together - this is a read-only operation
            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: true);
            var editsPerPackage = entitiesContext.Set<PackageEdit>()
                .GroupBy(pe => pe.PackageKey);

            // Now that we have our list of packages with pending edits, we'll process the pending edits for each
            // Note that we're not doing editing in parallel because
            // a) any particular blob may use a large amount of memory to process. Let's not multiply that!
            // b) we don't want multithreaded usage of the entitiesContext (and its implied transactions)!
            foreach (IGrouping<int, PackageEdit> editsGroup in editsPerPackage)
                if (editsGroup.Any((pe => pe.TriedCount < 3)))
                    ProcessPackageEdits(editsGroup.Key, editsGroup);
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            // Work to do:
            // 0) Find Pending Edits in DB that have been attempted less than 3 times
            // 1) Backup all old NUPKGS
            // 2) Generate all new NUPKGs (in place), and tell gallery the edit is completed
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;
            var storageAccount = StorageAccount;

            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: false);
            var editsPerPackage = entitiesContext.Set<PackageEdit>()
                .Where(pe => pe.TriedCount < 3)
                .Include(pe => pe.Package)
                .Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration)
                .Include(pe => pe.Package.User)
                .GroupBy(pe => pe.PackageKey);

            // Do edit with a 'most recent edit to this package wins - other edits are deleted' strategy.
            // Not doing editing in parallel because
            // a) any particular blob may use a large amount of memory to process. Let's not multiply that!
            // b) we don't want multithreaded usage of the entitiesContext (and its implied transactions)!
            foreach (IGrouping<int, PackageEdit> editsGroup in editsPerPackage)
                ProcessPackageEdits(editsGroup, entitiesContext);
Example #5
        /// This method is a workaround to the fact that the Seed method
        /// never seems to get called. So we'll try calling this manually later.
        public static void SeedDatabase(EntitiesContext context)
            var roles = context.Set <Role>();

            if (!roles.Any(x => x.Name == Constants.AdminRoleName))
                roles.Add(new Role()
                    Name = Constants.AdminRoleName

            var gallerySettings = context.Set <GallerySetting>();

            if (!gallerySettings.Any())
                gallerySettings.Add(new GallerySetting
                    SmtpHost              = null,
                    SmtpPort              = null,
                    GalleryOwnerEmail     = GalleryOwnerEmail,
                    GalleryOwnerName      = GalleryOwnerName,
                    ConfirmEmailAddresses = true
                var gallerySetting = gallerySettings.First();
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(gallerySetting.GalleryOwnerEmail))
                    gallerySetting.GalleryOwnerEmail = GalleryOwnerEmail;
                if (String.IsNullOrEmpty(gallerySetting.GalleryOwnerName))
                    gallerySetting.GalleryOwnerName = GalleryOwnerName;
Example #6
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            //Get all the failed edits.
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;
            var entitiesContext  = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: true);
            var failedEdits      = entitiesContext.Set <PackageEdit>()
                                   .Where(pe => pe.TriedCount == 3).Include(pe => pe.Package).Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration);

            //For each ofthe failed edit, send out a support request mail.
            foreach (PackageEdit edit in failedEdits)
                    "Sending support request for  '{0}'",
                SendMailTask mailTask = new SendMailTask
                    ConnectionString = this.ConnectionString,
                    UserAccount      = this.UserAccount,
                    Password         = this.Password,
                    EmailHost        = this.EmailHost,
                    ToList           = this.UserAccount,
                    ReplyToList      = this.UserAccount,
                    MailSubject      = $" [NuGet Gallery] : Package Edit Request for {edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id}",
                    MailContent      = $"<b><i>Package:</i></b>  {edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id} </br> <b>Version:</b>  {edit.Package.NormalizedVersion} </br> <b>TimeStamp:</b>  {edit.Timestamp} </br> <b>LastError:</b>  {edit.LastError} </br> <i>Message sent from NuGet Gallery</i> "
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error("Creating support request for package {0} failed with error {1}", edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, e.Message);
        public override void ExecuteCommand()
            //Get all the failed edits.
            var connectionString = ConnectionString.ConnectionString;           
            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: true);
            var failedEdits = entitiesContext.Set<PackageEdit>()
                .Where(pe => pe.TriedCount == 3).Include(pe => pe.Package).Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration);

