Example #1
        public void GetSchools_EnhancementBonusAndOneMore()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(1);
            var          mockEnchantment        = new Mock <IEnchantment>();

            mockEnchantment.Setup(e => e.GetSchools())
            .Returns(new School[] { School.Necromancy });
            var necroEnch  = mockEnchantment.Object;
            var aggregator = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var schools = aggregator.GetSchools();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(schools, Is.EquivalentTo(necroEnch.GetSchools()),
                        "If there is at least one non-enhancement bonus enchantment, the enhancement bonus's schools should be ignored.");
        public void PlusThree_Defaults()
            // Arrange
            byte bonus = 3;

            // Act
            IShieldEnchantment enchantment = new EnhancementBonus(bonus);

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(3, enchantment.SpecialAbilityBonus);
            Assert.AreEqual(9, enchantment.CasterLevel);
            Assert.AreEqual(0, enchantment.Cost);
                        Has.Exactly(1).Matches <School>(s => School.Abjuration == s));
            Assert.AreEqual("+3", enchantment.Name.Text);
        public void Shield_PlusFive_Enchant()
            // Arrange
            var armorEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockShieldBonusAgg    = new Mock <IArmorClassAggregator>();

            mockShieldBonusAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IArmorClassAggregator shieldBonus = mockShieldBonusAgg.Object;

            var hardnessEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockHardnessAgg          = new Mock <IHardnessAggregator>();

            mockHardnessAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IHardnessAggregator hardness = mockHardnessAgg.Object;

            var hitPointsEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockHitPointAgg           = new Mock <IHitPointsAggregator>();

            mockHitPointAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IHitPointsAggregator hitPoints = mockHitPointAgg.Object;

            IEnchantmentAggregator <IShieldEnchantment, Shield> enchantments = null;

            var shield = new Mock <Shield>(MockBehavior.Loose, shieldBonus, hardness, hitPoints, enchantments)
                CallBase = true

            IShieldEnchantment enchantment = new EnhancementBonus(5);

            // Act

            // Assert
            .Verify(ac => ac.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 5 == calc())),
                    "A +5 bonus was not applied to the shield's armor class bonus correctly.");
            .Verify(bhn => bhn.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 10 == calc())),
                    "A +10 bonus was not applied to the shield's hardness correctly.");
            .Verify(hp => hp.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 50 == calc())),
                    "A +50 bonus was not applied to the shield's hit points correctly.");
        public void Armor_PlusOne_Enchant()
            // Arrange
            var armorEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockArmorBonusAgg     = new Mock <IArmorClassAggregator>();

            mockArmorBonusAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IArmorClassAggregator armorBonus = mockArmorBonusAgg.Object;

            var hardnessEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockHardnessAgg          = new Mock <IHardnessAggregator>();

            mockHardnessAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IHardnessAggregator hardness = mockHardnessAgg.Object;

            var hitPointsEnhancementBonus = Mock.Of <IModifierTracker>();
            var mockHitPointAgg           = new Mock <IHitPointsAggregator>();

            mockHitPointAgg.Setup(agg => agg.EnhancementBonuses)
            IHitPointsAggregator hitPoints = mockHitPointAgg.Object;

            var armor = new Mock <Core.Domain.Items.Armor.Armor>(MockBehavior.Loose, armorBonus, hardness, hitPoints, null)
                CallBase = true

            IArmorEnchantment enchantment = new EnhancementBonus(1);

            // Act

            // Assert
            .Verify(ac => ac.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 1 == calc())),
                    "A +1 bonus was not applied to the armor's armor class bonus correctly.");
            .Verify(bhn => bhn.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 2 == calc())),
                    "A +2 bonus was not applied to the armor's hardness correctly.");
            .Verify(hp => hp.Add(It.Is <Func <byte> >(calc => 10 == calc())),
                    "A +10 bonus was not applied to the armor's hit points correctly.");
Example #5
        public void GetMarketPrice_OnlySpecialAbilityBonuses()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1000;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(5);
            var          aggregator             = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var price = aggregator.GetMarketPrice();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(25000, price,
                            "25000 = 5^2 * 1000");
Example #6
        public void GetSchools_OnlyEnhancementBonus()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(1);
            var          aggregator             = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var schools = aggregator.GetSchools();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(schools, Is.EquivalentTo(enchantment.GetSchools()),
                        "If the only enchantment is an enhancement bonus, the enhancement bonus's schools should be returned.");
Example #7
        public void EnchantWith__RoundTrip()
            // Arrange
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(1);
            var          aggregator             = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var enchantments = aggregator.GetEnchantments();

            // Assert
            Assert.That(enchantments, Is.EquivalentTo(new IEnchantment[] { enchantment }),
                        "Enchantments put into the EnchantmentAggregator should make a round trip.");
Example #8
        public void EnchantWith_CallsAction()
            // Arrange
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(1);
            var          aggregator             = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act

            // Assert
            Mock.Get(action).Verify(a => a(It.Is <IEnchantment>(ench => ench == enchantment),
                                           It.Is <IItem>(i => i == item)),
                                    "EnchantmentAggregator.EnchantWith() should call the Action delegate and feed it the item to be enchanted and the enchantment.");
Example #9
        public void GetCasterLevel_ReturnsMax()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(5); // caster level 15
            var          mockEnchantment        = new Mock <IEnchantment>();

            mockEnchantment.Setup(e => e.CasterLevel)
            var aggregator = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var casterLevel = aggregator.GetCasterLevel();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(15, casterLevel);
        public string Weapon_FullName()
            string temp = string.Empty;

            if (EnhancementBonus != 0)
                if (EnhancementBonus > 0)
                    temp += "+" + EnhancementBonus.ToString() + PathfinderConstants.SPACE;
                    temp += EnhancementBonus.ToString() + PathfinderConstants.SPACE;
            else if (Masterwork)
                temp += "mwk ";

            temp += WeaponSpecialAbilities.ToString();
            temp += PathfinderConstants.SPACE + search_name.ToLower();
Example #11
        public void GetNames()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1000;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(5);
            var          mockEnchantment        = new Mock <IEnchantment>();

            mockEnchantment.Setup(e => e.Name)
            .Returns(new NameFragment("Other Enchantment", "http://example.com"));
            var aggregator = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var(enhName, otherNames) = aggregator.GetNames();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(enchantment.Name, enhName);
            Assert.That(otherNames, Is.EquivalentTo(new INameFragment[] { new NameFragment("Other Enchantment", "http://example.com") }));
Example #12
        public void GetMarketPrice_MixedCosts()
            IItem item = Mock.Of <IItem>();
            Action <IEnchantment, IItem> action = Mock.Of <Action <IEnchantment, IItem> >();
            double       costCoefficient        = 1000;
            IEnchantment enchantment            = new EnhancementBonus(5);
            var          mockEnchantment        = new Mock <IEnchantment>();

            mockEnchantment.Setup(e => e.Cost)
            var aggregator = new Mock <EnchantmentAggregator <IEnchantment, IItem> >(MockBehavior.Loose, item, action, costCoefficient)
                CallBase = true

            // Act
            var price = aggregator.GetMarketPrice();

            // Assert
            Assert.AreEqual(26000, price,
                            "26000 = (5^2 * 1000) + (1000 flat costs)");