Example #1
        private void BindData()
            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestProjectName))
                query.Name = RequestProjectName;
            if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestBGID))
                int _bgid = 0;
                if (int.TryParse(RequestBGID, out _bgid))
                    query.BGID = _bgid;
            query.Sources = "4,6";
            int       count;
            DataTable dt;

            dt          = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetLastestProjectByUserID(query, " a.createtime desc", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out count, userID);
            RecordCount = count;
            repterProjectlist.DataSource = dt;
            litPagerDown.Text = PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, count, PageSize, PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 2);
Example #2
        private void BindData()
            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();

            if (RequestProjectID > 0)
                query.ProjectID = RequestProjectID;
            else if (RequestProjectID < 0 && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestName))
                query.Name = StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestName);

            if (RequestGroup != "")
                query.BGID = int.Parse(RequestGroup);
            if (RequestCategory != "")
                query.PCatageID = int.Parse(RequestCategory);
            query.wherePlus =
                " and ProjectInfo.status>0  AND NOT EXISTS(SELECT 1 FROM AutoCall_ProjectInfo bb WHERE ProjectInfo.ProjectID=bb.projectid ) ";

            DataTable dt = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetProjectInfo(query, " ProjectInfo.CreateTime Desc", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount, userID);

            repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt;

            litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, PageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 100);
        public void BindData()
            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();

            if (RequestProjectID > 0)
                query.ProjectID = RequestProjectID;
            else if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestName))
                query.Name = StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestName);
            if (RequestStatuss != "")
                query.Statuss = StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestStatuss);

            if (RequestGroup != "")
                query.BGID = int.Parse(RequestGroup);
            if (RequestCategory != "")
                //query.PCatageID = int.Parse(RequestCategory);
                int  outPcatage = -1;
                bool bResult    = Int32.TryParse(RequestCategory, out outPcatage);
                if (bResult)
                    query.PCatageID = outPcatage;
            if (RequestCreater != "")
                query.CreateUserID = int.Parse(RequestCreater);
            if (RequestBeginTime != "")
                query.BeginTime = StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestBeginTime);
            if (RequestEndTime != "")
                query.EndTime = StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestEndTime);
            query.ISAutoCall = ISAutoCall;
            query.ACStatus   = ACStatus;

            DataTable dt = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetProjectInfo(query, "ProjectInfo.CreateTime Desc", BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount, userID);

            repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt;

            litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, PageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 1);
        public void BindData()
            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();

            DataTable dt = BLL.AutoCall_ProjectInfo.Instance.GetAutoCallProjectInfo(StringHelper.SqlFilter(RequestName), Requestgroup, Requestcategory, Requeststatus, RequestacStatus, userID, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, PageSize, out RecordCount);

            repeaterTableList.DataSource = dt;

            litPagerDown.Text = BLL.PageCommon.Instance.LinkStringByPost(BLL.Util.GetUrl(), GroupLength, RecordCount, PageSize, BLL.PageCommon.Instance.PageIndex, 1);
Example #5
        public void GetLastestProject(out string msg)
            int userid = BLL.Util.GetLoginUserID();

            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
            query.Sources = "4,6";
            int       count;
            DataTable dt = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetLastestProjectByUserID(query, " a.createtime desc", 1, 1, out count, userid);

            msg = string.Empty;
            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                msg = "{projectid:" + dt.Rows[0]["ProjectID"].ToString()
                      + ",projectname:'" + dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString()
                      + "',source:" + dt.Rows[0]["Source"].ToString()
                      + ",ProjectTime:'" + dt.Rows[0]["createtime"].ToString() + "'}";
Example #6
        public List <Entities.ProjectInfo> GetProjectInfoByDemandIDBathList(string CurrDemandID, int Batch)
            List <Entities.ProjectInfo> model = new List <Entities.ProjectInfo>();

            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
            query.DemandID = CurrDemandID;
            query.Batch    = Batch;
            int       totalCount = 0;
            DataTable dt         = GetProjectInfo(query, "", 1, 999, out totalCount);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                foreach (DataRow dr in dt.Rows)
Example #7
        public Entities.ProjectInfo GetProjectInfoByDemandID(string CurrDemandID)
            Entities.ProjectInfo      model = new Entities.ProjectInfo();
            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
            query.DemandID = CurrDemandID;

            int       totalCount = 0;
            DataTable dt         = GetProjectInfo(query, "", 1, 999, out totalCount);

