internal void ValidateShareSkillData() { //Validate Entered Title GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Title"), Title.GetAttribute("value"), "Title"); //Validate Entered Description GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Description"), Description.Text, "Description"); //Validate Selected Category GlobalDefinitions.ValidateDropDown(CategoryDropDown, GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Category"), "Category"); //Validate Selected SubCategory GlobalDefinitions.ValidateDropDown(SubCategoryDropDown, GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SubCategory"), "SubCategory"); //Validate Entered Tags GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Tags"), EnteredTag.Text.Replace(EnteredTag.FindElement(By.XPath("./*")).Text, ""), "Tag"); //Validate Service Type GlobalDefinitions.ValidateRadioButton(ServiceTypeOptions, By.Name("serviceType"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "ServiceType"), "ServiceType"); //Validate Location Type GlobalDefinitions.ValidateRadioButton(LocationTypeOption, By.Name("locationType"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "LocationType"), "LocationType"); //Validate Start Date GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(Convert.ToDateTime(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Startdate")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), StartDateDropDown.GetAttribute("value"), "Start Date"); //Validate End Date GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(Convert.ToDateTime(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Enddate")).ToString("yyyy-MM-dd"), EndDateDropDown.GetAttribute("value"), "End Date"); //Validate Days and Time ValidateDaysAndTime(); //Validate Skill Trade ValidateRadioButton(SkillTradeOption, By.Name("skillTrades"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SkillTrade"), "SkillTrade"); try { if (GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SkillTrade").ToUpper() == "SKILL-EXCHANGE") { //Validate Skill Exchange GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Skill-Exchange"), SkillExchangeTag.Text.Replace(EnteredTag.FindElement(By.XPath("./*")).Text, ""), "Skill-Exchange"); } else if (GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "SkillTrade").ToUpper() == "CREDIT") { GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Credit"), CreditAmount.GetAttribute("value"), "Credit"); } } catch (Exception e) { Base.test.Log(LogStatus.Fail, "Caught Exception For Skill Exchange/Credit ", e.Message); } //Validate Selected Sample File // GlobalDefinitions.WaitForElement(GlobalDefinitions.driver, By.XPath("//label[@class='worksamples-file']//a"), 5); GlobalDefinitions.ValidateFieldData(WorkSamplesFile.Text, "empty.txt", "Work Sample File"); //Validate Active GlobalDefinitions.ValidateRadioButton(ActiveOption, By.Name("isActive"), GlobalDefinitions.ExcelLib.ReadData(2, "Active"), "Active"); }
} // end constructor // The method searchButton_Click initiates the asynchronous Flickr search query; // display results when query completes private async void SearchButton_Click(object sender, EventArgs e) { // Check whether user started a search previously (i.e., flickrTask is not null and the prior search has not completed) and, // if so, whether that search is already completed. if (_flickrTask != null && _flickrTask.Status != TaskStatus.RanToCompletion) { //If an existing search is still being performed, the program displays a dialog asking if user wish to cancel the search. var result = MessageBox.Show( "Cancel the current Flickr search?", "Are you sure?", MessageBoxButtons.YesNo, MessageBoxIcon.Question); // If user clicks No, the event handler simply returns. Otherwise, the program calls the WebClient's CancelAsync //method to terminiate the search. if (result == DialogResult.No) return; else _flickrClient.CancelAsync(); // cancel current search } // end if // Create a URL for invoking the Flickr web service's method // with Key you get from the Flickr website, tag, tag_mode=all, per_page = 500 and // privacy_filter=1. Use the inputTextBox.Text.Replace(" ", ",") for tag. var flickrURL = string.Format("{0}&tags={1}&tag_mode=all&privacy_filter=1", KEY, EnteredTag.Replace(" ", ",")); ImagesList.Clear(); // clear imagesListBox DisplayedImage.Source = null; // clear pictureBox ImagesList.Add(new FlickrResult { Title = "Loading..." }); // display Loading... try { // Call WebClient's DownloadStringTaskAsync method using the flickrURL specified as the method's string argument to request information from // the server. Assign the task returned from the method to flickrTask. _flickrTask = _flickrClient.DownloadStringTaskAsync(flickrURL); // await fickrTask then parse results with XDocument XDocument xmlResponse = XDocument.Parse(await _flickrTask); // Gather from each photo element in the XML the id, title, secret, server, and farm attributes, then create an object class FlickResult using LINQ. // Each FlickrResult contains: // A Title property - initialized with the photo element's title attribute // A URL property - assembled fromt the photo element's id, secret, server, and farm (a farm is a collection of servers on the Internet) attributes. // The format of the URL for each image is specified at var flickrPhotos = from photo in xmlResponse.Descendants("photo") let id = photo.Attribute("id").Value let title = photo.Attribute("title").Value let secret = photo.Attribute("secret").Value let server = photo.Attribute("server").Value let farm = photo.Attribute("farm").Value select new FlickrResult { Title = title, URL = string.Format("https://farm{0}{1}/{2}_{3}.jpg", farm, server, id, secret) }; ImagesList.Clear(); // clear imagesListBox // set ListBox properties only if results were found if (flickrPhotos.Any()) { // Invoke to ToList on the flickrPhotos LINQ query to convert it to list, then assign the result to the ListBox's DataSource property // Set the ListBox's DisplayMember property to the Title property. ImagesList = new ObservableCollection<FlickrResult>(flickrPhotos); SelectedImage = ImagesList[0]; } // end if else // no matches were found ImagesList.Add(new FlickrResult { Title = "No matches" }); } // end try catch (WebException) { // check whether Task failed if (_flickrTask.Status == TaskStatus.Faulted) MessageBox.Show("Unable to get results from Flickr", "Flickr Error", MessageBoxButtons.OK, MessageBoxIcon.Error); ImagesList.Clear(); // clear imagesListBox ImagesList.Add(new FlickrResult { Title = "Error occurred" }); } // end catch } // end method searchButton_Click