            //For each ofthe failed edit, send out a support request mail.
            foreach (PackageEdit edit in failedEdits)
               "Sending support request for  '{0}'",
                SendMailTask mailTask = new SendMailTask
                    ConnectionString = this.ConnectionString,
                    UserAccount = this.UserAccount,
                    Password = this.Password,
                    EmailHost = this.EmailHost,
                    ToList = this.UserAccount,
                    ReplyToList = this.UserAccount,
                    MailSubject = string.Format(" [NuGet Gallery] : Package Edit Request for {0}", edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id),
                    MailContent = string.Format("<b><i>Package:</i></b>  {0} </br> <b>Version:</b>  {1} </br> <b>TimeStamp:</b>  {2} </br> <b>LastError:</b>  {3} </br> <i>Message sent from NuGet Gallery</i> ", edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, edit.Package.NormalizedVersion,  edit.Timestamp,edit.LastError)
                catch (Exception e)
                    Log.Error("Creating support request for package {0} failed with error {1}", edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, e.Message);
Example #8
        private void ProcessPackageEdits(int packageKey)
            // Create a fresh entities context so that we work in isolation
            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(ConnectionString.ConnectionString, readOnly: false);

            // Get the list of edits for this package
            // Do edit with a 'most recent edit to this package wins - other edits are deleted' strategy.
            var editsForThisPackage = entitiesContext.Set <PackageEdit>()
                                      .Where(pe => pe.PackageKey == packageKey && pe.TriedCount < 3)
                                      .Include(pe => pe.Package)
                                      .Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration)
                                      .Include(pe => pe.User)
                                      .OrderByDescending(pe => pe.Timestamp)

            // List of Work to do:
            // 1) Backup old blob, if the original has not been backed up yet
            // 2) Downloads blob, create new NUPKG locally
            // 3) Upload blob
            // 4) Update the database
            PackageEdit edit = editsForThisPackage.First();

            var blobClient        = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var packagesContainer = Util.GetPackagesBlobContainer(blobClient);

            var latestPackageFileName   = Util.GetPackageFileName(edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, edit.Package.Version);
            var originalPackageFileName = Util.GetBackupOfOriginalPackageFileName(edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, edit.Package.Version);

            var originalPackageBackupBlob = packagesContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(originalPackageFileName);
            var latestPackageBlob         = packagesContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(latestPackageFileName);

            var edits = new List <Action <ManifestMetadata> >
                (m) => { m.Authors = edit.Authors; },
                (m) => { m.Copyright = edit.Copyright; },
                (m) => { m.Description = edit.Description; },
                (m) => { m.IconUrl = edit.IconUrl; },
                (m) => { m.LicenseUrl = edit.LicenseUrl; },
                (m) => { m.ProjectUrl = edit.ProjectUrl; },
                (m) => { m.ReleaseNotes = edit.ReleaseNotes; },
                (m) => { m.RequireLicenseAcceptance = edit.RequiresLicenseAcceptance; },
                (m) => { m.Summary = edit.Summary; },
                (m) => { m.Title = edit.Title; },
                (m) => { m.Tags = edit.Tags; },

                "Processing Edit Key={0}, PackageId={1}, Version={2}, User={3}",

            if (!WhatIf)
                edit.TriedCount += 1;
                int nr = entitiesContext.SaveChanges();
                if (nr != 1)
                    throw new Exception(
                              String.Format("Something went terribly wrong, only one entity should be updated but actually {0} entities were updated", nr));

                ArchiveOriginalPackageBlob(originalPackageBackupBlob, latestPackageBlob);
                using (var readWriteStream = new MemoryStream())
                    // Download to memory
                    CloudBlockBlob downloadSourceBlob = WhatIf ? latestPackageBlob : originalPackageBackupBlob;
                    Log.Info("Downloading original package blob to memory {0}", downloadSourceBlob.Name);

                    // Rewrite in memory
                    Log.Info("Rewriting nupkg package in memory", downloadSourceBlob.Name);
                    NupkgRewriter.RewriteNupkgManifest(readWriteStream, edits);

