Example #1
    // Determine how much energy is absorbed by the socket
    // based on its local fields
    private int ProcessEnergy(Energy energy)
        int processedPower = 0; // Power of the energy when processed by the socket's fields

        // Check to see if the energy is hazardous or healthy
        bool hazardous = hazards.Contains(energy.tag);
        bool healing   = healers.Contains(energy.tag);

        if (hazardous || healing)
            // Find an intake info whose type matches the source type
            EnergyIntakeInfo matchedInfo = intakeInfo.Find(x => x.type == energy.type);
            // If the socket does not have intake info specified for energy of this type...
            if (matchedInfo == null)
                //...assign unmodified energy power
                processedPower = energy.power;
            // If the socket has intake info specified for energy of this type...
                //...multiply energy power by intake info multiplier
                processedPower = Mathf.RoundToInt(energy.power * matchedInfo.multiplier);
            // Force power to negative if the energy is classified as hazardous
            processedPower = Mathf.Abs(processedPower);
            if (hazardous)
                processedPower *= -1;

Example #2
    // Set the multiplier for the given energy type
    // If no intake info exists with the given type, add one to the list
    public void SetIntakeMultiplier(EnergyType energyType, float multiplier)
        EnergyIntakeInfo info = intakeInfo.Find(x => x.type == energyType);

        if (info != null)
            info.multiplier = multiplier;
            intakeInfo.Add(new EnergyIntakeInfo(energyType, multiplier));