Example #1
 public static char[] Encode(int bitsPerChar, EncodeCallback encodeCallback,
                             byte[] value)
     Helper.CheckNull("value", value);
     Helper.CheckRange("value", value, 0, int.MaxValue / 8);
     return(Encode(bitsPerChar, encodeCallback, value, value.Length * 8));
Example #2
        public static char[] Encode(int bitsPerChar, EncodeCallback encodeCallback,
                                    byte[] value, int bitsToEncode)
            Helper.CheckRange("bitsPerChar", bitsPerChar, 1, 8);
            Helper.CheckNull("encodeCallback", encodeCallback);
            Helper.CheckNull("value", value);
            Helper.CheckRange("bitsToEncode", bitsToEncode, 0, int.MaxValue - (bitsPerChar - 1));
            char[] chars = new char[(bitsToEncode + bitsPerChar - 1) / bitsPerChar];

            int i = 0, j = 0, bits = 0, buffer = 0;

            while (bitsToEncode > 0)
                if (bits < 6 && i < value.Length)
                    bits    += 8;
                    buffer <<= 8;
                    buffer  |= value[i++];

                int chunk = Math.Min(bitsPerChar, Math.Min(bits, bitsToEncode));
                bits         -= chunk;
                bitsToEncode -= bitsPerChar;

                int pow2Bits = buffer >> bits;
                buffer    ^= pow2Bits << bits;
                chars[j++] = encodeCallback(pow2Bits << (bitsPerChar - chunk));

            Debug.Assert(j == chars.Length);
Example #3
        public static char[] Encode(int bitsPerChar, EncodeCallback encodeCallback,
		                            byte[] value, int bitsToEncode)
            Helper.CheckRange("bitsPerChar", bitsPerChar, 1, 8);
            Helper.CheckNull("encodeCallback", encodeCallback);
            Helper.CheckNull("value", value);
            Helper.CheckRange("bitsToEncode", bitsToEncode, 0, int.MaxValue - (bitsPerChar - 1));
            char[] chars = new char[(bitsToEncode + bitsPerChar - 1)/bitsPerChar];

            int i = 0, j = 0, bits = 0, buffer = 0;
            while (bitsToEncode > 0)
                if (bits < 6 && i < value.Length)
                    bits += 8;
                    buffer <<= 8;
                    buffer |= value[i++];

                int chunk = Math.Min(bitsPerChar, Math.Min(bits, bitsToEncode));
                bits -= chunk;
                bitsToEncode -= bitsPerChar;

                int pow2Bits = buffer >> bits;
                buffer ^= pow2Bits << bits;
                chars[j++] = encodeCallback(pow2Bits << (bitsPerChar - chunk));

            Debug.Assert(j == chars.Length);
            return chars;
Example #4
        public static char[] Encode(int bitsPerChar, EncodeCallback encodeCallback,
		                            byte[] value)
            Helper.CheckNull("value", value);
            Helper.CheckRange("value", value, 0, int.MaxValue/8);
            return Encode(bitsPerChar, encodeCallback, value, value.Length*8);
Example #5
        private void GenerateAudio(List <string> sourceFiles, uint audioId, int bitRate, bool useVbr, string prefixLocation = null, EncodeCallback cbr = null)
            int         channels     = 2;
            int         samplingRate = 48000;
            List <uint> chapters     = new List <uint>();

            var outFormat = new WaveFormat(samplingRate, 2);

            if (cbr == null)
                cbr = new EncodeCallback();

            OpusEncoder encoder = OpusEncoder.Create(48000, 2, OpusApplication.OPUS_APPLICATION_AUDIO);

            encoder.Bitrate = bitRate;
            encoder.UseVBR  = useVbr;

            if (audioId == 0)
                audioId = (uint)((DateTimeOffset)DateTime.UtcNow).ToUnixTimeSeconds();

            string tempName = Path.GetTempFileName();

            using (Stream outputData = new FileStream(tempName, FileMode.OpenOrCreate))
                byte[]   buffer = new byte[2880 * channels * 2];
                OpusTags tags   = new OpusTags();
                tags.Comment                   = "Lavf56.40.101";
                tags.Fields["encoder"]         = "opusenc from opus-tools 0.1.9";
                tags.Fields["encoder_options"] = "--quiet --bitrate 96 --vbr";
                tags.Fields["pad"]             = new string('0', 0x138);