                    // Get updated hash code, and file size
                    Log.Info("Computing updated hash code of memory stream");
                    var    newPackageFileSize = readWriteStream.Length;
                    var    hashAlgorithm      = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA512");
                    byte[] hashBytes          = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(readWriteStream.GetBuffer());
                    var    newHash            = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);

                    if (!WhatIf)
                        // Snapshot the blob
                        var blobSnapshot = latestPackageBlob.CreateSnapshot();

                        // Build up the changes in the entities context
                        edit.Apply(hashAlgorithm: "SHA512", hash: newHash, packageFileSize: newPackageFileSize);
                        foreach (var eachEdit in editsForThisPackage)

                        // Upload the blob before doing SaveChanges(). If blob update fails, we won't do SaveChanges() and the edit can be retried.
                        // If SaveChanges() fails we can undo the blob upload.
                            Log.Info("Uploading blob from memory {0}", latestPackageBlob.Name);
                            readWriteStream.Position = 0;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Error("(error) - package edit blob update failed.");
                            Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e);
                            Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);
                            throw; // To handler block that will record error in DB

                            // SaveChanges tries to commit changes to DB
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // Commit changes to DB probably failed.
                            // Since our blob update wasn't part of the transaction (and doesn't AFAIK have a 'commit()' operator we can utilize for the type of blobs we are using)
                            // try, (single attempt) to roll back the blob update by restoring the previous snapshot.
                            Log.Error("(error) - package edit DB update failed. Trying to roll back the blob to its previous snapshot.");
                            Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e);
                            Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);
                            catch (Exception e2)
                                // If blob rollback fails it is not be the end of the world
                                // - the package metadata mismatches the edit now,
                                // but there should still an edit in the queue, waiting to be rerun and put everything back in synch.
                                Log.Error("(error) - rolling back the package blob to its previous snapshot failed.");
                                Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e2);
                                Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);

                            throw; // To handler block that will record error in DB
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!WhatIf)
                        Log.Info("Storing the error on package edit with key {0}", edit.Key);

                        // Try to record the error into the PackageEdit database record
                        // so that we can actually diagnose failures.
                        // This must be done on a fresh context to ensure no conflicts.
                        var errorContext = new EntitiesContext(ConnectionString.ConnectionString, readOnly: false);
                        var errorEdit    = errorContext.Set <PackageEdit>().Where(pe => pe.Key == edit.Key).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (errorEdit != null)
                            errorEdit.LastError = string.Format("{0} : {1}", e.GetType(), e);
                            Log.Info("The package edit with key {0} couldn't be found. It was likely canceled and deleted.", edit.Key);
                    catch (Exception errorException)
                        Log.ErrorException("(error) - couldn't save the last error on the edit that was being applied.", errorException);
        private void ProcessPackageEdits(int packageKey, IEnumerable<PackageEdit> editsToDelete)
            // Create a fresh entities context so that we work in isolation
            var entitiesContext = new EntitiesContext(ConnectionString.ConnectionString, readOnly: false);

            // Get the most recent edit for this package
            var edit = entitiesContext.Set<PackageEdit>()
                .Where(pe => pe.PackageKey == packageKey && pe.TriedCount < 3)
                .Include(pe => pe.Package)
                .Include(pe => pe.Package.PackageRegistration)
                .Include(pe => pe.User)
                .OrderByDescending(pe => pe.Timestamp)

            // List of Work to do:
            // 1) Backup old blob, if the original has not been backed up yet
            // 2) Downloads blob, create new NUPKG locally
            // 3) Upload blob
            // 4) Update the database
            var blobClient = StorageAccount.CreateCloudBlobClient();
            var packagesContainer = Util.GetPackagesBlobContainer(blobClient);

            var latestPackageFileName = Util.GetPackageFileName(edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, edit.Package.Version);
            var originalPackageFileName = Util.GetBackupOfOriginalPackageFileName(edit.Package.PackageRegistration.Id, edit.Package.Version);

            var originalPackageBackupBlob = packagesContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(originalPackageFileName);
            var latestPackageBlob = packagesContainer.GetBlockBlobReference(latestPackageFileName);

