public string CheckLogin(string username, string password)
            var result = db.Accounts
                         .Include(a => a.Role)
                         .Where(a => a.Username == username && a.IsActive == true)
                         .Select(a => new { a.Username, a.Password, a.PasswordSalt, a.Role.RoleName, a.RoleId, a.FirstName, a.LastName })

            if (result == null)

            string saltKey         = result.PasswordSalt;
            string encryptPassword = EncryptPasswordUtil.EncryptPassword(password, saltKey);

            //compared with encrypt password stored in database
            if (encryptPassword == result.Password)
                //password is correct
                //Manage session
                //serialize username and role name to add to session
                //return to admin dashboard if admin
                var loginInfo = new
                    Username = username,
                    RoleId   = result.RoleId,
                    RoleName = result.RoleName,
                    FullName = result.LastName + " " + result.FirstName
                return(JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loginInfo, Formatting.Indented));

        public bool UpdateAccountPassword(string username, string password, string newPassword)
            Account account = db.Accounts.Find(username);

            string encryptedPassword = EncryptPasswordUtil.EncryptPassword(password, account.PasswordSalt);

            if (encryptedPassword != account.Password)
                //incorrect password

            account.Password     = EncryptPasswordUtil.EncryptPassword(newPassword, out string key);
            account.PasswordSalt = key;
            int result = db.SaveChanges();

            if (db.Entry(account).State == EntityState.Unchanged || result > 0)
        public ActionResult Register([Bind(Include = "username, email, firstName, lastName, phone, dob")] Account registerAccount)
            if (ModelState.IsValid)
                registerAccount.Gender = Request["gender"] == "male";
                //ModelState.IsValid: whether auto binding request
                //parameter to object account field is correct
                registerAccount.Username = registerAccount.Username.ToLower();
                registerAccount.Email    = registerAccount.Email.ToLower();
                //Step 1 check if username exists ?
                string duplicateUsername = "";
                string duplicateEmail    = "";
                bool   canAdd            = true;
                if (accountService.IsDuplicatedUsername(registerAccount.Username))
                    duplicateUsername = "******" + registerAccount.Username + "' is duplicated";
                    canAdd            = false;

                if (accountService.IsDuplicatedEmail(registerAccount.Email))
                    duplicateEmail = "Email '" + registerAccount.Email + "' is duplicated";
                    canAdd         = false;

                if (!canAdd)
                    var viewModel = new AccountRegisterViewModel
                        Username  = registerAccount.Username,
                        Email     = registerAccount.Email,
                        FirstName = registerAccount.FirstName,
                        LastName  = registerAccount.LastName,
                        Gender    = registerAccount.Gender,
                        Dob       = registerAccount.DOB,
                        Phone     = registerAccount.Phone,
                        DuplicateEmailErrorMessage    = duplicateEmail,
                        DuplicateUsernameErrorMessage = duplicateUsername
                    ViewBag.message = @"<script>$('.login-form').css('display', 'none');$('.register-form').css('display', 'block');$('.show-login-form').removeClass('active');$('.show-register-form').addClass('active');</script>";
                    return(View("~/Views/Home/login.cshtml", viewModel));
                //halting password to store in database
                //NOTE: do not auto binding password at first
                registerAccount.Password     = EncryptPasswordUtil.EncryptPassword(Request["password"], out string key);
                registerAccount.PasswordSalt = key;
                //set roleID, startDate, isActive
                registerAccount.StartDate = DateTime.Now;
                registerAccount.IsActive  = true;
                registerAccount.RoleId    = 2; // default is member

                if (accountService.AddNewAccount(registerAccount))
                    //auto login and redirect based on role
                    var loginAccount = new
                        Username = registerAccount.Username,
                        RoleName = accountService.GetRoleName(registerAccount.Username),
                        RoleId   = registerAccount.RoleId,
                        FullName = registerAccount.LastName + " " + registerAccount.FirstName
                    Session["CURRENT_USER_ID"] = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(loginAccount, Formatting.Indented);
                    bool resultMerge = shoppingService.MergeCartSessionAnddDDB(Session.GetCurrentUserInfo("Username"));
                    if (resultMerge) //done => remove cart in session
                        Session["CART"] = null;
                return(Content("Unexpected error"));
            //return unexpected error please try again
            //will have a 404 not found page default for all error
            return(Content("Unexpected error"));