                OpusOggWriteStream oggOut = new OpusOggWriteStream(encoder, outputData, tags, samplingRate, (int)audioId);

                uint lastIndex = 0;
                int  track     = 0;
                bool warned    = false;
                long maxSize   = 0x77359400;

                foreach (var sourceFile in sourceFiles)
                    if ((outputData.Length + 0x1000) >= maxSize)
                        cbr.Warning("Close to 2 GiB, stopping");

                        int bytesReturned  = 1;
                        int totalBytesRead = 0;


                        int lastPct = 0;
                        cbr.FileStart(track, sourceFile);

                        /* prepend a audio file for e.g. chapter number */
                        if (prefixLocation != null)
                            string prefixFile = Path.Combine(prefixLocation, track.ToString("0000") + ".mp3");

                            if (!File.Exists(prefixFile))
                                throw new FileNotFoundException("Missing prefix file '" + prefixFile + "'");

                                var prefixStream    = new Mp3FileReader(prefixFile);
                                var prefixResampled = new MediaFoundationResampler(prefixStream, outFormat);

                                while (true)
                                    bytesReturned = prefixResampled.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                                    if (bytesReturned <= 0)

                                    bool isEmpty = (buffer.Where(v => v != 0).Count() == 0);
                                    if (!isEmpty)
                                        float[] sampleBuffer = ConvertToFloat(buffer, bytesReturned, channels);

                                        if ((outputData.Length + 0x1000 + sampleBuffer.Length) >= maxSize)
                                        oggOut.WriteSamples(sampleBuffer, 0, sampleBuffer.Length);
                                    lastIndex = (uint)oggOut.PageCounter;
                            catch (Exception ex)
                                throw new Exception("Failed processing prefix file '" + prefixFile + "'");

                        /* then the real audio file */
                        var stream          = new Mp3FileReader(sourceFile);
                        var streamResampled = new MediaFoundationResampler(stream, outFormat);

                        while (true)
                            bytesReturned = streamResampled.Read(buffer, 0, buffer.Length);

                            if (bytesReturned <= 0)
                            totalBytesRead += bytesReturned;

                            decimal progress = (decimal)stream.Position / stream.Length;

                            if ((int)(progress * 20) != lastPct)
                                lastPct = (int)(progress * 20);

                            bool isEmpty = (buffer.Where(v => v != 0).Count() == 0);
                            if (!isEmpty)
                                float[] sampleBuffer = ConvertToFloat(buffer, bytesReturned, channels);

                                oggOut.WriteSamples(sampleBuffer, 0, sampleBuffer.Length);
                            lastIndex = (uint)oggOut.PageCounter;

                    catch (OpusOggWriteStream.PaddingException e)
                        string msg = "Failed to pad opus data properly. Please try CBR with bitrates a multiple of 24 kbps";
                        throw new EncodingException(msg);
                    catch (FileNotFoundException e)
                        throw new FileNotFoundException(e.Message);
                    catch (InvalidDataException e)
                        string msg = "Failed processing " + sourceFile;
                        throw new Exception(msg);
                    catch (Exception e)
                        string msg = "Failed processing " + sourceFile;
                        throw new Exception(msg);

                    if (!warned && outputData.Length >= maxSize / 2)
                        cbr.Warning("Approaching 2 GiB, please reduce the bitrate");
                        warned = true;

                Header.AudioId = oggOut.LogicalStreamId;

            Audio = File.ReadAllBytes(tempName);

            var prov = new SHA1CryptoServiceProvider();

            Header.Hash          = prov.ComputeHash(Audio);
            Header.AudioChapters = chapters.ToArray();
            Header.AudioLength   = Audio.Length;
            Header.Padding       = new byte[0];

Example #6
 private void BuildFromFiles(List <string> sourceFiles, uint audioId, int bitRate, bool useVbr, string prefixLocation, EncodeCallback cbr)
     GenerateAudio(sourceFiles, audioId, bitRate, useVbr, prefixLocation, cbr);
     FileContent = new byte[Audio.Length + 0x1000];
     Array.Copy(Audio, 0, FileContent, 0x1000, Audio.Length);
Example #7
 public TonieAudio(string[] sources, uint audioId, int bitRate = 96000, bool useVbr = false, string prefixLocation = null, EncodeCallback cbr = null)
     BuildFromFiles(FileList, audioId, bitRate, useVbr, prefixLocation, cbr);