            var edits = new List<Action<ManifestEdit>>
                (m) => { m.Authors = edit.Authors; },
                (m) => { m.Copyright = edit.Copyright; },
                (m) => { m.Description = edit.Description; },
                (m) => { m.IconUrl = edit.IconUrl; },
                (m) => { m.LicenseUrl = edit.LicenseUrl; },
                (m) => { m.ProjectUrl = edit.ProjectUrl; },
                (m) => { m.ReleaseNotes = edit.ReleaseNotes; },
                (m) => { m.RequireLicenseAcceptance = edit.RequiresLicenseAcceptance; },
                (m) => { m.Summary = edit.Summary; },
                (m) => { m.Title = edit.Title; },
                (m) => { m.Tags = edit.Tags; },

                "Processing Edit Key={0}, PackageId={1}, Version={2}, User={3}",

            if (!WhatIf)
                edit.TriedCount += 1;
                int nr = entitiesContext.SaveChanges();
                if (nr != 1)
                    throw new Exception(
                        $"Something went terribly wrong, only one entity should be updated but actually {nr} entities were updated");

                ArchiveOriginalPackageBlob(originalPackageBackupBlob, latestPackageBlob);
                using (var readWriteStream = new MemoryStream())
                    // Download to memory
                    CloudBlockBlob downloadSourceBlob = WhatIf ? latestPackageBlob : originalPackageBackupBlob;
                    Log.Info("Downloading original package blob to memory {0}", downloadSourceBlob.Name);

                    // Rewrite in memory
                    Log.Info("Rewriting nupkg package in memory", downloadSourceBlob.Name);
                    NupkgRewriter.RewriteNupkgManifest(readWriteStream, edits);

                    // Get updated hash code, and file size
                    Log.Info("Computing updated hash code of memory stream");
                    var newPackageFileSize = readWriteStream.Length;
                    var hashAlgorithm = HashAlgorithm.Create("SHA512");
                    byte[] hashBytes = hashAlgorithm.ComputeHash(readWriteStream.GetBuffer());
                    var newHash = Convert.ToBase64String(hashBytes);

                    if (!WhatIf)
                        // Snapshot the blob
                        var blobSnapshot = latestPackageBlob.CreateSnapshot();

                        // Build up the changes in the entities context
                        edit.Apply(hashAlgorithm: "SHA512", hash: newHash, packageFileSize: newPackageFileSize);
                        foreach (var eachEdit in editsToDelete)

                        // Upload the blob before doing SaveChanges(). If blob update fails, we won't do SaveChanges() and the edit can be retried.
                        // If SaveChanges() fails we can undo the blob upload.
                            Log.Info("Uploading blob from memory {0}", latestPackageBlob.Name);
                            readWriteStream.Position = 0;
                        catch (Exception e)
                            Log.Error("(error) - package edit blob update failed.");
                            Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e);
                            Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);
                            throw; // To handler block that will record error in DB

                            // SaveChanges tries to commit changes to DB
                        catch (Exception e)
                            // Commit changes to DB probably failed.
                            // Since our blob update wasn't part of the transaction (and doesn't AFAIK have a 'commit()' operator we can utilize for the type of blobs we are using)
                            // try, (single attempt) to roll back the blob update by restoring the previous snapshot.
                            Log.Error("(error) - package edit DB update failed. Trying to roll back the blob to its previous snapshot.");
                            Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e);
                            Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);
                            catch (Exception e2)
                                // If blob rollback fails it is not be the end of the world
                                // - the package metadata mismatches the edit now,
                                // but there should still an edit in the queue, waiting to be rerun and put everything back in synch.
                                Log.Error("(error) - rolling back the package blob to its previous snapshot failed.");
                                Log.ErrorException("(exception)", e2);
                                Log.Error("(note) - blob snapshot URL = " + blobSnapshot.Uri);

                            throw; // To handler block that will record error in DB
            catch (Exception e)
                if (!WhatIf)
                        Log.Info("Storing the error on package edit with key {0}", edit.Key);