            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                model = Dal.ProjectInfo.Instance.LoadSingleProjectInfo(dt.Rows[0]);
                model = null;
 /// <summary>
 /// 加载页面元素
 /// </summary>
 protected void LoadTPage()
     if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(RequestTaskID))
         Entities.OtherTaskInfo model = null;
         model = BLL.OtherTaskInfo.Instance.GetOtherTaskInfo(RequestTaskID);
         if (model != null)
             RelationID = model.RelationID;
             TTCode     = model.RelationTableID;
             Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
             query.ProjectID = model.ProjectID;
             int       totalCount = 0;
             DataTable dt         = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetProjectInfo(query, "", 1, 999, out totalCount);
             if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                 TPName = dt.Rows[0]["Name"].ToString();
Example #9
        private void UpdateSurveyCategoryStatus(out string msg)
            msg = string.Empty;
            int _scid = 0;

            if (int.TryParse(RequestSCID, out _scid))
                Entities.SurveyCategory model = BLL.SurveyCategory.Instance.GetSurveyCategory(_scid);
                if (model != null)
                    int count;
                    if (model.Status == 0)
                        if (model.TypeId == 1)
                            Entities.QuerySurveyInfo query_surveyInfo = new Entities.QuerySurveyInfo();
                            query_surveyInfo.SCID = _scid;
                            DataTable dt_surveyInfo = BLL.SurveyInfo.Instance.GetSurveyInfo(query_surveyInfo, "", 1, 10000, out count);
                            if (dt_surveyInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在调查问卷中有使用,无法停用'}";

                            Entities.QuerySurveyProjectInfo query_projectInfo = new Entities.QuerySurveyProjectInfo();
                            query_projectInfo.SCID   = _scid;
                            query_projectInfo.Status = 0;
                            DataTable dt_projectInfo = BLL.SurveyProjectInfo.Instance.GetSurveyProjectInfo(query_projectInfo, "", 1, 10000, out count);
                            if (dt_projectInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在调查项目中有使用,无法停用'}";
                        else if (model.TypeId == 2)
                            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
                            query.PCatageID = _scid;
                            query.Status    = 0;
                            DataTable dt = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetProjectInfo(query, "", 1, 9999, out count);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在数据清洗项目中有使用,无法停用'}";

                        model.Status = 1;
                    else if (model.Status == 1)
                        model.Status = 0;
                    int result = 0;
                        result = BLL.SurveyCategory.Instance.Update(model);
                        msg    = "{msg:'success'}";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        msg = "{msg:'" + ex.Message + "'}";
Example #10
        private void surveyCategoryUpdate(out string msg)
            msg = string.Empty;
            int _scid;

            if (int.TryParse(RequestSCID, out _scid))
                Entities.SurveyCategory model = BLL.SurveyCategory.Instance.GetSurveyCategory(_scid);
                if (model != null)
                    string oldName = string.Empty;
                    string newName = string.Empty;

                    if (RequestName != "")
                        oldName    = model.Name;
                        model.Name = RequestName;
                        newName    = model.Name;

                    if (RequestStatus != "")
                        int count;

                        if (TypeId == "1")
                            Entities.QuerySurveyInfo query_surveyInfo = new Entities.QuerySurveyInfo();
                            query_surveyInfo.SCID = _scid;
                            DataTable dt_surveyInfo = BLL.SurveyInfo.Instance.GetSurveyInfo(query_surveyInfo, "", 1, 10000, out count);
                            if (dt_surveyInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在调查问卷中有使用,无法删除'}";

                            Entities.QuerySurveyProjectInfo query_projectInfo = new Entities.QuerySurveyProjectInfo();
                            query_projectInfo.SCID   = _scid;
                            query_projectInfo.Status = 0;
                            DataTable dt_projectInfo = BLL.SurveyProjectInfo.Instance.GetSurveyProjectInfo(query_projectInfo, "", 1, 10000, out count);
                            if (dt_projectInfo.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在调查项目中有使用,无法删除'}";
                        else if (TypeId == "2")
                            Entities.QueryProjectInfo query = new Entities.QueryProjectInfo();
                            query.PCatageID = _scid;
                            query.Status    = 0;
                            DataTable dt = BLL.ProjectInfo.Instance.GetProjectInfo(query, "", 1, 9999, out count);
                            if (dt != null && dt.Rows.Count > 0)
                                msg = "{msg:'该分类在数据清洗项目中有使用,无法删除'}";

                        model.Status = int.Parse(RequestStatus);
                    int result = 0;
                        result = BLL.SurveyCategory.Instance.Update(model);

                        if (RequestStatus != "" && TypeId == "2")
                            BLL.CallRecord_ORIG_Business.Instance.DeleteBusinessUrl((int)model.BGID, (int)model.SCID);

                        if (result == 1)
                            msg = "{msg:'操作成功'}";

                            string logType = string.Empty;

                            if (TypeId == "1")
                                if (model.Status == -1)//删除
                                    logType += "问卷分类【删除】主键【" + model.SCID + "】分类名称【" + model.Name + "】问卷";
                                else if (oldName != string.Empty && newName != string.Empty)
                                    logType += "问卷分类【修改】主键【" + model.SCID + "】分类名称由【" + oldName + "】修改为【" + newName + "】";
                            else if (TypeId == "2")
                                if (model.Status == -1)//删除
                                    logType += "项目分类【删除】主键【" + model.SCID + "】分类名称【" + model.Name + "】问卷";
                                else if (oldName != string.Empty && newName != string.Empty)
                                    logType += "项目分类【修改】主键【" + model.SCID + "】分类名称由【" + oldName + "】修改为【" + newName + "】";

                            msg = "{msg:'操作失败'}";
                    catch (Exception ex)
                        msg = "{msg:'" + ex.Message + "'}";