                        // Try to record the error into the PackageEdit database record
                        // so that we can actually diagnose failures.
                        // This must be done on a fresh context to ensure no conflicts.
                        var errorContext = new EntitiesContext(ConnectionString.ConnectionString, readOnly: false);
                        var errorEdit = errorContext.Set<PackageEdit>().Where(pe => pe.Key == edit.Key).FirstOrDefault();

                        if (errorEdit != null)
                            errorEdit.LastError = $"{e.GetType()} : {e}";
                            Log.Info("The package edit with key {0} couldn't be found. It was likely canceled and deleted.", edit.Key);
                    catch (Exception errorException)
                        Log.ErrorException("(error) - couldn't save the last error on the edit that was being applied.", errorException);
 public IDbSet <T> CreateObjectSet <T>() where T : class
     return(_context.Set <T>());
 public TEntity Get(int id)
     return(DbContext.Set <TEntity>().Find(id));
Example #12
 public IQueryable <T> FindAll(bool trackChanges) =>
         ? EntitiesContext.Set <T>().AsNoTracking()
         : EntitiesContext.Set <T>();
Example #13
 public void Add(TEntity entity)
     Context.Set <TEntity>().Add(entity);
Example #14
        private static async Task Hash(string connectionString, bool whatIf)
            using (var context = new EntitiesContext(connectionString, readOnly: whatIf))
                var allCredentials = (IQueryable <Credential>)context.Set <Credential>();

                // Get all V1/V2 credentials that are active:
                // V1 credentials that have no expiration date, but were used in the last year
                // V1/V2 credentials that have a future expiration date

                var validLastUsed = DateTime.UtcNow - TimeSpan.FromDays(365);
                Expression <Func <Credential, bool> > predicate = x => (x.Type == CredentialTypes.ApiKey.V1 || x.Type == CredentialTypes.ApiKey.V2) &&
                                                                  ((x.Expires == null && x.LastUsed != null && x.LastUsed > validLastUsed) ||
                                                                   (x.Expires != null && x.Expires > DateTime.UtcNow));

                var activeCredentialsCount = allCredentials.Count(predicate);

                Console.WriteLine($"Found {activeCredentialsCount} active V1/V2 ApiKeys.");

                IList <Credential> batch;
                int  batchNumber = 1;
                bool failures    = false;

                    batch = allCredentials.Where(predicate).OrderBy(x => x.Key).Take(BatchSize).ToList();

                    if (batch.Count > 0)
                        Console.WriteLine($"Hashing batch {batchNumber}/{Math.Ceiling((double)activeCredentialsCount / (double)BatchSize)}. Batch size: {batch.Count}...");

                        foreach (var v1v2ApiKey in batch)
                            ApiKeyV3 hashedApiKey = null;

                                hashedApiKey = ApiKeyV3.CreateFromV1V2ApiKey(v1v2ApiKey.Value);

                                v1v2ApiKey.Type  = CredentialTypes.ApiKey.V3;
                                v1v2ApiKey.Value = hashedApiKey.HashedApiKey;
                            catch (ArgumentException e)
                                failures = true;
                                Console.WriteLine($"Failed to hash key: {v1v2ApiKey.Key} Type: {v1v2ApiKey.Type} Old value: {v1v2ApiKey.Value}. Reason: {e}");

                        if (!failures && !whatIf)
                            var stopwatch = Stopwatch.StartNew();
                            Console.WriteLine($"Saving batch {batchNumber} to DB...");
                            await context.SaveChangesAsync();

                            Console.WriteLine($"Saved changes to DB. Took: {stopwatch.Elapsed.TotalSeconds} seconds");
                            Console.WriteLine("Skipping DB save.");
                            allCredentials = allCredentials.Where(predicate).OrderBy(x => x.Key).Skip(batch.Count);

                }while (batch.Count > 0);
 public List <TEntity> Get()
     return(_context.Set <TEntity>().AsNoTracking().ToList());
Example #16
 public GenericRepository(EntitiesContext _Context)
     Context = _Context;
     dbSet   = Context.Set <T>();
Example #17
 public void Add(IEntity entity)
Example #18
 public Repository(EntitiesContext entitiesContext)
     EntitiesContext = entitiesContext;
     DbSet           = entitiesContext.Set <T>();
Example #19
 public IQueryable <T> GetAll()
     return(entityContext.Set <T>());